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Gandhi's educational thought placed significant emphasis on skill development and

vocational education, particularly in the context of rural development and local

needs. This is evident in his advocacy for education that is tailored to the specific
requirements of local communities.

In line with this perspective, Gandhi believed in the importance of skill-based

education to empower individuals and uplift rural areas. He envisioned education
as a means to address the unique challenges faced by different communities,
fostering self-sufficiency and sustainable development.

The National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020 aligns with Gandhi's vision by
recognizing the crucial role of skill education. The NEP emphasizes a holistic
approach to education, encompassing both academic and vocational aspects. This
resonates with Gandhi's belief that education should not only be theoretical but
also practical and relevant to the needs of society.

Gandhi's idea of "Swavalambi Shiksha" or self-reliant education is reflected in

contemporary educational policies. The notion of self-reliance implies not only
economic independence but also the ability to address one's needs through locally
relevant skills and knowledge. This concept aligns with the current emphasis on
promoting entrepreneurship, innovation, and self-sufficiency in educational

In conclusion, Gandhi's educational thought on skill development, vocational

education, and self-reliance has left a lasting impact on contemporary educational
policies, as seen in the NEP 2020. The focus on local needs, practical skills, and
holistic development resonates with Gandhi's vision of education as a tool for
individual empowerment and societal progress, especially in the context of rural

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