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4W by Kenneth R.


SCENE I INT. ST. JOHNS UNIVERSITY STUDENTS SPORTS COMPLEX, OVERHEAD VIEW PLUMBER (old voice) (Voiceover) It's been over ten years now. In that time, I've thought things and rethought them. I've looked for answers, looked for questions, looked for everything I could think of. Turned things over in my head a hundred different ways. (Pause) What if Syren had been working that night at Scott's? DAVE, JEFF, the Plumber and two other students are engaged in a heated game of full-court basketball against five unidentified players. Dave stands six feet four inches tall, with enormous shoulders. Jeff is six feet tall with sandy brown hair which flops when he runs. Plumber is the smallest of the three. Cut to close-ups. DAVE (taking ball out of net to inbound to Plumber) Plumber, what the fuck? Are you going to play some D or just sit there with your thumb up your ass? PLUMBER court)

(dribbling the help.




Plumber dribbles up behind Dave, and passes to Jeff on the right wing. Jeff makes a long jump shot.

PLUMBER Nice shot. JEFF 1

Three! UNIDENTIFIED PLAYER on opposing team dribbles upcourt and shoots without passing. Dave rebounds and outlets to Jeff who dribbles up court and pulls up and shoots from twelve feet. TALL PLAYER on opposing team jumps towards Jeff to block shot. Jeff shoots ball over backboard. OPPOSING PLAYER dribbles up court. He passes to teammate who shoots and misses. Dave rebounds and throws the ball to the Plumber, who makes an easy layup. UNIDENTIFIED PLAYER Jeff is guarding opposing team makes a long jumpshot. DAVE (taking ball out of net, inbounding to Plumber, and yelling to Jeff) Bad shots and no defense. Thatll work. Plumber dribbles up court as Dave runs ahead. Plumber passes the ball to Jeff who returns the pass on a short-hop. Plumbers shot misses. Dave grabs the rebound, and puts in a layup. on

PLUMBER (to Jeff) Jeff, man, how about one I can catch? JEFF GAME POINT!!! Jeff steals the ball from his man and passes it to the Plumber. Jeff goes to the top of the key to set a pick. Plumber uses the pick.

Jeff leans forward with his elbow and knee, making solid contact with the Plumbers DEFENDER. The DEFENDER crumples to the ground holding his knee. DEFENDERS TEAMMATE (To Jeff) That was bullshit, asshole. The TEAMMATE shoves Jeff. One of Daves arms enters the picture and lands on TEAMMATEs shoulder. The TEAMMATEs eyes are even with Daves chest. Dave just stares for a moment. DAVE You need a sub? TEAMMATE looks affirmatively. at the DEFENDER, who nods

Dave and the TEAMMATE help the DEFENDER off the court. A NEW PLAYER steps in from the sidelines, and the game continues. Dave inbounds the ball to Plumber. Jeff sets the same screen (this time not moving). Plumber dribbles behind the screen, quickly lets fly with a jumpshot. PLUMBER (as soon as the ball leaves his hand) Ballgame. Ball goes black. through net, fade to and


Newspapers, magazines, cans are strewn about.




Credits roll on the television. Dave sits in the middle of the couch. Each of his hands dangle off opposite sides of the couch. DIRK walks through the front door after a quick knock. DIRK is tall--about six foot two--and solidly built but lean. The moment he speaks you know he is from Ohio. Dirk takes stock of the chips and Pepsi, and the scrolling credits, and nods his head knowingly. DIRK Hoosiers? JEFF Yup. PLUMBER Youre just in time French Connection.



DIRK I thought we were going to Scotts? PLUMBER Were getting ready with a quick Gene Hackman film festival. DAVE Hackman Film Festival . . . DIRK But you guys know every line of every Hackman movie?

PLUMBER So whats your point? DIRK Maybe time for a change. PLUMBER Why? Dirk shrugs, his confused look. face wearing a slightly

DIRK Are we going or not? Dave, Jeff and Plumber look at each other. JEFF Hoosiers did the job.

Im ready.

DIRK (to Dave) What about you? DAVE One other thing. I play, coach stays. He goes, I go. DIRK Okay Jimmy. INT. APT. MOMENTS LATER Dave sits on the couch. Jeff walks out of the bathroom preoccupied with his hair. He wears an oversized sweater that hangs down almost to his knees. It is blue with red horizontal stripes. There is a hole by the neck. There is an air about Jeff that makes it clear he is from the not-so-mean streets of West Hartford, Connecticut.

DAVE (To the television) Hurt me. . .

Dirk fidgets impatiently in the chair. Plumber walks out of his bedroom and into the kitchen holding a telephone. Plumber has no sense of style. DAVE (To the television) Five Hole. . . PLUMBER (Into the phone) Listen, all I'm saying is, we're gonna be at Scott's. (Pause) It's Dirk's birthday, Dave had his last exam today, and that's where the two of them want to go. Jeff wants to go there, too. (Pause) I know Jeff wants to go because shes gonna be there. (Pause) DAVE Trouble for the Plumber. . . PLUMBER I know you have an exam tomorrow, and if you don't want to come, fine. Jeff walks out of the bedroom with a Whalers baseball cap on. JEFF Ready, big man? DAVE Let's roll. Dave gets up with a devious smile and turns off the television. JEFF Plumber, let's go. You're signed up to drive tonight, so we can't leave without you. PLUMBER I gotta





If you want to meet us, we'll be at Scott's. Otherwise, I'll see you tomorrow after your exam. Plumber hangs up the phone, and joins his three friends as they exit the apartment.

SCENE III INT: SCOTTIES NIGHT A small stage is jammed into a corner of a packed bar. Immediately in front of the stage is a dance floor. On the other side of the dance floor are high top tables with chairs, and across from the tables, on the other side of a set of wooden pillars, is a bar. Camera focuses on the stage as people move about busily setting up instruments, checking microphones and doing a sound check. At this point, the lighting on the stage is the same as that of the bar. There is a general din of talking about the room. Slowly, the commotion on stage dies down, until it is empty. The lights surrounding the stage go out, so that it is completely dark. A spotlight focuses on the center of the stage as a tall, skinny student with curly hair wearing jeans and a pink polo shirt hops onto the stage. CROWD BOOOOOOON!!!!!! BOON (raising his hand in thanks of the recognition) All right, thank you . . . LONE VOICE Youre an animal, Boon!!! BOON (Laughing) Quiet down over there grampy . . . (the din dies down). First, Ive gotta thank everybody for coming here to Scotts tonight (a roar, which dies down) Scottie asked me to remind everybody that he wont serve anybody whos drunk

tonightisnt that right Scottie? (A raucous laugh erupts from the crowd). Lets get this thing started, here . . . Everybody knows why Im here, so if youre ready, I now present to you . . .NOT ONE . . . MORE THAN TWO . . . USED TO BE THREE . . . AND BETTER THAN FOUR . . .ARE YOU READY . . . FOR . . . FIVE . . . GONE . . . MAD!!! The spotlight and the bar lighting immediately cut off, and a set of lights instantly illuminate the stage. FIVE GONE Mad break into a riotous version of Rock the Kasbah. Boon climbs down from the stage. Camera cuts to a hightop table not far from the dance floor. Dirk, Jeff, Dave and the Plumber sit there, sharing a pitcher of beer, except for the Plumber, who drinks a Coke. DIRK All Im saying is, any quarterback could win with Jerry Rice and Roger Craig, but, for my money, Bernie Kosar is the best quarterback in the NFL. JEFF Im not saying Bernie isnt a good player, Im just saying hes not a good football player-He might be great at badminton or something like that. DIRK Hes the most accurate passer in the league. JEFF Every pass he throws looks like a wounded duck. He hasnt thrown a spiral since he played for the

Canes. Camera cuts to Dave and Plumber, seated at the same table. PLUMBER So how did you know Ang was, like gonna be it? The girl you were gonna marry. DAVE I dont knowI just knew. PLUMBER (Serious) But howwas there a moment or point where you just realized it was different? I mean, you guys have been friends your whole life, so how did it change? At what point did it stop just being, as you would say, amicable. DAVE Im not sure it ever really changed, I just noticed it was different. PLUMBER But when? DAVE I dont know, but if I had to pick a date, I guess it would be sophomore year. You remember that guy, Eddiethe bookie? PLUMBER The guy with the brown leather jacket? He was a couple years older than us, wasnt he? DAVE Yeah, that guy. He asked her to the Commencement Dance, and she said shed go, and I didnt think anything of it. PLUMBER

But you got jealous, right? DAVE Not really. But it turned out he acted like a jerk so she called me from the dance to come pick her up. She was all crying and everything. PLUMBER What did he do to her? DAVE I dont remember, but it really wasnt anything all that bad. I think he was just acting stupid with all his friends. So I go pick her up, and her hairs all done up and shes wearing this dress, but her face is a mess because shes been crying and all her makeups running. And that was it. PLUMBER What does that mean? DAVE That was it-I just realized I had different feelings for her than I thought. (Pause) Why are you so interested in this all of a sudden? PLUMBER I dont know, I just am. DAVE Plumber, why? PLUMBER I think Cathy might be the one for me. Im really feeling something different for her, and I think she might be the one. DAVE Plumber, Im only gonna say this

once, because I dont get in other peoples business, and I dont like other people getting in mine. Just think about it before you make a decision. I mean, you guys dont really know each other. PLUMBER Weve been dating almost as long as you and Ang were when you guys got engaged. DAVE Like I said, I dont like to get in other peoples business, but Ang and I knew each other our whole lives. JEFF (To Dave, interrupting) Dave, get this, Dirk is saying Bernie Kosar is better than Joe Montana. DAVE (Not terribly interested) At least hes not saying Ron Harper is better than Michael Jordan. PLUMBER Or that once the Indians get their new stadium theyll be in the playoffs every year. Dirk just shrugs his head as Jeff, Dave and Plumber laugh. Boon walks up to table. with him, the others nod. JEFF Whats up there, Boon? BOON Not much, Jeffrey, Hows it going fellas? There are nods and shrugs. Jeff slaps hands



JEFF Syren working tonight? BOON She called in sick. Jeffs head slumps. laugh. Dirk, Dave and Plumber

JEFF Aw, shit. (Pause) Boon, the band sounds good. BOON As always. Listen guys, I gotta run. Thanks for coming. Boon leaves the table. PLUMBER Jeff, lets get out of here? JEFF Yeah, I guess. DIRK What about the band? great. DAVE Band sucks. PLUMBER Lets go to Mas. Cathy said she had to study, but if she finishes early, Im sure thats where shell go. DIRK the cover

They sound

What about just paid?



DAVE Two bucks aint gonna kill you. Lets roll-its too loud in here anyway.

The four of them get up and leave.

SCENE IV EXT: MAS NIGHT The camera Place." shows the outside of "Ma's

INT: MAS Groups of coeds are huddled together. Dirk and Dave are engrossed in a conversation with three girls. Dave is nodding his head, but looking around the girls. A tiny girl with long black curly hair bumps into Dave. LAUREN Hey Dave, what are you guys doing here? DAVE This is as good a place as any. LAUREN I thought you were Scott's to see a band. Dirk laughs. DAVE They didn't show. Dave and Dirk look at each other, and laugh. LAUREN Nice surprise.




DIRK Not for everybody. Dirk and Dave laugh again. LAUREN What are you guy's laughing at?

DAVE Trouble for the Plumber. . . LAUREN You guys are so weird. here? DIRK back there

Is Jeff

Yeah, he's Plumber.




LAUREN Good to see you, guys.

Jeff is standing by the Plumber holding a beer. Plumber is staring down into his own beer. LAUREN (tugging at Jeff's sleeve) What's going on?


Jeff tilts his head back and wipes his hand across his jaw. JEFF Not much, Indian. What's up with you? LAUREN What's up Plumber?


Plumber doesnt look at her. JEFF Lauren, I'll catch up with you in a minute, alright. Lauren is too drunk to take this hint. Lauren you want to catch me now,

Don't Jeff?

JEFF (Annoyed) Actually, Lauren, I'll catch you later.

LAUREN What's the matter? Are you bummed you missed that band at Scott's?

Yeah, that's break, huh?

JEFF it Lauren.


LAUREN Yeah, tough break. I'll see you around. Jeff shakes his head and leans back towards Plumber as the camera fades to black.

SCENE V EXT: IMPALA EARLY MORNING The four friends are in Dirk's 1972 Impala, fire engine red with a black roof. Inside it is enormous. EXT: QUEENS BOULEVARD SAME TIME An elderly woman dressed in black walks down Queens Boulevard. She shuffles, holding her purse clutched under her arm. EXT: IMPALA EARLY MORNING Jeff drunkenly drives the Impala. His eyes are wide open. Dave sits in the front seat next to him, at least as drunk as Jeff, but taking everything in with much more humor. Every time the car swerves or weaves, Dave enthusiastically laughs. Dirk is passed out behind Dave, and Plumber is passed out behind Jeff. EXT: QUEENS BOULEVARD SAME TIME The old woman reaches into and pulls out her keys. She and drops them. The keys front tire of a parked Buick. herself, and then, slowly, pick up her keys. her pocketbook loses her grip fall near the She mumbles to bends down to

INT: IMPALA EARLY MORNING The car is at a traffic light where the road comes to a "T." Jeff is asleep. Dave, the only person in the car that is awake, finds this incredibly funny. Dave reaches his leg across the car and places his foot on the gas pedal. The car lurches forward, waking Jeff. Jeff turns the wheel to the left, steering away from the head on collision with the car parked directly in front of them. The

Impala crashes its right side into the left side of a Buick parked on Queens Boulevard. The collision does not wake up either Plumber or Dirk. JEFF What the fuck is wrong with you? DAVE (who can barely stop laughing) Get out of here, man, before the police show up. Jeff quickly drives away. There is minimal damage on the door to the Impala, but the driver's door of the Buick is crushed. EXT: QUEENS BOULEVARD The camera cuts to the Buick, circling around to the passenger side. On the sidewalk, right by the front passenger tire, the elderly woman is lying on the sidewalk. Blood is pouring from her head. The camera pulls back from the revealing a row of two family houses. Window blinds can be seen single second story window. Fade to black. closing Buick


SCENE VI INT: IMPALA LATER THAT MORNING Jeff and Dave laugh and argue in the front seat. Plumber and Dirk sleep in the back seat. The car is parked at the ordering window of a McDonald's drive-thru. Jeff picks up a quarter from the driver's door, and throws it at Dirk, hitting him between the eyes. DIRK (groggily) What the Plumber did you do that?


PLUMBER Do what? (pause) Hey Jeff, order me a Sausage McMuffin. JEFF Oh Christ, here we go. DIRK Get me two.

Yeah. Me too. large OJ.

And a

PLUMBER And hash browns. DIRK Hash browns are good. DAVE Egg McMuffin and OJ . . . The four friends get into a drunken dispute about the order. Dirk is fixated on a Sausage McMuffin, Plumber on hash browns, and Dave on Egg McMuffins. The quantities are also a source of dispute. JEFF Aw, screw it. (To the speaker by the window). Let me have four large OJ's, six hash browns and seven Egg McMuffins.

Dave laughs hysterically; Plumber and Dirk join in, not knowing why. McDONALD'S EMPLOYEE That will be $29.65. Please pull up to the window. Jeff puts in the car into drive. JEFF Let me on the joke, big

(to Dave) man?

DAVE (barely able to speak through the laughter) I've just never heard anybody order seven Egg McMuffins before. (Fade to black).

SCENE VII EXT: STREET CORNER IN QUEENS Two men stand near a mailbox. Pete is six and a half feet tall, and wears a threequarter length black leather jacket. The sleeves are cut off the jacket, exposing a set of enormous biceps. Gino stands partly bent at the waist with his head leaning against the mailbox. He is five foot eight inches tall and five foot six inches wide. He appears to be trying to sleep. A large black Lincoln Continental with black tinted windows slowly drives by and parks across the street. The driver gets out of the front door. DRIVER Pete. (The driver Pete to come)



Pete and Gino cross the street. The driver opens the back door of the car. Pete gets into the back seat and, as Gino goes to follow, the Driver slams the door shut. DRIVER Go back across the Street. Gino walks across the street. A moment later Pete gets out of the back seat, and closes the door behind him. The Driver gets in the front seat and the car drives away as Pete crosses the street. Gino Whats up Pete?

Pete Gino, stata zit. Fade to black.

SCENE VIII INT: APARTMENT 4W A.M. Dirk sleeps on the couch. He slowly wakes up and coughs two times. Dirk stands up, adjusts his testicles, stretches, and exits the apartment. The telephone rings three times. On the third ring, Jeff shuffles out of his room towards the kitchen. Jeff, wearing boxer shorts and a blue Detroit Pistons Tshirt, answers the phone. JEFF Hello. (pause) Lauren? What time is it--Jesus Christ it's only nine-thirty, Lauren. (pause) Listen, I gotta go. I'll call you later. Jeff hangs up. Jeff opens the refrigerator, drinks some orange juice out of the carton and then replaces it. Jeff walks over to the couch and sits down. Plumber opens his bedroom door and into the kitchen. He is wearing shorts and a T-shirt. PLUMBER Who was that? JEFF The Indian. PLUMBER What did she want? JEFF No idea. She was babbling about something, but I couldn't keep up. steps boxer

I'll call her back later. Dave's bedroom door opens and he steps into the kitchen. Plumber settles onto the chair in the living room. Dave is wearing green shorts and no shirt, and has weathered the previous night's debauchery better than his roommates. Dave is smiling. DAVE Where's Dork? JEFF I think I heard him leave right before the phone rang. Dave moves over to the couch and sits next to Jeff. DAVE Dorkman is not going to be happy. PLUMBER About what? Dave smiles and looks at Jeff. his head back. JEFF were you Jeff throws

Fuck! Dave?



DAVE You were asleep. I woke you up. JEFF Was there a lot of damage? PLUMBER What are you guys talking about? Dave laughs, and Jeff joins him. JEFF

We got into a little going home last night.


No shit.

PLUMBER Who was in the other car?

DAVE Jeffy hit a parked car.

PLUMBER How did you hit a parked car? JEFF exactly

That's not happened.




(laughing) remember it.

DAVE That's



JEFF I fell asleep at the light turning onto Queens Boulevard. Dave woke me up. DAVE Just woke him up... JEFF Yeah, woke me up by reaching across the front seat and stepping down on the gas. PLUMBER Why'd you let him do that? JEFF Plumber, I didn't let him do that. I was asleep. He just did it. I woke up when we started moving, and turned the car as quick as I could. DAVE Not quick enough. . . JEFF

We slammed into a parked car. PLUMBER Fuck me. JEFF No shit. PLUMBER What'd you do? DAVE We got the hell out of

(laughing) there.

PLUMBER Did anybody see you? JEFF Nah, the street was deserted. The three roommates look at each other and start laughing. PLUMBER (still laughing) Jeff, how could you fall asleep at a traffic light? JEFF (smiling) I was tired, I needed a nap. (pause) Dave, what's Dirk's car look like? DAVE It's a scratch and a small dent. Trust me, it won't have much impact on the resale value of that piece of shit. But you had to see the other car--the whole side collapsed. PLUMBER Another victim of Dirk's tank. Dave picks up a T-shirt hanging over the arm of the couch. He smells it, and puts it on. DAVE

I'm going to want anything?



If I erp.

PLUMBER eat anything, I think I'll

JEFF Bring back some bagels. DAVE See you in a few. Dave exits the apartment. PLUMBER Jeff, man, sorry you had to drive. JEFF Me too. I was plowed--I believe we got home. PLUMBER I mean, I know it was my but, you know . . .



JEFF No problem, bro. Shit happens. PLUMBER Did you ever find out why Syren wasn't at Scott's? JEFF But that's the way she

No idea. is.

The Indian about it.

PLUMBER seemed pretty


JEFF Lucky for me.

INT. APARTMENT LATER THAT MORNING Dave returns, carrying a brown paper bag with bagels in it and a newspaper in his

right hand. He walks up to the coffee table and drops the bag of bagels. Plumber shows no interest, but Jeff immediately moves for the newspaper. JEFF Let me check out the sports, big man? DAVE (Dave is more serious than usual). I already did, nothing going on. You might want to look at the front page, though. Jeff looks at the front page, and sees the headline "Dons Dead Mom!" Jeff opens the newspaper. JEFF Fuckin-A, man! DAVE Damn straight. PLUMBER What's going on? JEFF Is that what I think it

(to Dave) is?

I think so. think so.

DAVE I don't know, but I

JEFF Damn. Plumber walks over and reads the newspaper headline over Jeff's shoulder. PLUMBER I don't get it. What's up. JEFF That old lady lying on the ground

in the picture--that's Luccia's mother. PLUMBER So? JEFF He's like Don Corleone. PLUMBER I still don't get it.


DAVE You see that car that she's lying next to? PLUMBER Yeah. DAVE That's the car we hit last night. PLUMBER But it's not like we hit her, right? You said nobody was there. DAVE I didn't see anybody. But the paper says she was killed when that car hopped the curb and slammed her. JEFF Dave, tell me we didn't do this. It's just a coincidence, right? DAVE I didn't see anybody, but I don't know Jeff. I mean, what the . . .? JEFF Damnit, Dave . . . PLUMBER worry,

Jeff, don't accident.





JEFF difference does



Do you have people are?





There is a moment of awkward silence. PLUMBER Well, anyway, even if Dave didn't see the old lady, he said nobody else was around, right? DAVE I didn't see anybody. PLUMBER So nobody knows we did it. We just hang low and keep our mouths shut, and nothing happens. We graduate and then were out of here. No sweat. Jeff looked suspicious. DAVE No big deal, Jeff. I mean, it was an accident, and there's no reason anybody has to know. JEFF I don't know. What about Dirk? He knows about it, right? PLUMBER Wasn't he passed out? DAVE Like a light. He probably slept through the whole thing like the Plumber. It's just the three of us. If we keep our mouths shut, we're okay. PLUMBER Dave, you saw the door. Will he know there was an accident? DAVE Maybe, but I don't think so. The damage is pretty small, so it's

hard to notice. JEFF Listen, even if we can get away with it for a few days, eventually somebody's gonna come looking for Dirk. This isn't knocking down somebody's fence--somebody got killed. The police, and the mafia, they're gonna keep looking until they find somebody. PLUMBER But how can they find somebody? What, are they gonna knock on the door of everybody that owns a red car in New York? DAVE Jeff, don't worry. In a few days, Dirk is going to Germany, so they'll never be able to get to him. JEFF the car.

But he owned find him.


PLUMBER There were no witnesses. JEFF I sure as hell hope not. The phone rings. JEFF Plumber, get that. I don't feel like dealing with the Indian. PLUMBER (standing up and walking towards the phone) No problem. (Plumber picks up the phone) Hello. . . . Oh, hi, Mrs. G. (pause) No, we've been awake for awhile . . . (pause) Yeah, I can't believe it's tomorrow, either. It seems

like we just got here . . . (pause) No, he's not here now. He did stay over last night, though. (pause) I don't know, I woke up about an hour ago, and I heard some noises just before that--I think it was him leaving . . . (pause) I didn't talk to him this morning, but he could have gone straight to the gym, you know how he is (pause, while glancing over at Dave and Jeff). Okay, Mrs. G. If I see him, I'll have him call you. Plumber hangs up the phone. PLUMBER Dirk hasn't gotten home yet. JEFF Like you said, he probably went to the gym. DAVE Or he could have gone to see Jen. I think they were talking last night about going out to breakfast this morning. JEFF Do you think he'd go over there without showering? PLUMBER He could have showered at the gym. He keeps a pretty full locker over there. (pause) Dave, do you think Jen'll see the damage? DAVE Beats me. You guys make it sound like I inspected the door. I didn't. I saw it last night when I got out of the car, and I was drunk off my ass. JEFF Nobody's saying you inspected the

door, but you're the only person who saw anything. So who else are we gonna ask? DAVE (annoyed) I don't know who the fuck you should ask, I'm just tired of trying to describe something I didn't even see. Dave gets up and walks into the kitchen and opens a can of Pepsi, which he immediately begins drinking. JEFF Lighten up, big man, nobody's saying you inspected the door. PLUMBER Even if it's pretty bad, I doubt Jen'll notice. She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer. They watch Sportscenter. DAVE So, Plumber, did Cathy get studying done last night?


PLUMBER Fuck you, asshole (the "ass" is pronounced in a distorted Boston accent to sound like a caricature Chinese person saying "Ah, so"). JEFF (laughing) She was really getting down to business at Ma's. PLUMBER She needed the practice . . . DAVE A little extra-classroom tutoring for the Cat-girl . . . JEFF Plumber, man, who was that guy?

mean you're no catch, but he was really a loser. PLUMBER I think he's in her econ class. DAVE Extra-curricular activities . . . JEFF What's he a freshman? He looked like he was twelve years old? PLUMBER He's no freshman. (pause, then laughing). The bastard's a frigging sophomore. DAVE Robbing the cradle . . . JEFF You gotta be kidding me, Plumber. PLUMBER Can you believe that?

No shit.

DAVE Fifteen'll get you twenty . . . Ha-hahhhhhhh. JEFF Plumber, unless he's got a big brother, maybe you can beat him up. PLUMBER it, man.

Not worth worth it.



Jeff and Dave look at each other. PLUMBER At least now when I go to Hawaii, I won't have to worry about her. DAVE Yeah, baby!!!

JEFF That's the attitude, Plumber. there'll be no stopping you there.

Now out

DAVE Plumber's gonna be sowing some Hawaiian oats. Watch out ladies! JEFF Plumber, do you think you'll be able to keep up the pace that you've set here? PLUMBER Fuck you, Jeff (smiling). All right, listen, I'll give you this, my girl--who was a pain in the ass, by the way--was sucking face with some pimple-faced sophomore last night at Ma's. At least I didn't plan my whole night around going to a bar to see some cocktail waitress who called in sick so she could ball a welfare case. DAVE Hurt me. . .


JEFF Try and change the subject, huh, Plumber? Aint gonna work. DAVE It might, Jeff, it might. Been to the free clinic today for your shot? JEFF What are you talking about? DAVE We know who she's banging, and I'm awfully glad I didn't stick my pecker where his has been. My balls itch just thinking about it.

JEFF Dave, think about the worst itch you've ever had. DAVE Yeah. JEFF It would still be worth that anything happened.


PLUMBER Not that anything happened, of course? There just happened to be bruises on your wrists from handcuffs, but nothing happened. JEFF I tripped

(laughing) sidewalk.



DAVE Tripping on the sidewalk . . . PLUMBER Is that your story? JEFF That's what I'm sticking to. DAVE Jeff's tripping on the sidewalk. PLUMBER Dave, you ever tripped on the sidewalk and had to go to the clinic the next day for the clap? DAVE No, but it happened to a friend of mine. JEFF Plumber, nice try. But don't forget, she's not my girlfriend, and everybody I know didn't see her sucking face with a teenager

two nights before graduation.

PLUMBER So Cathy blew me off last night, but, well, you know . . . DAVE Blowing off . . . PLUMBER Well, I'm better off without her. JEFF No dispute, brother, no dispute. But that wasn't your song last night. DAVE Could have been his song. JEFF What do you mean? DAVE I couldn't hear a word he was saying. You know, with all the noise he was making crying into his beer. JEFF and DAVE Hurt me!!! (they slap each other five). PLUMBER Well, I've reassessed situation, and I'm glad.


DAVE If you reassessed the situation last night, Dirk might not need a new car door. JEFF Yeah, I wouldn't have drive home piss drunk. PLUMBER



And I guess you wouldn't have had to fall asleep at the light. And let's not forget, we don't even find out about Cat's cheating heart if you don't get blown off. DAVE Would have been a secret . . . JEFF Yeah, right. The Indian already called once this morning--don't you think we would have heard about it by now? PLUMBER We would have heard about it, but I wouldn't have gotten shitfaced, and I would have driven home. DAVE I don't know, but I'm pretty sure the Plumber would have been able to stay awake at the light. JEFF So you wouldn't have felt the need to step on the gas . . . DAVE Would not have felt the need . . . PLUMBER I gotta take a dump. DAVE Mudshark . . . Plumber walks into the bathroom, but not before grabbing an old Sports Illustrated off the kitchen table. He closes the door behind him.

SCENE IX EXT: SPORTS COMPLEX, BY DOOR Pete is smoking, Gino is yawning. The door to the Sports Complex opens and Dirk walks out carrying a duffel bag. Dirk walks down a path towards his car parked nearby. Pete and Gino follow him, first at a distance, then getting closer. Dirk opens the drivers door. Dirk gets in, but when he tries to close the door, Pete has grabbed it and is holding it open. DIRK What the fuck is your problem? Pete slams the door shut. Gino breaks the glass with a handgun. Dirk looks baffled. Gino places the gun right at Dirks temple. He fires. [End Scene]

SCENE X INT: APARTMENT LATER THAT MORNING Dave and Plumber are asleep in front of the TV. The front door opens and Jeff walks in. Jeff walks past Dave and Plumber to the kitchen table. He opens a brown bag he is carrying and starts to eat a sub while reading the newspaper. When finished, he walks to the couch drops the bag on the coffee table. The television Sportscenter. is still tuned and


JEFF Wake up fellas, Love Connection's on. Jeff slaps sneakers. Dave on the bottom of the

Dave groggily sits up, while Plumber shifts in the chair so he can see the television. JEFF Lunch is on the table. Dave and Plumber lean forward and take two subs out of the brown bag. DAVE Are they the same? JEFF (pause)

Both the same. the remote?


Dave hands the remote control to Jeff. Jeff clicks on Channel 4. A young weatherman with perfectly coiffed hair and dazzling white teeth predicts rain on Saturday, then throws it back to ROZ at the main news desk.

PLUMBER Man, Jeff, we had a couple more minutes. Jeff turns up the volume on the television, and waves to the Plumber to be quiet. Roz is sitting behind a desk with a tacky fake newsroom behind her. ROZ Newschannel 4 has a story, so we go live O'Connor at the scene John's University.

breaking to Liz of St.

LIZ Police believe they have found the driver of the vehicle that caused the death of Anthony Luccia's mother in Queens early this morning. Unfortunately for the driver, it seems the police found him too late. Dirk's car is parked in the lot outside the student recreation complex at St. John's University. The scratches on the passenger door are evident. Two EMS workers can be seen carrying a stretcher from the car to an ambulance. The driver's door to the car is open. A sheet is covering the body. LIZ (continuing) The driver, whose name has not been released because the family has not been notified, is believed to be a senior at St. John's University who was scheduled to graduate from the School of Business tomorrow. Sources tell Newschannel 4 that the student was executed. There was no sign of a struggle other than a single bullet fired through his temple.

ROZ (The camera switches back to Roz in the studio) Newschannel 4 will have more on this developing story on Live at Five. (pause) Now, stay Connection. tuned for The Love

Beginning of the Love Connection. Chuck Woolery's hair could not look more perfect. Plumber jumps up and runs into the bathroom. All that can be heard--besides the chatter and oohing and ahhing from the Love Connection--is the Plumber violently regurgitating in the bathroom. Outside, a neighbor is playing Mountain High" by John Denver. Jeff turns off the television. sounds are the Plumber vomiting Denver crooning. "Rocky

The and

only John

OUTSIDE VOICE Somebody shut that country fuck up! Dave slumps his shoulders and puts his sandwich, carefully, on the coffee table in front of him. He stands up and walks into the kitchen. He opens the refrigerator, closes it, turns towards the refrigerator, and then reopens the refrigerator and closes it. He walks into his bedroom, and then walks back towards the family room now wearing a Bruins baseball cap. He sits down next to Jeff. DAVE What the fuck. . . JEFF Tell me that wasn't him.

Plumber walks out of the bathroom and sits back down in the chair he was sitting in. The phone rings once; twice; three; four times. The answering machine picks up after the fourth ring. DAVE's voice(on answering machine) Leave . . . a . . . message. (The machine beeps nine times) LAUREN (leaving message on machine) Jeff, guys, you've really gotta pick up. Are you there? Call me. Please. Lauren hangs up and the machine switches off. JEFF Aw, Christ . . . PLUMBER Tell me that wasn't him. DAVE That was his car. The phone rings twice, then the answering machine picks up. DAVE's voice(on answering machine) Leave . . . a . . . message (The machine beeps thirteen times) CATHY Plumber, give me a call. got to talk.


CATHY hangs up and the machine switches off. The phone rings two more times before the answering machine picks up. DAVE's voice(on answering machine) Leave . . . a . . . message (The machine beeps seventeen times)

SYREN Hey, Jeffrey, what's up boyfriend? You boys got a lot of messages, do you think you have some time for me. I hear I missed you last night, but, if you give me a chance, I promise I'll make it up to you tonight. I've been a bad, bad girl. SYREN hangs up and the machine switches off. The phone the first kitchen. wall and sits in a rings again, but Dave jumps up on ring and briskly walks over to the Dave rips the phone out of the throws it in the garbage. Dave chair in the kitchen.

DAVE Fucking-a-balls. PLUMBER How did they find him? JEFF Somebody must have seen us drive away. DAVE I looked around--there was nobody there. JEFF Somebody must have seen us, though. Maybe they were looking out a window or something, but somebody saw us. PLUMBER Or they saw the car. DAVE That car sticks goddamned elephant.



PLUMBER You don't think there's any chance he's alive, do you?

JEFF They said he was executed. PLUMBER But maybe it wasn't him. DAVE It was him. PLUMBER (in the beginning of a panic) How can you know? They didn't show his face or nothing--maybe it wasn't him. Maybe they got the wrong guy. JEFF That was him. I recognized the sneakers. Those are the ones he keeps in his locker. DAVE I can't believe he's dead. He was just sleeping on the goddamned couch. Jeff slowly stands up. next to Dave. Plumber follows him. PLUMBER Last night was his birthday--this whole thing didn't happen. Neither Jeff nor Dave respond. PLUMBER We're graduating tomorrow . This just can't be happening. JEFF Jesus Christ, this is unreal. DAVE Un-fucking-believable. Jeff sits in a chair

JEFF Should we tell his mom? Plumber jumps out of the chair and runs back to the bathroom, where he throws up again. DAVE How are we gonna tell his mother? JEFF I don't know, but how can we not? Plumber walks out of the bathroom, wiping his mouth with an old handtowel. He throws the towel in the garbage, and then walks over to the couch. He stands there, and faces Jeff and Dave. PLUMBER We gotta tell her, but . . . JEFF But what? PLUMBER What do we tell her? JEFF The fuck if I know. PLUMBER I dont know. Right now, she doesn't know what the hell's going on, and she thinks the whole thing was some kind of mistake, or, at the worst, a dumb accident. Would it be better if she knew that Dave slammed on the gas and crashed the car into the old lady? DAVE Back off, Plumber. Don't be laying this off on me. You're every bit to blame that I am. PLUMBER (Startled) The hell I am.

Dave walks towards Plumber. Jeff stands up to get in front of Dave. Dave starts to push Jeff aside when there is a knock on the door. Rap. Rap. Rap. (pause) Rap. Rap, rap, rap. (pause)

The three roommates frozen in terror.






JEFF Who do think it is? PLUMBER The hell if I know. JEFF Do you


(whispering) them?




DAVE No clue. JEFF We better get out of

(whispering) here.

The three stand frozen for a moment, until the rapping starts again. Rap, rap, rap, rap. PLUMBER The window in Dave's room. Plumber runs into Dave's bedroom, and Jeff and Dave follow him. The sounds of a window opening are audible, and the three of them can be heard scrambling out. Rap, rap. LAUREN

(On the other side of the door) Guys are you in there? I've got to talk to you.

SCENE XI INT: APARTMENT LATER THAT DAY Dave's head sticks through the door. He looks around, quickly scanning the apartment. He opens the door further, still scanning the room. Dave steps into the apartment. Jeff and the Plumber follow behind him. Dave wanders off towards the television, looking for nothing in particular. Jeff walks to the left, nothing in particular. Plumber around. walks into the also looking for



Dave walks through the kitchen and heads towards his bedroom. He opens the door. Plumber and bedrooms. Jeff walk into their own

Plumber walks into the kitchen, followed by Dave and then Jeff. The three table. of them sit around the kitchen

PLUMBER Nobody's been here. JEFF I don't think it was them. DAVE It wasn't them. JEFF I don't like that feeling, though. PLUMBER Tell me about it. I can't live like this. What the hell are we

gonna do? DAVE There's nothing to do. JEFF Dave, we've got to do something. DAVE No we don't. We just hang tight for a couple of days, graduate, and then get the hell out of here. PLUMBER I don't know. I know two days isn't a long time, but I don't think I can live like this, even for two days. JEFF Dave, Plumber's right. I gotta tell you, I was scared shitless. DAVE So was I. Big deal. Nothing wrong with being a little scared. But we gotta suck it up, because there's no options. PLUMBER There's gotta be options. always options. DAVE Like what? JEFF Dirk got killed. They're gonna come after us. It's just a matter of time. DAVE No way. There's no way they even know about us. From what they said on the tube, Dirk just got killed. Executed. JEFF We don't know that.


All we know

is they killed him. They could have asked him who he was with when it happened. They could have tortured him. PLUMBER Dave, these aren't the police. They could've cut off his fucking thumbs. Dirk's a great guy, but, if they started torturing him . . . DAVE If they started torturing him, what? He'd have no idea what they were talking about. He was asleep the whole time. Never woke up. JEFF That's right. He doesn't even know about the accident. He would have just looked at them like they were nuts. PLUMBER I know, but don't you think they would have asked him who he was with? He would have known who he was with. He would tried to give them something. (pause) DAVE We don't know that he was tortured. Like they said on TV, all we know is that he was killed. Executed was the word they said. JEFF executed. That's what they

Yeah, said.

DAVE If he was missing fingers, or had been tortured, they would have said.

JEFF They definitely would have said. That would have made it a better story, so they wouldn't have left that part out. DAVE said he

And they car . . .




JEFF Behind the wheel. DAVE Right. Behind the wheel. Would they torture him while he was sitting behind the wheel? JEFF No way, man. PLUMBER Would they torture him, kill him, then prop him up in the same position he was in when he drives? JEFF No way. DAVE Makes no sense. PLUMBER I guess you're right. (pause) One question, though. I admit I dropped a load when I heard that knocking at the door. But, if you're so sure they don't know about us, how come you guys freaked out, too? And I know you did. DAVE Nerves, man. We just found out our friend was killed, and I didn't have a chance to think things through. So when the door knocked, I panicked.

(to Jeff)

PLUMBER And you?

JEFF I guess the same thing. PLUMBER And when we crept through our apartment to make sure nobody had been here? Dave gets up and walks into his bedroom. Dave walks out of his bedroom and directly into the bathroom, wearing only his shorts and a towel thrown over his shoulder. The shower is turned on. PLUMBER I don't know, Jeff. JEFF The way Dave says it--that makes sense. PLUMBER Yeah, I guess. But if somebody knocks on that door right now, are your balls gonna jump back up in your throat? JEFF Damn straight. PLUMBER I don't like it.

Me too.

JEFF Plumber, what's there to say? I'm scared shitless, but I don't know what to do. I mean, in a couple of days, this'll all be over, and we don't have a lot of choices. PLUMBER We could go to the police. JEFF

Don't you think I've thought about that? Forget what's going on now, but think about how this started. I was piss drunk driving home from a bar when I fell asleep at the wheel. Then, next thing I know, I'm crashing into a car. We didn't know the old lady was back there, or that she got hurt, but she did. And even without her, I'm driving drunk and leaving the scene of an accident. PLUMBER That's not so bad. JEFF Maybe not, but I might have to go to jail, for at least a little time. And even if I don't, where does that leave me? Plumber, I know this is selfish and all, but my Dad got me a job with a bank in Hartford. You know that. You think they'll let me keep the job if I get arrested the day before graduation. PLUMBER Maybe. JEFF Hell no, Plumber, you know that. And they might even hit me for murdering the old lady. You know how they are with DWI's. I was drunk and I was driving when we hit the car. PLUMBER But it wasn't your fault. JEFF Maybe, maybe not. If I'm not drunk, if I don't fall asleep at the light, none of this happens. And you're forgetting something else.

PLUMBER What's that? JEFF The big man. I may be fucked for driving, but he reached across the car and stepped on the gas. They really may go after him. I don't know about things like this, but, well, I don't know. And he's getting married in less than two months. I'll tell you this-there's no way he's going to the police. And we can't do that unless we're all agreed on it. PLUMBER But what do we do? JEFF I've got no idea.

I don't know.

PLUMBER Maybe we should get out of the apartment until after graduation, just in case. JEFF We probably should. want to go?

Where do you

PLUMBER Let's grab a hotel in the city. Just for the night. JEFF Maybe. (Jeff just looks at Plumber and shakes his head) JEFF I can't believe this shit. The shower turns off, and Dave leaves the bathroom and walks into his bedroom with his towel wrapped around his waist. Plumber

walks over to the chair in front of the TV and sits down. Moments later Dave reappears, wearing shorts and a Bruins T-shirt. His hair is wet and spiked up. Dave sits down on the couch. Jeff stands up and walks into his bedroom. He exits his bedroom wearing blue and white boxer shorts, no shirt and a towel in his hand. He walks into the bathroom, and turns on the shower. After putting on his sneakers and socks, Dave leans forward, with his elbows propped against his knees. DAVE You all right, Plumber? PLUMBER How about you? DAVE Definitely

I guess.

Been better. better.


PLUMBER Dave, I can't believe he's dead. DAVE I know, I mean, what the fuck? He didn't even have anything to do with it. The poor bastard was just sleeping in the back seat when we cracked up his car. PLUMBER That I was supposed to be driving. DAVE And that was caused by me and Jeff. PLUMBER Dave. I was supposed to be driving. If I had stayed sober, like I was supposed to, none of this would have happened.

DAVE Plumber, any of us would have done the same thing if we walked in on our girlfriend making out with some guy at Ma's. PLUMBER But you didn't. I did. like a moron.

I acted

DAVE Don't get hung up on that part of it. There was no way you could have known. I mean, if you want to play that game, none of this would have happened if Syren had been working at Scott's. Right? PLUMBER Yeah, I guess. DAVE I'm serious. We would have just stayed there, and you wouldn't have seen Cathy making out with that guy, and wouldn't have gotten upset, and you would have driven us home, and everything would have been fine. But that's not the way it worked out, so we gotta deal. PLUMBER But Dirk's dead. DAVE Believe me, I know.

I know.

PLUMBER Do you think we should go to the police? Jeff doesn't think so, but, I don't know--what do you think? DAVE I guess we could. But what good would it do? Are they going to protect us? I don't think so. If

anything, Luccia's guys will just be tipped off that there were other people involved. And the police can't do anything to stop them. We'd just have to hide, and we'd be in the same position we're in now. PLUMBER But . . . DAVE And that's not the only thing. After we graduate, I'm getting married. If Angela finds out about this, she'll freak out. I'll be okay, though. But Jeffs going to work at that bank. If we go to the police, he's going to at least get a DeeWee, and he'll probably lose his job. Hell be screwed. His parents--like ours-would be pissed off, but he'd lose his job over it too. I don't think that's right to do to him, especially since there's no good that would come from it. PLUMBER Dave, still, it just seems like we should do something. Like we owe it to Dirk, you know, to pay our respects to him. DAVE I know what you mean. Dirk--he was one of the first people I met here. You didn't meet him until later, but Jeff and me, we knew him from day one. Other than some of the clowns around here I went to high school with, he's probably my oldest friend. He was a good guy, and I feel like I've gotta do something. Not to because, protect my own ass, to tell you truth,

whatever happens now, it happens. I can't stop it, and part of me feels like I deserve it, you know, for what we did. Like you said, like I owe that to him. PLUMBER How can I ever face his mom again, knowing what happened. I don't know how they're gonna do things, but we're gonna have to go to a funeral. And she's just gonna be sitting up there, and she's gonna have no idea what happened. I feel like I have to tell her, just so she knows the truth, so she doesn't spend the rest of her life wondering. But, like you said, that's not going to make any of this better for her. It'll make things worse. Because then she'll be pissed off and angry and I just don't see how that will help things. And you're right, too. Part of me--as scared shitless as I was when I crawled out that window-part of me thought that whatever is gonna happen, let it happen, because then at least I'd pay my price, and I'd be even. DAVE I thought that, too, Plumber, but twenty-two is too young to divvy up the chips. There's a lot ahead of us, and I'm not gonna go run into a cave and hide. I don't know. PLUMBER I just wish there was something we could do. The shower water turns off, and a moment later Jeff walks out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

Dave sits on the couch, and newspaper on the coffee table.



Plumber walks to the refrigerator and opens up a can of Pepsi. Jeff emerges from his room, wearing University of Connecticut basketball shorts and a Dallas Cowboys (Troy Aikman) jersey.

JEFF Plumber, did you talk about the hotel? PLUMBER No, I forgot all about it. DAVE What hotel idea?



JEFF Plumber thought it might not be a bad idea to hang out in the city for the night. Get a hotel room, check in under some fake names, just in case they're looking for us. DAVE You guys know what a hotel room in the city costs? At least two beans a night. At least. PLUMBER Between the three of us, not that much. JEFF It's only for one night.


DAVE That'll be like seventy-five bucks. You guys are whacked. JEFF What's so whacked about it?

DAVE It's a waste of frigging that's why its whacked. PLUMBER waste if


It's not about us.



DAVE If they knew about us, then we'd be dead already. PLUMBER That's comforting. JEFF I don't know, Dave. We're talking about some serious shit here, and, for two days, I don't see the big deal about hanging out for a night in the city. PLUMBER It'll actually be kind of cool-different that hanging out at Ma's. DAVE It's a waste of money. And I know Ma's can get a little bit old, but this is the last couple days we're gonna see everybody. I don't want to spend my last night before graduation at a sausage hang with you two guys. JEFF It'll be cool.

C'mon, Dave.

DAVE (beginning to get annoyed) It'll be a waste of money. What are we going to do, hide until graduation? If they know about us, don't you think they might have figured out that we'll be at graduation this weekend. PLUMBER (unconvincingly) If we can just

get through this weekend . . . DAVE If we can just get through this weekend what? Then they'll leave us alone. They'll say, 'Oh yeah, those guys killed the Dons mother, but they moved to Massachusetts, or Connecticut, or Jersey, so let's not bother to follow them. No way. If we hide now, then we don't stop hiding until the day they bury us, because it's over. These assholes wont quit. JEFF Dave, what harm can it do? DAVE I'll tell you what harm it can do. This is my last weekend here, and I've had a great four years. But this is my time, and I'm not going to waste this moment because I'm afraid of the boogeyman. What the fuck is wrong with you guys? PLUMBER I guess, but I don't (Plumber looks at Jeff).


JEFF Plumber, I like the idea, but he's right. Either they know about us, or they don't. If they don't, we're fine. If they do, going to a hotel is only going to buy us couple days. I mean, Dave's father's name is on the dealership and he's having a wedding with three hundred guests this summer. You'll be there. I'll be there. And, I'm going to start work soon, and you, you're gonna move back home to Jersey, right? PLUMBER

I might stay in the city. DAVE Doesn't matter. They're gonna find us if they know about us. PLUMBER If you're right, and all that going to a hotel does is buy us a couple of days--what's so bad about that? What's the great rush to be killed? Let's run up the credit cards and go to Flashdancers and have one wild-ass night. DAVE What the fuck? We'll do that after graduation. But now, let's hang here, where we belong. I'm not going to see these people for a long time--some of them I'm never going to see again. And we have nothing to worry about. PLUMBER I'm not so sure of that. JEFF To tell you the truth, Dave, I'm not really convinced either. DAVE If Dirk talked, they would have been here by now. What would they have waited for? PLUMBER I have no idea, but I'm not pretending to know what the hell they're thinking. And I can't believe you are. I mean, what do you know about what's going on? DAVE Listen, Plumber, don't piss me off by whining like a schoolgirl. PLUMBER

Fuck you, dumbass. DAVE Fuck me? Fuck you. You sound like my baby sister, for Christ's sake. PLUMBER Well you sound like a moron. (Plumber takes a step towards Dave). DAVE (standing up) What are you nuts? Sit your ass down. PLUMBER (still walking towards Listen you know-it-all. . .


DAVE You take one more step forward and the mafia's gonna be the least of your problems. Jeff holds Plumber and Dave stands there, ready for whatever might happen next. PLUMBER Fucking moron. DAVE Sit down and shut up. PLUMBER Biggest fool of all is the one who thinks he knows something when he doesn't. DAVE Stick your philosophy up your ass, unless you want me to do it for you. JEFF Enough fellas. Plumber, hit the shower. Dave, sit down. Jeff grabs the Plumber by the arm, firmly,

and the two of them make eye contact. Jeff turns the Plumber back towards his bedroom and the bathroom. He nods his head at the Plumber, who shakes his head, but walks back towards his room. A moment later Plumber walks out of his bedroom wearing boxer shorts and with a green and white towel draped over his shoulder. The water is turned on, and Plumber is quickly in the shower. Jeff walks over to the chair in the living room, and Dave sits back down. Dave turns on the television--there is a women's tennis tournament on ESPN. JEFF Dave, I'm not telling you what to do, but he's under a lot of stress. I mean, I know you are too--we all are--but, you know what I'm saying. DAVE Yeah, I know. I should have backed off and let him blow off some steam. I don't know, but I kind of lost it for a minute too. JEFF Don't worry, 'cause nothing came of it. But you know, if there's a next time . . . DAVE I know. JEFF (smiling) Because next time it might be me, and he won't be able to stop me. So, promise me this, if it's me, don't kill me. DAVE Don't know. No promises. be two for roughing. JEFF


I could deal with two for roughing. Just don't get called for a major, you know what I mean. DAVE I capisce you. (pause) JEFF Dave, honestly, I don't think the hotel is such a bad idea. I follow your logic and everything, but I keep hearing things, and it's making me jump out of my skin. I could use the peace and quiet. DAVE Might not be a bad idea. I've got the cash for the room--it's just that I don't feel like hiding. JEFF Neither do I, but, you know. DAVE Can't the two of you go? JEFF I guess we could. But, the whole time, we'll be worrying that somebody got to you. And that'll suck. DAVE And you'll be wondering if I gave you up. JEFF No, not really. DAVE Yeah, right. JEFF Either way, I think we're in this together, and that's how it should

stay. The three of us go, or none of us go. DAVE I'll go. What the fuck, you know what I mean? JEFF What the fuck. The water turns off, and Plumber bathroom with a towel around his looks at Dave, and nods. Dave Plumber walks into and out of his leaves the waist. He nods back. bedroom.

Dave gets up from the couch and walks towards his bedroom. On his way, he passes the Plumber, who is standing in the kitchen. As he walks by the Plumber, Dave extends one of his arms and grabs Plumber by the back of the neck. He pulls Plumber's face close to his. DAVE (softly (for him), but not quite whispering) It's cool, bro. Try not to let things get to you--I got your back. Plumber puts his right fist and forearm up in the air, and they bash forearms, softly, like McGuire and Canseco of the A's. PLUMBER Sorry, big man. DAVE No problem. We're gonna stay in the city tonight. JEFF Lets get something to eat, then well come back and pack. The camera fades to black.

SCENE XII INT. APARTMENT Pete and Gino enter the apartment. Gino Theyre not here. Pete I can see that. Pete and Gino walk through the apartment. They meet in the kitchen. Gino Do you think they bolted? Pete If they did, they didnt take the time to pack. Pete walks over to the garbage. and sees the answering machine. Gino What do we do now? Pete Would you shut the fuck up? Pete takes the small cassette tape out of the answering machine and slides it into his pocket. Pete Lets get out of here. The two of them exit the apartment, Pete placing the answering machine back in the garbage on his way out. He looks in

Fade to black.

SCENE XIII INT: APARTMENT The muffled voices of Jeff, Plumber and Dave can be heard on the other side of the door. The door handle jiggles ever so slightly. The three voices abruptly cease talking, but a moment later their whispering can be heard through the door. DAVE Who was the last one out? JEFF I think it was the Plumber. DAVE Was it you, Plumber? PLUMBER I don't remember. It could have been me. DAVE Did you close the door behind you when you left? PLUMBER If I was the last one out, I'm sure I did. I mean, I don't remember, but I've never left the door open behind me before. JEFF Plumber, how can you not remember? PLUMBER I just don't. Look out, fellas, if somebody screwed up it was me, so here goes . . . The door slowly--very slowly--slides open. Plumber's head sticks through the door, and he steps through the door.

Dave's hand grabs him by the shoulder and starts to pull him back. DAVE (whispering) Back off, Let me check this out.


PLUMBER Don't worry, I got it covered. Plumber walks into the room, his eyes darting in a million different directions at once. PLUMBER Is anybody in there?


LAUREN (V.O.) Hey guys, what's up? Lauren's voice comes out of the bathroom, which she walks out of a moment later. Plumber's head slumps to his chest and his body shivers. JEFF What are you doing here? Jesus fucking Christ. LAUREN What's the matter Jeff? JEFF What's the matter? Jesus Christ! Lauren (looking at Dave and the Plumber for support, but getting none) Jeff, you're a little wound up today. Jeff bursts between Dave and the Plumber, but before he can get far, one of Dave's hands grabs Jeff by the shoulder, stopping him dead in his tracks. Jeff spins around. DAVE (leaning very close to Jeff, and

whispering) Jeff takes forward. a

She might not know. back. Plumber steps


PLUMBER What's up, Lauren? LAUREN One more day 'til graduation. Time to par-tay. Right guys. JEFF Yeah, whatever. How did you get in here? LAUREN Remember when you guys went on spring break, and you asked Dirk to keep an eye on the place? JEFF Yeah. LAUREN Well, he didn't. He gave me the key, and asked me too. DAVE Fucking A. LAUREN Don't be pissed. It was no big deal. Plumber sits down in the chair. PLUMBER Christ. LAUREN What? Are you worried that I went through your underwear? JEFF What are you talking about, Indian? LAUREN What's wrong with you guys?

JEFF Lauren, what do you want, anyway? Lauren What I was going to tell you when I called you this morning--before you hung up on me--and when I called and when I came by before but nobody was home . . . PLUMBER Did you knock? LAUREN I kept knocking until I thought my knuckles were going to bleed. JEFF Christ . . . LAUREN That's when I remembered that I had your key. I brought it to return it to you. PLUMBER What did you have to that's so important? LAUREN We're having a party Last one of the year.




JEFF Lauren, I promise you, we'll be there, but only if you get Andrea to take off her shirt. LAUREN Just ask her--I'm sure she will. So you gonna make it? DAVE Wouldn't miss it for the world . . . LAUREN

Cool. I'll see you then. (she reaches into her pocket) Here's your key. (Jeff opens up his hand and she hands it to him, an awkward attempt at flirting on her behalf) JEFF Thanks, Lauren, I'll see you later. Jeff stands up and puts his arm around her and walks her to the door. She is staying very close to him, taking advantage of Jeff's sudden burst of affection. Jeff opens the door, and as she walks out, he lightly smacks her ass. LAUREN Jeffrey! Lauren tries to look much more offended than she actually is. Jeff just shrugs. JEFF See you tonight. LAUREN (Leaning around Jeff towards Dave and the Plumber) See you guys tonight. And you, (talking to Jeff) if you come to the party, you better watch your hands. JEFF You wish, Indian. Jeff slowly swings the door shut behind her, and they hear her walk away. PLUMBER (smiling) What was that all about? JEFF As she handed me the key, I realized that might be my last ass, so I figured, what the fuck? DAVE

What the fuck . . . INT: APT LATER THAT AFTERNOON Jeff, Dave and the Plumber are moving about the apartment, each holding a small duffel bag. Jeff wears a baseball cap that is slightly askew. Plumber stops and sits down. PLUMBER You guys just about ready? DAVE Ohhhhh, yeahhhh . . . JEFF Just a minute. (Jeff goes into the bathroom, and comes back out a moment later with the baseball cap straightened out). We should probably take cash out here before we get on the subway. PLUMBER Yeah, and whatever we'd credit card for. DAVE Whatever. . . The camera follows the three of them as they congregate in front of the door. Each makes sure his duffel bag is closed. JEFF I guess that's it. Plumber opens the door and walks out. Dave follows behind him, but hesitantly so. Jeff turns out the lights and starts to close the door. Jeff walks back into the apartment and turns the television on. The sound that it makes is the signature Sportscenter "Ba nan nan . . .ba nan nan . . ." It is not yet dark out, but the curtains have been drawn so the television provides most of the


light in the room. As Jeff closes the door, he turns around one last time to look over the apartment. The door closes behind them. Jeff locks the dead bolt with a key from outside. Fade to black.

SCENE XIV EXT: SUBWAY STATION F-train roars by a local subway stop. Mere glimpses of light pass through the cars. The blur of the speed makes this light opaque. INT: SUBWAY CAR The clackety-clack of the cars on the track diminishes--but does not disappear. The camera pans starting at the forward. the interior of the car, back end and working its

Jeff sits on a bench. He has a duffel bag between his legs. Dave leans against the door that leads to the preceding car, with all of his weight on his left foot. Dave's right leg is bent at an angle, with his foot pressed squarely against the door and taps to an unheard beat. Plumber sits on another bench. Both his and Dave's duffel bags are between his legs.

SCENE XV EXT: LAURENS APARTMENT Lauren closes the door behind her and begins walking down the hall towards the elevator. Pete and Gino have been waiting outside her apartment door. Gino whistles, as at a sexy womans walk. Lauren turns around. LAUREN around, smiling)

(turning me?


Gino You heard me. Pete Youre Lauren, right? LAUREN (Flirtatiously) Yeah. to know? Pete I do. Pete takes his handgun out from behind his back. He points it at Lauren and fires. (CUT TO SUBWAY: BOYS STILL IN SUBWAY CAR) Clackety-clack, clackety-clack [QUICK-CUT]



INT: SYRENS APARTMENT There is a knocking at the door, causing a commotion among Syren and her two roommates. ROOMMATE #1 Can somebody get that, Im on the phone? ROOMMATE #2

Syren, get that will you? SYREN I just got out of the shower!!! ROOMMATE #2 Cmon, Im doing my nails. Syren runs out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. She looks through the peephole and sees Pete and Gino. Pete is carrying a beer keg. SYREN Who is it? Pete Beer delivery. SYREN We didnt order any beer. Gino Is this forty West Fourth Street, apartment D? SYREN Yeah. Gino Somebody ordered it. Its already paid for if you want it. Pete Cmon lady, its getting heavy. Petes arms barely strain. The locks on the door open, and Syren stands there in a towel. Before she can say or do anything, Gino takes a gun from his waistband and shoots her. Roommate #2 sees the execution and screams. Gino leans forward towards Syren exposing a pair of very long legs. He looks at Pete and they both nod approvingly before turning and leaving.

[CUT TO SUBEAY: BOYS STILL IN SUBWAY CAR] Clackety-clack, clackety-clack [QUICK-CUT] EXT: CATHYS APARTMENT Cathy walks up to her door with a knapsack over her right shoulder and fumbles with her key before unlocking the door. She walks in. INT: CATHYS APARTMENT Pete sits at the kitchen table drinking a glass of milk. Gino is sitting on the couch, watching television. Gino stands up. Gino Youre Cathy right? CATHY (Utterly confused) Yeah. Pete Your milk is not cold. Pete stands up and shoots her right between the eyes. [CUT TO SUBWAY: BOYS STILL IN SUBWAY CAR] Clackety-clack, clackety-clack Over Dave's shoulder and through the glass part of the door against which he leans, a pinpoint of light can be seen. Slowly, the light gets bigger and brighter. An inaudible muffle is heard conductor makes an announcement. as the

The light explodes on the background as the platform for the next station is reached.

INT: HOTEL ROOM The door opens, and Jeff walks in with Dave and the Plumber behind him. Jeff throws his bag on the bed, and Plumber sits on a chair by the table. Dave walks into the bathroom heard washing his face. DAVE Oh, yeah . . . PLUMBER This isn't so bad. JEFF It'll work for a night. DAVE For a night . . . Plumber walks over to the picks up a remote control. television and and can be

JEFF Dave, you wanna get somethin' to eat right away, or you wanna hang a little bit? The television flashes on. It is tuned to a channel welcoming hotel guests. DAVE I could eat a hog.

Let's roll.

Plumber flips from one channel to the next. JEFF Ready, Plumber? PLUMBER Yeah. Just a minute. I wanna see who's pitching for the Yankees tonight. I think it's Militello.

DAVE What the fuck . . . PLUMBER Just give me a minute. Dave and Jeff wait for the Plumber. Dave stands leaning against a wall by the bed, and Jeff sits on the bed. Plumber there. puts on channel 4 and leaves it

PLUMBER (to neither Jeff nor Dave) Sports should be coming up. ROZ To follow up on our lead story today, Liz O'Connor is at the grief-stricken campus of St. John's University. Liz, can you describe the scene out there? LIZ Yes, Roz, the mood is very somber. This afternoon, Newschannel 4 broke the story of this college senior . . . Dirk's graduation photograph is shown. . . . who was executed earlier this afternoon. Police believe that he was the driver of the vehicle that killed Mafia Don Anthony Luccia's mother in an apparent hit-and-run accident this morning. Mr. Dirk Grolsch, scheduled to graduate with honors tomorrow, was killed by a bullet fired at close range through his temple while seated behind the wheel of the vehicle he is believed to have been driving at the time of the accident. It now appears that may have been only the beginning of the carnage.

Recent developments have led the police to conclude that other people may have been involved in the fateful traffic accident. More specifically, the deaths of three female St. John's students-Catherine Block, Lauren Shag and Elsa Syren--have changed the police department's investigation. All three women were also set to graduate tomorrow and were close friends with Mr. Grolsch and a small group of friends with whom he often associated himself. Ms. Block and Ms. Syren are believed to be the girlfriends of two of Mr. Grolsch's friends. All three women were executed in the same professional manner as Mr. Grolsch--one bullet in the head. Police are urging friends of Mr. Grolsch to come forward for their own safety. Although they have no information implicating anybody other than Mr. Grolsch in the accident, these bleak circumstances indicate that the mafia underworld may likely be acting on its own leads. ROZ Liz, do the police know the names of the other individuals believed to be in the car at the time of the accident? LIZ They have only the most general information, Roz. The police are vehemently urging anybody else who may have been involved to please come forward for their own protection. ROZ

Thank you, Liz. Newschannel 4 will continue following this breaking story. (Pause, turn and look into a different camera) Next up, we have Bruce with sports. Bruce, how does it look for the Yankees? BRUCE Not very good, Roz. It looks like the days of the Yankee dynasties are forever behind us. I'll have that story, and, more . .. Plumber turns off hangs down, with chest. Jeff sits look on his face, ceiling. the television. His head chin pressed against his on the bed with a stunned and Dave looks up at the

JEFF Christ. Neither Dave nor the Plumber respond. Dave walks back into the bathroom and washes his face. Fade to black.

SCENE XVI INT: HOTEL ROOM THE FOLLOWING MORNING Jeff sits on the bed with his legs stretched out and his torso leaning against the headboard. Plumber sits at the table eating a bag of Cheez Doodles and drinking a can of Pepsi. The shower turns off, and Dave steps out of the bathroom. JEFF What are you getting all dressed up for, big man? DAVE Thought I might swing by and check out graduation. PLUMBER eating) You're


(still right?



DAVE I kind of want to see it.

JEFF Dave, not a good idea. DAVE Nobody'll even know

I'll be fine. I'm there.

PLUMBER Of course they'll know you're there. You don't exactly blend. DAVE (pulling on a pair of white knee length tube socks with green stripes--first the left foot) I'll go through the weight room. I've thought about this. It'll be okay.

JEFF What good is it gonna do you going through the weight room? DAVE (now putting his left foot into his high-top black leather Converse sneaker) I'll go through there to the A.D.'s office. Nobody will be using it this morning, and from the window I'll be able to see graduation on the football field. PLUMBER Somebody will see you, Dave. DAVE (pulling on the matching right sock in the same way) Nah--I'll kind of lay low. Nobody will see me, and I'll just crack the window so I can hear everything. JEFF Dave, I'm with the Plumber on this one. I don't think this is a good idea. DAVE (putting his right foot into its sneaker) Don't worry fellas, it won't be a problem. Dave finishes lacing then puts a shirt on. Jeff and nervously. Plumber up his sneakers and





PLUMBER Dave, look what they've done already. They're gonna be looking for us. JEFF know that. They're watching everything,

Dave, gonna

you be

hoping we show up. DAVE I know, but they won't check the weight room or the A.D.'s office. It won't be a problem. JEFF Dave . . . DAVE Listen, we haven't talked about this at all this weekend, but it's over. PLUMBER What's over? DAVE Everything. You don't think I can really get married and go work for my Dad now, do you? They'll find me--it won't be hard. And Jeff-you cant take that job anymore. They have the, uh, the incentive, you know what I mean? They'll find you. And Plumber, they'll find you, too, wherever you decide to go. JEFF (unconvincingly) I don't know . . . DAVE Guys, you know it. This isn't just about making it through the weekend anymore. It's over. If they're willing to kill the girls, they're gonna keep coming for us. PLUMBER So why play right into their hands and go to graduation? DAVE not even gonna know I'm They'll be looking, but never find me. I know

They're there. they'll

every back door on that campus. So I'm not even taking a chance. Ive spent four years here. Busting my ass. I could've worked harder, but I still worked hard. And what am I gonna have to show for it? Nothing. PLUMBER You'll have your diploma. JEFF No we won't. DAVE Jeff's right. We won't. We're gonna have to change our names, and, once I do that, I'll be damned if I give it to one of those clusterfucks in the administration offices. So our degree will be worthless-unclaimed. And Ang and Ill have to run off hiding to South Dafucking-kota. Believe me, shes not thrilled about that, and shes not thrilled that I made her hide upstate this weekend. So all I'm gonna have for this four years are a bunch of memories and that graduation ceremony. And I'm not going to miss that ceremony. PLUMBER is going

The ceremony boring, Dave.



DAVE Probably, but, you want to be there.



JEFF You're not going to talk to anybody.




DAVE I know, but I'll see them, even if they don't see me. Dave stands up and walks over to a dresser. He picks up his duffel bag and walks over to the door. He places the duffel on the floor, and turns around. Jeff has gotten out of the bed. He walks to Dave, and they clasp each other's right hand, not in a handshake, but almost as if they are about to armwrestle. They pull each other close--as close to a hug as two 22-year old males can do--and Dave thumps Jeff on the back with his left arm and hand. JEFF See ya' around, big man. DAVE See ya', Jeff. When this dies down, we'll get back in touch. Plumber walks up to Dave as Jeff and Dave release each other. They repeat the same motion. Dave practically picks the Plumber up with his one arm. PLUMBER When things die down . . . DAVE Yeah, when things die down . . . Dave turns and picks up his duffel bag and opens the door. He starts walking through the door. PLUMBER And, Dave, Dave half turns around. DAVE Yeah? PLUMBER I got your back.


DAVE Thanks, Plumber.

JEFF Be careful, big man. I'll be keeping my eyes open for an over30 hoops league. Dave steps through the door, and closes it behind him. Plumber walks back over to the chair he was sitting in by the table, but does not touch the Cheez Doodles or the Pepsi. Jeff sits on the end of the bed. JEFF He's right, you know. PLUMBER I know. JEFF We've got a few more hours, then it's over. PLUMBER I know. Have you thought about what you're gonna do? JEFF Yeah. PLUMBER What? JEFF I don't think I should tell you. And I don't think you should tell me. This way if they find either of us . . . PLUMBER Yeah. Right.

Plumber eats one Cheez Doodle.

PLUMBER What time do we have to be out of here? JEFF What time is graduation?


PLUMBER Starts at ten-thirty. JEFF He should make it in time. PLUMBER Plenty of time. Do they'll find him?



JEFF No idea. You couldn't pay me enough to go. But Dave's got a way, and he's smart. I'm sure he'll pull it off. PLUMBER I'm sure.


Me too.

I wish we funeral.

JEFF could go



Or Syrens Cats.

PLUMBER or Lauren's



JEFF I can't believe this shit happened. PLUMBER I'm gonna take a shower. Plumber walks into the bathroom. Jeff stands up and slides his bare feet into his boat shoes. He grabs his wallet and a room key off the top of the television set. Jeff walks over to the door and opens it. He places the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the outside handle and exits.

SCENE XVII INT: HOTEL ROOM, LATER THAT MORNING Jeff enters carrying a small paper bag and a newspaper. He sits down at the table and pulls out a small bottle of Hawaiian Punch and a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich. Jeff starts reading the sports section. Plumber walks only boxers. out of the bathroom wearing

JEFF I got breakfast. PLUMBER What'd you get? JEFF Egg sandwiches. PLUMBER Thanks. Plumber walks over to Jeff and picks up the extra sandwich. Jeff finishes his own sandwich. JEFF I'm gonna take a shower. Plumber just nods at him. Jeff gets up and walks towards the bathroom.

SCENE XVIII INT: HOTEL, LATER THAT MORNING Both Jeff and Plumber are fully dressed in the same clothes they wore on the subway going into the city. The television is on. The phone rings. PLUMBER They can't know we're here. JEFF And they wouldn't call first. PLUMBER Answer it. Jeff, who is closer to the phone, picks it up. JEFF Hello. DAVE's voice Jeffrey! JEFF (Borderline ecstatically) what are you doing? DAVE Just giving the boys a call. PLUMBER (to Jeff) Where is he? Jeff waves at him. JEFF Where are you, big man? DAVE Graduation. Tell Plumber to pick up the extension in the bathroom.


JEFF Plumber, pick up the extension in the bathroom. Plumber goes off camera into the bathroom, and remains there for the rest of the call. PLUMBER'S VOICE ON PHONE Ready. I'm on. DAVE I was able to sneak in no problem. This place is deserted. JEFF Are you sure nobody saw you? DAVE Oh, yeah . . . PLUMBER What's going on? DAVE Fr. Smith is going on and on about something. The guest speaker-some librarian from Georgetown-just spoke. JEFF Kind of makes the risk worth it, huh? DAVE If I'd known, I would've stayed at the hotel. (pause) It's cool being here. Nobody can see me, but I can see a lot of people in their seats. JEFF Is it rowdy? DAVE Actually it's pretty subdued. They started off with a moment of silence for Dirk and the girls.

PLUMBER Are you okay? DAVE Yeah. That was pretty rough, but, you know, it's over. (pause) Hold on, Louie's about to give a speech. Dave holds the phone through a window, and Plumber, Jeff and the camera can hear the scratching voice of Louie Carnesseca. Occasionally, the entire audience breaks into laughter. Plumber, Jeff and Dave are silent, listening to Louie. Plumber and Jeff hear Dave's voice. DAVE (not directed to Jeff or Plumber) What the fuck . . . The voice is interrupted by a sharp noise. It is a gunshot, muffled by a silencer. Plumber and Jeff hear the phone drop to the floor. Jeff and Plumber hear a dial tone. Plumber walks out of the bathroom, and stands looking at Jeff. He is dumbstruck. Jeff slowly hangs up the phone. PLUMBER What the . . .? JEFF Don't even say it, Plumber. PLUMBER Oh, fuck me. Plumber runs into the bathroom, could be heard vomiting. The phone rings. where he

Plumber walks out of the

bathroom and looks at Jeff. right back at him. PLUMBER Are you gonna answer it? JEFF I don't think so.

Jeff is looking

PLUMBER Does the A.D.'s office have redial? JEFF I have no idea. I've never been there. Plumber walks over to his packed duffel bag on the table and picks it up. PLUMBER I think we should roll. JEFF Yeah. Now.

Jeff picks up his bag, and the two of them walk towards the door to the hotel room. They exchange the same embrace that each did with Dave earlier that morning. Plumber walks out the door, and follows, closing the door behind them. Jeff


The following voiceover begins. PLUMBER (Older Voice) That was almost ten years ago now that Jeff and I walked out that door. I haven't seen him, or anybody from that life, since. I don't know. Maybe it was thoughts of the ten-year reunion that got me thinking it might be time to go home. I don't know. I guess Jeff thought the same thing. We were both wrong. The camera zooms in on a place in front of an empty bar stool. There is small rocks glass, still nearly full with whiskey, on a coaster by the current issue of USA Today. The camera circles to a television above the bar. FEMALE REPORTER Police today report the executionstyle murder of Jeffrey G. Finch in Queens, New York this morning. The murder is believed to be related to the St. John's Graduation massacre that occurred nearly a decade ago. Police had long ago closed the case, but, apparently, others had not. Ten years ago, a car driven by Dirk Grolsch hit a parked car--and in the process, killed the mother of renowned underworld figure,

Anthony Luccia. The next day, Mr. Grolsch and three women who were known to be acquaintances of Mr. Grolsch were executed. Finally, on graduation day, a known friend of Mr. Grolsch, Mr. Dave Delancey, was executed while attending St. John's graduation ceremony. Police believe Mr. Delancey, along with his two roommates--Mr. Jeffrey Finch and Mr. Kenneth DeFestano--were also in the car the night of the accident. Messrs. Fine and DeFestano disappeared from the New York area at that time, severing all ties to family and friends. At the time, it was unknown whether they had fled or been executed. It now appears that Mr. Fine, at least, had fled. Until now. Evidently, Mr. Fine attempted to return to New York, where the underworld was waiting for him. Police place the time of death at approximately ten o'clock p.m. This development has led police to believe that Mr. DeFestano may have fled at the same time as Mr. Fine. His whereabouts are presently unknown. The camera backs away from the television, and focuses on an airline ticket. The departure city cannot be seen, but the arrival is clearly JFK Airport, Queens, New York. The ticket is lying on the bar. The camera cuts to the back of a slumped figure walking away from the bar. The collar on his windbreaker is up, and he is carrying a duffel bag. PLUMBER I guess I'll try in another ten

years. THE END

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