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10/23/2016 HTF pipe requirements

and supporting

Angel Rodríguez Fernández


1 What is Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF)?

Heat Transfer Fluid (HTF) is a fluid used to transfer the heat obtained from the sun from
the sun receivers to a heat interchanger or to a steam generator.
The main reason to use this type of fluids is the needing of a fluid that can be heated in
liquid phase by sunlight without a great increase in its working pressure. For example in a
CSP power plant the HTF is heated to a working temperature of 393ºC and its operation
temperature in the main hot collector is less than 19 barg.
Due it is in liquid phase, it can be pumped into the solar field and into the heat
There are a lot of different HTF fluids, and the industry is developing new products with
better characteristics, but at this moment, the most HTF fluid used in the thermosolar
power plants is a mixture between two hydrocarbons derived from benzene.
This HTF fluid used in almost all CSP power plants has the following characteristics, that
will define the plant design concept:
- Maximum operation temperature. The fluid will modify its properties at temperatures
above 430ºC and once that temperature is reached the fluid became useless. So it is
really important not to heat the HTF above that temperature. The operation
temperature of the hot collector in a CSP power plant is about 393ºC.
- Freezing temperature. The HTF gets frozen at 12ºC. Once the fluid is in solid phase it
can be heated again and the properties will be not affected. So the fluid must be
always maintained above that temperature, by different means like an electrical tracing
or an external heater (electrical or gas fired).
- Density. Like other hydrocarbons, its density varies with the temperature. At 25ºC its
density is quite similar to the water one (1060 kg/m3), but at 393ºC the density is lower
(690 kg/m3). To absorb this volume changes expansion tanks are used in these power
- Vapor pressure or equilibrium vapor pressure. At ambient temperature it is really
low about 0, it means it is not volatile. But above 393ºC the fluid changes and became
into vapour, what is a not desirable effect. That is the reason why at high
temperatures, the HTF pipe system must be pressurized above 10,6 bar to be sure
that it is maintained in liquid phase.
If a leakage happens with HTF at high temperature, it will be vaporized and any
ignition source could produce a fire in the plant.
- Heat capacity. The HTF heat capacity varies between 2300 and 3700 KJ/KgK (water
varies between 4178 and 4216 KJ/KgK).



- Enthalpy. The HTF enthalpy is about 540 KJ/Kg at 293ºC and 800 KJ/Kg at 393ºC. it
means that to increase 100ºC the temperature of the fluid from 293 to 393ºC it is
necessary 260 KJ.
- Viscosity. HTF viscosity varies dramatically with the temperature. At 25ºC it flows with
difficulties. That is the reason why the temperature must be maintained above 40ºC to
avoid problems with the HTF flow.
- Toxicity. HTF is a toxic fluid that can contaminate the land and the water sources. So
the design must avoid any leakage that could happen during plant operation or
maintenance works.

2 Plants where HTF is used

HTF is used mainly in CSP power plants, although some experimental installations has
been made using it with other ways of concentrating the sunlight (Fresnell or Central
Tower Power plants).
A solar thermal collector is used to heat the HTF fluid that flows through a pipe located
along the focal line of a mirror that is straight in one dimension and curved as a parabola
in the other two, lined with a polished metal mirror. The energy of sunlight which enters the
mirror parallel to its plane of symmetry is focused along the focal line, and the HTF is

Figure 1 CSP-Parabolic Trough Process Diagram



Figure 2 CSP mirrors

3 HTF Pipe design requirements

HTF fluid does not represent a problem for selecting a pipe, due it is not corrosive and its
operation temperature is always under 400ºC. In CSP power plants the design pressure is
maximum 41 bar.
Usually A106 Gr.B or Gr.C can be used, and the schedule will be defined according the
design pressure, for example sch 40 can be used up to 24”.

3.1 Requirements related with the HTF freezing point

The particular properties about the freezing temperature will affect to the plant design, and
to maintain the fluid above 40ºC (below that temperature the viscosity increases) the
following elements are used:
- Electrical tracing, it must assure that the temperature of the fluid does not go under
40ºC. This element consists on a resistance cable that is attached to the pipe, but due
the operation temperature is under 400ºC a flexible cable can be used and it will not
affect to the pipe design. In figure 3 it is shown a flexible cable for electrical tracing.
The electrical tracing is not used in the solar field, and in some large bore pipes.
The ambient conditions of the area where the power plant is installed will define which
pipes need to be insulated with or without heat tracing. From a certain pipe size, the
time the ambient temperature is under the HTF freezing point is not enough to freeze
the fluid. But under that pipe size the volume of HTF inside the pipe cannot maintain



the temperature over the freezing point, those are the pipes that need to be installed
with heat tracing. Usually the heat traced pipes are those ones installed outside the
solar field with a nominal diameter under 4 or 6”.

Figure 3 HTF pipe with electrical tracing

- HTF heater. When the temperature of the fluid is too low, a heater is used to burn
some fosil fuel (usually natural gas or fuel oil) to heat the HTF that is pumped with
auxiliary pumps into the system, to maintain it at a temperature above 40ºC. This is the
system used to avoid the liquid in the CSP collectors to be frozen.

Figure 4 Natrural Gas Fired HTF heater



3.2 Requirements related with the HTF density and viscosity variations

Other element that will affect to the pipe design is the density and viscosity changes with
the temperature.
When we are working with fluids with no significant changes in those parameters (like
water), we can consider that in a certain section of the pipe, all the fluid is going to have
the same temperature and properties. But with HTF fluid, some unexpected behaviour of
the fluid inside the pipe can happen, mainly at really large diameters (>20” approx.)
In most of the CSP plants, the size of the main HTF pipe collector that enters in the power
block area (where the steam generator are located), is between 24-28” for cold collector
and 30-34” for hot collector.

Figure 5 Main collector connection between power island and solar field area, in a CSP power plant

When the solar field and the main HTF pumps are working, through those collectors, the
fluid flows with the same temperature and properties in all pipe section. But when the solar
field is “cold” and the main HTF pumps are not working, the flow stops. If the ambient
temperature decreases and the HTF in the solar field get cold, then some warm fluid must
be pumped into the solar field pipes, to avoid it to get frozen.
At this moment, the HTF heater is switch on and the warm fluid is pumped with some
auxiliary pump into the solar field. Due the density and viscosity of HTF varies with the
temperature, and due the pump that is inserting the HTF warm fluid in the solar field has
not enough capacity to move all the volume that is inside the pipe, a gradient of
temperature happens. The upper area of the pipe has the warm HTF that is flowing into
the solar field, but the bottom area is filled with high density and viscosity HTF fluid at low
The upper part of the pipe expands more than the lower part, so the pipe bends in vertical
direction. The process is explained in a schematic way in figure 6.




The entire pipe with the same temperature and no HTF flow


Hot fluid starts to flow into the pipe at the upper part, due its density and
viscosity is lower than the fluid stopped in the pipe

The hot fluid flow increases at the upper part, and the upper part of the
pipe increases its temperature and thermal expansion, meanwhile the
lower part maintains low temperature. The pipe bends.


Hot fluid flow increases and the temperature of the pipe equalizes in all
the section, the thermal expansion in all the pipe is the same in the upper
part and the lower part, and the pipe gets straight again

Figure 6 Pipe bending schematic process due thermal differences inside the pipe



This process can happen in all pipes, but its effects will be more important in large
diameter pipes. The main effect is that some pipe support has a vertical movement up and
some direction change can have a displacement different as the one expected in the pipe
stress analysis.

Figure 7 Pipe support elevated due differential temperature gradient inside the pipe

To minimize the impact of these unpredictable displacements, the pipe supports must be
designed to be able to control them and the pipe routing must avoid direction changes in 2
directions without guiding the pipe.
The stress analysis must be performed under ASME B31.1 code and the changes in the
fluid density must be taken into account, mainly to obtain realistic values in spring hanger
travels and loads.



3.3 Requirements related with the HTF toxicity and fire risk

Due the used HTF fluid used in most of the thermosolar power plants is flammable and
hazardous form the environment, the pipe design must be really careful to avoid any risk
of leakages and soil contamination.
In the first commercial CSP plants some fires have happened due leakages of HTF at high
temperature, in the CSP itself or in other areas of the plant. In figure 9 it is shown the
effects of a leakage and fire in the main HTF pumps.

Figure 8 Main HTF pump affected by a fire after a leakage

There are some elements that must be designed and installed according to these
characteristics of the fluid:
- Pipe vents and drains
- HTF valves
- HTF pumps
- Insulation material

3.3.1 Pipe vents and drains

To avoid uncontrolled scape of HTF that could pollution the soil, all drains and vents must
be routed to areas where means to collect the fluid that is vented or drained must be used.



All vents and drains must be routed to an accessible area where containment must be
placed, to collect any leakage.
And due some gases are produced in this fluid during normal operation of the plant, some
high areas must be supplied with a permanent vent connected to a collecting tank in the
steam generation area.

3.3.2 HTF Valves

The valves used in HTF pipes must be defined carefully, they must assure no leakages
once it is closed, mainly in vents and drains open to the atmosphere, because if they do
not close properly, some scape could happen.
They must be designed under the concept “zero leakage”, it means that they must be
requested under API 598, an additionally it is requested that during the hydrotest at the
fabric, they must obtain a minimum value of escape. We have to remember that all valves
must be metal seat because the design temperature does not allow other type of seats.
The valves must be designed “zero emissions”, it means that no HTF leakage can happen
through the stem. So the valves must be requested with bellow seals or double special
package. In this way the leakages are minimized.
For ball valves, if they are used, must be defined as block and bleed. It means that there is
a drain at the lower part of the ball to drain any HTF fluid that could get solid between the
ball shutter and the valve body. If some HTF get solid in that area could block the valve

Figure 9 Globe bellow seal and Ball block and bleed valves



3.3.3 HTF Pumps

Although mainly all the components of a pump used for other fluids and the ones used for
HTF are the same, some considerations must be taken into account with the pump seals,
to avoid leakages to the outside.
There have been some incidents in the installed CSP plants in relation with leakages in
those elements. At this moment the pump manufacturers offer special seals to work with
this fluid, so if the selected manufacturer has experience in this type of plants, probably
this problem is already solved.
Other thing that we have to analyse is the electrical tracing in all the pump elements that
uses HTF. Usually they are small bore pipes (3/4” or similar), so the HTF can easily get
frozen if there is no electrical tracing on those elements. This issue is really important,
because if the pump starts with the fluid frozen in those tubbing, probably the seal or other
element of the pump will not work properly and a leakage could happen.

Figure 10. Auxiliary pump systems with electrical tracing



3.3.4 Insulation material

The HTF piping system must be insulated to reduce heat loss and must be designed to
reduce the risk of fire as a result of fluid leakage into insulation.
The most common insulation materials used for HTF system piping are fiberglass, mineral
wool, calcium silicate and cellular glass.
Mineral wool and fiberglass are cheap materials with good thermal properties and calcium
silicate provides a higher thermal properties with a higher price. Those three materials
have open, air filled channels, which can wick leaking fluid into the insulation.
Cellular glass insulation has similar price and properties than calcium silicate but it is
impermeable to leaking fluid.
Fires have happened in insulation materials that have been soaked with HTF at
temperatures about 260 – 300ºC, temperatures that are far from the autoignition
temperature of most commercial HTFs.
The exact mechanism why those fires happen is not fully understood, but the most
probable explanation is that a slow exothermic oxidation reaction between the HTF and
the air inside the insulation material happens in those areas where some leakage has
Mineral wool, fiberglass and calcium silicate insulations are more subject to this problem,
because they can absorb a lot of leaking HTF. Cellular glass insulation absorbs almost no
HTF, so it may be a safer insulation to use. The main problem is that cellular glass is an
expensive material with a high installation cost and it has a tendency to crack when it is
thermally shocked.
HTF pipes insulation must be installed and maintained in order to have a leak free piping
system. It is important to reduce the number of flanges and any element that can
generates any leakage risk. And in those areas where leaks can happen, means to
release the HTF outside the insulation material or the use of cellular glass must be

4 HTF Pipe support design requirements

Most of the previous problems related, must be mitigated with a correct pipe support
design. As it happens with the pipe design criteria, every special property of HTF fluid
must be taken into account in the pipe support design. There are two issues that must be
considered: avoid heat losses and accommodate variations in the density and viscosity
with the temperature.



4.1 Requirements related with Heat Losses

A CSP thermosolar power plant has a large surface covered by parabolic collectors, this
area identified as solar field has hundreds of pipe supports, so any improvement to reduce
heat losses must be considered. In a typical 50MW CSP with molten salts thermal storage
system, there are more than 1800 pipe supports in the solar field.
To reduce the thermal heat losses the welded pipe supports must be avoided, and pipe
clamped pipe supports must be used. But the thermal losses caused by the direct contact
between the pipe clamp and the pipe surface remains, so a thin layer of insulation material
between the pipe and the clamp must be used.
A lot of analyses have been performed to see the way the temperature varies from the
area in contact with the pipe and the area of the pipe shoe outside the insulation material.
Finite elements analysis like the one shown in figure 12, shows that the temperature of the
pipe shoe outside the insulation area, decreases with the use of the layer of insulation
between the pipe and the clamp.

Thermal conductivity analysis Thermal conductivity analysis

with a clamped pipes shoe with a clamped pipes shoe
with thermal insulation layer without thermal insulation
between clamp and pipe layer between clamp and pipe

Figure 11 Finite element analysis for HTF clamped pipe supports. Fluid temperature 393ºC ambient temperature 20ºC



It has been calculated that the amount of heat lost in the solar field pipe supports can be
reduced between 11-20% with the use of that element between the pipe and the clamp.
There are several manufacturers that provide that material, and the thermal conductivity
can vary between them, so the selection must be made taking into account the price, and
thermal properties.

Figure 12 Solar field clamped pipe shoes with thermal insulation layer

4.2 Requirements related with density and viscosity variations with the temperature

As it has been explained, the large diameters HTF pipes can have unexpected thermal
displacements. The pipe routing must consider them and the pipe supports must have a
design to allow those displacements, but maintain the pipe in the correct position.
And we have to take into account that all the pipe shoes are clamped with an insulation
layer, and it means that the friction coefficient between the clamp and the pipe is reduced,
and the pipe shoe can twist and the pipe support will fail.
There are 3 main problems detected in the pipe supports installed in the solar field area.

4.2.1 Horizontal unexpected displacements in not guided pipe supports

It has been founded that in some pipe direction changes, where 2 axes are involved, the
thermal displacements are not as it where supposed to be, generally the displacements in
the pipe supports is greater than it was expected.
The solution is to try to avoid changes in 2 directions in large bore pipes, in figure 14 a
crossroad the pipe changes its direction in 2 axis, one vertical and other horizontal. The



pipe support marked in the image, is displaced more than the theorical calculated
distance, and the clamped pipe shoe is displaced outside the graphite bronze plate.

Figure 13 Unexpected horizontal displacements in a 2 axis pipe direction change

4.2.2 Vertical unexpected displacements guided pipe supports

As it has been explained before, the pipe can have a vertical movement up in some points,
due to the differential expansion rate in a horizontal pipe spool. This movement cannot be
stopped, so the pipe supports must be designed to allow this displacement.
In pipe supports where no guide is required, it is not a problem because if the pipe goes
up, when it goes down, there is nothing that can cause any problem, the only difference
will be that the point where the pipe rest in the downwards movement will be different from
the original one.
Problems appear when the pipe support requires a horizontal movement restriction. In this
case, if we have a guided pipe shoe, once the pipe goes up, probably the pipe shoe base
will be above the upper part of the guiding element, and once the pipe goes down the pipe
shoe base will hit with the guiding element and a problem could happen. In figure 14 we
can see the damage made in some clamped pipe shoe during downwards movement.



Figure 14 Guided pipe shoe damaged in the vertical down movement of the pipe

The best way to avoid this problem is to use triple clamped pipe shoe, with this design, the
pipe can go up, but it will continue guided, and in the vertical movement down, the pipe will
rest in the support point without any problem. It is a more expensive design, but, it is a
safer one.
With this design there is other problem that is avoided. Sometimes the axial displacement
is bigger than the theorical one, so in this case if we are guiding the pipe support with a bi-
directional guide (to avoid twist on the clamped pipe shoe), some damage can happen to
the pipe support, as it is shown in figure 15.

Figure 15 Clamped pipe shoe with a bidirectional guide, damaged after an unexpected axial displacement and the solution
with a triple clamped pipe shoe



4.2.3 Problems related with the low friction between clamp and pipe

When using clamped pipe shoes it is necessary to use some means to avoid the twist
between the clamp and the pipe in lateral guided pipe shoe. It is usually solved, using
bidirectional guides at the clamped pipe base, but in HTF pipes is better to solve this issue
with a triple clamped pipe shoe (in small diameter pipes bidirectional guides can be used).
The problem can happen with supports where no horizontal restriction is required. In this
case the friction between the clamped pipe shoe base and the steel structure below can
be greater than the one between the clamp and the pipe surface (due the existence of a
thin insulation material between them). If it happens the pipe shoe can turn around the
pipe axe and the support will fail.
The solution in some plants has been to tack weld the clamp to the pipe in some points
once it is installed and in other ones, the solution has been to weld a plate in the pipe to
block this movement.

Figure 16 Twisted clamped pipe shoes


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