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GECC 102 - Science, Technology, and Society Final Notes

When Technology and Humanity Cross


Purpose: To understand how technological advancements intersect with human life, shaping our
society, ethics, and future.

Key Question: How does technology redefine what it means to be human?

Historical Context

Pre-Industrial Era: Use of basic tools and simple machines, leading to the development of
societies based on agriculture and craftsmanship.

Industrial Revolution:

Significance: Marked a shift from agrarian societies to industrialized ones.

Examples: Steam engine, mechanized weaving.

Impact: Urbanization, changes in labor, and the birth of the modern economy.

Contemporary Technological Developments

Information Technology:

Innovations: Internet, smartphones, social media.

Impact: Revolutionized communication, but raised issues about data privacy and


Advancements: Genetic engineering, CRISPR, stem cell research.

Ethical Issues: Designer babies, genetic privacy, patenting of life forms.

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics:

Applications: Autonomous vehicles, facial recognition, AI in healthcare.

Societal Impact: Job displacement, ethical programming, AI bias.

Ethical and Societal Implications

Privacy and Surveillance: Balancing benefits of technologies like CCTV and online data collection
with individual rights.

Digital Divide: Unequal access to technology leads to disparities in education, job opportunities,
and healthcare.

Human Identity and Augmentation:

Example: Neural implants for enhanced cognitive abilities.

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Debate: Ethical concerns about creating a 'superhuman' divide.

Case Studies

Social Media and Democracy:

Issue: Influence on elections, spread of fake news.

Example: Facebook's role in political campaigns.

Autonomous Vehicles:

Ethical Dilemma: Decision-making in life-threatening scenarios (trolley problem).

Example: Self-driving car accident cases.

CRISPR and Gene Editing:

Potential: Cure genetic diseases.

Risks: Unintended genetic mutations, ethical concerns about 'playing God'.

Future Trends and Considerations


Concept: Using technology to enhance human capacities.

Example: Brain-computer interfaces like Neuralink.

Technological Singularity:

Theory: Point where AI surpasses human intelligence.

Implications: Unpredictable changes in society and human existence.

Sustainable Technologies:

Need: Address environmental issues.

Examples: Renewable energy, electric vehicles.

Reflective Questions

How can we ensure ethical use of technology?

What policies should govern the development and implementation of new


Further Reading

• "Homo Deus" by Yuval Noah Harari.

• "Life 3.0" by Max Tegmark.

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GECC 102 - Science, Technology, and Society Final Notes

Why Does the Future Not Need Us?


Purpose: Examine the implications of rapid technological advancements and their potential to
make human skills and labor redundant.

Key Question: What is the role of humanity in an increasingly automated and AI-driven future?

Technological Displacement

Definition: The phenomenon where technology, especially automation and AI, replaces human

Historical Examples:

Industrial Revolution: Machines replacing manual textile workers.

20th Century: Assembly line robots in automotive industry.

Current Trends: AI and robotics in sectors like manufacturing, services, and even creative

Artificial Intelligence and Automation

Advancements in AI: Machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks surpassing human
capabilities in specific tasks.

Impact on Jobs:

Examples: Self-checkout systems, automated customer service, AI in content creation.

Result: Shift in job market with a decrease in demand for certain skills.

Ethical and Societal Implications

Economic Inequality: Risk of widening the gap between those who control technology and those
displaced by it.

Social Impact:

Potential Issues: Loss of purpose, identity crisis, mental health challenges due to job

Need for Reskilling: Importance of adapting education and training to prepare for new
job landscapes.

Human-Machine Synergy

Collaborative Roles: Exploring how humans can work alongside AI and robots, leveraging human
creativity and emotional intelligence.

New Job Creation:

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Areas: AI ethics, machine learning oversight, human-AI interaction design.

Example: AI trainers who teach AI systems about human nuances.

Philosophical Perspectives

Questioning Human Centrality: The debate over whether human beings are central to the future
or if we are becoming peripheral to technological systems.


Concept: Enhancing human capabilities through technology.

Ethical Questions: Concerns about equity, identity, and what it means to be human.

Policy and Governance

Regulation of AI and Automation: Need for policies to manage the impact of technology on
employment and society.

Universal Basic Income: Discussing UBI as a potential solution to job displacement caused by

Reflective Questions:

How can society prepare for a future where many traditional jobs are automated?

What new roles can humans assume in an AI-dominated world?

Further Reading:

• "The Second Machine Age" by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee.

• "Rise of the Robots" by Martin Ford.

Biodiversity and the Healthy Society


Purpose: Explore the vital role of biodiversity in maintaining a healthy society and its broader
implications for ecosystem services, human well-being, and sustainable development.

Key Question: How does biodiversity contribute to the health and sustainability of human

Understanding Biodiversity

Definition: Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth, encompassing variability among
living organisms from all sources, including terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems.


Genetic Diversity: Diversity within species.

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Species Diversity: Variety of species within a habitat or region.

Ecosystem Diversity: Variety of habitats, natural communities, and ecological processes.

Biodiversity's Role in Society

Ecosystem Services:

Provisioning Services: Food, fresh water, medicinal resources.

Regulating Services: Climate regulation, flood control, disease regulation.

Cultural Services: Spiritual, recreational, and cultural benefits.

Supporting Services: Nutrient cycling, soil formation, primary production.


Pollination of crops by bees.

Wetlands filtering pollutants, providing flood protection.

Biodiversity and Human Health

Direct Benefits: Medicinal resources and genetic materials, nutritious food sources.

Indirect Benefits: Well-being through ecosystem stability, clean air and water, and recreational

Case Studies:

Traditional medicines derived from plants.

Mental health benefits of interacting with diverse natural environments.

Threats to Biodiversity

Human Activities: Habitat destruction, pollution, overexploitation, climate change.

Impact: Loss of species, weakened ecosystems, reduced quality of ecosystem services.

Example: Deforestation leading to loss of species and reduced carbon sequestration.

Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Practices

Conservation Strategies: Protected areas, habitat restoration, sustainable resource


Sustainable Development: Balancing biodiversity conservation with economic and social


Global Initiatives: Convention on Biological Diversity, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Policy and Governance

Importance of Legislation: Laws and regulations to protect endangered species and habitats.

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Community Involvement: Engaging local communities in conservation efforts and decision-

making processes.

Reflective Questions:

How can individuals contribute to biodiversity conservation?

What role should governments and international organizations play in preserving biodiversity?

Further Reading:

• "The Diversity of Life" by Edward O. Wilson.

• "Half-Earth: Our Planet's Fight for Life" by Edward O. Wilson.

Genetically Modified Organisms: Science, Health, and Society


Purpose: To explore the science behind genetically modified organisms (GMOs), their impact on
health and society, and the surrounding ethical debates.

Key Question: How do GMOs affect our health, environment, and society, and what are the
ethical considerations involved?

What are GMOs?

Definition: Organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated through genetic

Methods Used: Techniques like CRISPR, gene splicing, and transgenic technology.


Agricultural Crops: Modified for pest resistance, herbicide tolerance, or improved

nutritional content.

Medical Applications: Genetically modified bacteria or yeasts for insulin production.

GMOs and Food Security

Increased Yield: GMO crops can have higher yields, contributing to food security.

Disease Resistance: Genetic modifications can make crops resistant to diseases and pests,
reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

Example: BT crops that produce a toxin harmful to specific pests but safe for human

Health Impacts

Nutritional Enhancement: GMOs like Golden Rice, fortified with Vitamin A to combat

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Safety Concerns: Debates over potential allergenicity, long-term health effects.

Regulatory Aspects: Stringent testing and approval processes by bodies like the FDA, EFSA.

Environmental Considerations

Reduced Chemical Use: Some GMOs require fewer chemical inputs (pesticides, herbicides),
reducing environmental impact.

Biodiversity Concerns: Potential risks to non-target species, gene flow to wild relatives.

Soil Health: Impact of genetically modified crops on soil ecosystems.

Ethical and Societal Debates

Labeling and Consumer Choice: Debates over labeling GMO foods and the right to know what's
in our food.

Corporate Control: Issues around patenting of life forms and the dominance of large
corporations in agricultural biotechnology.

Global Perspectives: Varied acceptance and regulation of GMOs in different countries.

Case Studies

The Flavr Savr Tomato: First commercially grown genetically engineered food to be granted a
license for human consumption.

Golden Rice: Genetically modified to produce Vitamin A, aimed at reducing vitamin A deficiency
in developing countries.

Policy and Governance

Regulation of GMOs: National and international regulations governing the development, testing,
and sale of GMOs.

Intellectual Property Rights: Patent laws and their implications for GMOs and agricultural

Reflective Questions:

What are the ethical implications of genetically modifying organisms?

How should society balance the potential benefits and risks of GMOs?

Further Reading:

• "Seeds of Science: Why We Got It So Wrong On GMOs" by Mark Lynas.

• "Mendel in the Kitchen: A Scientist's View of Genetically Modified Foods" by Nina V.
Fedoroff and Nancy Marie Brown.

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GECC 102 - Science, Technology, and Society Final Notes

The Nano World


Purpose: To delve into the realm of nanotechnology, exploring its principles, applications, and
the potential impact on society and the environment.

Key Question: How does nanotechnology transform our approach to science, technology, and
the challenges we face in society?

Basics of Nanotechnology

Definition: Nanotechnology involves manipulating matter at the nanoscale (approximately 1 to

100 nanometers) to create new materials and devices.


Nanoscale: A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. At this scale, materials exhibit

different physical and chemical properties.

Quantum Effects: Unique phenomena at the nanoscale affecting conductivity, reactivity,

and optical properties.

Applications of Nanotechnology


Drug Delivery: Nano-carriers for targeted drug delivery, improving efficacy and reducing
side effects.

Diagnostics: Nanosensors for early disease detection.

Materials Science:

Stronger Materials: Nanocomposites used in aerospace, automotive industries.

Smart Textiles: Fabrics with enhanced properties like stain resistance or thermal


Water Purification: Nanofilters for removing pollutants from water.

Energy Efficiency: Nanomaterials in solar panels and batteries enhancing efficiency and
reducing costs.

Health and Safety Aspects

Unknown Risks: Uncertainty about the long-term health and environmental impacts of

Research Efforts: Ongoing studies to understand and mitigate potential risks.

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Ethical and Societal Implications

Privacy Concerns: Nano-enabled surveillance technologies.

Economic Disruption: Potential job displacement in traditional industries.

Global Divide: Risk of widening the gap between nations with and without nanotechnology

Nanotechnology and Sustainability

Green Nanotechnology: Developing sustainable nanomaterials and processes.

Solutions for Environmental Challenges: Nanotech applications in renewable energy and

pollution control.

Policy and Governance

Regulation Needs: Developing guidelines for safe development and use of nanotechnology.

Intellectual Property: Challenges in patenting nanoscale inventions.

Case Studies

Carbon Nanotubes: Revolutionizing materials with their strength and electrical conductivity.

Nanomedicine in Cancer Therapy: Use of nanoparticles for targeted cancer treatment, reducing
harm to healthy cells.

Reflective Questions:

What ethical considerations should guide the development of nanotechnology?

How can we ensure equitable access to the benefits of nanotechnology?

Further Reading:

• "Nanotechnology: Understanding Small Systems" by Ben Rogers, Sumita Pennathur, and

Jesse Adams.
• "Nano: The Essentials" by T. Pradeep.

The Aspects of Gene Therapy


Purpose: Explore the science of gene therapy, its applications, challenges, and impact on
healthcare and society.

Key Question: How does gene therapy work and what are its implications for the future of

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Understanding Gene Therapy

Definition: A medical field that involves modifying or manipulating genes to treat or prevent


Gene Replacement: Introducing a healthy gene to compensate for a dysfunctional one.

Gene Silencing: Turning off genes that are functioning improperly.

Gene Editing: Precisely altering genetic sequences, e.g., using CRISPR-Cas9 technology.

Applications in Medicine

Target Diseases:

Genetic Disorders: Cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, hemophilia.

Cancer: Tailoring treatments to target specific genetic mutations in tumors.

Viral Infections: Developing antiviral therapies, including HIV treatment strategies.

Recent Breakthroughs: Success stories and ongoing clinical trials in gene therapy.

Technological and Scientific Challenges

Delivery Systems: Developing safe and effective methods to deliver genetic material into cells
(e.g., viral vectors).

Precision and Control: Ensuring targeted and controlled gene editing to avoid off-target effects.

Long-term Effects: Understanding and monitoring the long-term implications of gene


Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications

Consent and Access: Ensuring informed consent and equitable access to gene therapy

Ethical Considerations: Debates around genetic modification, especially in germline cells.

Regulatory Frameworks: Navigating the complex landscape of regulatory approvals for new

Case Studies

Luxturna: A gene therapy for treating a rare form of inherited vision loss.

CAR T-cell Therapy: A revolutionary approach in cancer treatment using genetically modified T-

The Future of Gene Therapy

Potential Developments: Expanding the range of treatable diseases, improving delivery

methods, and reducing costs.
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Personalized Medicine: The role of gene therapy in the move towards more personalized
treatment plans.

Reflective Questions:

What are the ethical boundaries in the application of gene therapy?

How can society ensure that gene therapy is developed responsibly and equitably?

Further Reading:

• "The Gene: An Intimate History" by Siddhartha Mukherjee.

• "Gene Therapy: Principles and Challenges" by Amit Nathwani and Andrew Davidoff.

Climate Change and the Energy Crisis


Purpose: To examine the interconnected nature of climate change and the global energy crisis,
exploring their causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

Key Question: How do climate change and the energy crisis influence each other, and what can
be done to mitigate these interlinked global challenges?

Understanding Climate Change

Definition: A long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s
local, regional, and global climates.


Natural Factors: Volcanic eruptions, variations in solar radiation.

Anthropogenic Factors: Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels, deforestation,

industrial processes.

Effects: Rising global temperatures, melting ice caps, increased frequency of extreme weather

The Global Energy Crisis

Overview: The increasing demand for energy, dependence on non-renewable fossil fuels, and
the challenges in transitioning to renewable energy sources.

Key Issues:

Resource Depletion: Diminishing reserves of oil, coal, and natural gas.

Energy Security: Reliance on energy imports, geopolitical tensions.

Economic Impacts: Fluctuating energy prices, impact on global and local economies.

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Link Between Climate Change and Energy

Energy Production and Emissions: The majority of greenhouse gases come from burning fossil
fuels for energy.

Renewable Energy as a Solution: Transitioning to solar, wind, hydro, and other renewable
sources to reduce carbon footprint.

Mitigation Strategies

Policy Interventions: International agreements (e.g., Paris Agreement), government policies

promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency.

Technological Innovations: Advances in renewable energy technology, energy storage, and smart
grid systems.

Behavioral Changes: Encouraging energy conservation and sustainable consumption patterns

among individuals and communities.

Adaptation to Climate Change

Building Resilience: Developing infrastructure and communities to be more resilient to climate

change impacts.

Support for Vulnerable Regions: Assisting regions and populations most affected by climate

Case Studies

Germany’s Energiewende: Transition to a low-carbon, environmentally sound, reliable,

and affordable energy supply.

Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Vulnerability to climate change and innovative
approaches to sustainable energy.

Policy and Governance

International Collaboration: Importance of global cooperation in addressing climate change and

energy challenges.

National Policies: Examples of countries leading the way in renewable energy adoption and
climate change mitigation.

Reflective Questions:

What roles can individuals, communities, and governments play in addressing the dual
challenges of climate change and the energy crisis?

How can we balance economic growth with the need for sustainable energy practices?

Further Reading:

• "This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate" by Naomi Klein.

• "Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air" by David J.C. MacKay.

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Environmental Awareness

Purpose: To foster a deeper understanding of environmental awareness, its importance, and

how it influences individual and collective actions towards sustainable living.

Key Question: How can increased environmental awareness lead to more sustainable practices
and policies?

What is Environmental Awareness?

Definition: A broad understanding of environmental issues, their causes, and impacts on

ecosystems and human health.

Components: Knowledge of environmental challenges, sensitivity to nature, and a willingness to

engage in sustainable practices.

Key Environmental Challenges

Climate Change: Understanding the causes, impacts, and responses to global warming.

Pollution: Types (air, water, soil) and their effects on ecosystems and health.

Biodiversity Loss: Causes and consequences of declining species and ecosystems.

Resource Depletion: Overconsumption of natural resources like water, forests, and minerals.

The Role of Education and Awareness

Environmental Education: Integrating environmental topics in education to build a

knowledgeable and engaged public.

Public Awareness Campaigns: Media campaigns, events, and initiatives to raise awareness and
encourage action.

Sustainable Practices

Individual Actions: Reducing waste, recycling, conserving water and energy, and adopting eco-
friendly habits.

Community Initiatives: Community gardens, local conservation projects, and sustainable urban

Corporate Sustainability: Corporate social responsibility initiatives, sustainable business


Policy and Advocacy

Environmental Policies: Importance of governmental policies in regulating and promoting

sustainable practices.

Activism and Advocacy: Role of NGOs, activists, and the public in advocating for environmental

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Case Studies

Plastic Pollution and Reduction Initiatives: Success stories of plastic bans and reduction

Community-led Conservation Projects: Examples of successful local initiatives in preserving and

restoring natural habitats.

The Future of Environmental Awareness

Technological Solutions: Innovations contributing to environmental protection and


Global Movements: The rise of global environmental movements and their impact on policy and
societal change.

Reflective Questions:

How can individuals and communities become more actively involved in environmental

What are the most effective strategies for promoting environmental awareness and sustainable

Further Reading:

• "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson.

• "The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming" by David Wallace-Wells.

Alternative Energy Resources


Purpose: To explore the range of alternative energy resources, their benefits, challenges, and the
role they play in transitioning to a sustainable energy future.

Key Question: How can alternative energy resources contribute to solving the global energy
crisis and mitigating climate change?

Overview of Alternative Energy Resources

Definition: Energy sources that are an alternative to the most commonly used non-sustainable
sources like coal, oil, and natural gas.


Solar Power: Harnessing energy from the sun.

Wind Energy: Using wind to generate electricity.

Hydropower: Electricity generated from flowing water.

Geothermal Energy: Heat derived from the earth's internal heat.

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Biomass: Organic material used as fuel.

Solar Energy

Technology: Solar panels (photovoltaic cells) and solar thermal systems.

Applications: Residential, commercial, utility-scale solar farms.

Advantages: Abundant, renewable, low operating costs.

Challenges: Intermittency, storage, and land use.

Wind Energy

Technology: Wind turbines.

Applications: Onshore and offshore wind farms.

Advantages: Renewable, low emission, cost-effective at scale.

Challenges: Variability, visual impact, and impact on wildlife.


Types: Traditional dams, run-of-the-river, tidal energy.

Advantages: Reliable, renewable, and capable of large-scale energy production.

Challenges: Environmental and social impact of large dams, ecosystem disruption.

Geothermal Energy

Technology: Tapping into the earth's heat with geothermal plants.

Advantages: Reliable, low emissions, small land footprint.

Challenges: Location-specific, high initial investment.

Biomass Energy

Sources: Wood, agricultural residues, energy crops.

Applications: Electricity generation, heating, biofuels.

Advantages: Utilizes waste materials, can be carbon-neutral.

Challenges: Competition with food production, land use, and air quality concerns.

Integration and Grid Challenges

Energy Storage: Importance of developing efficient storage solutions like batteries.

Grid Integration: Managing the variability and distribution of renewable energy in the power

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Policy and Economic Considerations

Government Incentives: Subsidies, tax incentives, and funding for research and development.

Economic Viability: Reducing costs through technological advancements and economies of


Global Perspectives and Case Studies

Leading Countries: Examples of countries that have successfully integrated high levels of
alternative energy (e.g., Denmark, Iceland, Germany).

Innovative Projects: Notable projects like the Solar Impulse 2 solar-powered aircraft or the
Orkney Islands' renewable energy initiatives.

Reflective Questions:

What are the key barriers to adopting alternative energy resources on a wider scale?

How can individuals and communities contribute to the transition towards alternative energy?

Further Reading:

• "Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air" by David J.C. MacKay.

• "Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future" by Godfrey Boyle.

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