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What a Yes on 8 Vote Means attaches mothers and fathers to each other

and to their children. Those of us who

In Fresno, a Catholic priest who support Proposition 8 believe that children
recently came out to his parishioners asked deserve at least the chance to have a
them to imagine they have just discovered relationship with a mom and a dad. That
they are gay. “How would you feel when isn’t hateful toward anyone.
you saw a car with a ‘Yes on 8’ bumper
sticker?” In San Diego, a group opposing We have watched as the small
Proposition 8 calls itself “Californians children of Massachusetts were taught about
Against Hate.” In San Jose, two women homosexuality in their public schools. We
parked in front of a house that had a large believe parents should decide when and
“Yes on 8” banner. They spray painted their what to teach their children about
own car to turn it into a billboard saying homosexuality, in accordance with their
“Bigots Live Here.” values, and their perception of their child’s
maturity. We have trouble believing that the
Given all these episodes, I would well-being of gays and lesbians really
like for the gays and lesbians of California depends on children reading King and King
to know what I mean by the “Yes on in kindergarten.
Proposition 8” sign in my yard. I want you
to know what I am saying, and what I’m not We believe the California Supreme
saying, by driving around with a “Yes on Court greatly overstepped its bounds. Their
Prop 8” sticker. Some opponents of decision did more than legalize same sex
Proposition 8 seem to view it as a marriage. The Court declared that requiring
referendum on whether we like gay people. spouses to be of the opposite sex counts as
I do not share this view. From my discrimination. Religious groups that act on
perspective, it would be tragic for the gays the belief that marriage is between a man
and lesbians of California to believe that and a woman, are henceforth engaged in
every house with a Yes on 8 sign in the yard unlawful discrimination.
is inhabited by someone who hates them. The Court also increased the level of
I’m voting yes on 8, not because of judicial scrutiny given to sexual orientation
my views of gays and lesbians, but because discrimination cases, giving same sex
of my views about marriage. I view couples the highest possible level of
marriage as a gender-based institution that protection. This means that in contests
between religious liberty and sexual
Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse • 663 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road Suite 222 San Marcos CA 92078 • email: • 760/295-9278
©2007 No part of this document may be reproduced or disseminated in any way without the expressed written consent of the
Ruth Institute.
orientation discrimination, religious liberty
would almost always lose. The Court’s
ruling gave gays and lesbians new grounds
on which to sue religious people, and a
higher probability of winning than before.
Fair-minded Californians of all political
persuasions don’t want every church-related
activity threatened with legal harassment.
Every marriage preparation class, every pre-
school, every adoption agency, every high
school, every teen youth group is potentially
covered by the Court’s ruling. Voting Yes
on Proposition 8 is one of the few ways
ordinary citizens can protest. They are not
saying they hate gay people: they are saying
the Court is out of control.

Millions of people are going to vote

Yes on Prop 8. People of every religion and
no religion are going to vote Yes on Prop 8.
People with gay loved ones are going to vote
Yes on Prop 8. It would be tragic, and
completely unwarranted, for gay men and
lesbians to conclude that all these people
hate them.

Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. is an official

spokesman for Proposition 8, the founder
and president of the Ruth Institute, and the
author of Love and Economics: It Takes a
Family to Raise a Village, Smart Sex:
Finding Life-Long Love in a Hook-Up
World, and 101 Tips for a Happier
Marriage: You can Improve Your Marriage
even if Your Spouse Doesn’t Change a Bit.

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse • 663 S. Rancho Santa Fe Road Suite 222 San Marcos CA 92078 • email: • 760/295-9278
©2007 No part of this document may be reproduced or disseminated in any way without the expressed written consent of the
Ruth Institute.

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