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Phuc Le Hoang

Cory Northern

I.S. Spring 1 B1


Endangered Tigers

Have you ever wondered how close your loveable pet cat is to the ferocious tiger?

While these "cute friends" continue to invade our world, its relative, the tiger, continues to

decline at an alarming rate. Today there are only around 3,900 tigers left in the wild (Out of

Africa Wild Life Park). At one point they ruled the forests, but are now endangered, facing

many threats to their survival. Many years ago, tigers lived in large forests all over the world,

originating in the Asian continent. In this essay, we will explore the causes behind the

endangerment of tigers and discuss potential solutions to protect these majestic creatures.

One of the primary causes of the decline in tiger populations is their loss of homes.

Human activities such as deforestation, and agricultural expansion have resulted in the

destruction of tiger habitats. “The clearing of forests for agriculture and timber, as well as the

building of road networks and other development activities, pose serious threats to tiger

habitats. ” (World Wildlife Fund).

Poaching and illegal game hunting are another significant threat to tiger populations.

Tigers are hunted for their fur, which is highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine and as

status symbols. Despite international bans on tiger trade, poaching continues to persist due to

the high demand for tiger products in black markets.

Human-tiger events also add to the endangerment of these animals. As human

populations expand into tiger territories, problems arise over food and territory. Tigers may
attack farm animals, leading to people killing tigers out of anger. In some cases, tigers may

even attack humans, further creating tragic events.

To protect the tigers, we must establish protected areas, national parks, and wildlife

sanctuaries to keep tiger’s safe habitats from further endangerment. Animal groups and

governments should work together to enforce strict laws and regulations against deforestation

and illegal land expansion. Efforts to combat poaching and illegal wildlife trade are crucial

for the tigers. Public awareness campaigns and organized groups can also help educate

consumers about why they shouldn't purchase tiger products and encourage them to support

conservation efforts. Working together to form groups for human-tiger conflicts requires

starting measures to reduce human-tiger interactions. This includes promoting being able to

live together and creating strategies such as providing alternative livelihoods for communities

living near tiger habitats, improving farm animal safety-keeping practices to prevent killings,

and creating something to alert communities when a tiger is near their homes.

In conclusion, the endangerment of tigers is a complex issue made by habitat loss,

poaching, and human-tiger conflicts. But, through major group efforts of both people and

governments, we can protect these majestic large cats for many more centuries. By keeping

their habitats safe, combating poaching and illegal trade, and promoting the ability for

humans and tigers to live together in their local communities, we can ensure that tigers

continue to roam the forests of Asia for many years to come.


Tiger | Species | WWF. (n.d.). World Wildlife Fund. (2024, January 10). World Tiger Day - Out of Africa Wildlife Park.

Out of Africa Wildlife Park.

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