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Classroom Climate Survey Questionnaire

Name(Optional):_________________________ Program:_______
Date:_________ Sex:________

Direction: Please use the following rating scale in making your judgement.
Check the box that corresponds to your answer. (5) Always, (4) Often, (3)
Sometimes, (2) Rarely, and (1) Never.

A. Student and Teacher Relationship 1 2 3 4 5

1. Do you feel respected by your teachers in the
2. Are you encouraged by your teachers to ask for help
when you are struggling with a concept or
3. How often do your teachers acknowledge your efforts
and achievements in the classroom?
4. Do you feel your teachers value your contributions
and opinions during class discussions?
5. How often do your teachers create a positive and
supportive atmosphere for learning in the classroom?

B. Classroom Dynamics 1 2 3 4 5
1. How often do you feel that students respect each
other in the classroom?
2. How often do students work well together during
group activities?
3. How often do you witness positive interactions among
4. How frequently do you feel that all students have an
equal opportunity to participate in class?
5. How often do you feel that the classroom atmosphere
is positive and conducive to learning?

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