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Terroja Kincaid for Earth representative Just like my vote for ET emissary is for Pat Condell for his

s honesty, integrity, wisdom, objectiveness, and i suspect evenhandedness, my vote for 'galactic survival' with one person representing humanity goes to Terroja Kincaid otherwise known as TheAmazingAtheist (of youtube infamy). Why? Indulge me.. This guy never gives up. This guy cannot be beaten. This guy cannot be broken. This guy cannot be bent. For godsakes, he made at least one video making money about his own fatness! If that's not cleverness and survival, what is? And the craziest thing is he has fun doing it! :) In spite of my mom's 'big heart', as i mentioned in another article, her seeming automatic denigration of Terroja and people like him are patently unfair and unjustified. The most sickening and repulsive thing about Christians is the guilt trip they like to lay on the rest: accept Jesus as your personal savior or burn in Hell! And forgiveness is supposed to be one of their prime values? [he] Yea, after they burden you with original sin, loads of guilt, and make you feel guilty for normal natural urges, then they forgive you.. Oh no, it's Jesus who forgives you not us! What a load of crap .. My father defended religions even when he didn't believe himself in a personal interacting god, wtf? They keep humanity from falling apart. Right. Like in the Crusades. Like 9/11. Yea, religions are real good for [destroying] humanity. :( More and more, i begin to see religions as Satanic influence. Just like the Standard Model in physics. It pulls us away from God. But religions seem much more: they control our behavior, perspectives, and values so that we have no conception of reality to the point of absolute delusion. i would vote Kincaid as 'most likely to survive a nuclear war' over some religious zealot because his values are based on integrity and life experiences not what a f'ing book says .. Read the interview linked above. Watch some of his youtube videos.. If you have an inkling of an open mind, you'll understand why i believe in people like him. Today i was thinking about a 'math approach to God' like: God is the prime basis for our vector space, God is the Cantor set between zero and one, God is both eigenvector and eigenvalue for our matrix, God is the topology of connectivity between all sets, God is both the null set and that containing all,.. But it's not enough to say 'God is everything' because there are some things God's unequivocally not. It's safe to say God is the inspiration for all good things. (It's your definition of 'good' that becomes 'hairy'.) .. i think it's also safe to say most religions, the Standard Model, the concept of multiverse,.. are all Satanically inspired. Perhaps 'great ideas' but we all know what happens to great ideas by those that follow after: twisting and perversion like Paul and Jesus. What's sick and sad about our society is exactly that: we pervert great ideas. We can't leave well enough alone. Likely, we'll twist Kincaid's image after he dies into something unrecognizable. For what? To make him conform in death what he refused to do in life? Leave the kid alone. Don't try to use guilt to make him a Christian it will never work. If he represents all 'lost souls', more power to him. i pray his kind survives the 'end of the world' at least they're worthy. He may not be 'meek' but he's surely indomitable, at least in spirit. What better person to 'inherit the Earth'? Again, his values are based on personal life experiences and personal integrity not some f'ing book. What better person to lead us into 'the new age'? [he] It's almost like i'm John the Baptist and he's Jesus. Or maybe the two witnesses from Revelations.. You know.. This is a worthy prayer: that Kincaid is right and the Bible is just a bunch of pages with ink printed on them. Isn't that preferable to the Beast and Armageddon? ^^

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