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Procc| Rcpor| on

Makin a Busincss plan |o launch a

mobilc in compc|i|ion wi|h Applc Iphonc

Submi||cd bv:-
Gaurav Sonar
Roll no. 147


Busincss plan is a dc|ailcd documcn| dcscribin |hc pas|, prcscn| and lu|urc linancial and
opcra|ional obcc|ivcs ol a companv. Ccllular providcr`s Iccll is |akin an advan|ac ol an
oppor|uni|v |o bccomc a hihlv dis|inuishcd and rcconizcd indus|rv lcadcr in |hc ccllular
communica|ions indus|rv. I| is |hc oal ol our companv |o bccomc cs|ablishcd as |hc lcadin
dis|ribu|or ol wirclcss communica|ions scrviccs and |o launch a ccll phonc in compc|i|ion wi|h
Applc Iphonc.
In ordcr |o achicvc |his oal, Our cri|ical succcss lac|ors will bc |o idcn|ilv cmcrin |rcnds and
in|cra|c |hcm in|o Ccllular Providcrs' opcra|ions, rcspond quicklv |o |cchnolov chancs/bc |hcrc
carlv, providc hih-quali|v scrviccs, con|inuc |o invcs| |imc and moncv in markc|in and
advcr|isin, con|inuc |o cxpand in|o spccial|v markc|s, and s|av ahcad ol |hc '|cchnolov curvc.'
Vc planncd |o s|ar| ini|iallv a solc propric|orship |o producc Iccll which compc|c Applc iphonc
and providc bc||cr scrviccs |han i|..
Iccll is a mul|imcdia dcvicc, wi|h wirclcss in|crnc| capabili|ics, all incorpora|cd in|o a hand hcld
mobilc phonc. I|s lunc|ions includc; a camcra, mul|imcdia plavcr, mobilc |clcphonc, cmail, |cx|
mcssain and wcb browsin. Thc uscr in|crlacc ol |hc iPhonc is considcrcd rcvolu|ionarv bv i|s
crca|ors. I| allows |hc uscr |o in|crac| wi|h |hc phonc via a |ouch scrccn inpu|, wi|h wha| has bccn
dubbcd 'Mul|iTouch' |cchnolov. This allows |hc uscr |o usc morc |han onc lincr |o carrv ou|
opcra|ions on |hc phonc, such as pinchin lincrs |oc|hcr on |hc |ouch scrccn |o zoom in|o a

1. To become the market leader to compete with Apple Iphone within Two years.
2. To have the best and most responsive customer service by year-end Year 1.
3. To gain 15 market share by the end oI 1 year.

Companv Loca|ion and lacili|ics:

Ccllular providcrs lcascs i|s 1,000 squarc lcc| hcad ollicc which has adcqua|c ollicc spacc |o
conduc| i|s opcra|ions a| mumbai. A| somc poin| in |hc lu|urc, manacmcn| cxpcc|s |o ou|row
|his ollicc spacc. Addi|ional ollicc spacc will bc souh| a| |hc appropria|c |imc.

The company has a developed mix oI services targeting both businesses and consumers. At
today's breakneck pace oI business, companies need more ways than ever to keep in touch, and
the easier the better.
Icell is an innovative product and service oIIerings provide the Iollowing advantages to
O $mart Phone
O 3G,Bluetooh,Wi-Ii
O wlteless lotetoet commoolcotloo uevlce
O .0 inch Wide screen
O 9uA compotet ooJ cometo
O Three sensors
O IO$ operating system
O lash
O &p to 60 GB storage
O ong Battery hours

Markc|in Analvsis:
Marketing Strategy
Ccllular Providcrs dcvclopcd i|s salcs and markc|in s|ra|cv bv analvzin i|s own in|crnal s|rcn|hs
and |hcn analvzin currcn| markc| condi|ions. This proccss hclpcd Ccllular Providcrs crca|c i|s
markc|in and salcs s|ra|cv |o lcvcrac i|s compc|i|ivc advan|acs wi|h a uniquc markc|in s|ra|cv,
|hus cs|ablishin i| as |hc na|ion's lcadin wirclcss communica|ions scrvicc providcr lor busincsscs
and consumcrs.
Thc companv will crca|c momcn|um |hrouh cri|ical mass and brand rcconi|ion. Ccllular
Providcrs will moni|or |hc cllcc|ivcncss ol i|s markc|in cllor|s in ordcr |o dc|crminc |hc
advcr|isin rc|urn on invcs|mcn| and |hc commcrcc cncra|cd lrom |hc various channcls.
Ccllular Providcrs' onoin markc|in s|ra|cv involvcs |hc companv main|ainin and cxpandin a
broad basc ol clicn|s in |arc| |crri|orics, cs|ablishin allianccs wi|h produc| and scrviccs companics
so |ha| i| can dclivcr hih-quali|v produc|s, and invokin i|s own oraniza|ion |o brin |hcsc
|oc|hcr and implcmcn| |o|al solu|ions lor cus|omcrs. Thc companv will movc lrom |hc |radi|ional
produc|-locuscd s|ra|cv |o a |o|al-locus on cus|omcr owncrship.
Thc ovcrall markc|in plan lor Ccllular Providcrs' scrvicc is bascd on |hc lollowin lundamcn|als:
O Thc scmcn| ol |hc markc|(si planncd |o rcach.
O Dis|ribu|ion channcls planncd |o bc uscd |o rcach markc| scmcn|s: rc|ail ou|lc|s, salcs
rcprcscn|a|ivcs, and |clcmarkc|in.
O Sharc ol |hc markc| cxpcc|cd |o cap|urc ovcr a lixcd pcriod ol |imc.

1.1 Pricin S|ra|cv
Ccllular Providcrs' rc|ail priccs arc compc|i|ivc and allordablc lor busincsscs. Thc companv has
also cs|ablishcd a pricin and commissions s|ruc|urc lor salcs rcprcscn|a|ivcs and dis|ribu|ors. Bulk
purchasin cnablcs |hc companv |o rcducc i|s cos| ol oods sold, incrcasc rcvcnuc, and pass on |hc
savins |o busincsscs and consumcrs.

1.2 Promo|ion S|ra|cv
Ccllular Providcrs' ovcrall oal is |o cncra|c addi|ional rc|ail |rallic, incrcasc |hc busincss and
consumcr basc, and crca|c morc awarcncss |o |hc nccd lor |his |vpc ol scrvicc in |hc markc|placc.
Currcn|lv, markc|in cllor|s havc rcvolvcd around salcs rcprcscn|a|ivcs and |clcmarkc|in.
Durin 2011, Ccllular Providcrs' markc|in oals also includc posi|ionin |hc companv lor co-
brandin allianccs wi|h scvcral indus|rv lcadcrs. I| is Ccllular Providcrs' bclicl |ha| |hc bcs| wav |o
in|roducc i|s scrviccs |o busincsscs as wcll as consumcrs is |hrouh arcssivc |clcmarkc|in.
In addi|ion |o s|andard advcr|iscmcn| prac|iccs, Ccllular Providcrs will ain considcrablc
rcconi|ion |hrouh |hcsc addi|ional promo|ional mcdiums:
O Prcss rclcascs scn| |o maor indus|rv publica|ions.
O Tclcvision advcr|isin.
O Tradc shows.
O Cons|ruc|ion.
O Oil and as ournals.

Compc|i|or analvsis

Iccll Iphonc 4 HTC Lvo Goolc
Ncxus S
Capaci|v Ip|o 60GB
16GB, 32GB 8GB 16GB 16GB
Ycs No Ip|o `2 Gb No No
Mul|i|ouch Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs Limi|cd
Scrccn sizc
/ 800 x 80 3.5 / 960 x 80 .3 / 800 x 80 / 800 x 80 3.25 / 80 x
Ba||crv Lilc
Talk 7.5
Talk: 7
Talk: 6.7 Talk: 6.7 Talk: 6
GPS Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs Ycs
lron| S backi
5 & VGA 8, 1.3 3.2
Vidco Ldi|or
Ycs Ycs No Ycs No
.5 .8
5.5 4.55 5.5
$159 $199/$299 $199 $199 $199

Valuc proposi|ion

In|cndcd lor s|vlc-conscious ccll phonc consumcrs who would likc |o browsc |hc In|crnc| and
cnov cn|cr|ainmcn| |o-o, |hc iCcll is a smar| phonc |ha| combincs a wcb browscr, cmail, iPod
and pcrsonal compu|cr in|o a sinlc, lashionablc, casv-|o-usc dcvicc.

Thc lollowin s|ra|cv canvas illus|ra|cs how |hc iCcll is dillcrcn|ia|cd lrom |hc BlackBcrrv Pcarl (a
smar| phonci and Applc Iphonc (a popular, s|vlish consumcr phonci.

IceII differentiation
Easy of use Fashionable
Web browsing
Media Player
Carrier availability
PC functionality
actors of Competition
Score (10 = highest)


Valuc Chain

Thc valuc chain bclow illus|ra|cs |hc con|cx| in which Ccllular providcr dclivcrs valuc |o |hc
cus|omcr wi|h |hc iCcll:

Markc| Scmcn|a|ion

Iccll has |arc|cd livc primarv markc| scmcn|s:
1. Gcncral consumcr and busincss markc|.
2. Spor|s Mom |oll-lrcc.
`. Domcs|ic Travclcr/Callin Card.
4. In|crna|ional Travclcr.
5. Mili|arv.

Primarily Outsourced
Primarily Cellular provider
Components Design Build OS / UI Apps Branding Marketing User Billing Network

A. S|rcn|hs

Thc iCcll has scvcral lca|urcs |ha| add |o |hc s|rcn|h ol |hc produc|. Thcsc includc i|s uniquc
look and lccl accompanicd bv a mobilc opcra|in svs|cm. I| has phonc scnsors |ha| work wi|h |hc
mul|i-|ouch scrccn, which is a ncw pa|cn|cd |cchnolov. Thcsc ncw lca|urcs arc prcscn|cd |o a
larc and loval uscr basc |ha| Applc has accrucd ovcr |hc vcars. Addi|ionallv, markc|in was ivcn
suppor| lrom all ovcr |hc in|crnc|, savin |hc companv ovcr 150 million in advcr|isin lccs. Iinallv,
|hc lac| |ha| |hc companv is lirs| |o dclivcr in |his arcna ol compu|cr phoncs is onc ol i|s rca|cs|

strengths weaknesses
opportunities threats
Rich U
User base
First mover
High price / high end
Limited distribution channels
Missing features
Port existing apps
Migrate people to Apple
New social device
Distribute iTunes content
Similar devices
Highly developed market
B. Vcakncsscs

Likc cvcrv ncw produc|, |hcrc arc is a sc| ol wcakncsscs. Ccllular Providcr`s iCcll choicc ol
dis|ribu|ion channcl has also bccn cons|rucd as a wcakncss as |hcv`rc limi|in i| |o onlv Cinular
and Iccll rc|ailcrs. Iinallv, i|s purposc is |o bc qucs|ioncd - docs |hc phonc lullill corpora|c du|ics
or is i| us| an cn|cr|ainmcn| svs|cm. And |hc o|hcr onc is Brand To compc|c wi|h brand likc
Applc is so dillicul| in markc|.

C. Oppor|uni|ics

Thcrc is qui|c a dcmand lor a bc||cr mobilc compu|in cxpcricncc. Thc iCcll |rics |o combinc
bo|h powcrlul compu|in as wcll as cn|cr|ainmcn| in|o onc svs|cm. Pcoplc havc also no|cd |ha|
|hc applica|ions lor dcsk|op can bc scamlcsslv adap|cd lor |hc iCcll. Also, |his is |hc lirs| s|cp
|owards an In|crnc| Pro|ocol-bascd nc|work. Thc cmcrcncc ol Vi-Ii nc|works is pushin lor
|hcrc |o bc visi|or lccs ins|cad ol havin a providcr lock in uscrs. I| is vcrv likclv lor |hc dcvicc lccs
and pav-pcr-vicw svs|cm |o |akc llih|, climina|in |hc mon|h |o mon|h subscrip|ion lcc.

D. Thrca|s

Thc maori|v ol |hrca|s comc lrom o|hcr companics includin Nokia, Sonv, and Goolc wi|h |hcir
rcspcc|ivc produc|s. Smar| phoncs arc onc popular cxamplc |ha| s|ands |o compc|c aains| |hc
iCcll. Thc lac| |ha| |hcsc phoncs run on |hc `G nc|work also pu|s iCcll bchind in |hc spccd racc.
Al|houh |hc cconomv is no loncr in i|s vola|ilc s|acs, |hc rclcasc ol |hc iCcll is s|ill in a |imc
whcrc pcoplc arc cau|ious ol spcndin moncv.

Iinancial plan

Ccllular providcr`s iCcll sccks a sccd round ol cqui|v capi|al |o ini|ia|c corpora|c opcra|ions,
sccurc ollicc and cninccrin spacc, hirc |hc cxccu|ivc s|all and ini|ial cmplovccs, and ini|ia|c
billin and cus|omcr scrvicc lor |hc corc iCcll cus|omcrs. Thc companv sccks s|ar|-up cqui|v
linancin |o accclcra|c markc| pcnc|ra|ion |hrouh a mul|i-mcdia na|ional advcr|isin campain,
hirc addi|ional salcs, markc|in, cus|omcr scrvicc and cninccrin pcrsonncl, and upradc |hc
opcra|ional hardwarc and sol|warc capabili|v ol |hc cxis|in iCcll svs|cm. Thcrc is also a nccd |o
invcs| ovcr |hc ncx| vcar in hardwarc inlras|ruc|urc. This capi|al invcs|mcn| will bc sullicicn| |o
|akc |hc companv |o proli|abili|v and onoin posi|ivc cash llow un|il |hc acquisi|ion ol |hc
companv, or ini|ial public ollcrin ol common s|ock.
Thc companv is ollcrin 20 ol i|s lullv-dilu|cd common s|ock, on a pos|-lundin basis, lor |his
invcs|mcn|, which can bc Scrics A convcr|iblc prclcrrcd s|ock or anv rcasonablc lorm |hc invcs|or
prclcrs. Thc companv has also rcscrvcd onc sca| on i|s Board ol Dircc|ors lor |hc invcs|or(si or his
Thc lollowin linancial plan dc|ails |hc s|allin plan and pro lorma incomc s|a|cmcn|, cash llow,
balancc shcc| and o|hcr linancial analvsis ovcr |hc ncx| |hrcc vcars.

ey Financial Indicators
The key Iinancial perIormance measures Ior iCell are:
O Sales growLh 1he company musL demonsLraLe sLeady and acceleraLlng growLh Lo esLabllsh
markeL presence ln Lhls huge markeLplace WlLh apple
O ross marglns musL remaln hlgh Lo provlde Lhe lnLernal growLh caplLal needed
O 9roducLlvlLy as measured by sales per employee musL be aL leasL $130000 by Lhe end of Lhe
flrsL year and should approach $1 mllllon by Lhe end of year Lhree

Break-even Analysis
The break-even analysis shows that the company has a good balance oI steadily increasing
operating costs and sales, and where the break-even point will be reached in monthly sales.

Impor|an| Assump|ions
Thc linancial plan dcpcnds on impor|an| assump|ions, mos| ol which arc shown bclow. Thc kcv
undcrlvin assump|ions arc:
O A s|ablc world cconomv, wi|h no worsc |han an avcrac cvclical rcccssion.
O As unilicd mcssain |cchnolov con|inucs |o cvolvc, no ncw propric|arv |cchnolov
obsolcsccs |hc iCcll |cchnolov.
O Thc lcdcral ovcrnmcn| docs no| sinilican|lv al|cr |hc rcula|orv clima|c and con|inucs |o
allow |hc cvolu|ion ol |clccommunica|ions in|o a morc compc|i|ivc indus|rv.

Lxccu|ivc Summarv:

In summarv, Ccllular Providcr havc lound scvcral innova|ivc idcas, which allow i| |o con|inuc i|s
succcss in |hc lunc|ionali|v and cncral ood looks ca|corv wi|h |hc iCcll. I bclicvc |ha|
Cco`scs|ima|c ol 10 million iCcll |o bc sold in 2012 is no| as lar-lc|chcd as i| sccms, wi|h all |hc
innova|ions and lunc|ionali|v |ha| appcals |o |hc busincss uscr, as wcll as |hc homc uscr, |his |arc|
is a rcasonablc and rcachablc markcr. Howcvcr, wi|h |hcir arccmcn| wi|h Cinular, Ccllular
providcr havc rca|lv rcs|ric|cd |hcir markc|, and havc possiblv rcduccd |hcir salcs bv kccpin |hc
iCcll on a |wo vcar con|rac| wi|h onlv onc spccilic carricr. Also, Ccllular providcr's nclcc| lor |hc
up-comin |cchnoloics |ha| allow lor a sinilican| incrcasc in da|a |ranslcr ra|cs, in lavour ol
Cinular's (now ou|-da|cdi LDGL nc|work, mcans |ha| |hc iCcll will appcar sluish whcn
comparcd |o somc ol |hc morc sinilican| compc|i|ors bcin rclcascd cvcn bclorc |hc iCcll is duc
|o rcach |hc IS markc|. Il Ccllular providcr wcrc |o look |oward |his ncw |cchnolov, i| mav scc
i|'s po|cn|ial salcs liurcs incrcasc sinilican|lv, as |hc world has bccomc accus|omcd |o |hc las|
spccds ol Broadband in|crnc|, and will scc |hc lack ol spccd currcn|lv uscd in |hc iCcll as a s|cp
back in |imc |o compc|c wi|h Applc`s iPhonc.


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