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Prometheus Rebelling O'er

Poeta Ricardo Sal LaRosa XVIII Mrtius MMXII

Prometheus, 1839 by Grigory Karpovich Mikhailov, 1814 - 1867

Prometheus Rebelling O'er Pars I

Zeus had condemned Prometheus to an eternal suffering Chained to a rock exposed to the elements Where every evening a vulture would devour his organs Never causing death, but, immense suffering

The organs would grow back every time To repeat the sadistic ritual day after day But, what the writers of this historical mythology omits to tell us Is how Prometheus was rescued and liberated By more Powerful and Righteous divinities than Zeus He was freed by Truth, Justice, and Wisdom Three divine Spirits who rights wrongs across this universe Once freed Prometheus left this earth to visit other worlds Where he assisted emerging civilizations giving them FIRE and wisdom As for Zeus he was overthrown and exiled from earth Although Prometheus had no role in this coup His prophetic words of Zeus demise came to pass As this world and its inhabitants experience 2012 The divine friend of humanity has returned Prometheus and his rebellious Spirit have landed on the Moon And he is not alone ! An army of twenty-two thousand sentient warrior beings accompany their leader Beware the Powers That Be on this prison planet For your days like Zeus are numbered For injustice, war, slaughter, rape, torture against the innocent Shall not last forever ! For The Council of The Elders has spoken and rendered Their decisions For The GREAT SPIRIT of the universe has spoken, too As this world and its inhabitants experience 2012 This world shall shake from its very foundations For things are not what they seem The paradigms are shifting

Some for worse some for good With no room for neutrality Open your eyes and mind and soul To the revolutions happening within As Prometheus quietly walks the surface of the Moon Contemplating his next moves As he glazes upon the earth from afar Tears in his eyes of happiness and sadness For this world and its inhabitants For he had promised his earthly friends that he will return As this world and its inhabitants experience 2012 Great cosmic changes hovering over this planet Unbeknownst to most the historic implications that lie ahead Most going about their daily lives Not knowing that Prometheus is on the Moon Soon to land on earth in awesome splendors Inspiring and ever enchanting the inhabitants of earth With his legendary fervor and spirit for he is Prometheus rebelling oer . . .

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