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Send A Scarf Campaign End: Closing Message

ASSALAMO ALAIKUM WARAHMATULAHE WABARAKATU In the name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Peace & Salutations to our NABI (SAW). We start this report with a lump in our throats. As we come to the end of our campaign, we would like to share some of our feelings and thoughts. The first HADITH that says Definitely actions depend upon our intentions was the originator of our campaign and hence its always been about the drive and not the collectors. We praise and thank the ALMIGHTY ALLAH for having given us this opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our Sisters in Zimbabwe. We have grown from learning to use our computers and typing with one finger to responding to emails on our cellphones. We would like to thank each and every one of you for participating in this campaign. Without your contribution, this campaign would never have been a success. This campaign started after EID UL ADHA. Our aim was to provide 1000 cloaks, 1000 scarves and 1000 Burqas for our Sisters. Thus far, we have dispatched two consignments. One in December (2011) which has already been distributed. We await the response about arrival of the second consignment which was dispatched around the middle of January (2012). We have a further two consigmnets of 30 boxes each ready for dispatch. Our policy is to wait for one lot to reach and be distributed before we send the next. We would like to thank the following people for extending themselves to us. - Saleem Kajee of Textrim Durban - Muhammed Ebrahim of Moosa Sales Room Fordsburg These individuals, have helped us by supplying fabric at below cost, to make new cloaks. - Brother Hassan Issac from Jack Ruby Fabrics Durban, for generously donating rolls of fabric for making Abayyas. Alhumdulilah, we managed to make 1214 NEW Abayyas. - Sister Elaine (who is Christian) was the seamstress who stitched these Abayyas at a very low cost

Send A Scarf Campaign End: Closing Message

- Mr Henri Gradwell (a Jewish Gentleman) from Durban, who extended himself in organising the lovely tactile fabric for Burqas. We have only managed to make 500 Burqas due to a shortage of fabric. Therefore, this part of the campaign is not complete and on going. We would like to thank each and every one who volunteered as drop off points. I have to single out two sisters: - Raeesah Dhabelia, who is a Matriculant from Lenasia, for having gone the extra mile and ensuring that items from that area were packaged and examined before being dispatched to our Durban Collection Depot. - Sister Rookeya Jossab of Trendy Kidz, for allowing herself to be our dumping site and for sorting, washing, ironing, packaging of garments and using her garage as a storage site. Furthermore, we have to thank those who through their acts of kindness, helped harness resources. - Starbell Transporters of Durban for Transporting our boxes to Zimbabwe, free of charge. - Mufti Menk for tweeting. The gist of it was If you have a garment that you have not used for more than a year, consider donating it to a deserving organisation ffd by that made our campaign go from national to international instantly. Apologies to Mufti Menk if my quotation is not correct. - Everyone who provided transport to the courier site & the people who provided the packaging. We thank all donations from our international contributors from as far as Mauritius and the United Kingdom that have already arrived.

Due to your generosity, we can proudly say that there are more than 1250 used Abayyas and 2000 scarves on their way to our Sisters in Zimbabwe. Last, but not least, we would like to thank our husbands for being patient and always not so encouraging. Saying we have bitten more than we can chew. Our children who were coerced into grudgingly packing of boxes, labelling and dropping them off. There are many people who may have been omitted to thank, acknowledge or reply to. We humbly apologise for our shortcomings with regards to the above. Maasalam,

Sisters Fathima, Moshina & Yasmin

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