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Spirit Realm corporia skill guide

VB (if u have reach total law level of 2500 and also upgraded the corresponding nature law to g7)


double shields, triple asura slash, demons trap

(After resetting your skills, unlock demons trap first and level it up to lv80. After that, unlock triple asura
slashes and level them up equally [59,69,79… etc], after levelling them all up to lv79, u can level up
either your shields to max or demons trap to max first, up to you)

(make sure to reset only when u are guaranteed with at least 190k citrines after the reset)


triple asura slash, demons trap, and any other two skills that u like (any skill and either hail of swords or
vidyaraja’s palm or both)

(If u didn’t reset hail of swords away, then keep it, if u did, level up vidyaraja’s palm instead)

at wholeness:


double shields, double asura slash, antideity, demons trap

(at this point, antideity and indestructible will be able to be upgraded, level up your antideity to lv80+
and replace the normal asura slash.)

(If u reached total law level of 6000 and also upgraded the corresponding nature law to g7 [usually
achieved by upper p2p and above]):

Double shields, triple antideity, demons trap (if demon corp then keep spiritual wall and replace the
other with asura wood)
(no reset is needed)


same as vb, except that u can change the weaker ones with antideity if u want to.

[if triple antideity is unlocked]: asura water, asura wood, triple antideity, demons trap
at perfection: (usually demon corp)

PVP: (If u reached total law level of 6000 and also upgraded the corresponding nature law to g7)

one spiritual wall, asura wood, triple antideity/doube antideity + divinity sword, demons trap

(If u reached total law level of 8000 and also upgraded the corresponding nature law to g7 [usually
achieved by upper p2p and above]):

One spiritual wall, antideity fire, antideity earth, divinity sword gold, divinity sword earth/ demons trap,
asura wood


asura water, triple antideity, divinity sword, demons trap

(If u reached total law level of 8000 and also upgraded the corresponding nature law to g7 [usually
achieved by upper p2p and above]):

Triple divinity sword, double antideity, asura water/last antideity

at nirvana: (If u reached total law level of 8000 and also upgraded the corresponding nature law to g7)

one spiritual wall, antideity fire, antideity earth, divinity sword gold, divinity sword earth, asura wood


Same as perfection pve except that demons trap can be replaced with r13 skill.

(If u reached total law level of 8000 and also upgraded the corresponding nature law to g7 [usually
achieved by upper p2p and above]:)

Triple r13 skills, divinity sword gold, divinity sword earth, antideity earth

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