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October 30th, 2023

To : UNICEF’s Office of Emergency Programmes (EMOPS)

Geneva, Switzerland.

I am writing this letter to show my interest in filling the In-person Advocay Internship with
Global Cluster Coordination Section (GCCS) position as advertised at

I am currently a certified social worker graduate, I believe that In-person Advocay position
is highly relevant to my experience.

At my time in Polytechnic of Social Welfare, I have previously spent 9 months of

internship in various agencies and communities by carrying out one of the roles as a
social worker, namely advocay. In my internship experience, I carried out one of the
problem solving processes by carrying out case advocacy and social advocacy as a
recovery effort for clients to be able to reach social resources or services to which they
are entitled.

As written in my personal history and resume, I am really interested in this role because I
am very happy when my abilities can help someone get what is rightfully theirs. Apart
from that, my experience is also relevant for this position.

I think that my experience and skill in this field will be very useful and can make an active
contribution to In-person advocacy work.

I hope this letter finds you well and I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Warm Regards,

Audry Melodia

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