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Black Holes, Matter, Antimatter, Gravity, Ether, and Temperature.

Ether and temperature happens to be the foundation for our Universe - that is all energy to begin with. Why dramatically mess with this simple allegation? Obviously this paper generated by a free thinking individual (Illuminati) is all wrong! The humor of this statement, with all kinds of expert's evaluation just isn't realized by the general public; regardless of how intensely microscopic our existence is, nor the reality of how limited our knowledge, along with wisdom is; to proclaim perfection by any human being delving into the concept of Universal engineering comprehension (myself included). Yes, I probably am dead wrong, but it simply doesn't matter because there is no one that is dead right! Professor Hawkins included! Individual evaluation that permits arguments to exist, is superior to the pablum that our nobility proclaims through academia, and force feeds to use as facts. For this philosophic discussion to exist, it should be open to a correct political paradigm for evaluation - that would have no effect on our reality, other then free the scientific community to examine more productive areas for creature comfort, like the harnessment of gravity; a much more important tool for our survival. If our ancestors could solve this problem, as demonstrated by pyramids in Egypt, the massive megaton monuments high in the Andes, and Easter Island, we as a society would be moving forward instead of the current stalemating our society enjoys by toy/game making for profit, while stupefying the majority of our society by overwhelming it with unnecessary bullshit called the higher education. Lets see how the simplification of Universe Mechanics works; Example: The background radiation observed via the radio telescope convinced scientists that the Universe was created by a big bang. Since its conception, abundant evidence has arisen to further validate the model.Georges Lematre first proposed what would become the Big Bang theory in what he called his "hypothesis of the primeval atom." Over time, scientists would build on his initial ideas to form the modern synthesis. The framework for the Big Bang model relies on Albert Einstein's general relativity and on simplifying assumptions (such as homogeneity and isotropy of space). The governing equations had been formulated by Alexander Friedmann. In 1929, Edwin Hubble discovered that the distances to far away galaxies were generally proportional to their redshiftsan idea originally suggested by Lematre in 1927. Hubble's observation was taken to indicate that all very distant galaxies and clusters have an apparent velocity directly away from our vantage point: the farther away, the higher the apparent velocity. Then a bit later on, the scientific world discovered black hole centers for galaxy's, and the existence of more of them throughout the Universe, never associating a degree of similarity between holes, and the perimeter effects of the Universe. I believe that temperature is the most important link; for logical comprehension. Realizing that matter is a result of compressing energy; making the entire Universe 100% energy. Now taking a look at gravity as a force generated by compression, we can then look at mass and the concept of matter being less meaningful. My weight is the result of my gravity interacting with a planet's gravity. Without the mythical analysis of big bang theology, we can better comprehend the concept of a Google Year, and its immense time base of eternity. Interestingly, in the real world to which we are part of, everything has limits; other then the consciousness of mankind! In fact Einstein has arguments against the big bang theory by his Relativity theory. Time is relative to velocity through the sea of Ether (that Einstein discarded as unimportant). Ergo, with no motion, '0' time equals infinity - so a microsecond could equal trillions of years of our recognized time; so the Universe slowlygrew into place. Making the Bible just as right as the Scientific community; in my

viewpoint! The big bang creates the thinking that the entire Universe is one blob existing in space; without giving credence to the concept of the laminations of existence being an important key factor. Ether is apparently an earlier Universe to which the atomic (our) Universe is laminated onto, via integration. I believe that my fairy tale has more credence then the highly focused myopic vision of competitive academic geniuses that think - trunk and tail - instead of wild card Illuminati. Unfortunately the consciousness of mankind seeks perfection, in the belief that mathematics is the exacting science necessary to proclaim rules onto a truly 'unimaginable existence' of life (for example) that is believed to be necessary - to prove existence. Egg vs chicken? This malady loads our consciousness, within a field of competing genius, so as to waste valuable time that should have been spent on survival, as comprehended by the Ancient Ones, instead of modern status. Prosperity is the 'silken thread' nobility uses to keep all us slaves in line, but it becomes a ridiculous attempt when overdone; as currently executed. Absolute zero is the lowest temperature that an atomic structure can survive. It is the temperature of Ether; making no Ether (or nothingness) even colder. This is the phenomenon I perceive that is going on with our Universe, and is what was viewed as the big bang. As matter flows outward by expansion due to thermal increases (by the continuous manufacture of stars) so that its pressure increases on Ether, the matter at the Universe perimeter becomes exposed to temperature of nothing, and goes into atomic fission due to no dark energy supporting the electrons of the atom; that bind energy. The big bang is no longer an instantaneous thing, but an ongoing energy release like a star, but one due to fission (while a star's release of energy is due to fusion). If we could get far enough outside our Universe, it too would appear as a star. A black hole then becomes the thinning out of Ether that allows temperature to drop below absolute zero; meaning that the hole is not massive, although the force of gravity became distorted, possibly by Ether! We then have the the same release of fissioning matter (Gamma radiation) as the Universe's perimeter. Obviously, without totally understanding of the workings of gravity, comprehension of the force pushing matter into a black hole, is probably one of the effects the Ancient ones of our solar system (with their huge UFOs) have cultivated. Looking at the size of IRIS (NASA) observed manufactured vehicles presently orbiting our Sun, and planet Mercury, and then the 100 megaton blocks raised to 14,000 feet MSL (by the Aztecs?), along with the massive projects entailed with the pyramids etc., it is obvious that extreme expertise existed in ancient times; yielding my concept that Atlantis never sank because of natural disasters. If a society existed with as much power as displayed over the Universe described above, and comprehending the viciousness of human kind by gangs of vandals, I visualize Atlantis buttoning up and submerging on purpose; for isolation and peaceful survival. Another venture to offset the ravages of time - like the pyramids, all done because of the mastery of energy (gravity included). Also taking into consideration the size of the machinery now orbiting the Our Sun, I am considering that the other inhabitants of our Universe that has so much amazing power, may just be making arrangements to control Nibiru (and protect its satellites) for its high velocity safe passage around our Sun. The extraterrestrial inhabitants of our Solar System are amazing compared to us primitive earthly inhabitants. Judging from the size of huge USO and UFOs officially observed/reported, proves that their social advancement is far superior to us, by their ability to just construct pressure resistant undersea machines that travel at hundreds of mph, that are as large as aircraft carriers. Consciously thinking, this would make us a minor inhabitant of our own planet, let alone our solar system. We have

the extreme ego to believe that we are the superior creatures, while our 6.5 billion folks cling onto 12% of Earth's surface, that may soon be shook up a bit by the passage of Nibiru orbiting our Sun. Our concern for maximizing circulating capitol, just put survival for these programmed passages, far onto the 'back burner'. Now to observe manufactured machinery existing out in space the size of the planet Mercury each, makes me truly feel that the entire society of mankind is extremely insignificant! Regardless of whether Jesus read the Sumerian cuneiform, and/or other ancient manuscripts, it is obvious He had the correct messages for mankind, that we humans permitted prosperity to overrule. Thus we are still the primitive savages of our solar system unable to communicate with the considerably advanced society - that Adolph Hitler dreamed of, but ignorantly used savagery to attempt accomplishment. [Note: Hitler's nightmare was due to immature impatience. Instead of building by following Christ, that was slow and steady, he maliciously chose shortcuts that he felt was innovation. Drugs to make supermen, women to be part of a baby manufacturing system for military purposes etc.] Survival vs prominence: The Sumerians wrote about history about 150,000 years old, yet academia would not accept Dr. Sitchen's translations; because he did not have a PHD for teaching? This is like Bruce Lee not possessing a black belt because Kung Fu was not a recognized martial art; so his movies are non existent? While Sitchen's technique for translation is accepted? And is now used by PHD's to argue against his information? For thousands of years mankind cannot accept how fragile his existence is; even though the Sumerian's wrote about danger, along with the Indians (Hindu, that was the center of academia 5000 years ago). Planets in collision is not a colossal calamity because of their resilience. Typically, scaling down earth to the size of a grape, it would have similar resilience. Moving another grape at 3 inches per second as an example to impact the first grape, would be a bounce off - although the effect to surface life, that is so minuscule, would be horrific! Now Nibiru is different, because of a long time-constant for acceleration; its velocity (and resulting energy), would be planet destruction on impact i.e. adding more asteroids into existence. Although Government is attempting to mask our danger, by blinding us of the existence of huge machinery now circulating about our Sun and planet Mercury [it is almost as if 'they' are there to conduct Nibiru for a safe passage, through our inner solar system]. If they have that much power, we are totally useless as inhabitants of our Universe by comparison. America was to be a new world order with the world being a continent. British rule was to be abandoned because of its extreme unjust cruelty. England rapes countries, promoting poverty while stealing riches, by using their form of justice; that is martial. The wise men of America wanted isolation from the world at large, so it developed a constitution to preserve freedom with a government established that was not to rule the land, but to protect it from invasion. This world lasted just a few year during George Washington's first term as dictator and quickly changed with his concession of paying England for their damages; maintaining our status as a independent colony of England. As America grew stronger, it then established more elements of British rule, and converted the word survival to the right of theft and pillage, just for the purpose of prosperity (just like England). With nobility established, signed and sealed by Abraham Lincoln (another dictator - rather then leader of the people), our society of America and its Constitution is totally destroyed, making America a very abusive society that wants to enslave our planet [stimulating Adolph Hitler to attempt to do it faster!] With the arrival of 2012 and the spotting of Nibiru on its way to join us, 2013 will be very interesting! We are fragile with more debt then income. Also we have millions of tons of radioactive waste stored in containers from 'survival being defined as winning in the combat of potential aggression.' Add a population that is immersed in knowledge, but without wisdom for application, and a cowardly American 'nobility' that wish their lives to be preserved, so the rotten apples of mankind are the ones to

be saved in top secret chambers - the public paid for? This makes me hope not to be a survivor of a holocaust; if it occurs. Unfortunately; this paper will fall onto deaf ears, and is inappropriate for the survivors that will take a millennium to re-establish life as we know it currently. We seem to be dumb enough to constantly repeat history instead of learning from it. So, I will keep my fingers crossed that the ushers (that are apparently now in place) for the passage of Nibiru, will try keep it gentle on our planet. Alvin Sugar 2012

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