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Issues are ENGINEERED Before I discuss the main thrust of this article, allow me to rehash something constantly 'in

our faces': human sexuality .. Mom, a woman in her 80s, conservative Catholic, agrees that we are 'born sexual creatures'. She thinks there's too much sexuality in media: advertisement and TV shows very explicit about sexuality.. I agree with her on the commercialization aspects.. But let's consider this scenario at the beach which actually happened to a friend .. A woman was 'posing provocatively toward' him and got him sexually excited. Everyone around could see his 'excitement'. ;) [hehe] Most people find this situation amusing and entertaining but let's tweak the scenario a bit and replace the woman with an underage girl. Oh no! Automatically, people 'freak out' with this scenario. They assume something 'wrong' is going on: the girl's a slut, there's something wrong with her, the man's a pedo, there's something wrong with him,.. We're so quick to judge and condemn both parties; they're never given a chance simply to be themselves .. We don't realize our American Puritanical roots and how conservative we actually are about human sexuality .. We get barraged with conflicting messages: psychologists say You can fantasize about anything; anything is fair game in fantasy. Our media uses sex to sell pretty much any product: cars, aftershave/cologne,.. even weapons! But separate sex partners by one critical year: say, one is 18 and the other is 17, it becomes officially illegal .. It's no wonder our society and teens are totally confused about sex .. One of my friends just told me about how a 'friend of a friend' got pregnant at 13. Pregnant at 13. Wow. Isn't that a 'wonderful achievement' of American society? Now before you 'just say no', remember your own sexuality and 'first time' having sex.. If you're anything like me, you were both underage and probably did not wear protection. So stop with the 'just say no' attitude: we know that never works .. What does work is: teen-moms telling their stories to other teens and we need to do everything we can to support this kind of activity. Awareness is always the first step. Caring is the second .. And let's try our best not to judge and condemn normal human sexuality, okay? I'm NOT SAYING encourage a predator who gets off seducing kids; I'm saying: 'even' kids are sexual creatures and to deny this is to deny their humanity. Now to the main thrust ;) of this article: issues are ENGINEERED. How do I know? Why should you care? Let's deal with the second concern first. We are constantly barraged with sexuality and what I call 'distractions': white 'boy' kills black teen, gay teen kills himself after 'bullying', Planned Parenthood gets funding cuts (the pro-life/pro-choice debate),.. Even the Israel/Iran issue is a distraction from 'the real issue' (as written about before): control control control. So even human sexuality becomes a distraction from Truth: 'the ruling elite' do anything they need to keep us from the awareness: we can self-rule; we can have true democracy. About truth, Terry Kincaid (also known as TheAmazingAtheist), has proved himself totally capable (to me) to be able to consistently expose it, expose any lies/inconsistencies, and generally shed clear light as rays of sun penetrate after a thunderstorm. He's Aware: pay attention to him. Even Terry tho falls prey to media manipulations as you can see by simply looking at his youtube video titles. He's getting entangled in the 'media trap' the ruling elite have constructed for all of us to be preoccupied with.. What we need to do is constantly build awareness about true democracy and attract people with money/influence toward this effort. Regardless of your impression of my previous articles, we need to consistently avoid getting ensnared in side issues, consistently refocus our collective awareness on true democracy, and attempt to garner attention from influential/affluent individuals/families for that cause.

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