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Creativity in business is pivotal for fostering innovation and growth, offering companies a

way to overcome unexpected challenges and find unconventional solutions. It's a driving
force that leads to the development of groundbreaking ideas, streamlined processes, and
pioneering solutions which can transform operations, products, and services. Creative
problem-solving is highly valued across industries like healthcare and manufacturing due to
the complex challenges they present, and acquiring skills like design thinking can
significantly enhance a job seeker's prospects
To cultivate creativity, businesses employ various techniques that enhance creative thinking,
problem-solving, and idea generation. These methods can be applied both collaboratively and
individually within the workplace. For example, establishing a shared vision, empowering
teams, and allocating time for brainstorming are practical ways to foster an innovative
environment. Some innovative practices challenge traditional business approaches, indicating
a shift towards more dynamic and unconventional methods of fostering workplace creativity8.
Examining case studies from the creative industries reveals diverse examples of innovation.
These range from self-employed artists to multinational corporations in fields such as design,
computer games, advertising, software, publishing, and music, all benefiting from creative
business models9. Studies have identified key stages of the creative process and pathways to
success, like those in the Belgian furniture design industry, which emphasize both objective
business growth and subjective measures such as perceived successMoreover, creative
clusters demonstrate that success often comes from leveraging local heritage and skills,
innovating, and creating robust networks that foster community and collaboration.
For Week 5-6, focusing on these aspects could involve deep-diving into specific case studies
from the aforementioned sectors, analyzing the creative process stages, and exploring how
different companies apply creativity techniques. Engaging with these real-world examples
would provide students with a practical understanding of how creativity is applied in various
business contexts.
In the international business landscape, creativity is often the cornerstone of innovation and a
primary driver for growth. Companies that embrace creative thinking are better equipped to
navigate the complexities of global markets and can differentiate themselves from
For example, consider a multinational technology company like Apple Inc. Its success is
deeply rooted in its ability to innovate continuously, a result of fostering a creative culture.
Apple's approach to design thinking, where empathy and consumer needs are deeply
integrated into product development, has led to iconic products like the iPhone and MacBook.
These products aren't just technological advancements; they have changed the way people
interact with technology on a global scale.
Similarly, the Swedish furniture giant IKEA has revolutionized retail and product design
through creative solutions. Its flat-pack furniture, which reduces shipping size and costs,
exemplifies a creative approach to solving logistical challenges and minimizing
environmental impact. Additionally, IKEA's focus on simple, functional design has made its
products universally appealing, ensuring its place in diverse markets around the world.
In the automotive industry, companies like Tesla, Inc. push the boundaries of what's possible
in car manufacturing. Tesla's commitment to sustainable energy and innovative automotive
technology showcases the power of creativity in problem-solving — from improving battery
life to creating self-driving capabilities. Their creative approach has set new standards in the
automotive industry, influencing even established players to rethink their strategies.
The South Korean conglomerate Samsung is another example where creativity in product
development and problem-solving has led to market leadership. Samsung's strategic
innovation in smartphones, home appliances, and semiconductors demonstrates how
embracing creativity at all levels of operations can lead to a wide range of successful products
and services.
Pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, utilize creative problem-
solving in healthcare to develop new treatments and vaccines. Their ability to innovate rapidly
was evident in the swift development of COVID-19 vaccines, addressing a global crisis
through unprecedented collaborative and creative scientific efforts.
These international businesses show that creativity is not just about having a eureka moment;
it's about cultivating an environment where innovative ideas can thrive, where unconventional
solutions are encouraged, and where every challenge is viewed as an opportunity for growth.
By integrating creativity into their core strategies, these companies have been able to
overcome geographical and industrial barriers, achieving success on a global scale.

Moroccan businesses are also leveraging creativity to foster innovation and growth, as seen in
several cases:
Eco-Dome Maroc is a prime example, where civil engineer Youness Ouazri and hydraulics
engineer Mustapha El Bahraoui have developed a sustainable, stable, and cost-effective
construction method using eco-friendly materials. This novel approach not only responds to
environmental concerns but also addresses the high cost of traditional construction, making
housing more affordable. Their creative solution has earned them international recognition
and awards1.
Artinoo, founded by Maria Noufsani, creatively bridges the gap between Moroccan artisans
and the international market. By leveraging modern marketing techniques, Artinoo provides
artisans with a platform to sell their crafts, such as leather goods and pottery, to a global
audience, thereby ensuring fair wages and safe working conditions, and elevating the respect
for artisanal work1. is an innovative platform that automates the job application process using complex
algorithms for matching and profiling, saving time and resources for recruiters and providing
job seekers with proactive job notifications. This creative use of technology to streamline
employment processes has attracted attention from Fortune 500 companies and is in the
process of being certified by Morocco's Ministry of New Technologies1., co-founded by Tayeb Sbihi and Ali Echihabi, is a taxi booking application that
improves customer safety and driver efficiency in Morocco. Despite initial resistance to app
usage, the founders introduced a call center to increase accessibility, showing adaptability and
creative problem-solving. Their efforts were recognized with the Microsoft 4Afrika
innovation grant1.
These examples demonstrate that Moroccan businesses are effectively using creativity to
solve problems, improve processes, and offer innovative products and services, thereby
enhancing their competitive edge both locally and internationally.

Businesses use various creative thinking techniques to enhance problem-solving and idea
generation. Here are some specific examples:
Brainstorming: Companies often hold group sessions to generate a wide array of ideas, where
quantity is valued over quality. This non-judgmental environment is conducive to creative
thinking, as seen when teams tackle logistical issues1.
Mind Mapping: This visual tool helps organize complex information, facilitating efficient
solution formation and decision-making. Entrepreneurs might use mind maps to visually
break down a business plan into components such as marketing and product development1.
Analogical Thinking: Firms may solve problems by drawing parallels with unrelated
situations. For instance, a business with budgeting issues might look at household financial
management as a model for resource distribution1.
Five Whys: This technique involves asking "why" multiple times to drill down to the root
cause of a problem. It could reveal underlying issues in business processes, like marketing
shortcomings leading to low revenues1.
Three Ifs: Product designers might envision changes to a product's size or functionality to
stimulate innovative design development1.
Blue Skies Thinking: Startups might use this approach during brainstorming to conceive
radical, cutting-edge products without initially worrying about feasibility or constraints1.
Lateral Thinking: Encouraging unconventional problem-solving approaches, this technique
often results in innovative solutions2.
These techniques reflect the diverse ways in which businesses can foster a culture of
innovation and creative problem-solving

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