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Set of four size 4.5 mm (U.S. 7) double-pointed knitting needles or

size needed to obtain gauge. 1 stitch holder.

Alt = Alternate(ing) Pat = Pattern
Approx = Approximately Rem = Remain(ing)
Beg = Beginning Rep = Repeat
Cont = Continue(ity) Rnd(s) = Round(s)
Inc1 = Increase 1 stitch by Ssk = Slip next 2 stitches knitwise
knitting into front and back of one at a time. Pass them back
next stitch onto left-hand needle, then knit
K = Knit through back loops together
K2tog = Knit next 2 stitches St(s) = Stitch(es)
together Tog = Together
P = Purl

20 sts and 26 rows = 4" [10 cm] in stocking stitch.

Make 12 in the following color combinations:
1 with D as Color 1, F as Color 2 and A as Color 3.
1 with A as Color 1, D as Color 2 and E as Color 3.
1 with B as Color 1, A as Color 2 and E as Color 3.
1 with A as Color 1, B as Color 2 and D as Color 3.
1 with B as Color 1, E as Color 2 and F as Color 3.
Approx 2¾" x 5½" [7 cm x 14 cm]. 1 with C as Color 1, A as Color 2 and D as Color 3.
1 with A as Color 1, C as Color 2 and D as Color 3.
MATERIALS 1 with B as Color 1, F as Color 2 and C as Color 3.
1 with F as Color 1, E as Color 2 and C as Color 3.
Bernat® Satin™ (100 g/3.5 oz; 182 m/200 yds)
1 with C as Color 1, D as Color 2 and F as Color 3.
1 with A as Color 1, F as Color 2 and B as Color 3.
Contrast A Snow (04005) 1 ball 1 with E as Color 1, B as Color 2 and A as Color 3.
Stripe Pat
With Color 2: 4 rnds.
Contrast B Crimson (04705) 1 ball With Color 3: 4 rnds.
These 8 rnds form Stripe Pat.
With Color 1, cast on 28 sts.
Contrast C Tangerine (04700) 1 ball Divide sts onto 3 needles as follows: 9 sts on 1st and 2nd needles. 10 sts
on 3rd needle. Join in rnd, placing marker on first st.
Work 7 rnds in (K1. P1) ribbing.
Contrast D Maitai (04732) 1 ball With Color 2, knit 4 rnds.
First 4 rnds of Stripe Pat complete.
Keeping cont of Stripe Pat, proceed as follows:
Contrast E Foliage (04246) 1 ball Thumb gusset: 1st rnd: K1. Inc1 st in each of next 2 sts. Knit to end of rnd.
30 sts.
2nd and alt rnds: Knit.
Contrast F Emerald (04200) 1 ball 3rd rnd: K1. Inc1 st in next st. K2. Inc1 st in next st. Knit to end of rnd.
32 sts.

P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3 ADVENT MINI MITTENS 1 of 2
“home style… life style… your style.”


5th rnd: K1. Inc1 st in next st. K4. Inc1 st in next st. Knit to end of rnd. CONTRAST CUFF MITTEN
34 sts. Make 13 in the following color combinations:
7th rnd: K1. Inc1 st in next st. K6. Inc1 st in next st. Knit to end of rnd. 1 with B as Color 1 and A as Color 2.
36 sts. 1 with F as Color 1 and E as Color 2.
8th rnd: K1. Slip next 10 sts onto a st holder for Thumb. Cast on 2 sts. 1 with D as Color 1 and B as Color 2.
Knit to end of rnd. 28 sts. 1 with C as Color 1 and F as Color 2.
Cont even in Stripe Pat until work from beg measures approx 4½" [11.5 cm] 1 with D as Color 1 and C as Color 2.
ending with 3rd rnd of Color 3. 1 with E as Color 1 and D as Color 2.
1 with F as Color 1 and B as Color 2.
Cont in Stripe Pat, shape top as follows:
1 with E as Color 1 and F as Color 2.
1st rnd: (K1. ssk. K8. K2tog. K1) twice. 24 sts.
1 with E as Color 1 and C as Color 2.
2nd and alt rnds: Knit.
1 with C as Color 1 and A as Color 2.
3rd rnd: (K1. ssk. K6. K2tog. K1) twice. 20 sts.
1 with B as Color 1 and E as Color 2.
5th rnd: (K1. ssk. K4. K2tog. K1) twice. 16 sts.
1 with C as Color 1 and D as Color 2.
7th rnd: (K1. ssk. K2. K2tog. K1) twice. 12 sts.
1 with E as Color 1 and B as Color 2.
Break yarn. Graft 2 sets of 6 sts tog.
Work as given for Striped Mitten, working cuff in Color 1 and remainder
of Mitten in Color 2, omitting all references to Stripe Pat.

Hanging Loop: With Color 1, cast on 30 sts. Cast off. Sew Loop to cuff
of Mitten at thumb side.
Using duplicate stitch, number chart and Color 1, add numbers to back
of Mittens, noting Mitten will be upside down when hanging.

With Color 2, K10 from st holder. Pick up and knit 2 sts at base of thumb.
Divide sts evenly onto 3 needles. (4 sts on each needle).
Join in rnd, placing marker on first st. 12 sts.
Work 7 rnds even in Stripe Pat.
Next rnd: *K2tog. Rep from * around. Break yarn. Thread end through
rem 6 sts and fasten securely.

Number Chart

= duplicate st over 1 knit st

Duplicate Stitch Diagram

P.O. Box 40, Listowel ON N4W 3H3 ADVENT MINI MITTENS 2 of 2
“home style… life style… your style.”

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