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The Neighborhood Files 1946 Bridgeville High Grads Reminisce

Grads say high school was the "fun years." By Kristy Snyder Email the author September 19, 2011 Email Print 1 Comment Though years have flown by and school districts have merged, the friendships between the Bridgeville High School Class of 1946 still remain. The class, which originally contained 113 members, celebrated its 65th anniversary Saturday. Of the 61 remaining members, 25 were able to attend the luncheon. We have a book that we keep up to date with everybodys name and phone numbers, said Rita Kizik, a member of the planning committee. And if they die, then they go to the last page. We have a board with pictures, if they had a class picture. Even with the dwindling numbers, the Class of 46 celebrated with laughter and joviality, as if they were still in high school. For many, this was the first time they had seen their friends since the last reunion. You think sometimes youll bump into a lot of people because youre in the same town, but you dont, Norma Ricciadello said. We have a lot of old friends that come all the time, Hope Drinkhall said. We always say that our meetings are more fun than the reunion, because we work at this. The planning committee is comprised of 11 classmates, all of whom are still actively involved in planning each reunion, which occurs about every three to five years. At each reunion, the classmates reflect on the changes in their lives and how different high school is now. I feel sorry for kids today, Alice Pesavento said. The kids today are a number in the computer. No identities. Each classmate took a different path, whether it was the military, college or marriage. When I graduated high school I thought, Oh hallelujah, Im finally out of here, joked Mary Weise, who is now a Bridgeville councilwoman. I was bored silly. I was glad to get out, [and I thought] I am going to make my mark in the world. But even through all their accomplishments and experiences, the classmates still seem to hold a nostalgic longing for the educational years of their past. If you only knew your school years were your fun years, Virginia Strang said. If you only knew then what you knew now. Make sure you do what you want to do now. 37 F HI:47 LO:46 Admin Patch Newsletter Nearby Kristy Snyder Editor Mike Jones: Covering the communities of Bridgeville, Collier, Heidelberg and Scott Home News Events Places Traffic & Gas Gallery READ MORE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD FILES Pro Wrestlers vs. Zombies Search Close

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