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Unit 6

Unit 6 Revision
1 Choose the correct option (a, b or c) to complete the sentences.
1 You forget to take some time out for yourself and simply relax every now and then.
a can’t b shouldn’t c don’t have to
2 Robbie to book a table for tonight – I’ve already phoned the restaurant.
a doesn’t have b isn’t allowed c mustn’t
3 You watch your caffeine intake if you want to catch up on sleep.
a can’t b should c are allowed to
4 You to eat chocolate and other sweets on this diet, as long as you do so in moderation.
a can b don’t have c are allowed
5 to cook every single day?
a Must you b Should you c Do you have
6 I give in to those cravings for snacks in between meals or I’ll never lose weight.
a mustn’t b should c don’t have to

2 Look at the first sentence. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning. Use the words
in bold.
1 I advise you to try these sautéed vegetables – they’re delicious. should
You should try these sautéed vegetables – they’re delicious.
2 Don’t forget to do your breathing exercises before you go to bed. mustn’t
before you go to bed.
3 If she doesn’t want to peel the potatoes before cooking them, it’s not necessary to do so. have
before cooking them.
4 Is it OK for the children to stay up late? allowed
up late?
5 This soft drink isn’t suitable for diabetics. can’t
this soft drink.
6 It’s necessary for you to maintain a natural sleep cycle. must
a natural sleep cycle.

Life Intermediate © National Geographic Learning

Unit 6
Unit 6 Revision
3 Complete the sentences with the present simple and will + infinitive.
1 If you have (have) the willpower, you ’ll be able (be able) to make big changes in
your life.
2 Unless you (cut out) poor food choices, you (increase) the risk of
heart disease.
3 Susan (feel) less tired when she (adopt) a daylight work schedule.
4 If you (not overcook) the shrimps, they (remain) tender and juicy.
5 I (order) a meal as soon as I (finish) work today.
6 Before Tina (go on) a diet, she (have) to change her lifestyle a bit.

4 Match the two parts of the sentences.

1 You’ll feel proud of yourself e
2 Tom will complain to the manager of the restaurant
3 You won’t feel better
4 I won’t order anything
5 You’ll soon feel healthier
6 You won’t be fit enough for this sport

a before you arrive at the restaurant.

b unless you train every day.
c if you drink 1½–2 litres of water per day.
d if the service continues to be so bad.
e as soon as you manage to control your overeating.
f unless you change your lifestyle.

5 Circle the correct option.

1 If / Before you don’t change the cooking oil regularly, the food won’t taste very nice.
2 If it won’t be / isn’t too expensive, we’ll all have fresh fish at the restaurant this evening.
3 They won’t close the staff restaurant until / unless we stop using it.
4 It will take some time as soon as / before you see the results of this therapy.
5 Unless you don’t reduce / reduce your salt intake, you’ll risk high blood pressure.
6 We aren’t really hungry, so we won’t eat unless / if we can order just a starter.
7 Until you’ll cut down / you cut down on the heavy meals at night, you’ll have sleeping problems.

Life Intermediate © National Geographic Learning

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