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Weaver Update

JANUARY, 2012 The second half of 2011 was filled with ministry opportunities for the Weavers. Paul had the pleasure of serving in the home church of a Hungarian alumnus who attended the Bible Institute several years ago. The church recently started monthly Bible trainings, and Paul was invited to teach. His task: a survey of a portion of the Old Testament (the entire United and Divided Kingdom Era) in just three hours! It was a great challenge for Paul, but with Gods help the members of the church were greatly encouraged by their time in the Word. How exciting it is for us to help our graduates as they serve the Lord in local church throughout Central Europe! Please pray for more opportunities to encourage WOLH Bible Institute Alumni and the churches in which they serve.

Teaching Gods Word throughout Europe...

Another fruitful teaching opportunity took place just a four and a half hour drive away, in the country of the Czech Republic. Dr. Charles Bethel, Professor and Dean of Graduate Studies at Appalachian Bible College, taught our students here in Hungary, as well as traveled to the Czech Republic to be the guest speaker at a youth conference. Paul drove Dr. Bethel and a couple of our Czech students to Brno, for a weekend of intense Bible studies. Dr. Bethel taught through the book of I Peter and Paul challenged these young people to consider investing a year of their lives to the intensive study of Gods Word at our institute. Two of the young people in attendance, who got saved at the WOL Czech camp, would like to study at our school next year. Both sets of parents are unbelievers. Please pray for them, that their parents will allow them to attend. Less than 1% of Czech Republics people are born-again believers. It is one of the most secular countries in the world. Please pray for us as we train-up and send-out leaders who will be ministering to the HUGE needs of this and many other countries in Central Europe. WOL Hungary is strategically located to help build and strengthen the local churches of Central Europe, through the training of its future pastors, teachers, evangelists, missionaries, and youth workers.

Weaver Update: January, 2012

Pauls PhD Plans

For some time we have been prayerfully considering whether Paul should work towards a PhD. After years of looking at various PhD programs, thinking, praying, and consulting with our Field Director, WOL Headquarters, and several godly men and women, there is a consensus that it is in the best interest of the Word of Life Hungary Bible Institute and our future ministry, for Paul to work towards a PhD in Bible Exposition. We believe the program at Baptist Bible Seminary in Clark Summit, PA is the best for our situation. We are only now publicly sharing this information, quite frankly, because we wanted to make sure Paul could get into the program. Acceptance involves passing an oral interview and four very difficult entrance exams (Bible Exposition, Systematic Theology, Hebrew, and Greek). Last week Paul passed his last exam and is now officially enrolled in his first PhD course. Please pray for us, especially Paul, as this is a very challenging and demanding PhD program. Paul will NOT be studying full-time. Paul will continue his responsibilities as both Bible/Theology Teacher and Bible Institute Director. The BBS program was created with people like Paul in mind, who are not willing to leave their ministries for 3+ years. More than likely, this will be a five- year process, and we know it will be tough at times, but now is the time for us to begin while Paul is still relatively young and has the desire, and while we have no children. Jill is very excited and supportive of this plan and aware that it will involve her sacrifice as well. We are confident that this program will help in many ways, including: give an even better reputation for our school here in Central Europe, help Paul become more effective as a teacher and leader, provide other ministry opportunities while in Hungary and Central Europe, and help Paul to begin writing works to be published in Hungarian (there is a great need for Christian writings in Hungarian). We feel incredibly blessed to have so many faithful financial supporters, who help us live and serve in Hungary. We have decided that we do not want to make a personal appeal for the additional costs of Pauls PhD program, and are working his tuition and book costs into our monthly budget. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement as we begin this new adventure!

From Jill...
So what is Jill up to as her husband combats the academic world and keeps the Bible Institute moving forward? She is busy working in the Admissions Office! Much of Jills day is filled with answering emails of future students (and their parents) and making connections with high schools in order to promote the BI throughout Hungary, Europe, and the US. Jill also serves as the BI Financial Assistant to the Financial Director of the entire ministry. She collects and records student payments as well as thinks and implements new ways to raise much needed scholarship funds. Paul and Jill also host the guest teacher of the week every Thursday in their home, which means an exciting day of cooking for Jill. She organizes the hospitality calendar so the guest teacher is in a different staff members home every evening. The Bible Club in our home is going very well! Above you can see a picture of the opening meeting this past Fall. The theme was The Worlds Largest Birthday Party. We had a nice turnout and the kids really enjoyed themselves. Some heard the Gospel for the very first time. Please pray for Jill as she coordinates the club and makes connections in our village for Christ. Prayer Requests: Please pray for Paul as he starts his doctoral studies. Pray that he can manage his time
well, that he will learn a lot, and that we can honor the Lord with our finances. Please pray with us for 60 students next year. We as a staff are praying every Monday. Please pray for the Student Scholarship Fund. There are enough donations for the students to stay thought March, but we need to raise more tuition money for March-May. Please pray for our upcoming Missions Conference at the end of January. This is a significant time in the students lives, each year many dedicate their lives to full-time Christian work during this conference.

Please pray for us in 2012!

Contact Us If you would like to learn more about the Student Scholarship Fund, please visit:

Praises: Wonderful supporters like you! Pauls acceptance into the PhD program at BBS. The opportunity to serve the Lord on a daily basis. Gods future plans for our students as they serve the Lord throughout the world.


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