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The Single Man’s Guide to Great Women

A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Meet, Attract, and Date the Girl of Your
Dreams –
Written by a Woman Who Knows.
Tiffany Taylor

Introduction –
What Women Really Want
Women are complicated creatures. I should know – I am one.

We unintentionally intimidate men who spend countless hours trying to transform

themselves into the kind of man they think women desire. I believe every man has it in
him to become irresistible to women – regardless of their age, income, or experience with
the opposite sex.

In this guide, I’m going to confess to some of women’s most guarded tactics. I’m going
to show you how we manipulate you, how you can manipulate us, and what actions (and
in-actions) can help you get the woman of your dreams – forever or for only one night.

I feel like a Benedict Arnold of sorts – a traitor to my gender in spilling all of our secrets,
but I also feel like it’s time men had the upper hand when it comes to women and our
ways of slithering through the dating scene.

We often wield the power at the beginning of the relationship simply because tradition
dictates that a man is supposed to ask the woman out. You’re supposed to impress us,
gather up the courage to ask us out, pay for our dinners, and generally tempt us into
giving you what you want.
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All too often, single men find themselves at a loss on how to approach a woman, much
less leap into the dating phase. The formula for success is simpler than you think!
Women want only one thing – YOU.

We want a man who knows who he is and is confident that we’re going to be attracted to
him. We want to get through that awkward first contact as fast as you do so that once we
find the kind of man we’re looking for, we can surrender to your control of the situation.
Forget about what you’ve heard about women’s lib and a change in the rules – we want
to be overwhelmed, and you’re just the man to do it.

If you’re not already radiating self-assurance, I can show you how to get it. The mistake
most men make is confusing confidence with arrogance or conceit – a complete turn-off
to women looking for a good man.

Hugh Hefner is flocked by dozens of blonde bombshells at the parties he throws – even
when a hot young male Hollywood star is standing four feet away. How does Hugh get
all the girls?

It’s not his looks or his money. It’s the way he projects an image of power and presence
over his guests. When he walks into a room, he oozes confidence. And no, you don’t
need to launch your own pornography empire to command the same kind of attention.

Women are more interested in your drive, determination, and spirit than we are your bank
account. It’s incredibly sexy when a man goes after what he wants – including us!

If you’ve ever worried that you’re not handsome enough, rich enough, or smooth enough
to approach a woman with confidence, then all that’s about to change. It’s time to stop
dwelling on your shortcomings and start marketing your appeal to the opposite sex.

Changing your opinion of yourself will convince us to believe in you, too. Shut out those
feelings of self-doubt and shyness that overcome you when you’re nervously anticipating
communicating with a woman.

Women hunger for strong men, but not necessarily in the physical sense. Strength comes
in many forms, and boosting your belief in yourself will be like unleashing a highly
contagious virus on the female population. When one woman has her eyes set on you,
other women will take notice and want you, too.

I’ll admit that some of the secrets you’re about to learn are dirty. They’re tricks we use
to test you as a man, and I’m about to lift the curtain on our covert operations and give
you confidential insight into how you can win us over.

Likewise, I’m going to confess our vulnerabilities as women. You have strategies at your
own disposal that you can use to test our resistance and ultimately, break it down so that
we succumb to your natural charisma.
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Learning how to approach and seduce a woman isn’t difficult. To date, the only people
who have tried explaining it are men teaching men about women, or women telling
women about the “rules” they need to play by to catch and keep a man. These women,
mind you, are now divorced.

For once, it’s time for a woman to dish on other women.

We’re going to start by transforming your perception of yourself. If you have a negative
outlook on life and love, then you’ll create a barrier between you and the single women
of the world. Project a positive attitude, however, and you’ll be surrounded by plenty of

I’m not going to waste time telling you to settle for a woman filled with faults of her
own. Your time has come to attract the attention of intelligent, beautiful women who are
interested in getting to know the real you – a man who knows and understands the inner
(and outer)-workings of the female psyche.

Constructing Your Confidence

The reason you’re currently trying to solve the mystery of the singles scene could
be one of many. You may have been in a relationship for a very long time and suddenly
find yourself unattached and confused about today’s dating rituals.

Or, perhaps you’ve been single too long and are frustrated with not knowing how to play
the game - and win. Either way, you’re going to make great strides in your interaction
with women once you emanate certainty about who you are and what you can

The ABCs of Appearances

and Anxiety
There’s not a single man or woman alive who is truly satisfied with what they see in the
mirror 100% of the time. Even the crème de la crème of male models have days when
their hair won’t work or their bodies just feel scrawny and frail.

Appeal is something that has to be developed – regardless of how handsome you are or
how good you think you’d be for a woman. If you’re like most singles, you question your
appeal every time you go out for the night – either with a group of friends or on a blind
date. When you worry excessively, you’re going to inhibit your confidence level and take
away from the coolness you could have possessed.
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Believe it or not, women aren’t in it for the size of your muscles or your full head of hair.
We don’t mind if you’re not wearing an expensive suit. What we care about is pride in
yourself – no matter who you are or what you have to show.

When a man walks into a room, a woman is sizing him up right then. Not his height. Not
the bulk of his wallet. We want to see if he’s a leader or a follower. There’s nothing
attractive about a man who stands timidly behind his friend, scared to let you see him,
much less ask you out!

Balding hair. Is this the worst flaw that you fear every time you’re in a woman’s
presence? Here’s a big secret men don’t know – women don’t care if you have 1 or 1
billion hairs on your head. Some of the sexiest men alive have shorn it all and topped box
offices all across the country.

Tiffany’s Tip:
Quit worrying about what you think women don’t like.
Every man has potential.
The worst thing you could do is pretend to have more hair by using the old “comb-over
trick.” All you’re doing with a comb-over is showing that you’re self-conscious about it,
and that’s a turn off to women.

Instead, shave it all off or just stride about as if you didn’t even notice you were losing
your hair. If you put a spotlight on it, then it makes people look. Otherwise, it’s no more a
big deal to us than what color shoes you’re wearing.

Consider the effort that went into you getting ready one night compared to the pretty girl
sitting at the bar. Who should be nervous here, guys? She’s invested a lot of time and
money into her hair, nails, dress, and shoes – was it worth it? Will she catch a man
tonight, or did she wear too much eyeliner?

These are the thoughts pouring through her mind at the same time you’re worried about
what you look like. It’s a woman’s responsibility to please a man with her appearance, so
the burden lies with her.

As long as you are clean and have made an effort to look decent, we’re happy. We’ve
dated (or been asked out by) too many guys who just didn’t care if the clothes they wore
were dirty and didn’t take the time to get a quick shower before their date.

Tiffany’s Tip:
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Put your best foot forward – shower, shave, and make an

effort to show women that you care about yourself – and
what they think of you as well.
Speaking of which, every time you go out looking for a woman, you should shave. We
understand your manly desire to prove you can grow a beard but it won’t win you a
woman. If you’re sitting there with a Don Quixote goatee right now, don’t look so
shocked – 92% of women prefer men without facial hair because clean-shaven is sexier.

Not only does it not look good to us – it hurts when you kiss our lips or nuzzles against us
in bed – so lose it – or lose your prospects! Some women will overlook this at first, but
I’ll warn you guys – she’s going to nag you into shaving once she figures it’s high time
she changes the little things she doesn’t like about you.

The only time we enjoy facial hair on a man is when you’re casting a 5 o’clock shadow –
but don’t wear it on a date – save that look for a morning-after effect or a late night
rendezvous. And I’ll just say it right now – moustaches are obsolete. They were once a
hit in the 70s, but are past their prime. Forget about them.

Having a new image will not only bolster your self-confidence, but it will send out a
message to women that you understand what women want, and you want to give it to

When’s the last time you had a haircut – in a new, updated style? Stop going to the corner
$10 Supercuts and start going to a salon where a woman can advise you on what looks
are in. If you don’t like it, it’ll grow out – but try something new.

What is your wardrobe like? Although clothes don’t make a man, I will admit it speaks
volume about your maturity in the eyes of a woman. There are two types of guys we see
on the singles scene – boys and men.

They may be the same age, but one will be dressed in baggy pants, a t-shirt, and a
backwards baseball cap, while the other is wearing something straight out of GQ

If it’s been awhile since you looked at your wardrobe, start cleaning out your closet. Does
your mom still buy you clothes on special holidays? That’s fine, as long as you
supplement them with a trip to a men’s department store. It doesn’t have to cost an arm
and a leg – you can find knockoffs of pricey designer names that look just as good – it’s
the style that matters.

Tiffany’s Tip:
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Update your look. Find a men’s magazine and see what

styles are in for casual wear – or pay attention to what
other guys are wearing out on the town.
Whenever you feel nervous about how you look, I want you to focus on how she looks.
Not only will this take the pressure off of you, but it will add to her desire of you when
she’s busy hearing how exceptionally beautiful she is compared to all the other women in
the room.

Women are very vain – make the appearance game about us, not you, and not only will
you feel better, but you’ll be giving us exactly what we’re after – your undivided
attention for the evening.

Attitude is Everything
Believe me when I say that I feel your pain in being a single man on the dating scene. I
don’t envy you. But once you know what works and what doesn’t, your anxiety will ease
over time and your success rate will soar.

How many women have you targeted for romance that turned you into their “friend?” It
happens all the time, and the harder you try to seduce them, the further away they push

If you’re waiting for that magical day when you’ll wake up a gorgeous womanizing stud,
stop dreaming! It doesn’t work that way. You have to make it happen for you – it won’t
happen on its own.

Do you consider yourself a man who has his own personal, unique style? By style I don’t
just mean dress. I mean attitude as well. How do you act around women when you meet
them? Your answer may determine whether you’re going to end up a friend or a lover.

Tiffany’s Tip:
Focus on what you like in the mirror, not what could use
improvement. Your confidence will appeal to all women.
Men often complain that being a nice guy doesn’t work with women. You’re right – it
doesn’t. But that doesn’t mean you have to turn into a jerk, either. You just have to
realize that being nice in and of itself won’t win you any women. You have to
supplement niceness with whatever it is she’s seeking – romance, excitement, or fun!
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Don’t give up being a nice guy just because it hasn’t worked for you in the past. You
simply need to alter your perception of women’s needs - and meet those needs to get
women interested in you as more than a friend.

This idea might make you uncomfortable. At first you might feel as if you’re not being
true to yourself. Look at it this way – would you stand up and scratch your backside or
burp loudly in church or in a job interview? I hope not!

Dating is no different – you put your best foot forward in order to get results, just as you
would to get a job. You behave in church because it’s the right thing to do. Hiding your
true colors right off the bat isn’t being manipulative - it’s being a good candidate for love.

Women are used to this measure of attraction. We do it every day – from wearing a face
full of makeup to donning a stylish red lacey push-up bra to enhance our cleavage.
Deceptive advertising? If you choose to look at it that way. I prefer to think of it as
bringing out the best in ourselves.

Opinion versus Reality

As a woman, I’ve had men flat-out ask me what it is I’m looking for in a man. That’s
like playing hide-and-seek and me telling you where I’ll be hiding. We don’t want to
draw you a map – we want you to take the initiative and figure it out on your own – it’s
that savage hunter in you that we desire.

We don’t want to have to tell a man how to act, although you’ll hear plenty of women
mouthing off about what they want in a man. Did you ever notice what they say they
want and what they actually go after are two totally different things?

This is the main reason I wanted to write this book. Women don’t play fair with men,
and it’s time we leveled the playing field. Men are straightforward individuals. You say
what you mean. We say something and see if you can pick up on our hints well enough
to figure out what we really meant.

I know that it’s not fair that you have to engage in this game unwillingly. You have to
make the first move, and suffer the humiliating consequences if a woman turns you
down. Time for a new outlook on the situation – you’re in control, not her.

We like to look at it as if we’re the ones with the power – after all, we can say yes or no
when you offer to buy us a drink. But what’s really happening is you hold all the power.

Women have to sit and wait for a man to approach – and suffer the humiliation as her
friend gets asked to dance 20 times while she keeps her barstool warm the entire night.
Yes, some women are gutsy enough to do the asking, but most aren’t, so don’t rely on it.
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We have to sit and agonize over whether or not you’re going to ask us out on a date after
you first meet us, if you’re going to pay for dinner or make us go Dutch, and when you’re
(finally) going to lean over and give us a taste of our first kiss together!

Your opinion that women make it happen – not men – is backwards. You’re in the
driver’s seat. The reality is - we’re just along for the ride.

Tiffany’s Tip:
Remember – it’s all about her, not you. This takes the stress
off of you and puts the spotlight right where she wants it.

Moving in on a Match
You did it. You bought the perfect outfit, got your hair cut, splashed on a bit of cologne
(note to men: women go wild for classics like Drakkar and Obsession). You look great.
You feel great. You’re ready to hit the town.

Now comes the time to find the woman of your dreams. In this chapter, you’re going to
learn where to find a good woman, how to determine what she’s after, how to shut out
Mr. Shy Guy, and what to say (or what not to) when approaching a member of the
opposite sex.

Scoping the Singles Scene to

Find Your Future Mate
Men and women alike complain that they just can’t find a good mate and that they’re
tired of the “singles scene.” But the singles scene is all around you! It’s no longer
confined to a dance club where – let’s face it – many people feel uncomfortable. If you
can’t dance, then you don’t have an automatic opening line (“Can we dance?”).

But still, singles in every city flock to dance clubs because it’s traditionally the place to
go when one wants to “hook up” with another person. The problem is, you either need to
know how to dance, have no shame in dancing if you don’t know how, or have plenty of
friends to accompany you so that you don’t feel stupid just standing there.

There are millions of singles in the United States - certainly no shortage on either side of
the male/female population. You’re in no danger of being locked out of the dating scene
– you just have to start targeting your audience a bit better.
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Tiffany’s Tip:
Look for love in all places, not just traditional singles
spots. The woman of your dreams might be on the treadmill
next to yours, or squeezing a melon in the same grocery
aisle as you!
You might not be intimidated by finding romance in a bar or nightclub. It’s sometimes
helpful to have the music blaring and the action fast-paced, because it takes the pressure
off of you to hold up the conversation.

Still, many find the bar scene to be a seedy singles arena, and if you’re one of them,
you’ll just have to look for love elsewhere! One great place to meet women is at your
local gym.

At a gym, you’re going to meet women who take good care of themselves and appreciate
that you do, too. Going at the same time every week is a good way to ensure women have
the opportunity to follow your schedule and “accidentally-on-purpose” bump into you.

Workplace romances are on the rise, and it’s no wonder – we spend more time working
than we do focusing on recreational activities! Some companies have rules about such
interaction, but it still gives you a great place to practice your flirting routine.

When you walk into the office each day, do it with a smile on your face and ask the
receptionist how she manages to stay so beautiful every single day. It doesn’t matter if
she is a beauty or not – you can bet she’s going to brag about how nice you are to every
other woman in the office.

Tiffany’s Tip:
Practice being playful with your friends and co-workers.
You don’t have to be born with a sense of humor – you can
build one!
When’s the last time you took your time grocery shopping? In our women’s magazines,
we’re told to keep our eyes peeled for bachelors who have to do their own shopping.
Why do you think most women won’t even go to the store without first putting on their

They’re wondering if the guy standing next to them thumping watermelons might need to
ask for their help - in choosing the best wine to serve with filet mignon – or to go out on a
date next Friday night.
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Have a Starbucks around you? If not, there’s bound to be some kind of coffee shop where
singles hang out to meet one another. This is a great place to meet women if you’re
somewhat intellectual and like a more subdued atmosphere.

Barnes and Noble bookstores incorporate both coffee shops and reading. The stores are
packed with singles on weekend nights – single women who are tired of going to bars and
would rather curl up in bed with a good book than spend one more night partying. Play
your cards right and you could be curling up in their bed, too!

Never miss out on the opportunity to see just how many singles are all around you.
Everywhere you turn – church, exercise class, outdoor events, or parks could be the one
place you find true love – or a truly beautiful woman ready for instant romance!

Approaching a Woman with

Women are always looking for their knight in shining armor. Whenever you see the
opportunity to help out a woman in any situation, go for it! Even if it’s not a woman
you’re particularly interested in, you can bet others are watching your heroic deed.

For instance, if an unruly or intoxicated man is hitting on a girl at a club, and you can tell
she’s uncomfortable, then walk up and whisk her away while saying, “Hey sis! Let’s

This way, the other guy won’t pound you for moving in on his territory (since you’re the
supposed brother), and the woman will immediately go with you because you’ve put the
interaction on a harmless level.

You wouldn’t believe how often we women pretend a stranger sitting next to us is our
long lost brother/nephew/father/uncle, etc., just to get out of a sticky situation.

Tiffany’s Tip:
Rescuing a woman is the surest way to win her heart.
Whether it’s from another man or an embarrassing
situation, find a way to save the day and you’ll find yourself
in her good graces.
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It also works to your advantage to go out with girlfriends and female family members if
you have some that are around your age. Why? Women want men who are liked by other

We want to know if you have a good relationship with your mom, if your sister is
protective of you because some other wretched woman broke your heart, and if you stay
friends with your exes – because it speaks well of you.

We love it when you have your sister walk up to ask us to dance for you. A dash of
shyness is very sweet, and lets us know you’re vulnerable. Don’t always take the direct
approach when indirect might be the perfect way to go!

Before you approach a woman, don’t stare her down or else she may catch you and find
you creepy before you’ve ever said a word. Instead, casually make sure she’s not with
another guy, and then find something specific to say when you introduce yourself to her.

Don’t comment on the weather, or ask her what her sign is. Women don’t like pickup
lines – even the cutesy ones about how it must have hurt when we fell from Heaven
won’t win you any brownie points.

If you have to, pretend you’re doing her a favor. She’s sitting there waiting for a man to
approach her because she’s too embarrassed to boldly begin talking to a man. If you can
relate to her on some level – even if it’s both of you waiting in line to buy a drink –
mention it casually to her in a good- natured way, not negatively.

First meetings are always going to be nerve-wracking. Until your confidence level begins
soaring, you'll probably always feel a little worried that your feelings won't be
reciprocated. That's why it's best to approach a woman as a friend or casual acquaintance
first, without any expectations of long-lasting love running through your mind.

Conquering Your Fear of

Foot-in-Mouth Disease
Sometimes, it’s appealing when a man is so nervous that he stumbles around
when trying to introduce himself to us. So if you find yourself messing up a bit, just
laugh with her about it and everything will be okay.

The one thing women wish men knew is that we’re not expecting you to be suave
and debonair in your approach. We don’t want to hear rehearsed lines that 20 other men
have used on us this week alone.
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Instead, find a way to incorporate humor and use what’s going on around you to
make that first move. Be careful not to use sarcasm, since it’s often misinterpreted when
you don’t know the other person well.

Before you even walk up to her you need to realize her reaction may not be about
you. You might approach her right after she’s had a fight with her now ex-boyfriend, or
after another man – whom she was interested in - has turned her down.

When women get mad at a man – we get mad at all men, not just one. Even then
you can break her defenses by agreeing with her that men are scum – but thankfully, your
mom raised you as a different breed – will she let you prove it?

Humor – not rehearsed, but playfulness, is the most attractive quality a man can
possess. In fact, in a Vogue magazine survey, both men and women rated sense of humor
as their #1 quality in members of the opposite sex.

Sizing Up Her Motives

Women and our motives. It’s probably the hardest thing for men to figure out, but
we give you lots of clues if you’re looking for them! Everything, from our body
language to the questions we ask can clue you in to what it is that we’re after.

For some, it’s money. If you find a gold-digger, she’ll likely expect you to pay
for everything, without offering to split the bill 50/50. If she asks questions about what
line of work you’re in, or what kind of car you drive, you can rest assured she’s in it for
your bank book.

Some women just want to get laid. No, you’re not the only ones looking for a
one-night stand. Women are sexually liberated these days and it’s no longer taboo for us
to get wild with a man in bed and then leave the next day with no strings attached.

Sexually adventurous women will probably be more aggressive when they’re out
in public. They’ll be grinding next to you on the dance floor, intentionally spilling out of
their clothing, or even using more bold and daring flirtations.

But even the shy ones sometimes have hidden motives where they wish they could just be
swept off their feet and seduced into a midday sexual encounter. These women may look
like librarians during the day, but they’ve been reading romance novels at night and want
you to be like the man on the cover who’s conquering their defiant ways.

Remember to always ask her one question for every question she asks you. This
shows her that you’re not self-centered and that you’re truly interested in what she has to
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Aside from asking her questions, and listening to the ones she asks you, women will give
you signals using their mouth, eyes, hands, and more! We like to use our mouths to
tempt you into thinking dirty thoughts.

We learned at a young age that men are thinking something totally different than we are
when they see us gently putting our lips around our straw. We also put on lipstick in
front of you when we want you to know that we’re flirting.

Fluttering eyelashes are another way women like to bring on your advances. We act shy
and demure as we glance downward when we catch you looking at us, but really, we’re
inviting you in to our world. Sometimes, something as simple as a smile is a blatant
invitation to a man we want to get to know.

Just like you, we get nervous whenever we first meet someone new. We use our hands to
twirl our hair and entice you, or nervously run our fingers along our lips because we
sense that you’re checking us out.

Generally, a woman will be very blunt when she’s not interested and will glare at you or
roll her eyes. If she doesn’t do either one of these, then chances are, she wants to get to
know you better!

The World of Online Dating boasts well over a thousand marriages on their site and dozens of
babies resulting from those unions. Online dating is not the scary scene it was once
thought to be! As of 2003, there were over 724,000 members on this one singles site

Most people worry that what they’re seeing isn’t what they’re going to get. While it’s
true that some people post a photo of themselves 5 years and 50 pounds earlier, most
Internet singles are truthful in their posts – and pictures.

Tiffany’s Tip:
There are dozens of online dating sites, Love Finity is the best I have found.

Use them for practice - or to find true love.

The great thing about online dating is that you can do it all from the comfort of your own
home. Introductions, conversations, and even rejections are all harmless because they’re
done via email or chat rooms.
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This is a great way to practice your moves. Regardless of whether or not you eventually
find anyone you want to meet in person, online dating offers you a great way to find out
what women like about you – and what turns them off.

In the world of online dating, the best way to meet people is to tell them plenty of
information. Fill out as much of the questionnaires as possible – it makes for a higher
rate of matches for you than if you just check “male/single.”

Be sure to take a positive approach to creating your profile. Instead of telling everyone
what you don’t want in a woman, tell them what it is you’re looking for. The more
specific the better.

Don’t just say, “a carefree woman.” Instead, say “a woman who loves to pack a duffle
bag and take off for a weekend trip without notice.” Likewise, focus on what activities
you enjoy doing, not what you avoid for any reason.

Join in some of the singles chats or community bulletin boards to make new friends and
find an interesting woman to meet. Some singles on the sites are looking for true love,
while others just want a quick romp in the hay or a good friendship.

Whatever your objective – state it clearly in your personal profile and the chances of you
finding it will increase tenfold. When creating your profile, keep in mind that those with
pictures are 8 times more likely to generate responses than those without.

This doesn’t mean you have to be a Brad Pitt to get the girls. Believe me, women will
like you for all of the man that you are, not one single aspect of how your genes were

Tiffany’s Tip:

Personal ads – both online and off – are a never-ending dating pool of
prospects, so be honest to find the best match possible!

Flirting With Flair

Here’s where men and women differ greatly. As I stated before, you men are very
direct. You say what you mean and mean what you say. Women, on the other hand, are
indirect in their actions and words.

Some men go about flirting the same way they do everything else in life – directly stating
the facts. They’ll walk up, tell a woman how pretty she is and immediately say he’d like
to date her.
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Why do you think a woman would say no to that? Because it’s too blunt for women. To
say you’d like to go out on a date the second you introduce yourself is not the way to go
about getting a woman.

That’s where flirting comes in. Flirting is the natural way we women get what we want
in life. We get ahead in the workplace by flirting. We always got away with more than
guys in school because we flirted our way out of it. We flirt to get out of traffic tickets.
We love to flirt.

Why is it so important to us? Because we like to know that we have it in us to make you
want us. If you want us from the beginning, then it must be based solely on looks, and
that isn’t what appeals to most women. We want you to want us for a variety of reasons,
including our ability to actively make you interested in us sexually.

Tiffany’s Tip:

Use flirting as a way to show a woman that you have a sense of humor.
Flirting brings out the playfulness we’re seeking in a man. It can last a few minutes,
hours, days, or even months depending on the situation and setting. When you begin
flirting with us, we’re imagining what kind of lover you’ll be in a relationship.

A fun and playful man will always have surprises waiting for us and will keep romance
alive both in the bedroom and out. When a man is too direct, we imagine he’s a stuffy
boardroom executive who has no time for a sense of humor – and ultimately, no time to
pamper us the way we want to be pampered.

Flirting doesn’t always have to be sexual. You can flirt with anyone on a daily basis –
from the grocery store cashier to the waitress who brings you your meals at lunch. In
fact, I strongly advise you to practice your flirting techniques with women who don’t
intimidate you if you feel that you’re out of practice.

Tiffany’s Tip:
Flirt with everyone – your methods will improve as you see women’s reactions to
your techniques.

The next time you’re having lunch and your waitress approaches your table, say
something like, “I specifically asked to be seated in your section since it looks like you’re
doing such a good job!”

This isn’t sexual. But it is a compliment. She’ll smile and you’ll see a very different
attitude in the way she treats you compared to the way she treats other customers in her
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Flirting is a great way for you to gauge the situation with a woman and find out if she’s
receptive to you. It allows you to make a harmless connection with her without putting
your ego on the line. If she’s non-responsive, you know not to bother asking her out. If
she flirts back, then you gain confidence to ask her on a date when the time is right.

When you flirt, it doesn’t mean you have to get an immediate result in your dating quest.
Flirting can last as long as you want it to. Your main goal should be to make the woman
look forward to seeing you again – to flirt some more. That waitress you complimented
will look forward to the next time you come in.

Married people even flirt with people who aren’t their husbands and wives. It lets people
know they haven’t lost their touch and gives them an occasional ego boost when the
romance has run out of their married life.

Flirting also gives you a way to discover whether or not you want that woman in your
life. What if she eagerly invites you back to her house for a quick sexual encounter and
you soon realize she’s desperate for a long-term commitment? If you’d flirted, you might
have found that out sooner.

First Date Preparations

Once your flirting has begun to flow between the two of you, you’ll be ready to ask for
your very first date with the woman of your choice. But before you ask, you may want to
have a first date plan mapped out to avoid any awkward situations.

It’s easy to ask a woman out to see the latest Woody Allen movie if you know from
flirting with her that she’s a big fan of the oddball director. What’s harder is asking a
woman out on a date when you know nothing about her interests.

This isn’t always possible if you happen to meet a woman and you don’t know if or when
you’ll ever see her again. If this is the case, you have to muster up the courage to ask
now and find out more about her later.

Have you always been afraid to approach beautiful women? They’re probably the ones
most likely to go out with you. Why? Because most men feel the same way you do –
that she probably has a million suitors and no time for an average guy like you.

Guess what? She probably hasn’t been asked out in years! I can’t count how many
girlfriends I’ve had complain that they never get asked out – and it’s always the pretty
ones, never the plain Jane’s!

Beautiful women will be very impressed with you the minute you approach them because
they’re not used to men having the courage you seem to possess. So what do you say
once you get the nerve to ask her out?
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Try to use a business approach. Don’t blurt out loud that she’s the most beautiful woman
you’ve ever seen in your life. This is kid-speak, and not likely to impress her. Is your
line of business anything you can use to your advantage?

For instance, if she’s sitting on the subway reading a non- fiction book on investing, and
you’re a banker, hand her your card and smile when you introduce yourself and offer to
assist her with her needs.

Whatever you do, don’t treat a beautiful woman like she’s the Scarecrow from Wizard of
Oz. Even blonde bombshells have brains, and those women – more than others – will
love it when you appeal to their intellectual nature.

Before you’ve asked a woman out, whether it’s within the first few seconds or after a
lifetime of flirting, you should have some idea in mind as to what you’d like to offer as
your first date.

If you’ve known her for a little bit – even if only a few hours – then you should have had
the opportunity to get to know something about her interests. Is she a homebody? Is she
wild and adventurous? Does romance appeal to her?

You can easily plan your date by answering these questions:


Think about your own motives. Do you want a quickie in the sack? If so, you probably
can’t tell her that. So if this is your hope, you might want to just say, “…to get to know
each other better.” That generalization means that one thing could lead to another.

If, however, you want to test the relationship waters with this woman, you might want to
be more specific – and more sensitive. Tell her that you enjoy her sense of humor or that
you’d really enjoy spending time with someone you seem to have good chemistry with.


Where to take a first date depends on whether or not the two of you are both in it for the
same thing. If it’s very sexual right off the bat, then by all means, head to a hotel or your
house and satisfy your urges.

But it’s likely that you two will need time to get to know each other before you make that
giant leap, so a less sexual meeting place should be in the works. If it’s a first date, you
might want to set her mind at ease and make the setting very neutral – somewhere public.

This is especially true if you’re a stranger to her and the two of you don’t have any
mutual friends. Pick a popular restaurant or park in a well- lit, safe neighborhood where
she’ll feel more relaxed.
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Tiffany’s Tip:
Try planning a date that’s not too intimidating for a single woman, especially if you don’t
know her very well.


First dates can take place anytime, so you might want to leave it up to her and what level
of intimacy she feels more comfortable with. If she’s shy around men, then a daytime
date might be just what the doctor ordered.

Try offering to take her to a theme park or water park for the day. These offer a lot of
continual activities and it keeps the mood light so that the two of you can get to know
each other better.

If it’s a nighttime date, make it early enough so that she feels safe going out, but late
enough so that she doesn’t get the feeling you’re considering dumping her before the
night is out so you can hit the town again if it doesn’t work out.


Here are some more safe bets for first date dilemmas:

· Ice skating (she’ll be holding onto you and you can play the chivalrous male).

· Bowling (you get a great view and it’s a fun thing anyone can do).

· Pool (you can lean over her and teach her how to hold the stick).

· Comedy club (don’t sit in the front row or the comedian might pick on you).


Unless the two of you already know each other, always offer to let her meet you at the
date. Not all women like to give out their home address to strange men they meet in bars.

Tiffany’s Tip:
Plan your date before you ask her out. That way, you’ll have all of the answers – not to
mention the upper hand.

All you have to say is, “Would you be more comfortable meeting me there, or could I
pick you up at your place?” She might feel safer meeting you there, and it also gives the
two of you an easy way to end the night if it doesn’t go as planned.
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Conversation Starters and

Topics to Avoid
Men and women are bound to see things differently. Sure, you both might be
Republicans or Democrats, but why bring up politics at all until you’re sure you like each
other for your own personal qualities?

Heated political topics such as abortion and affirmative action or impending war should
be avoided at all costs! You never know when the person sitting across from you might
have had a very intimate experience with the topic at hand and will find your seemingly
harmless comments highly offensive.

Religion isn’t a first date topic, either. Although it’s okay if you both meet at a Jewish
singles event – because you know upfront that it’s a trait the two of you have in
common. Religion has been the cause of most wars, and you don’t want the two of you
battling before the first date is over!

When you pick her up, or meet her for your first date, try to show up with something out
of the ordinary. Don’t bring flowers. They’ve been done to death. And guys – single
roses may look cute on TV, but many women will be offended that you didn’t splurge on
the bouquet, so skip the tulips!

Instead, pick up a cute, small stuffed animal or unique knick-knack made out of
chocolate. Single women love to snuggle up with the same stuffed animals we’ve had
since childhood, so when you give us one on a date, chances are, we’ll hold him every
night dreaming about you – until it’s you in our bed, not the toy.

Chocolate is always a safe bet because most women love chocolate. They make
everything into candy these days, and you can usually find something simple and elegant
at a Hallmark gift shop or other gift card store.

When you first arrive, immediately turn on your chivalrous charm (holding the door
open, opening car doors, offering your hand if she needs to rise out of the car).
Compliment how beautiful she looks the moment you see her.

In fact, act amazed that she’s so beautiful. Tell her she puts all of the other women to
shame. She may act embarrassed, but she’s going to eat it up. We love being prettier
than the other girls in the room.

One good conversation starter is to simply ask her how her day’s been so far. It seems so
simple, yet most people rack their brains trying to think of things to talk about when
women spend their days on the phone chit chatting about the little things.
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Try not to complain too much on the first date – about life in general or anything
happening that night while you’re on your date. Men and women alike are seeking
someone positive to attract, and negative attitudes are a real turnoff!

If things seem stiff, try opening her up by laughing about yourself or something funny
and stupid you’ve done lately. Your vulnerability is a plus with us on a first date.

Tiffany’s Tip:
Watch your topic roster carefully. If something is brought up that makes you – or her -
uncomfortable, just laugh it off and change the conversation.

Zeroing in on Her Signals

Since women are such big flirts, you have to maneuver through our regular
flirting to get to the meat of the sexual innuendos. I hate to admit it, but a lot of women
flirt in a very sexual manner just to see if they can get you hot.

The way to tell if a woman is serious about taking the flirting one step further is to
wait and see if she gets physical. Physical signals are very different from distant ones.
When we’re serious about getting you into our world, we know that touching you gets
your mind spinning.

If a woman wants you in a sexual way, she’ll be very touchy with you. We’ll
walk by and brush up against you. We’ll place our hands on your arms or chest as we’re
talking to you – usually in a playful, laughing manner.

Some women will even blatantly have you touch them by placing your hand on
her – thighs, breast, butt – you name it! Of course, this usually happens when we get
serious about sex and maybe have had a drink or two to calm the nerves.

If a woman makes it a point to draw attention to her mouth or chest, then she’s
signaling that she’s interested in you. This does not mean that every woman who has
cleavage showing wants you to come on to her.

You can probably tell the difference between classy cleavage and sexual
cleavage. If you can’t – ask yourself, “Would she wear that to work?” If the answer is
no, then she’s probably out to attract a man with her breasts.

Tiffany’s Tip:

Guys, do not stare at her breasts – no matter how bad you want to.
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Staring at a woman’s breasts will sometimes make you look like a pervert. Also,
it drives us wild when we’re trying to get a guy to be sexually attracted to us and he acts
like he doesn’t care – it makes us try harder, and that can only mean good things for you.

And yes, we see you peeking every 5 seconds, so it’s best to keep your eyes above
the neckline until it’s time to take it lower. This is especially true if it’s true love you’re
after and you’re interested in a woman who wants you to like her for more than her body.

Women are very peculiar about their breasts. We use them when we want to, but
we sometimes get angry when you react to them and we weren’t trying to use them. To
play it safe, compliment the woman on her entire appearance, and never, ever, blurt out
what a nice rack she has – it might get you slapped, and it will definitely show the
woman you have no class.

Another touch tactic we like to use are backrubs. They can range from harmless
and friendly to sexually aggressive. You can rest assured that if you don’t know a
woman well and she begins rubbing your back (or thigh), she’s signaling you to take it
one step further.

Back rubs can be very dangerous if you aren’t interested in the woman, so know
when to use it to your advantage and when not to. If you don’t like a woman sexually,
then leave your hands in your pocket!

Most often, women will wait for men to make the first move. That sucks for you,
because if you don’t try anything, nothing happens. And if you try something and she’s
not willing, you risk embarrassment.

Tiffany’s Tip:

When you first kiss a woman on a date, don’t ask for it.

This isn’t kindergarten and we shouldn’t have to tell you whether or not we’re willing to
pucker up – we expect you to lead the way and asking us gives the power back to us.

Most women will want to wait until the goodbye part of the first date to give you
the first kiss. We’ve been taught this is how it’s done, but you’ll still run into women
who won’t kiss on the first date and women who think you don’t like them if you don’t
try to have sex with them in the first five minutes of the date.

You’re going to have to gauge some of these girls yourself. You can usually tell
which women are loose and which are more conservative just by the way that they dress!
Short skirts, tight clothes and red lipstick are clues that she’s a hottie.

Long skirts, pantsuits, and natural makeup may mean she appreciates taking
things slow – at first. In my experience and having friends on both ends of the spectrum,
it’s best to wait until you say goodbye to dive in for the first smooch.
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When you drop her off, try hard not to look so nervous. If you’re beading sweat
on your face and flushed like a tomato, it won’t be a turn-on to then kiss you. Instead,
calm yourself and watch for her signals.

Is she rushing to the door and it’s not 20° outside? She might be telling you
something – like, this is the last date we’ll be on. But if she’s walking slowly and
swinging her purse a bit or swaying back and forth while you’re standing there saying
goodbye, she’s expecting a goodnight kiss.

When you’re ready to go, simply say, “I had a really good time – I hope we get to
go out again soon,” and lean in and give her a quick kiss. Yes, I said quick. No breath-
taking four-minute tongue-thrashing kisses on a first date for most women.

Yes, I know you wanted more, but look at it this way – she’s going to go in, close
the door, call her friends, and dream about you and how sweet you were. Pretend you’re
in the 1950’s if you have to, and then go home and take a cold shower. If the date is
more aggressive and you know it’d be okay to take it further, then by all means, slip her
the tongue.

Tiffany’s Tip:
French kissing is not intended to choke a woman to death. Too many men stick their
entire mouth muscle down a woman’s throat – remember that we’re delicate creatures
and we like to be treated softly.

One-Night Wonders
Some of you men may be wondering what a woman is doing advocating a one- night
stand. Well, I’m not. I’m personally of the mindset that it’s too dangerous today to be
engaging in risky sex, and I’m a romantic at heart, but I’m also a realist.

I know for a fact that men and women both get the urge to just do it once in a while, and
nothing I can say or do is going to stop them, so I might as well tell you how to do it the
right way.

There are two kinds of one-night women. There are those who truly want to use you
sexually, just as you want to use her, and then leave with no strings attached. Then there
are the majority of one-night women who go along with it in hopes that you’re going to
instantly become boyfriend #28.

Unfortunately for you, most one-night stands are going to come with baggage, so you
have to ask yourself – is it worth it? Do I want her calling me three weeks from now
wondering when we’re going to hook up again, or am I up to the challenge of blowing
her off?
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I can’t tell you how many women honestly believe that if they’re easy to get into bed, that
means the man is going to want her as his wife. I tell you this as a warning, because
anyone who’s seen Fatal Attraction knows that emotions can go overboard sometimes.

Luckily for you, most women are not psychotic and will leave you alone – albeit
brokenhearted, when you say to do so. Enough of the warnings, let’s get to the hook-up

First you have to find out how difficult it’s going to be to get the woman into bed the first
time you meet her. Is she going to require a lot of coaxing and romantic interludes?

If so, then you have several hours to do it – to get your way. First of all, think of what
kind of setting will get her in the mood. You don’t want to take her back to your smelly
apartment if your roommate just had a party and the place is a wreck.

And you don’t want to rent a hotel room right off the bat, so try to find a public place
where the two of you won’t be disturbed – or noticed! At night, most parks are empty
and they remind us of when we were in high school and the boys tried to make out with

It’s okay if it’s cold outside – this just makes her want to cozy up next to you, and this
can only lead to good things. Your goal is to have swept her off her feet all night so that
she’s comfortable getting close to you in the park.

Tiffany’s Tip:

Women are easily pleased by small tokens of your affection because most
men fail to do anything at all.
This does not mean that you’re going to have to spend a fortune romancing her in order
to get her in the sack. Quite the opposite! Women are most impressed by the little things
you do, like picking a flower for us while we’re walking.

In order to convince a woman to go to bed with you, you have to give off the impression
that you’re a patient man. In other words, act like you’re not trying to get us in the sack.

When the time comes, you never want to flat-out talk about it – just start the wheels in
motion and let it naturally lead you from first to fourth base. We’re going to talk more
about sex tactics in the next section, but as far as one-night stands go – you never want to
be too blunt about it.

After the sex has taken place, don’t put on your pants and bolt out the door. Men usually
treat these situations with panic. They bolt out the door and this angers the woman, who
then demands to know why it went wrong.
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In her mind, it went wrong because you’re no longer with her. You also want to avoid
being too lovey-dovey after one- night stand sex. Being too affectionate causes her to
bask in the glow of your lovemaking and you don’t want her falling too fast.

So how do you find a happy medium? By turning into a common friend. If you want to
leave at 3 in the morning, you can do so – but tell her you have trouble sleeping
anywhere else, so you’ll have to go, but you really enjoyed yourself.

Never tell a woman you’ll call her if you’re not going to! You’re asking for trouble if
you get her number and then never call. Women are like the CIA – we’ll track you down
and when we find you, we’ll put you on the spot asking you why you never called.

If you stay the entire night but still never plan on talking to her again, make the morning
a playful event. Don’t take pity on her and start babbling about how much you really like
her, “but…”

Do this and you’ll probably be dealing with a face full of tears – hers! Then you’ll feel
obligated to stay and make her feel better. Instead, resist the urge to tell her you’ll call,
and just talk about what the two of you have planned for the day (separately).

Tiffany’s Tip:
Remember that women are very emotional creatures. Some might be up for a one-night
stand only to regret it the next day. Avoid being cruel and just be a friend to her until
she’s willing to accept that it happened.

Sex in the Sack – Pleasure

Principles Women
Want Men to Know
First, let me tell you that if you happen to be a male virgin, this does not turn off women.
In fact, it’s a turn-on. We like the idea of being your Mrs. Robinson and teaching you the

Once you’ve found someone you’re comfortable in sleeping with, and you’ve decided
that you want it to be more than a one- night stand, you can start upping the ante and
turning missionary sex into a more exciting and romantic variety.
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The best way to get a woman in the mood is not to drop trou and expect her to jump for
joy. Men may be able to turn on at the drop of a hat, but women need (and like) more

Romance is not hard to instill in your relationship, and it baffles us why men don’t
understand how important this is. Not only will it make us initiate more sex, but it will
make us work harder to please you after you’ve shown some initiative to please us.

When you’ve been dating a woman for a while, you probably have access to her house,
and vice versa. If not, use your own house and plan this little rendezvous:

Go to your local florist or craft store and buy a box of silk rose petals. Use silk ones
because real rose petals, when stepped on (or crushed), will leak permanent ink that could
stain and ruin your carpet.

Sprinkle the floor with roses from the door to the bathtub. Have the bathtub filled with
warm, extra bubbly water (and roses floating on top). You can buy candles very cheap,
so fill your bathroom with them. Also use a scented bath fragrance – you can buy a
sample size for under a dollar at the grocery store. Vanilla is always a safe scent, but if
you know she likes something else better, use that.

When she comes over, leave a note on the door inviting her in. Be creative and prepare
your own menu like something you’d see at a nice restaurant. It can look something like

Chateau de John
First course:

Vanilla-scented bath warmed with rose-petalled bubbles and

surrounded by soft, glowing candles & accompanied by a
chilled glass of champagne.

Second course:

Lavender-scented all-over body massage rubbed with gentle hands on a bed of down
comforter and oversized fluffy pillows. Includes handfed chocolate-covered

Third course:

Scintillating & exotic romantic interludes to include

occasional nibbling, intense breath-taking maneuvers, and
awe-inspiring lovemaking.

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Spooning with each other through the night, tasting

delicate kisses and drifting off to dreamland in each
other’s arms.

Guys, she will eat this up! Take the menu, buy the ingredients and plan it step-
by-step. You’ll need to first make sure your house - and bath - are clean. This includes
washing your sheets!

Go to the store and buy the rose-petals, candles, and an inexpensive bottle of
champagne. You can get an oil-based body lotion, strawberries, and melting chocolate at
any grocery store. The other ingredients are just the two of your bodies!

For an added touch, print the menu out on thick stock paper and lightly burn the
edges for an antique look. Tape it to your door (or better yet, overnight it to her), and be
hiding when she enters your unlocked door.

Leave instructions for her to follow the rose-petal path into the bath and undress
while you bring her some champagne. When you bring it to her, use a more formal
manner of speech – like a butler would.

Wash her back for her. Bring her a warmed towel to use to dry off as you lead her
into your bedroom. Before you plan this big night, you might want to pick up a massage
technique book for under $10 at your local bookstore.

Tiffany’s Tip:

An entire night of highly planned romance can cost you as little as $30 – or
less depending on how shopping savvy you are!
Women are great at communicating their needs. We appreciate the same in return. If
there’s something you want us to do, ask us. Likewise, ask us what you can do to make
us run hot.

In general, women like two kinds of lovemaking – romantic and playful. There’s room
for both in the bedroom – just know that you shouldn’t ruin a perfectly romantic moment
by snickering about something.

What will get you more sex in the future? Making sure you take notice of your woman’s
needs and attempt to meet them whenever possible. Too often, men are so shocked that
they’re having sex that they jump on and off the ride without ever trying to make sure
their partner is also enjoying herself.

It all boils down to consideration. Asking, if you don’t know, does not make you appear
amateurish – not asking, on the other hand, does. Also, make sure you don’t make fun of
her body – any part of it.
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We’re very sensitive to our bodies, so compliment everything you’re happy with –
including our sexual performance. We’re no different from you – we like to know that
we’re getting good results.

What should you avoid in the bedroom? Well, for starters, don’t talk about past
conquests. We don’t want to hear about how Shelly used to do this technique. Don’t
start asking, “Who’s your daddy” either until you’re sure she’s ready to start talking
nasty, too.

The biggest problem men have in the bedroom is not rising to the occasion, it’s not
including foreplay on the menu of love. Yes, it’s more than saying, “Get ready, honey!”

We want foreplay not only to get us in the mood, but to help us achieve orgasm. Try
stretching the pre-sex time out as long as possible and you’ll ensure she has a good time.

A quick word of caution: unless you’re ready to be a daddy, don’t assume a woman is on
the pill – even if she says she is. I know dozens of women who claim to be on the pill
when they’re really guilty of missing them now and then and risking pregnancy. Some
women actually hope to get pregnant because they assume it means marriage.

Instead of risking your future (and your health), take control of the protection issue
yourself – never rely on the other person to do it for you. And when it comes time to
discuss your past sexual history, be honest with the woman if you’ve had 1 partner or

Knowing When to Throw in

the Towel
Sometimes, it just isn’t working. This can happen 5 minutes into talking to a woman, or
5 years down the road. Sometimes, men and women both hang on to the hope that things
will change for the better.

Why waste your time like that? Sure she may be great in the sack, but what if she’s
shallow and not committed and you’re looking for a woman who could be your wife?

Have you ever heard the phrase, “high maintenance?” You might be thinking all women
are high maintenance, but we’re not! All relationships are going to require some amount
of upholding in order to thrive, but when you’re working too hard to enjoy the
relationship, it may be time to call it quits!
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A low maintenance woman isn’t an emotional roller coaster. She’s very stable and
doesn’t cry when she sees a certain commercial. If the two of you have a spat, she
doesn’t harp on it for the rest of the day (or the rest of your life), but she lets it go.

Low maintenance women aren’t opinionated feminists, either. Women who are always
trying to prove they’re right are going to cause you a lot of problems in the future. How
are her mood swings? If she’s relatively constant, then she’s not a high maintenance kind
of girl.

If the woman you’re dating expects you to change everything she doesn’t like, then she’s
being unreasonable and you won’t end up happy in the long run. Your goal should be to
find someone who makes you happy, not a negative tortured soul.

Tiffany’s Tip:
Always keep your goal in mind and if you find that your relationship is more work than

enjoyment, end it and find true happiness elsewhere.

I’ll admit something to you men – women don’t always want our problems solved. Some
of the women you date are going to thrive on complaining and getting emotional about
certain things.

I know you probably don’t understand this because it’s your nature to see a problem, fix
it, and be done with it. If you can’t stand to hear a woman complain and continue
following the wrong path, resist the urge to fix her problems for her and move on!
You’re not looking for a child to raise.

When you and your woman get in a fight, you have to ask yourself if it’s worth it. If it’s
not worth it, and she’s hypersensitive, then it’s time to move on. If arguing with her is
worth it, just remember that we’re not logical, we’re emotional – and so is our fighting

Is She “The One?”

Eventually, you may find you’re sick of dating and want the security of a loving,
long- lasting relationship. After you’ve mastered the one-night stand techniques, and sex
is no longer an issue, you might want something more.

In a long-term monogamous relationship, you have to accept more responsibility.

That means more respect and no more playing the field. Don’t eyeball other women
when you’re out with her, for example.
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Having a relationship shouldn’t feel like you’re losing your freedom. If you feel
that way, then you may not be ready for it. You should feel honored that you have the
opportunity to build a one-on-one bond with this woman and look forward to a long life

Women will always try to change men. We’ll try to teach you to pick up your
underwear off the floor and how to put the toilet seat down. But we expect you to love us
for who we are, not who you want us to be.

When you’re considering a woman to be a full- time love interest, make sure
you’re up to continuing the dating rituals for the rest of your life. That means keeping up
with the love notes, the occasional flowers and the planned dates.

Can you see yourself listening to this woman for the rest of your life? If she
bothers you, you may not want to invest your time moving toward a committed

Is she the kind of woman who will let you maintain your own identity, or do you
turn into “Relationship Bob?” She should be the kind of woman who appreciates your
friends, not abhors them.

Is she supportive of your dreams? You don’t want a woman who isn’t thrilled
with your career choices, or the fact that you’re interested in taking pottery lessons at
night to launch your pottery shop one day.

Tiffany’s Tip:

Find a woman who loves you for who you are.

You have to love that same woman for who she is – and isn’t – also.

If at First You Don’t

Don’t give up! You might go through 100 women before you find one that’s right for
you. If you’re hanging out at Eddy’s Bar and Grill every Friday and Saturday night and
you’re not having any luck, expand your horizons and break out of the rut that you’re in!

Go to places where the scenery and the people are different from what you’re used to.
You might feel uncomfortable at first, but eventually, you’ll get used to meeting new
people and trying new things.
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Don’t get discouraged if women don’t seem to be picking up on you at first. Sometimes,
men get so used to their old habits that putting on a new façade is very intimidating.

Practice makes perfect – and that goes for everything from dressing in the right clothes to
flirting with and seducing women you meet. It also takes a while to learn what works and
what doesn’t because each woman is different and will desire different things from you.

Think like a writer – rejection is a necessary part of the job. Every time a writer receives
a rejection slip, they look at it as a step toward progress because most authors receive
dozens or hundreds of rejections before they send it to a buying publishers.

The same goes for dating. The two of you have to be on the same playing field before
both become the perfect match, and you have to be in the right place at the right time.

That’s why I advocate Internet dating and dating services so highly. You both know
instantly that the other is seeking love, romance, or fun. You both are able to spell out
your likes and dislikes, and the process is automatically started for you.

Ten Commandments to Win

Over a Woman
I. Thou shall not use pickup lines.

None of them are good. I don’t care how suave you are at pulling one off, you never
know if someone else has used it and you’ll appear cheesy. Instead, use an honest,
specific pick- up line based on what’s happening around you.

For example, “It sure is crowded here tonight. Want me to buy your drink for you so you
don’t have to stand in this long line?” It’s an opener, it’s considerate, and it will get your
foot in the door.

II. Thou shall flirt like there’s no tomorrow.

Flirting is an art. It takes practice and it also gives your confidence level a boost. Flirting
with all women makes it easier for you to take the pressure off because it will become a
natural part of your persona, not something you do only when you’re trying to hit on a

III. Thou shall not worry about what women are thinking.
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We’re all different. Don’t walk up nervously wondering if your hair, outfit, career
choice, or anything else disgusts her. Confidence is what we’re seeking and when we see
it, we’ll be yours for the taking.

IV. Thou shall make an effort to plan a date other than dinner and
a movie.
Originality is a plus with women. Men always choose dinner and movie, which is fun,
but not creative. Show her you’re not like other men. Drum up a different kind of date –
the kind you’d see on a Television dating show where they swim with dolphins or make
pottery together like in the movie Ghost.

V. Thou shall not discuss taboo topics.

No politics, religion, past relationships, etc. If you want to impress a woman, ask a lot of
questions – we love to talk. Remember to try to stay positive about subjects, and only
rarely mention something negative.

VI. Thou shall make an effort to listen at all times.

One thing we look for in our own girlfriends is someone who’s a good listener. Since we
like to talk and complain and whine about what’s going on in our day, we need good

If you’re daydreaming on our date, we’ll know it and we won’t appreciate that you don’t
seem interested in getting to know us very well. Listening also allows you to pick up on
hints about what she likes and doesn’t like, so you can surprise her with these things in
the future.

VII. Thou shall not be too eager on a date.

Take it slow, or we might nix the nookie later on in the evening. If you’re staring at our
chest, salivating over what you’re seeing, it might turn a woman off and cause her to
chalk you up to almost every other man she’s ever dated.

Feign interest – even if you’re not interested, and the date will go more smoothly, not to
mention you’ll gain the possibility of a sexual encounter.

VIII. Thou shall focus on the little things that make her happy.

Don’t have big bucks? Don’t worry! Even if you do, you should not always try to
impress a woman with your wallet. We want to know that you still have that little boy in
you who used to bring his mommy dandelions from the front yard.
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Hand made cards, a balloon with marker written on it and a sweet message, a candy bar
in our purse with a note about how sweet we are – all of these things will score you big

IX. Thou shall not lose sight of what you want in a woman.
Just as it’s important to find a woman interested in you, it’s equally important that you
not settle for a woman who doesn’t make you happy. Consider everything from beauty to
brains and then look for a woman who lives up to your standards.

If you set your standards so high that you’ve turned into a Shallow Hal, then you might
try figuring out what you’d want in a woman if you were blind. Then, find a beautiful
woman who also contains those qualities.

X. Thou shall look for love in all places.

From now on – every place you go is your singles scene. Every time you shop, pump
gas, work, etc., you’re on the prowl. Finding love is the easy part – keeping it is where
you’ll be putting in the most effort!

Approaching A Woman -
What to Do and Say That
Will Boost Your Chances of
Getting the Girl
When you first approach a woman, you can tell if she's going to welcome your advances
just by her body language. If she turns away from you and appears to be busying herself
doing something else, you'll know she's not interested.

If she shyly looks away, but remains turned in your direction, she's being demure and
welcoming your introduction. Twirling hair and sipping on our drinks are another flirty
form of telling you it's okay to approach.

Walk up and smile at her and simply introduce yourself to her. You don't have to have
some witty comment. Casual introductions are wonderful. And be sure to make eye
contact. We're not happy when men focus on us below the neckline when acting as if
they're interested in us - make eye contact and show her you're a true gentleman who
wants to learn more about her.
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Once you introduce yourself, you should begin by asking her a question or commenting
about the surroundings. "It's crowded here tonight, isn't it?" Or, "I'm an awful dancer - do
you two-step?"

When you first get to know someone, you'd expect there would be fluent conversation
with no breaks - since the two of you have so much "getting to know you" to do. But
there are often uncomfortable silences.

When a silence occurs, don't sweat it! Offer to buy her a drink or take her out on the
dance floor. Or, get to the point and say, "I hate awkward silences, don't you?" Laughing
about the awkwardness is a sure way to break the ice.

Women love humor. Self-deprecating humor can put others at ease, but if you go too far
with it, it might make you seem pathetic. Don't discount your looks or the fact tha you're
35 and still live with your mother.

Instead, make fun of men in general. Go online and visit a joke website and use some
fresh generic jokes on her. Don't use bathroom humor if you're unsure whether or not
she's a prissy high- maintenance woman who wouldn't find it funny.

If it seems as if she's just not warming up to you, cut the conversation short and see how
it goes later on in the evening. Tell her, "I'm going to take a break and step outside for
some fresh air - I'll catch up with you later and maybe we can dance."

If the girl is interested in you, when you come back in, she'll have an excuse to come up
to you and ask you how you're feeling now that you've had a breather. She may also take
you up on that dance.

Sometimes, men think everything is going along fine, and then they get home with the
girl's phone number and it's out of service or belongs to someone else. How do you avoid
getting ripped off?

Leave it up to her to offer her number. Don't ask for it. Simply say, "I'll look for you
again here and maybe we'll run into each other." She'll probably say, "Why don't you call
me and we'll plan to get together?"

But if you are too direct and ask for her number, she may balk and feel unsure giving out
that information. For some reason, we women feel safer if we hold the reigns in the
beginning over communication.

If you do get her number, when do you call? Call when you say you're going to call. If
you say "tomorrow," then make it tomorrow. We wait by our phones if you're someone
we really like, and if you make us sit home all day and you never call, you won't get a
second chance.
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If neither of you specify, then call about 3-4 days after you first meet her. If you meet her
Saturday night, then call on Tuesday or Wednesday to see if she has plans for the
upcoming weekend. If you wait until Thursday, it could be too late.

When you call, be friendly and simple in your conversation. "Is Sarah there? Hi Sarah,
this is Dan, we met at Club Zero Saturday night. How's your week going?" This reminds
her who you are, and gets her to start talking about her week thus far - we love to spill
details about our lives.

Tell her a little about your week, and then be honest and say, "Well I won't keep you long
- I just had a great time the other night and I was hoping you'd be there again this
weekend." If she already has plans to go, just tell her you'll see her there. If she isn't sure,
ask her out - "Well let me give you my number and if you'd like to go with me, or meet
up there, you can let me know later on in the week."

This puts the ball in her court and you haven't kept her on the phone if she's busy doing
something else. Always leave a woman wanting more - we don't like clingy men - we
want to work for your attention, but we want to win it in the end.

If she wasn't fond of the place you first met, ask her if she'd like to go somewhere else -
another bar you're familiar with, or if she prefers, a less crowded scene like a quiet pool
hall (we love to pretend we don't know how to play so you can teach us).

If you just met her, it's best not to ask for the dinner and a movie date just yet. Keep it
public and fun and wait until the second date to get her out on the town with just the two
of you.

Always offer to meet her wherever you're going, but also offer to pick her up. We
sometimes like to meet you there for safety measures, but if you don't offer to drive us,
you might seem ungentlemanly.

You might also find women who like to have a man buy them drinks all night and then
don't follow through with any communication once they've gotten what they want from

If the woman is busy making rounds in the room and comes back to you once in awhile to
chat (just when it seems she's low on her margarita), take a pass and let her buy her own
drinks for awhile.

During this entire game of first contact, women are gauging your attentiveness and your
motives. Are you really interested in us, or just a one-night stand? Does he like me for
my wit and great character, or my 36D chest?

You can make a good impression by being genuinely interested in what a woman is
thinking and saying. Not only will it get you in her good graces, but it will give you extra
insight into the mind of the opposite sex.
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Using Her Friends to Your

Many men have a hard time zeroing in on the right moment to approach a woman. It's
especially hard because we tend to flock together with our friends, which is even more

The best time to approach a woman when you're out in a singles environment, like a bar,
is after she's been there for at least 30 minutes and has had a chance to relax and begin
enjoying the scene.

You don't want to walk up to her right when she walks in the door. We like to sit down,
buy a drink and see what's going on around us before we start up a conversation with a
new guy.

If you're out in public and run into a woman you'd like to meet, just make sure you
approach her when she's not in the middle of something already - like an important cell
phone call - or rushing to make a meeting.

Now, what if her friends are with her? This can actually work to your advantage. You can
use her friends to get to the woman you're really after. Striking up a conversation with a
woman you're not interested in is much easier because you're not nervous about her

For instance, go up to one of her friends and say something like, "I'm really shy, but I'd
be so grateful if you'd introduce me to your friend in the pink blouse." Please don't add
any tacky adjectives such as "hot babe," or "smoking cutie."

If you've been meeting eyes with a woman off and on for a little while in the bar, you can
walk up and tell her she has the most beautiful eyes. Yes, it's a line, but since you've been
looking directly at her eyes, you won't appear to be lying - just enthralled.

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