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500 12TH STREET, ROOM 110

Present: JC Wallace, Ke Norman, Martin Ward, Laurie Berberich, Michael McGuire, Michael Haddad, Don Rogers, Chris Curtis General Counsel: Elizabeth Clark PR Consultants: Tim Gallen Excused Absence: Aliza Gallo, Anagha Dandekar Clifford, Michelle Lane Unexcused Absence: Andrew Brog Staff: Marco Li Mandri, Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Victoria Decker, Ted Tarver Guests: Kathy Claussen. Karissa Obeso-Govan Minutes: Discussions held and decisions made by the Interim Board of Directors SUBJECT Call to order- JC Wallace, President Approval of the minutes of October 5th, 2011 DISCUSSION ACTION?

The minutes of the October, 5th, 2011 meeting were presented for approval. Michael Haddad noted that no minutes for the closed session of that meeting had been presented. JC indicated that Elizabeth Clark may have taken minutes during the closed session. Tori will confirm and approval of the closed session minutes will be an agenda item for the next DOA Board meeting.

Introduction of new

Steve announced the opening of the new Plum


Mike McGuire moved and Laurie seconded the motion to approve the open session minutes as presented. The motion was approved unanimously. No action taken

388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612 Phone 510.238.1122 Fax 510.452.4530

businesses, property owners, public comment Financial Report

Board Roster-Update

Bar on Franklin Square and the Grand Opening of the Pop-Up Hood in Old Oakland on December 9th from 5-9 pm. Tori briefly walked the board through each of the three expense categories and highlighted the significant variances and identified fully expended line items. Tori explained that actual assessments collected in 2011 exceeded what was anticipated by $20,000.00. She also explained that within the DISI category, the Banner Program, Art and Soul Festival and the Holiday Parade budget line items were fully expended. The Midtown Oakland Arts District budget line item was not expended and of the $10,000.00 budgeted for the Old Oakland Music Series, $4,436.52 was used to supplement the installation of hanging plants on Broadway, as the budgeted event did not take place. This expenditure was authorized by DISI chairs. Under Organization expenses, the fees and permits line item had a positive variance of $398.00 for CDA and IDA membership-a board authorized expense. The Office Furniture and Equipment line item had a positive of $1672.00 for expenses related to office expansion. The variance is offset by funds in the Special Projects line item as authorized by the board. The Business Attraction and retention line item had a positive variance of $953.00 which is offset by $4,000.00 in sponsorship funds received from Comcast. Tori presented the updated DOA Board Roster for review. No corrections or changes were requested. Marco referred to the revised Strategic Vision Document on pages 13-16 of the agenda packet. He explained that this document was created in cooperation with Robert Wilkins. The board was asked to review and provide any feedback. Tori presented the proposed 2012 Joint Organization Committee and Board Meeting schedule for review and approval. Please see below for further discussion.

Chris moved and Martin seconded the motion to approve the financial report as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.

Review of Strategic Vision Document

No action taken

Meeting Schedule for 2012

Martin moved and Laurie seconded the motion to approve the proposed 2012 Joint Organization Committee and Board Meeting schedule. The motion was approved unanimously.

Inviting Mayor Quan to attend first Joint Board meeting of 2012

There was a motion to invite Mayor Quan to the first Joint Board meeting of 2012. The motion was amended to include City Administrator, Deanna Santana and Assistant City Administrator, Fred Blackwell to the meeting as well.

Joint Board Meeting at Oakland Museum of California

Chris explained that the Oakland Museum of California is interested in hosting the Joint Boards of the Downtown Oakland Association and the Lake Merritt-Uptown District Association in 2012. The OMCA is interested in becoming more involved in its surrounding community and may be able to offer museum discounts to district stakeholders.

SOBO-City of Oakland Parklet RFP

Gallen Neilly Report

Andrew explained that we want to add Parklets to our master encroachment permit and gave an update on the overall concept. We just want to stay involved in the process as it moves forward. Marco to send photos of Parklets specifically to Mike Haddad. Marco raised the issue of the City union grievance arbitration instigated by Peralta services entering Snow Park to provide maintenance services on the first day of the program. Marco proposed setting a SOBO meeting for discussion of arbitration outcome scheduled for some time in late January or early February. The result of the arbitration will affect ambassador access to Snow Park and Frank Ogawa Plaza. Andrew briefly touched on a successful meeting between staff and Vitaly Troyan where he seemed to support CBD initiatives and advised waiting to proceed on median landscape project until resolution of arbitration. Back of BART-Andrew explained the modification to design to prevent water damage to escalators, has filed a permit with BART and is awaiting final go ahead. There are 5 BART ledges identified in Downtown and 4 in Uptown. Tim raised the issue of CBD advertising in BART trainsJC advised pursuing that angle immediately. Tim Gallen presented the October/November activity report on pages 18-24 of the agenda packet. He reiterated his request to board

Don moved and Laurie seconded the motion to invite Mayor Quan, Deanna Santana and Fred Blackwell to the first Joint Board Meeting of 2012. The motion was approved unanimously. Chris moved and Martin seconded the motion to hold a Joint Board meeting at the Oakland Museum of California in 2012. The motion was approved unanimously. No action taken.

No action taken.

Emphasis on First Friday/Art Murmur/Great Wall

Adoption of not-to-exceed 2012 total budget


members that they send leasing data to him as it is the type of information that can be incorporated into business development stories. Also included in the Gallen Report was the article in the November issue of the Business Expansion Journal written by Marco and featuring the Downtown and Uptown districts. Chris briefly explained that the Art Murmur/First Friday event has grown beyond its bounds and there is discussion internally about how the CBDs can step in and manage the event more successfully. There is discussion about how the CBDs can potentially identify more ideal locations for food and art/craft vendors and to generate income through the facilitation of the permitting process. CBD Staff has been tasked with coming up with an action plan to move this process forward. Chris requested staff to continue to pursue a letter from the Mayor endorsing the 13th St. drawings/conceptual plan, Marco distributed a handout outlining the estimates on budgets and carry for DOA. JC indicated that is incumbent upon staff to work with committees and not to look at the budgets in silos. He suggested getting committee chairs in the room together to figure it out. Marco suggested that we consider month-tomonth contracts with our service providers as well as the eventual consolidation of maintenance and security. The total projected revenues for 2012 equal $962,279.00. A 5% reserve equaling $48,113.95 was proposed. The total not to-exceed budget for 2012 equals $914,166.00. Andrew explained that staff had held an Oakland Shines benchmarking event in November and were awaiting receipt of the $20,000.00 remuneration as contractually agreed to. Marco suggested to Tori that she include an Unexcused Absence line at the top of minutes to better track the participation of board members. JC requested that we include the nomination of Karissa Obeso-Govan and/or Kathy Claussen of CBRE to the DOA Board on the next Org. Committee Agenda.

No action taken.

Laurie moved and Chris seconded the motion to approve the notto-exceed budget of $914,166.00 and to direct committees to come up with budgets to confirm in January. The motion was approved unanimously. No action taken.

Next Meeting

The next meeting of the full DOA Board of Directors is scheduled for March 7th, 2012 at 1:00


pm. The meeting adjourned at 2;23 p.m.

Minutes taken by: Victoria Decker, Staff, Downtown Oakland Association

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