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Before the semester starts, I know nothing about marketing indeed. As I said in the self-introduction, this course MKTG2010K is just a pre-assigned course which is compulsory to me. Luckily, I have got Reks and Sunny with me, who are my secondary classmates. The first few lectures were quite interesting and attractive to me because I love facing brand new things. Our lecturer (that's you) was enthusiastic and energetic that I was sure that almost the whole class were paying attention to you. To be frank, I was quite nervous to attend this lecture on every Friday because all the students in the class were in fact, very smart. We had Peter, Reks, Jeff, 94 (or 69), Eugenia, Alex, Kyna, etc. All of them were fantastic during the lessons. They seemed to know every words and concepts in the text book, and Peter even recited all the materials. They were so prepared for the lessons, and I talked to myself: I better start studying Marketing earlier and try to catch up with them. Yep, these were what I thought in the beginning of this semester.



After some lectures, Kenneth (you) had given some assignments to us, namely, Mousetrap Ex, Kowloon Chan Election Campaign. All these meant a lot to us studying Marketing, we could apply what we learn on the lectures and from you, 4Ps, PEST, SWOT. I was sure that all these concepts had been internalized in us after completing every tasks wholeheartedly. I was longing for a short break after rushing for these assignments(don't ignore assignments from other courses), but very soon, another big date was coming. The MID-TERM !!!!!!



"It's university life. It's restless. It's restless......" I kept telling myself. It's definitely unimaginable that the course workload was that great. I find it difficult and time-consuming to deal with loads of texts, and most importantly, to figure out the key points of each paragraph. Besides, some concepts I found them confusing, just as you have said, we gotta be very careful when handling some abstract concepts and key words that students often mixed up. Despite the negative emotion, life goes on. Luckily, I still got 41 out of 50. That's because of you. :P Thanks!



"Stay Marketing, stay Magic." I would not forget your words and Ms Lee's sharing in the seminar. I did learn much from it as mentioned in the reflection essay, so I wouldn't talk much about the seminar :D



I was so silly to hope for a break. It's restless!!! After the Mid-Term, once again we came back into groups and started preparing for the BIG PROJECT presentation and report. Our group was quite cooperative and fun, there were always laughter with us during the discussion. Yet, our group still benefited a lot in designing the marketing strategy for the new product of BFY. Presentation was great. We guys really made some real sample of scented BFY as a WOW factor. Not only the audiences were WOW-ed, but surely our

group mates were WOW-ed by such concerted effort. It was a great experience to be in the same group!



Today it is the last lecture, it is so quick. Hope I can have more lecture conducted by you :D I'll try my best in the FINAL!!!!

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