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Teacher: Clipper Ledgard




tclevision every everng.

(ytrcxnt simple)

Thcy i1"{trffii1; relevisior yesterclay evening.

(past sirqile)

watched is t'he pasl simple:

lAvelyou/qhey he/shc/it

Tlre past si.rnple is otlen -ed (rcqular verlts]. For exar"nplt:

work -+ rvr.rrked clean J cleaned sta). -+ rtayed arrivc --) arr:ived

strrt -+ started

-+ clanced

I clen rny teeth every rnorning. This rriorliing I cle:lred rrry teeth. Terry r,vorked in a bank lion 1986 to 1993.

Yesterday it rained all rnarrrirrg. It stopped at lunchtirne. Wc cnjcryed chc parry last rrighr. We danc:ed :r lot ancl talked to a lot of people.

The party finjshed midnisht.

SPellng (=+ APre,dix 5):

stop *+

try --)

tried srudy -+ stuclied. coFI -+ crrpied stopped plan -l pLrnned (:

-ed. Here
are sorrle

not reEplar). The last sitnple is nol Sclnle rarbs ar:c irrrgril*/ irregr-rlar verbs (see also Appendix 2-'3):

inrportrnt sold

begin -> began break broke bring brought

build built boy bought catch caught c0n1e carne did rlo drink drank ate eat

1 fell find found flew fly forget forgot got gel givc gave went g() have had hear heard krow knew

sit sat lose lost nrake rnade sleep slept nrect rnet spcak spoke stand stood pay paid put take took put told reid read /red/* rell think thought ring rang \Alr] \roOn say said u.rite wrote see saw


-+ left

scll -+

Complete the sentences. Use one of these verbs in the past simple:

eleaf die enjoy finish happen opn rain start stay want t t .*g .... nry teeth th:ce rirnes yesterclay. 2 Ic w;ts hc,r in the ri),rnr, so I ,........,.,.. rhe lvindo'uv. 3 T'he concert .................. ar 7.3{} anci ......,......- rt 10 o'clock. 4 Wirc,n I u,'.rs ;'r child, I --.................. to be I clocror:. 5 Theaccident.,.......,.....",,...... lasrSurnclayrlftenioon6 It's a rricc day toclay trrit 1'c5c'ray ir .,........, . ';ll c1ay. 7 We ............... eiur hr:liday lmt ye;rr. Ws ...,..... ... at a very nice place. ti Anrls grandfltdrc:r............,....... r'vhcn ht: was g{) vctrrs rld.
Write the past simple of these verbs.

? see ........-..... 3 play

4 5 6


() copy
fJ rhirrk


puc spcak

r.isit buy



Read about Lisa's journey to Madrid. Put the verbs in the correct f0rm.

Last thesclay Lisa (1) fk# frorr Londor'l to Maciricl. Slie (2) .. ...........,........ u-, at six olclock in the nrorning anci (3) ,............,........,.. a cup cilcofl-ce. Ar 6.30 . honrc: and (5) . t<r the air:port- !hen she she (4) ((;) .. .. ...,....., slre (7) . ........ the cr anci rhen (fl) . tr^r thc airporr rvhere she (9) caf . breali[st. Then she (10) . tlrrr.rugh pssport corfol and (11) .. ....".." ..."."".." for her fliglit- The plane (12) orr tinle anrl (13) ,...,,................. in Maclric{ rrvo hoi.rrs lacer. Firurlly shr: ............ 1r taxi rorn the airporr ro her irotel in the centre of'Mlt1:id. i14)
Write sentences about the past (yesterday I last week etc.).

fly, get

leave, drive an:ive, rark, go htve, qt: rv:rit, dcpart


1 Jirn

ai."vays goes

to rvo:]i by car. Yestcrday .hp.,.,.9vll..tq,..Wgfk..fg..ggf.,.

3 4 5 7 I

Kate mccts her fricnd' erery cvening. Sfre

\Ae ...........,...

yesrerclay evnring.

htly two H/c usually go to the cinema on Sund;rys. Llst Sr,rndry


Tonr ah.vays has a shorver in the moming- "l"his urorning he Our fiiencls comc to rice'us eeerv Friclly. They


llst Fridlr


Essential Grammar in Use - 2nd Ed. Raymond Murphy PUBLISHER: Cambridge University Press PLACE: Cambridse 30 & 31 (Unit 1 1) PAGES:

Edicin de circillncin restringid sslennda en Legislcin sobre Derechos del,rtrtor


Respecto de las obras

DECRTTO LEGISLATIVO 822 ya divulgadrs Icilamente, es pernritid sin

sutorizacin del ulor. a. La rrproduccin por nredios reprogrficos, plra la enseianza o la relizicr de erilrenes en instituciones educativas, sienrpre que n0 hny fines de lilco y en la medida justilicada por el objetivo perseguido, de rticulos o de breves xtr^ctos de obrs lcitnente publicrds, a condicin de que tsl utilizacin se hg confornle I los nsos honrados y que l misrna o set objelo de venlA- il otrn trrns^ccin tittrlo oneroso, n tengn direcla o indirectmente fines de lurro."

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