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Numerologia este dintre toate stiintele oculte, poate cea mai usor de inteles, de folosit sau de impartasit. Tot ceea ce trebuie sa stiti este numele dumneavoastra complet si data de nastere. Trebuie sa recunoasteti ca in general este cam greu sa nu stiti foarte bine aceste doua lucruri. Numele si data nasterii va vor permite sa descoperiti toate secretele pe care numerele le ascund. Numerologia foloseste 11 numere pentru a face descrierea unei persoane sau pentru predictii. Numerele folosite sunt de la 1 la 9 la care se adauga numerele 11 si 22. 11 si 22 sunt considerate "dominante" si definesc in general persoane cu caractere si insusiri deosebite. Aceste persoane au mari capacitati de a invata sau de a realiza lucruri extraordinare in conditii dificile. Pentru ceilalti ele definesc insusiri mai tangibile sau mai practice. Majoritatea expertilor in domeniu sunt de acord ca numele complet din certificatul de nastere este cel definitoriu. Poreclele sau numele de dupa casatorie nu pot modifica importanta numelui capatat la nastere.

Free Sample Numerology Portrait for preda violeta florenta Your Sample Reading:
Introduction The ancient science of numerology offers insight into the personality by assigning numeric values to names and birth dates, calculating numerological values and then interpreting the results. To calculate the values used in numerology, all digits of a number are first added together. If the outcome is a number with more than one digit, the resulting digits are added together again until they are reduced to a single digit. For example, the number 27 is reduced by adding 2 + 7 to get 9. The number 1974 is reduced by adding 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 to get 21; then 21 is further reduced by adding 2 + 1 to get 3. All numbers are reduced to single digits between 1 and 9 except the special master number 11, which is not reduced in numerological calculations. Letters are first converted into numbers, which are then added together until they become a single digit. The letter A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, etc.; M = 13, which becomes 1 + 3 = 4. For example, the name Amy is equal to 1 + 4 + 7 = 12. 12 is then further reduced by adding 1 + 2 to get 3. Your Numerology Portrait applies the results of several calculations to provide

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insight into the most important aspects of your personality. Your soul number reveals your inner, private self, the underlying motivations that influence your decisions and actions, your subconscious desires and your most deeply ingrained attitudes. (It is determined by adding the values for the vowels in your full birth name.) Your Numerology Portrait is based on the following calculations: Total for each letter: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A=3 B=0 C=0 D=1 E=3 F=1 G=0 H=0 I=1 J=0 K=0 L=2 M=0 N=1 O=2 P=1 Q=0 R=2 S=0 T=2 U=0 V=1 W=0 X=0 Y=0 Z=0 Consonant Total: 9 (54) Vowel Total: 3 (39) Grand Total: 3 (93) Date Total: 6 (15) Missing Number(s) are: 8 First letter is P First vowel is E Your Soul Number is THREE. You are a romantic and an optimist at heart, with a great appreciation for life and all of its pleasures and beauty. Your gifts are imagination, inspiration, the ability to dream and to create. Your natural generosity, big-heartedness, and good humor wins you many friends. You have an inner joy and buoyancy which enables you to encourage and bring hope to others. However, some consider you unrealistic and naive, for you are drawn to the bright side of life and avoid the dark or difficult aspects of people and situations as much as possible. You do seem to attract more than your share of the good things in life. Comfort and ease come naturally to you. You are a very social creature and you especially enjoy being with creative, playful, spontaneous people. Theatre, dance, music, and other expressive arts have a strong appeal for you. Your weaknesses may include laziness, lack of discipline, and impracticality.

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