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ost of us has heard of or even experienced love triangle, but has anyone ever heard of Love Rectangle? Actually no one has ever used this kind of term ever before, i guess i am the first one to use it!! However whatever i am going to share would not be possible if i had not experienced it myself. And believe me it is not one of the situations anyone should be in. Cause it sucks!! I am going to tell three different stories, but only four characters. Stories what i share are of my own experience, these are too good that i can actually make up all these, i am not an author. Sometimes it may seem to be a confession, in a way, it is. y 1st story is of Ticklu and Simi. They were class mates, in an Engineering college. Simi had a relation, which did not work out so well, so one day, to be exact, accidently, Simi and Ticklu got committed to each other. Fun part is they thought it would be For Fun which later turned real serious. After a 1and half year relationship it was coming to an end, as Ticklu had to go to another state to complete MBA. Now they agreed to be together for the rest of their life when Ticklu suppose to come back, but whenever Ticklu arrived at Delhi something so different was in wait for him. Fate has something in store for Simi too. Soon they had miscommunications and they broke up, and Ticklu gave a reason that he cant marry Simi. And their relationship ended. So predictable is it not? NOPE! Dont get angry and mad on Ticklu, dont draw conclusions just yet, 1st story have just ended but the real movie is just starting! y 2nd story is of Ticklu and Gudia. As soon as Ticklu arrived at Delhi one amazing thing happened, which in his terms Turned him upside down!! Indeed. It did. Because he fall in love!! Again? Not actually, for the 1st time in life, for real. He was in love with Gudia. He turned Simi down, because he thought he could not marry anyone. This time things were different. He felt he had to marry Gudia. He loved and cared about Gudia more than anything and anyone. Only one problem. Gudia was committed. y third story is of Gudia and Ojai. Gudia and Ojai were from same place, UP, and they had a relation for over Four years when Gudia met Ticklu. Whatever they had was anything, one cant be proud of. Ojai was too possessive about Gudia, which was choking her privacy and life. She wanted a relief and a change in her life. All the things that she could never find from her boy friend, she was desperate to find those, somewhere. Where she could feel adored, and be treated to be a unique person. She wanted to live.

y guess now is, everyone can understand where this thing is going! Well you are right. Gudia and Ticklu got together in a way, not in a relationship, but together. No name of this kind of relationship. They were more than friends, Ticklu loved her and she loved him back but still Gudia was committed to her previous relationship. How remarkable and idiotic in the same time. They both did not understand that this was going nowhere.


ost of you guys may think what was actually wrong? If you are in a relationship and you still start to love someone, you fall in love with someone, then you should go for the 2nd person. Because if your love was true, then the 2nd person would never come into your life. Ticklu believed that, and wished that Gudia would also understand someday. But that someday never came. Gudia for some inexpressible and unprecedented reason could not keep her promise. She once promised that she will definitely come to Ticklu someday. imi, Ticklu, Gudia, Ojai. Four persons and three stories. While thinking this all Ticklu once came up with an explanation. Explanation or theory whatever!! How to determine who loves more between couples? There is absolutely no way to determine this. Because it cant be measured, can it? Well it cant be measured, but it can be measured. Am i fucking with you? Nope. Let us get back to 1st story. imi loved Ticklu, which is why she was so hooked to the idea of marrying Ticklu. This never happened though. Ticklu said he cant marry any person. That is why he ended up the relation between the two. Before breaking up, they were told to be the most cute and closest couple of the college. Everyone knew them, even the professors knew that they were TOGETHER. Whatever Ticklu told Simi to do, she did. If this was measured we could get a stat like Simi listens to Ticklu 8 times out of 10 times. But this was not true for Ticklu. He listened 6 times out of 10 times Simis requests. So can we not come up with a basic idea that Simi loved Ticklu more than Ticklu loved Simi? Well maybe many of you disagree, but many of you may agree too. econd story tells us about Ticklu and Gudia. Where Ticklu loved that girl unconditionally but never got her as his lover, as whatever they shared between them, was not defined by any relationship whatsoever. Despite of being in love with Ticklu Gudia could not come to Ticklu, and their moments together were only to be cherished later on their life!! So who loved more and who loved less? Well according to this technique, Ticklu listened to Gudia 9 times and Gudia listened 8 times out of 10. So here we can conclude that Ticklu loved more than Gudia did. o far we can see what Ticklu had done with Simi, that came back to him a year later. Yes one year has passed in this way. Ticklu had done something wrong. But we cant conclude, that is why he deserved all those pain caused by Gudia. Yes, he was in pain, he still is. Ticklu and Gudia both had done wrong. I, Ticklu cant come up with any idea how this situation can be sorted out. Who is guiltier?

eriously...who is more guilty?

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