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Carnbria's Enwironrnental Nernrsletter

Vol. I, No. 5 o Summer 1997


Strawbern/Carryon Purchase Compl"eted

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PosterContestYields Cambria's First Fire PreventionSigns "SaT)e
Our Trees FromFireand Disilse" Theme Student Entrants for

7l DonorsPledge$100,000to Purchase 4 PristineAcresfor ForestPreserve

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We did it! A pristine four acre parcel in Strawberry Canyon is now a Greenspace ForestPreserve, retired from dev6lopmentin perpetuity. Thanks to the generosity of 7L donors, eight of them residing outside of Cambria, a precious part of the "old Cambria" will be preserved for future generations. Aided by realtor Dori Watson,
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FORESTPRESERVE SUPPORTERS Some of the 71 individuals, businessesand schoolchildren who contributed funds to purchase4 acres in Strawberrv (seCanyon that is now a Greenspace ForestPreserve. )e stor! page 2 for complete list of donors.)

J.-,i i KfCK nawfey IeO the five week community wide

Have you noticed there are no signs in Cambria or surrounding areas that caution people to prevent forest fires? With l6cal concern over fir^es an ali time high, Greenspace al Director Jacque Kelly approached the loial Califoinia Department of Forestry and was told that they support posting fire-prevention signs, but have no tunds. Not satisfied with the status Beuerage ContainerDonation Centeri Raise quo, Kelly initiated a GreenFunts for Open Space, space poster contest in coYouth Programs operation with school prinTum your discardedCA CASH VALUE beveragecon-tainers cipals and art teachers at into mdney for local open space and youth progiams. Cambria's Grammar Schooland By early August, Greenspacewiil install sfate of the art Santa Lucia Middle School. doriationbins alCambria Vets Hall. Cambria Youth Centerand Studentsaged 10 to 14 years FirstPlace Poster Entryby Nic Moss EastVillage public restrooms. took part iri the contest, #ni"n Greenspace useproceedsfrom will "Save had as its theme, Our Trees From Fire and Disease". donated CA CASH VALUE (also Greenspace directors selected a poster by 8th graders Nic printed on the containers as CA Moss, 14; (first place), Ian MacAdim, 13, (second-place) and R E D E M P T I O N o T R E F U N D |olene Hay,13,- (third place). Twelve other entries received VALUE) beverage containers to honorable mention. GreenspacePresident Art Van Rhyn (also purchase open s-baceand fund Presidentof the CambriaYouthCenter) has replicated L6entries Cambria Youth Cehter prograrns. on signs to be placed throughout Cambria. Important; Donate bnli glass, "Our students are very environmentally aware and eager to aluminum, plasticand steel6ev"erage IN GE participate," Kelly said. She noted that ihe Cambria Girden containers t-hatshow the CA CASH S T A R T S A VRS:C B E V E R Awill CONTAINE Greenspace Club and Joslyn Center Garden Club made substantial VALUE insignia. Mixed (unsorted) have its bins in place by early August. donations arb OK. contributions to this project.

fundraising effort. Purchase of the $100,000 developable parcel was accomplished with donations ranging from 920 to 915,000. Greenspace donated $13,200 toward the purchase of Strawberry Canyon. In addition, a $10,000granl awarded to Greenspaie on Jirne 27 by the Califomia Coa"stalConservancy will go toward reducing the mortgage balance and administration, according to Hawley.

Greenspace Introduces


List of Donors IAtrho Purchased4-Acre Strawberry Canyon ForestPreserve

(ln alphnbetical order):MichaelB LvndaAdelsan; Aldriilse; Suc WilliamAllen; Osborne Attoe; Chr:is CathieBates; & Robert"g AleseBeII;lohn Brannon;Jim & OIga Bucklev; Douc t l-ee Buclornster; Cambria Grammar School; Lucin Caiacchioine; Garu Chrtsfinnsen; Robert MargorieClark;WaltEiMara Cate; I La[a Euans; Harry Farmer;Arlii & NancyGreen;Gredupace, fhe yaines NanwHafus;Cug Cambria LandTrust; Luba Halapaff; & Kelly;lim t KrisKeHuGail& AiaarsInpinsi Hermine Iacque lies; ; Richard Adrianlcnz; leromc MarvanLttiine; {t Lalerne & & Bob McDonnell; Harold& Barbarc Manrde; Bar Moonstone t G:rill: peters,; George Nedleman; t ludy Patterson; Bob Allen I leanne Ann & WaltPicl$r;lohn I Elizabeth Pierce; Mara Sanders; WaIt t KatieSterling; I Darryl Toes; Heather tr lames HoIIieStotter; ChisTrimble; + Art PatVanNiln; BilIIBaibaiaWarren: Doi Watson; + PeteT leanette & Wolfi biuce il'lood. Jim loan Wilson;

ControversyOver FlearstResort GainsNational Attention

USATodau RunsCouer Storu, SierrnCIub 'Toastal Fightof th"e Decade" loins
Recentfront page stories in USA Today,The San Francisco Chronicle, and olhel national media haveiocused on qrowing public support to save pristine San Simeon Point Fom thE developer'sbulldozers. USh Today ran a cover story on May 22 headlined ,,Hearst family development plan fuehCalif. coastal war." "Coastal Fight-of the Decade Under Way in San Simeon,, was the headline of the May 26 issue of the Chronicle,s lengthy


Inboth publications Mark Massara,CoastalDirector for the Sierra Club, and Shirley Bianchi, SLOPlanningCommissioner and San Simeon rancher, were quoted, putting the issue into perspective. you canname a Cambril park benchor an e^ntire park in honor "This is the big of a loved one or friend thiough Creenspaceprog.ams, Fundone. This area is the a-Benchand Adopt-a-Park. For a donation bf $1000,Greenspace will install a memorial Yosemite of the California coast," bench in honor of any person or persons vou desisnate. "ImOr, donate $5000,ahil name an'entire pirk or for"est preserve Massarasaid. for a loved one. Available sites are lticated on Lodee Hill, possible to overconsi-sting parks on Dorking and Wilton Streets,and a four estimate its imporof acre forest preserve in Strawberry Canyon. (Seemap on back tance... it'sshaping page for complete location information.) up as the coista-i Donations Tor benches or parks are'100h tax deductible. fight of the decGreenspacewill earmark funds for park maintenance and open ade." "We're spaceacquisition. talking Greens'pace will install a permanent memorial sicn on all about the last rel uE 4'4F Please contactuifor more maining bastion of /// Uq/.H. r'l/lf 46'//i), 1e-wlydetlicated parks and b^enches. information on our Fund-a-Benchand Adopt-a-park programs. oId California." F.//F/ itr.y lZ'tttrsT PE'/7' k//,Hr said Bianchi. "A project like this would openthe door to development along the entire coast." Local rancher Betty Fiscalini, whose family has owned land here for more than 150years, was quoted by USA as saying the require We need help for the following fundraisers: projectwouldother eipensive improvem6ntsin roads,se#aee facilities and infra'structure, iurther burdening taxpayeis r 9th Annual Greenspace Auction, Sat.,Sept.2T. and leading to additional growth. Art Pleasecontact Greenspacefor reprints of these articles. o

Honor a Loved One With: "Fund-a-Bench" "Adop or t-a-Patk"

Will You Volunteer?

Community Benefit RecyclingProgram

If you can give your time to Greenspace, pleasec;l\ 927-49 for informati6n. 64

We Need Your Old Computers

Have an old286,386 or 486computer you can donate to Greenspace? so, you If can take a nice tax d-eduction ind Greenspace can earn credit toward

Greenspace Board of Directors

From left, Cyndi Butterfield; Rick Hawley, Executive Director; Jacque Kelly; Lynda Adelson, Secretary; Art Van Rhyn, President; Cathie Bates, Treasurer; Jim Brownell and Wayne Attoe.

Machines, has generously agreed give us credit for any old computers donated to Greenspace. _ Simply drop off your old machineswithhim atthe Redwood Center, near Burton and Main in East Village. His telephone number/FAX is 927-1395. You will be given a re.ceiptand mailed documentation by Greenspace use when filing your tax retums. to

"Fight of Decade" Underway to Preserve SanSimeonPoint

Standing Room OnIy Strategy for Workshop Proposed on Hearst Resort
There was standing room only June 30 as an overflow crowd of nearly 350 concemed citizens - Cambrians as well as many from thrbughout the county and state -- took part in the first t'Save the No-rth Coast Actioir Plan Workshop." An Alliance of six environmental groups spbnsored the '.,,,,'i.,., , ,,.,'wo.rkshop,*hi+ focusedheavily :

. Artwork for Annual Art Auction o Office sPacein Cambria . A 486 or Pentium computer o Desktop copier and/or laser printer . RecycledPaPerand office supplies

Coalition to Save Cambria and , ;,il)atEfSeVlefs|"f0ntl1:::: San Simeon; Friends of the aid;fire,nn1dp1o.[i ,,tt::i,:1:;':ir::t W-6-t-eCiiOn,,,,...,,,,.. Ranchland; Sierra Club, Santa iliiiliiil;ii

' We!Ytff,to:p!,! "'ilv,;,., In addition to Greenspace, tor yew 19h.00tli,, ,'i:, sponsoringgroups were:' the ,,,,, '|, .

II[I, IDOilATIOilS ABE i*!i*ii'[f17,'..u..,,...;',',..;lj$fIi""f:["'f:#:''.:I'EIIUCTIBI.EI rOO%TAX ,#ff:!!w :,t,,,',,,,',, 1ff#_f,:ff?8ft,ffffs':f"iT :gn6:" n:lt8ner,tflxe. ',, :..1' pristine Siineon point. San

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vironmental Center of San Luis Obispo County. One messageput acrossby many of the speakerswas that "it's not a done"d6al." Attendees *e.e given an overview of: current legal and community based actrionsnow underway; details about the Coastal Act and the Coastal Commission process;andkey issuesrelated to the developments (i.e.Hearst's resorts, East/West Ranch) that threaten our communities. They were also advised that largescale developments inevitably mean higher taxes and assesiments to pav lor ttew schools,water, sew-ers, roads and fire and police fro'tection. Greenspaceis on record asopposing any develbpment west of Highway One in San Sime^oh. fiils is trabita^t for many threatened o-rendang_ered species,includingthe Elephant Seafs and Monarch Butter-flies. "Old Califomia" for - You can help save this last vestige of tuture generations.Your letters do make a big difference in how oecrsrons made. are


newsletters and other information on our conservation activities. Circle categories and indicate payment method below: D D Familv $25 Patron$2s0 O O O Contributing$S0 Sustaining$500 O Renewal 0 D Sponsoring$100 Benefactor$l0O0

New Member

Enclosedis my $-donation Narne Address City/State/Zip Phone

(L00%tax deductible)

Pleasewrite stating your position "against inappropriate deaelopmentin the Camhiia/Sai Simeonarda that wciila itdd to traffic congest.ion, and water pollution, and destructionof air habitatfor2ndangeredspecies"to' r PeterDouglas, Director, California CoastalCommission 725Front St] Ste.300,SantaCruz, CA 95060 . StateSen.JackO'Connell, StateCapitol, Room 2182, Sacramento, 95814 CA . Assemblyman'Tom Bordonaro Jr., State Capitol, Room 3L41, Sacramento. 95814 CA . US SenatorDiane Feinstein,331Hart Office Bldg., Washingtorl DC 20510 o US SenatorBarbaraBoxer, TT2Hart Office Bldg., Washingtory DC 20510; e-mail: senator@boxer.s"enate. gov Capps,118 Longworth Bldg.,Washington, DC I V-S_R"p.Walter 20515 o Fmr. White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta,15PanettaRd, Carmel Vallery, CA 93924

Where Write: to

O I'd like to give a $ Name Gift Membership to:

Address City/State/Zip O O O Please send acknowledgmentto the recipient I want my gift membership to be anonyinous Bill me n6xI year to renevr this gift meirbership

Check Enclosed Card # Signature 0 O Charge my VISA or MC Exp. Date


D O O Deferred Giving - "Gifts that keep on giving" ConservationEstatePlanning Tax Advantages,ConservationOptions for Landowners

Send to: GREEENSPACE, Cambria Land Trust The Post Office Box 1505. Cambria, CA93428 o 805-927-4964 FAX 805-927-5201



Cniil h l.- \-Comry \*.!.

Where to Find Greenspace PocketParks & ForestPreserves

o . WiltonStreet Park (Lodge Hill)**: Four wooded lots near northwest intersectionof Burton Drive and Wilton, adjacentto Highway One. Wooded lot, acrossfrom PotahantasPa-rkanil Communitv Garden. Purchasedbv Greenspace. Two memorial benches.

a a

Park (Lodee Hill): On five lots, comer of I o Pocahantas Burton Drive and Wiltoi, adiacentto Highway One. Donated by the Allen Petersfamilv. Site6f Grirenspace Organic Community Garden. Ondmemorial bencli. - . Dorking StreetPark+*(Lodge Hill): On Dorking St., - between Emerson and Sandofrn. Donated bv NeXl and Diane Green.Three memorial benches. o Strawberry Canyon Forest Preserve**(Lodge Hill):4 '- acreson Buiton D;ive, at Kay St. Acquirbd bV 71 donors and Greenspace. Pristine fori:st in excellentc<indition.
. The Sterling Forest (Lodge Hill): Half acre pocket park and forest prdserve, on Pirieridse, between Biadford and o Ellis. Donaied by Katie and WaTter Sterling.



+*Nqmeoneof these parksaftera looed one,through the Greenspaie Adopi-a-PaikProsram.Or install'a memorial bench, thiough our FunT-a-Bench " Program. Please Greenspacehr caII further information.

@ Copyright Greenspace, The Cambria Land Trust 1997 Origiria-lClrtoon Page2 Courtesy Art Van Rhyn PRINTED oN RECYGLED PAPER

Post Office Box 1"505 Cambria, CA93428 -49 Telephone: 805-927 64 FAX 805-927-5102

U.S.Bulk Rate PAID PermitNo. 37 Cambria, CA 93/,28 Non-Profit Organization

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