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Peoples Pardnership loses more support

Despite their efforts to woo the criminal elements aka the
PNM sycophants, the PP has failed like its ostracized founder Basdeo Panday, to secure its voter base. The recent pronouncements that criminals will be lauded with jobs and salary while safe spots will continue to be victims of this careless government, has only served to enrage innocent hard working citizens who will now be heavily taxed so that this pardnership which continues to ignore the plights of its supports, can obtain funds to pacify the criminals. Again national security is compromised to appease the partisan factions. Whilst the nations law abiding citizens continue to struggle with escalating food prices, the hot spots continue to solicit government aid albeit they will vote back the PNM. The PM who is actually reigning (raining, because of the continued flooding) than ruling, has once more trampled on the backs on the majority UNC supporters to gain favour with the minority factions. And like the ostracized founder of the UNC, and the PPs predecessor NAR, this Peoples Pardnership will soon realize to its ignominy the result of slighting its secure voter base.


Thursday, December 1, 2011


The boastful claims of the Pardnership to provide food security is yet to be realized as food prices skyrocket due to incessant flooding caused by eroding mountain slopes which make way for planting of houses as opposed to planting of crops for food. This was a policy mandated by the PNM and now religiously being executed by the Pardnership. Be it known that agriculture is an East Indian based industry and we certainly dont want to see the Indo Trinidadians prosper under a perceived Indian Regime! How it go look?


While residents of Dookiesingh Street, Curepe are still to be accessed for compensation due to recent flooding, residents of Maraval have already received their claims, (even while the rains have not yet subsided). Several ministers were on tour in this posh area, while the designated MP and newly elected leader of the COP has not even sent a representative on his behalf to visit victims of flooding in his constituency (St Augustine).

More Corruption in the Judiciary

Judges and lawyers declare we are a law onto ourselves, we are above the law. One law for us and one law for the citizens. These pronouncements are made agaisnt a backdrop of recent findings that the Judiciary is compromised and ethnically baised.

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