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Session (Duration)

Module (Type-Venue) 1 (Group-Indoor)

Duration/ Equipment (per group) 20 minutes None





As an introduction of each group members to each other

As we get to know people, we would realize that we always remember them for the thing that made them significant Participants will be asked to get into their group and sit in a circle. Facilitators will pick a participant randomly to start the activity. The chosen participants will knock on the person on their right side. The knock-ed person would ask, who is that? The chosen participants would answer by stating their name. Then, the knock-ed person will ask again, (for example: if the chosens name is Haikal) Haikal who? Thus, (using the name Haikal) Haikal will answer by introducing his trademark (gesture is allowed) or something that will significantly describes him. Activity continues until each group members have introduced themselves. Usually, an introduction is done by simple oral presentation

Participants will be more comfortable to each other Better understanding between participants and facilitators Participants will know each other better

Knock, knock!

2 (Mass-Indoor) Session 1 (1H 15M) Remarks: -Marks will be taken

40 minutes Mahjong paper Marker pen

As an introduction for each group to their friends, facilitators and the rest of the committees To build up their confidence to stand in front of the crowd To boost up their creativity and critical thinking

Dont tell me, show me!

3 (Group-Indoor)

15 minutes Pen Colored paper salo tape

As a way to relax the participants before the program starts To give a mindset to the participants To get to know the participants better Dreams & nightmares

and marker pens Then, they are given 10 minutes to come up with their groups name, trademark and a flag When time is up, facilitator will tell them that theyll have to do a short sketch as a way to introduce their groups name, trademark and flag. Another 5 minute will be given for them to prepare. 2 minutes will be given for them to perform their sketch To paste any of our dreams or nightmares on a wall where we could frequently have a look at it is actually a reminder and a morale boost for us On one card, participants will have to write down their dreams and hopes on what they want to gain from the program and life, generally On the other card, participants will write down their fears and nightmares It is important to leave those cards without names. Facilitators will ask each participant what they have written Facilitators will give reviews and appropriate

Facilitators will give each group a Mahjong paper

Participants will get the exposure on being in front of their friends to express and explain their idea. Participants will have this as an opportunity to show their creativity while having more confidence

Participants will be more relax throughout the program All bad impressions and thoughts about the program will be changed Participants will have a better expectations for the program

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