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University of San Carlos Ranin, Manilac Melissa S. B.S.A II P.E.12 TTH 8AM to 9AM Mrs.



Thought/ Reaction Paper

I never expected that we did great in our perfomance for I have earlier concluded that there is a possibility for us to be considered as the worst group in the class. Why worst? It is because during in our practice we dont really focus and concentrate. Some tend to absent and doesnt anymore give a damn of PE because they think it is not part of the calculation of the GWAG anymore. Anyway, this kind of activity reminds all of us Filipinos to take pride our countrys music. It is so obvious to know, that we tend to patrotize global or holywood music than ours. In this instance, singing OPM songs in the class really feels so good, especially when you enjoy doing it. With the flow of rhythm and melody in the music, we can freely express our thoughts and ideas that can be shown the way we sing, gestures and even thru our facial expression. It is this recreation activity that makes us feel and embrace change and bliss in our lives. It is through singing, that we can laugh the pain away in ourselves. It is through singing that makes the rhythm match our waiting heart as we stand apart in our lives as time pass by. So, better we must keep singing to stay young in this contemporary world. *** BY: ***

University of San Carlos Ranin, Manilac Melissa S. B.S.A II P.E.12 TTH 8AM to 9AM Mrs. Avancena


Thought/ Reaction Paper

It is said that Dancing is moving to the music without stepping on anyones toes, pretty much the same as life. Indeed, this is true. Dancing is the hidden language of the soul. One, Ballroom it is a sort of dance that is pretty much enjoyed by partner. It is this kind of dance where the chemisty of the partners are expressly conveyed. Ballroom Dancing is not new to me. Im used on this kind of thing when I was still in high school- up until my first P.E. Class in English and UNEXPECTEDLY up to now. Well, true is, to dance ballroom is not easy. You should have to appropriate time for practice. Yes, TIME! Unfortunately, this activity really consumes my time in studying my major exams which are indeed more important than this. But still, I have no choice but to comply this kind of thing and requirement. Even though it consumes much time on part of us, Ballroom dancing never fails to give us an opportunity to relax our body. It benefits our body by being fit and increases our endurance. Finally, dancing builds our self-esteem and positive outlook in life that helps increase our self-confidence and reduces stress and tension and thus, gives us an overall sense of well-being. So, lets make it a habit. Let us dance in the sun and wear wild flowers in our hair. *** BY: ***

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