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#Common configuration settings.

Most other configuration can be found in the world

(server)configuration folder
#Use the vanilla campfire block instead of Vampirism's much cooler one
useVanillaCampfire = false
#Desired maximum distance between villages in chunks
#Range: 1 ~ 100
villageDistance = 26
#Minimum distance between villages in chunks. Must be smaller than distance
#Range: 1 ~ 100
villageSeparation = 6
#Whether to modify the village world gen (size and frequency), based on world
villageModify = true
#Check for new versions of Vampirism on startup
versionCheck = true
#Send mod version, MC version and mod count to mod author
collectStats = true
#INTERNAL - Set to 'never' if you don't want to be notified about integration
integrationsNotifier = "waila:biomesoplenty:"
optifineBloodvisionWarning = false

#Affects all worlds. This is only considered on server (or in singleplayer), but
Forge requires us to put it here
#Whether glass bottles should be automatically be converted to blood bottles
when needed
autoConvertGlassBottles = true
#Enable a custom vampirism log file that logs specific faction actions
#Requires restart
enableFactionLogging = false
#If enabled adds a craftable umbrella that can be used to slowly walk though
sunlight without taking damage
umbrella = true
#Enforce tent generation in any overworld world, even if they were not
included in modded or datapack world-types on purpose. Does not affect
Server#disableTentGeneration or disable tent generation itself.
enforceOverworldTentGeneration = true

#Desired maximum distance in chunks between tents. Dont set
hunterTentDistance <= hunterTentSeparation
#Range: 2 ~ 4096
hunterTentDistance = 10
#Desired minimum distance in chunks between tents. Dont set
hunterTentDistance <= hunterTentSeparation
#Range: 1 ~ 4096
hunterTentSeparation = 4
#Control hunter camp generation. If disabled you should set
hunterSpawnChance to 75.
enableHunterTentGeneration = true
#Range: > 0
vampireForestWeight = 3

#You might find some configuration values in the common section instead
of here
#Weight of the Totem Building inside the Village
#Range: > 0
totemWeight = 20
#Whether village Temples should be replaced with versions that
contain church altars.
villageReplaceTemples = true
#Chance for a totem to have a faction after generation
#Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0
villageTotemFactionChance = 0.6
#Weight of the Hunter Trainer Building inside the Village
#Range: > 0
villageHunterTrainerWeight = 400

#Vampire baron spawn chance in vampire forest (reference vampire in
forest: 35)
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
baronSpawnChance = 10
#Hunter spawn chance. By default they only spawn in tent camps, but you
can enable global spawn here.
#Range: 0 ~ 10000
hunterSpawnChance = 0
#Vampire spawn chance/weight (e.g. Zombie: 100). Does not affect
vampire forest.
#Range: 0 ~ 100000
vampireSpawnChance = 80
#Advanced hunter spawn chance. By default they only spawn in large tent
camps, but you can enable global spawn here.
#Range: 0 ~ 100000
advancedHunterSpawnChance = 0
#Advanced vampire spawn chance/weight (e.g. Zombie: 100). Does not
affect vampire forest.
#Range: 0 ~ 100000
advancedVampireSpawnChance = 26

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