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1)Health and health care / Hygiene and cleanliness

For example, meditation programs, digital detox programs,

fitness programs, healthy diet programs, and sleep hygiene
programs are likely to become more popular in hotels’
marketing mix. Under these circumstances, it appears desirable
to further investigate how hotels can design personalized
products to enhance guests’ well-being and improve the guest
experience. Specifically, researchers could consider how to
leverage guests’ behavioral data and their consumption history.
2) These solutions may have reduced losses and benefited
luxury hotels, but lower-class hotels are still experiencing
financial difficulties. In a situation where COVID-19 may end
anytime, the gap between hotels in grades 4 and 5 and
hotels in lower grades could widen.

(While these measures may have decreased losses

and helped luxury hotels, lower-class hotels
continue to struggle financially. In the event that
COVID-19 is terminated at any time, the gap
between hotels in grades 4 and 5 and hotels in
lower grades may expand.
The government's support and protection policies
for hotels below grade 3 or small accommodation
sectors are essential to reduce this and maintain
the hotel industry balanced.)

In order to reduce this and keep the hotel industry balanced,

the government's support and protection policies for hotels
below grade 3 or small accommodation industries are

(Changing the hotel's appearance for quarantine after

COVID-19 - Solution: Self-service kiosk)

Due to COVID-19, the importance of quarantine is

emphasized, and kiosks and mobile check-in technologies
are widely applied in hotels. In particular, the introduction of
services at brand hotels accounts for the highest
percentage. This allows hotels to reduce labor and reduce
labor costs, and self-service kiosks commonly used in hotels
play their role without problems.

However, this reduces jobs and causes difficulties for the

elderly due to the expansion of kiosks. It is necessary to
establish a system for job protection and to deploy helpers
for those who have difficulty using services such as kiosks.

3) AI

Artificial intelligence and robotics COVID-19 is highly contagious via person-to-person

transmission and people have been urged to decrease personal contact and
increase physical distance.

Non-contact services have no choice but to cut manpower

because quarantine should be prioritized owing to COVID-19.
People are also sent to assist those who are unable to
adjust to the system, such as the elderly, as well as to
provide options for clients who wish to communicate with
personnel. robots may be able to inflict more harm to humans due
to the possibility of explosion. It is suggested that the ratio of AI
robots to human employees be split in half to tackle this challenge.

Customers will be unable to cope with job challenges and

emergencies if we continue to employ manpower to replace Ai
robots. For example, if a fire breaks out, robots may be able to inflict
more harm to humans due to the possibility of explosion. It is
suggested that the ratio of AI robots to human employees be split in
half to tackle this challenge.

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