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Cover a screenplay by salvatore gerard micheal Synopsis: Cover comes from the expression you can't read a book

by its cover and is set in current-day American Southwest over several rural highways. You find the expression both validated and contradicted throughout the script. The script focuses on a father and daughter continually misunderstood in their relationship as they hitchhike west ostensibly looking for father's work. A string of temporary jobs ensues but more interestingly, the chain of compelling 'characters' (they meet) and relationships they develop along the way. Cover is a snapshot of current American morality, mores, and social customs surveying affluent to utter desolation and everything in between. There is some deliberate tribute to selected media and artists. Obviously not comprehensive, a careful selection intended to make explicit American infatuation and indulgence with non-literary media. To be absolutely clear, Cover is not a 'Lolita story'; it's a non-religious attempt to explore spiritual gifts and friendships crossing generations. Ultimately, the script is about healing, respect for those relationships, and how gifts can define us. Cast: John Jones: caucasian, painfully handsome, beefy, strong, charming, but painfully shy, only confident about his ability to support and take care of his daughter, his identity revolves around that, depends on his daughter to initiate all relationships of any kind, and totally oblivious of the fact: his daughter takes care of him. Age: apparently mid-thirties. Kaylie Jones: caucasian, outgoing, lovable, loving, caring, compassionate, strong, a 'little woman', decisive, has excellent judgment, puts dad first in her life, cares for him as if he were her son, and generally keeps the family grounded through thick and thin. Age: approximately seven. Sam: a middle aged caucasian man who appears mostly idiot but savant (about theoretical physics) with Kaylie, not unhandsome but definitely unkempt and wears old-style clothes, the town buffoon and whipping boy, encountered mid-script, and joins Kaylie and John before they leave his town. Betsy: African-American, strong, balanced, mature, wise, loving, caring, compassionate, humble, diner waitress, meets Kaylie and dad early on, and her wisdom appears to 'stay with' them throughout the Cover by sgm page: 1

script. Astronomer/Surak: African-American, handsome, sweet, kind, gentle, educated, sophisticated, elegant, balanced, practical, and generous to a fault. Carload of Teens: 'modern hippies' just not so into drugs nor free love, more like living satires of the originals, and entertaining transportation for Kaylie and John. Semi-Driver/Daisy: caucasian, middle-aged, attractive but worn out, tired of the road, wants a change, lost her family to divorce, and desperate for that feeling again. Aunt/Belle: apparently caucasian, very old, tobacco chewing, relaxed, humorous, trusting, and accepting of John and Kaylie in their trek through town. Sam's auntie. Police-woman/Samantha: Daisy's sister, chubby but in good shape, attractive and middle-aged like her sister. Man and Girl at pool: described in scene 28. Scene One: John and Kalie are hitchhiking down a remote, arid, and apparently abandoned highway in 'the middle of the desert'. They have water and backpacks. Kaylie is wearing a bikini bathing-suit with frills because of the heat. John is wearing biker leather he won during a pool-game bet the night before. They're both wearing comfortable running shoes and cowboy hats to shield the sun. Kaylie is walking on the inside of the soft-shoulder of the road. John is keeping pace with her on her left, his left thumb out 'asking for a ride' with their backs to oncoming traffic. It is midday. Kaylie: John, you know we're spozed to be walking on the other side of the road FACing traffic. John: One, I wish you'd stop calling me John cuz everyone we meet is gonna think we're doing a Lolita-thing. Two, there IS no traffic in either direction to face. Three, we could have a picnic in the middle of the road for about three weeks and still not have to move our setup for anybody.. Kaylie stops, grabs her father's right hand and stops him facing her beaming smile. Kaylie: You really wanna have a picnic with me, right now? Cover by sgm page: 2

She winks at him .. John giggles, picks her up, holds her tight, and kisses her nose. John: Princess, I would make a FEAST for you in the middle of the desert if only to see that smile of yours directed at me. She kisses him back on the nose .. Just then, a station-wagon full of teenagers drives by and cat-calls, whooping, and cheering the 'couple'. Kaylie giggles and waves at the passing car burying her face shyly in her father's leather. 20 feet away, the cars screeches to a halt, hurriedly backs up, and screeches to a stop next to them. Teen: Hey lovers, wanna ride? Everyone in the car laughs nervously .. John eyes the interior: no room on the seats; dog in the back. Kaylie's gaze follows her father's. John [whispers to Kaylie]: Whatcha think? Kaylie sniffs the air toward the car. Kaylie [whispers to John]: Smells okay. Smells like dog. She giggles .. John indicates 'thumbs up' to the driver and walks around back, sets Kaylie down, opens the back, the dog gets up, and greets the two friendly-like. He sniffs them and approves. He wags his tail and returns to his spot. They get in and close the rear gate. John 'thumbs up' to the driver's rearview. The driver gets the car moving and everyone laughs and smiles at each other in relief. Teen [to John]: You had me worried there for a minute Romeo. John looks at the dog's friendly eyes. Kaylie [to teen]: What's his name? The dog? Teen: Coco-Paul. Kaylie: He has two names? Teen: Yea, we couldn't decide on one name so we gave him two: Coco for his color and Paul for Saint Paul.. Kaylie: Who's Saint Paul?

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John glances at Kaylie sternly asking with his eyes to please stop with the questions. Kaylie complies. She changes subject. Kaylie: Where are you guys from? Teen: San-PooRan-Cis-Co, can't you tell? Kaylie examines the teens one by one, their attire, and their hair. She ends with a quizzical expression on her face. Her father clears his throat. John: Haight-Ashbury, right? Teen: 50 years ago. That would be my granpa, man.. Hey, you wanna hit off this? One of the teens takes a hit off a mock-joint obviously not marijuana. John: I would have to say no if that was real pot but since it's not, I don't see the harm. Kaylie takes the 'joint' from the teen and pretends to take a hit off it, rolls her eyes back into her skull, and pretends.. Kaylie: Man, I'm so HIGH right now.. I'm really tripping.. Hey man, you got any LDS? John takes the 'joint' from Kaylie's fingers forcing down tears of laughter.. John [Cheech Marin style]: No, but I got some 'lubes' on me. You want some 'lubes'? Teen: What the fuck is 'lubes' and what the fuck is LDS?! A girl smacks him fondly on the back of the head. Girl Teen [Cheech Marin style]: Oh ludes! Quaaludes man! Kaylie [Cheech Marin style]: Badges?! We don't need no stinking badges! Insane laughter bursts out among the teens and their passengers, the dog starts howling, John holds the 'joint' toward the dog.. John: Hey, you wanna hit on this? Cover by sgm page: 4

Kaylie stops laughing to correct him. Kaylie: OFF dad; off. Fade out. Scene Two: The group arrives late at night at a small planetarium/observatory in a quiet unnamed rural town. Only the driver is awake as he pulls into an available, among many vacant, slot. He had turned off his headlights at the entrance of the parking lot running just on parking lights out of courtesy to staff and patrons. He was so quiet pulling in, nobody in the car woke up including the dog. Driver Teen [whispering loudly]: Hey! .. Hey! .. We're here! Kaylie wakes up first then she wakes up the dog and her father. Groggy, the rest of the teens wake up.. Teen: Wow man.. I got so high off that 'joint' and those 'lubes' .. Why did you give me so many? All the teens giggle as they get out of the wagon. Kaylie opens the back and the three of them exit, closes the back, and makes sure all doors are locked. The driver looks at Kaylie and dad motioning for them to follow him. Driver Teen [whispers]: Hey! Come on! The driver goes around the building to the back where there's a small group of amateur astronomers and mid-sized telescope. A red penlight gives an eery glow to his face. He's talking quietly to the group. Astronomer [to Driver Teen]: Elementary my dear Watson .. Mr. Spock, what do you think? The driver makes the Vulcan 'peace' sign toward the astronomer. Driver Teen: Live long and prosper Surak. John and Kaylie look at each other thinking the same thought. They begin to reenact (the dance part of) Sprockets from SNL.. They get going.. The lead astronomer puts his red penlight on them.. Monty Python style, the driver motions toward the two..

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Driver Teen [to Kaylie and John]: Stop that .. Stop that .. No dancing.. In the spirit of Monty Python, the astronomers object. Astronomers: They're going to dance! They're going to dance. They're going to dance! The driver rolls his eyes, gives up, and the rest cheer. Kaylie and John compose themselves and present a decent rendition of the aforementioned routine. Genuine applause follows and the two tumble onto the ground with Coco-Paul licking their laughing faces. Fade out. Scene Three: Morning, inside a diner where Betsy works, the astronomer enters to find Kaylie and John ordering from another waitress, the mood is much more somber than the night before, the cellphone of the waitress rings, she answers and stops taking the order. Other Waitress: Hello? Yes.. Her dialog becomes inaudible as she retreats into the kitchen. She holds the door open for Betsy entering the serving area. Betsy looks at the astronomer and beams at him. Betsy: Darlin! What took you so long today? He kisses her on the cheek. Astronomer: Late night star-gazing with these two. He indicates Kaylie and John. They nod in affirmation. Betsy: Uhuh.. Grapevine says you guys were doing more than just stargazing. Betsy winks at Kaylie as she feigns innocence, whistles, and looks blindly around the cafe. The astronomer kisses Betsy again and stands next to Kaylie and John's booth. Betsy retreats to the kitchen. The astronomer's gaze follows her with a loving smile and briefly listens to the girls talking behind the kitchen doors. His gaze returns to the table before him. Astronomer: Um.. Would you mind if I joined you two? Cover by sgm page: 6

He looks at John who's studying his menu. He glances to Kaylie for approval. She smiles an invitation and scooches over for him to join her on her bench. He hesitates and motions her to mover further over. She complies and taps a finger on the table to get her father's attention. Kaylie: Dad, Mr. Surak would like to have breakfast with us, okay? John grunts his approval and continues to study his menu. Astronomer: Boy, he sure was different last night.. The astronomer makes a quizzical smirk on his face. Kaylie giggles and hands him her menu to examine. He thoughtfully contemplates it. Kaylie: Try the banana pancakes; they're delicious! Astronomer: But.. This is your first time in this diner. I could tell by how you acted with Betsy and I've never seen you guys before.. Kaylie: They DO have banana pancakes in other diners. She winks at him. He's embarrassed. Her father looks up at the astronomer's face. John: Hey, I remember you! You're Mr. Surak from last night! Astronomer: Um.. If you know the name Surak, you know that's probly not my real name, right? Kaylie: Who is Surak dad? The astronomer waits for John to compose himself and explain.. John: Surak is a fictional character in an old TV show: the original Star Trek. Surak was a Vulcan philosopher who started the peace and logic movement on planet Vulcan. Vulcan was one of the first planets to join the Federation, a peaceful organization in the Star Trek 'universe'. John and the astronomer accept coffee from Betsy. John: Does that about sum it up? He looks at the astronomer. The astronomer nods in agreement and takes a sip of his black coffee. Cover by sgm page: 7

Astronomer: Yum. Betsy: Darlin, you talkin 'Star Trek' again? .. Just warn me before you start speaking Klingon! [laughs .. to Kaylie] Deary, would you like some juice or somethin? Kaylie quickly scans the menu in the astronomer's hands. Kaylie: May I have some grapefruit juice please? Betsy: Sure honey .. You guys decided yet or you need to have a powwow in Klingon? She feigns impatience. The men order. Kaylie orders. Betsy retreats giggling.. Kaylie: John, what was another planet that joined the early Federation on Star Trek? The astronomer's attention was piqued more about her level of informality than by the question itself. John: Try to guess. Kaylie: Earth? John: Bingo. Kaylie: Hah! She beams her intuition around the cafe like a lighthouse. Her ebullient mood is unrestrainably contagious .. Moments later, the other waitress brings their food and they dig in heartily but not before Kaylie whispers a prayer only she can hear for world peace and true democracy. Fade out. Scene Four: Outside the diner looking in, the two see the astronomer kissing Betsy goodbye and tipping her generously, glancing outside toward the two, they shy their gazes from him and Betsy giving them some privacy.. Kaylie [whispering]: Dad, do you think those two are a couple?

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John: Who? Surak and Betsy? A Vulcan and a human? You gotta be kidding me.. Kaylie: Well.. Surak is the father of Vulcan civilization.. And Betsy does seem pretty keen on him.. John: That was in the show. On Earth he's 'merely' an astronomer. He winks at his daughter provocatively .. The astronomer exits the diner and heads toward John and Kaylie. Astronomer: Guys, can I give you a ride somewhere? Need a lift? John: Not unless you run a ferry service between Vulcan and Earth.. The astronomer and Kaylie mechanically laugh at the standard joke. Their laughter trails off.. Astronomer: Seriously, can I take you two anywhere? Kaylie: Is there a train station in this town? Astronomer: Yes, about 4 blocks west of here.. You could easily walk there but.. Why don't I take you? Kaylie shuffles her feet on the pavement looking down. Kaylie: Can we talk about Star Trek? Astronomer: Sweety, we can talk about anything you like. They get into his car and he takes the long way to the station to give them a chance to talk.. Astronomer: John, can I ask you a few serious questions? John: Shoot. Kaylie: Bang. The three chuckle and relax. Astronomer: John, I was curious.. If you don't mind me asking.. Where did you two sleep last night? Kaylie holds up a finger to answer.

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Kaylie: Up! We slept the night in the station-wagon belonging to the teens from San-PooRan-Cis-Co. Astronomer: Why do you say San Francisco like that? Where did the teens sleep if you slept in the car? Kaylie: So many questions [winks at the astronomer] .. I say SanPooRan-Cis-Co because that's how they say it. And they camped out near the car. Any more questions? She makes a silly face at the astronomer .. He clears his throat. Astronomer: Um.. Just one more question. How did you pay for breakfast today? May I ask where you got the money? Kaylie: The kids from San-PooRan-Cis-co gave us some money 'for the road'. It was really very sweet of them.. Astronomer: Huh.. They arrive at the station. The astronomer puts the car in park. He turns the engine off. He takes the keys from the ignition and lays them on the seat next to him. He puts his seat back and rubs his tired eyes. He sighs loudly and closes his eyes. Kaylie: So uh.. Thanks for the ride bub. Astronomer: Wait .. You spent all your money in the restaurant. You have no money for the train. Your dad has no job that I can see. Did I get anything wrong? Kaylie looks the astronomer straight in the eyes. Kaylie: Nope. Astronomer: Look, maybe I'm over-stepping my bounds here but.. Looks like you guys could use a break. A place to take a shower. A place to take a rest. A chance for your dad to look for work, right? John: This town's too small for needing a guy like me.. We're just passing through. Astronomer: Drifters huh? What do you normally do for work? When the economy's not crapped out like it is? John: Technician. Telecommunications. But I can pretty much fix anything if you give me right tools and supplies. Cover by sgm page: 10

Astronomer: That's so. Kaylie: Mister, why are you helping us? Astronomer: Because I'm Surak, father of Vulcan civilization and.. Betsy likes you. The astronomer winks at Kaylie then looks down at his keys. Astronomer: So.. What do you guys think? Kaylie looks at her dad then at the astronomer. She smiles at him and nods accepting his help. Fade out. Scene Five: Back at the planetarium/observatory, Surak is showing them around, where bathrooms are, where the 'secret' shower is, where they can camp out or throw sleeping bags, where to hide if Surak's 'boss' comes around snooping, and most importantly: the telescopes and planetarium itself. Kaylie: WOW! This is so cool! Kaylie is so excited. Even on her birthday, she seemed rarely more enthralled. Her father notices and mentally notes her level of interest. Surak: For now John, you can do maintenance work here, IF you're agreeable, for part of my paycheck. Maybe later IF you're interested, I can show you how to operate the planetarium for shows. And you can even talk to the public about starry stuff. John scoffs. John: ME? Talk to the public about starry stuff? I think you'd have better luck with Kaylie about that .. Let me stick with maintenance and maybe you can show Kaylie the starry stuff when she's ready? Kaylie: Can you give us a private demonstration now? Kaylie is fairly bursting with anticipation of a yes. Surak: Lemme call my 'boss' to make sure he's not coming over, check the grounds, then YES! Cover by sgm page: 11

Kaylie jumps up and down with her father reflecting her true age. Fade out. Scene Six: Inside the planetarium, the three are by themselves, they have the primo seats in the house, Kaylie is in the middle seat, she has a large bowl of popcorn in her lap, Surak is on her left and has a remote control in his left hand, he presses a button, the house lights dim, he presses another button, music begins to play, Kaylie giggles in anticipation, the presentation begins, and stars begin to streak into view as if they're rapidly traveling through space. John and Kaylie chime together: Wow.. Popcorn holds motionless above their gaping mouths. Kaylie and John simultaneously look at each other with enlarged eyes. Their eyes return to the display. They finish eating their popcorn and evince HUGE smiles of contentment. They hold hands. Fade out. Scene Seven: Fast forward time approximately five times normal, John learns his maintenance tasks, Kaylie learns about the telescopes and planetarium, several weeks are played out very quickly, days become somewhat routine, each day ends with Surak shaking John's hand and kissing Kaylie on the cheek, each day begins with Surak greeting the two with a fast-food breakfast and kiss for Kaylie, finally, time slows down to normal in the lobby of the planetarium .. John is attempting to hang Kaylie's body from several thin wires extending from the ceiling to straps on Kaylie's torso. She's wearing a skintight silver suit. There's a banner above her reading in huge letters: Kaylie, Girl From Outer Space! Strange 'space music' is playing very slowly in the background .. Kaylie's body is swaying eerily in time with the music. John is adjusting straps and apparently the wires holding her. There is a large cushion below her body. Kaylie notices the music and her gentle swaying. She giggles. Kaylie: Look dad, I'm flying. She extends her arms as if in flight. One arm bumps into her father and she starts to swing more erratically. He cautions her. John: Sweetheart, this is very risky business.

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She looks down at the ample cushion below her then up at her father. He notices this. John: Yea well.. What if you fell NOT on the cushion? He swings her a bit more teasing her. Surak walks into the lobby. Surak: Hey, you trying to scare my star? Kaylie grabs her father to steady herself and Surak sighs in relief. Kaylie: Hey, what about my space-girl helmet? When do I get that? Surak: I'm workin on it. Kaylie: Will it be ready in time for opening night? Surak: Guess. Kaylie: Vulcans don't guess; they estimate probabilities. Surak: You're not exactly Vulcan unless.. We missed something in your family tree. All three laugh. Fade out. Scene Eight: Monday night is movie night for the trio, Betsy tries to join them but usually is working, so far, they've been able to watch: Day the Earth Stood Still, The Thing, War of the Worlds, 2001, Contact, and Mission to Mars is scheduled for tonight. Betsy promised to make it. Star-gazing is scheduled for an after-party. The forecast for tonight is dry and clear perfect for viewing. Surak and Kristie are especially excited because M2M is one of their absolute favorite movies of all time. Surak: I can't wait for 7PM. He looks at the clock anxiously .. Kaylie teases him. Kaylie: What's at 7PM? She giggles. He snorts. Betsy walks into the lobby. She looks glamorous in an evening gown. Both jaws drop open in awe.

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Surak and Kaylie chime together: Wow.. Betsy: You know I'm not crazy about War of the Worlds. If Mission to Mars is ANYthing like that, I don't wanna see it. She mock pouts .. Kaylie puts a reassuring arm around Betsy's waist and loudly proclaims.. Kaylie: It ain't NOTHin like War of the Worlds. I promise. Her father enters the lobby still in work-clothes and looks disheveled. Kaylie: Hard day on the farm pops? John: Backed up toilet in number two stall. Don't ask. Kaylie: Yuck .. Well, take a shower pops and come back lickety split, kay? John smiles at his daughter in relief and hunkers off toward the 'secret' shower .. Surak winks at Betsy. Kaylie smiles at them both. Fade out. Scene Nine: Inside the planetarium, from the isle, Betsy and on her right: Surak, Kaylie, and John. M2M is in the middle where Connie Nielsen is dancing with her stage hubby Tim Robbins in zero-G. It's a magical moment. The music is loud, the scene is moving, and they all join hands. Surak begins to cry. Kaylie [whispers to Surak]: What's the matter, father of Vulcan civilization? Surak: It was my dream, since I was a little boy, to go into space. Kaylie: And? Surak: Fat chance. There's like two African-American astronauts. Kaylie: Two? Are you sure about that? Have you Asked Jeeves? Surak: Who? Kaylie: Leave it to a seven year old girl to teach a middle-aged man about the internet.. Cover by sgm page: 14

Fade out. Scene Ten: Kaylie and Surak are in his small office, she's showing him, she types in 'black astronauts?' into the search field, and the first item is: List of African-American astronauts. She clicks on the link. 14 are displayed. Kaylie: Yep, only two. Surak: Can I drive? Surak sits down in the 'driver's seat' and examines the list. He clicks on Frederick Gregory's picture. It enlarges. Surak: Yea, but look at this guy. He's about as white as you little cracker. Kaylie: Maybe he's part Vulcan, like me? She winks at Surak. She commandeers the mouse, clicks on Frederick's name and both read his mini-bio. They focus on one sentence. They both read aloud.. Surak and Kaylie reading aloud: He is also known for being the whitest black astronaut to ever go to space. They both break out in laughter. Surak: Oh, the 'white black man', I've heard about him. Surak winks at Kaylie and rolls his eyes. Kaylie sighs. Kaylie [sarcastically]: America, land of the free, land of equality.. A place where a black man can become president but nothing gets done because they stonewall him at every turn.. Surak gives Kaylie a quizzical strange look. Kaylie: What? A seven year old can't watch the news? Surak: Is that what you do with your free time? Watch news? Kaylie: Actually, it's BOring for me.. All a bunch of distractions from the Real Issue.

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Surak: Which is what? Kaylie: Control. There's this group I call 'the ruling elite' which have been doing this since the time of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Surak: And you know this because? Kaylie: I was there. Ever hear of re-in-car-nation? Think about it. Could I be this smart or savvy for a random twenty-first century seven year old? Surak: You're hardly 'just' a random twenty-first century seven year old. How long have you been on the road with your father? Kaylie: Trade secret. But that's immaterial. There's no way living on the road could create this wisdom [she points at her heart]. Gotta be about past lives. Surak: You know Christians.. Surak is cut-off by Betsy tapping on his office door. Betsy: Sorry to break off this Klingon powwow but some stars and stuff are waitin for us outside.. Fade out. Scene Eleven: The four are taking turns looking through a mid-sized telescope with four lawn chairs surrounding it. When it's not her turn, Kaylie's in one laying back with a Farmer's Almanac in left hand, red penlight in right. Kaylie: Says here there's spozed to be a meteor shower tonight. Surak: Whatcha got there little cracker-Vulcan? Kaylie: Farmers's Almanac. Don't tell me you don't know.. [Betsy cuts her off] Betsy [feigning ignorance]: What IS a meteor shower anyways? Betsy winks at Surak. As if on cue, several streak through the sky in one direction. All ooh and ah. Kaylie: THAT's a meteor shower.

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Betsy continues the charade. Betsy: Yes we see but can you tell us exactly what they are? All eyes fall on Kaylie. She clears her throat .. She closes the Almanac and places it in her lap. She stares up at the moonless starfilled sky. Her right hand illuminates her face with the penlight .. In a loud voice full of authority she begins.. Kaylie: Meteors are bits of rock, micro-meteors are constantly falling to earth in a soft blanket unseen by human beings, when a meteor shower happens, it's actually Earth passing through a region of space with higher density of asteroid bodies, we have several regions in our Solar System which Earth, in its regular orbit, passes through. Imagine you're a hangglider soaring over a dust strewn desert. There are many dust-devils below you. Each carries dust higher and higher toward your flying level. As you pass through these dust clouds, you smell the dust and it gets in your eyes, confirming the higher density of material. This is analogous to when Earth passes through a rocky patch in our Solar System causing a regular meteor shower. Technical note: it's suggested we 'visualize' each of the listeners in an animated sequence, as real-to-life as affordable, as Kaylie describes the desert scene and meteor shower, each listener should take turns, piloting a hangglider, for the audience to see what they're imagining. The three lay in stunned silence with eyes closed visualizing her description. Finally Betsy breaks the silence. Betsy [teasing Kaylie]: All this you get from a past life.. Kaylie [back to normal]: If you call that 'past life' the internet, sure. Kaylie winks at Betsy. Betsy giggles in appreciation. John and Surak look at each other in disbelief as if they've missed something important. Fade out. Scene Twelve: Next day, lunch time, the three of them at 'their' booth in the diner, and Betsy is working .. She approaches the table. She gives Surak a peck on the cheek.

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Betsy [to group]: My treat today. Kaylie knocked my socks off yesterday channeling Carl Sagan. [winks at Kaylie] Anything you want is on me today. Anything. She stares seductively at Surak and raises her eyebrows twice. He fairly chokes on his coffee. Kaylie giggles insanely. Her father scolds her.. John: Kaylie! Kaylie [defensively]: But they're so ADORABLE together! Kaylie looks around the diner imploringly. Everyone raises a coffee mug toasting the 'new couple'. Kaylie gently scolds her father.. Kaylie: See what I mean? John smiles shyly and admiringly toward Surak. Fade out. Scene Thirteen: All good things come to an end and in this economy, sooner than later. Surak's 'boss' never discovered Kaylie and John living at the planetarium or if they did, they didn't care. Despite the record attendance on opening nights of Kaylie's exotic displays and remarkable hostings of planetarium presentations, economic conditions required the planetarium/observatory to close, Surak to be laid off, and Kaylie and John to move along .. One final evening at the diner finds our four teary eyed and unwilling to separate. They are sitting at 'their' booth, Besty in uniform .. Kaylie is holding back the flood of tears and roiling emotions. Kaylie: I just don't get it. [she appeals to the salt and pepper shakers on the table] There was record turnout on my nights at the planetarium. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. It just doesn't make any sense dad! [she slams a shaker on the table] John: It's nobody's fault. The economy. The way it is.. Kaylie [very angry now]: Nobody. Bank bailouts, Wallstreet, corporations.. There's free money for the taking if you're a major corporation or bank but if you're a little guy.. Just one guy down on his luck, NOTHING. [she slams the shaker down again] John: Surak, what will you do?

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Surak looks imploringly toward Betsy but she's staring at her hands folded in front of her, tears in her eyes .. She had never met a finer gentleman in her life than Surak. To be reduced to this.. Because of money.. Was unforgivable .. Her eyes raise to meet his. She states with power and authority.. Betsy: Never lose your integrity baby. Never. A beautiful smile emerges on Surak's face and it becomes contagious to the table. Everybody smiles in spite of the pain. Something magical and spontaneous happens. The four of them lean their heads toward the center of the table. Kaylie stands on her seat. The four put arms over shoulders embracing each other in a group hug. Kaylie whispers.. Kaylie: From this moment on, we're family. No matter where we go from here, we're family. Through thick and thin, profit and loss, no matter what we're family. Tears of joy and love patter down on the table softly from the four. Fade out. Scene Fourteen: It's raining, the two are back to hitching, they are wearing flimsy ponchos over their normal attire, the highway is desolate and not much different than the opening scene. Kaylie's tears are lost in the rain. She cannot seem to forget the planetarium, Surak, and Betsy.. Kaylie [looking at the ground as they walk]: I miss them. John: I know baby.. I know.. Kaylie: John, do you think it will be okay? I mean.. Surak and Betsy.. You and me? John guffaws. John: This coming from the eternal optimist. Kaylie attempts a laugh but fails ending in gentle sobs. Her poncho hides the truth. John: You okay baby? Just then, a semi passes tooting her horn startling the two. She Cover by sgm page: 19

stops her rig up ahead and puts on her flashers. John and Kaylie run up to the cab. The driver opens the passenger door from the inside. Driver: You guys need a ride? Or.. Maybe you enjoy walking in the rain along a deserted country highway? [she laughs friendly-like] John: What's your name? Driver: Daisy. And yours? Kaylie: Kaylie and John. [Kaylie indicates with her finger] Daisy: Okay Kaylie and John, would you like to hop in or just stand there in the rain? Kaylie looks at John. He raises his eyebrows at her. No help. Kaylie smirks and raises her own eyebrows .. She makes a command decision and jumps up into the cab. Daisy: Ah! Ah! Your raincoat! Kaylie giggles and gets back out. The rain lessens to a sprinkle generously. She takes off her poncho, shakes it off, and folds it gently. Her father follows suit. She reenters the cab and places her folded poncho on the floor with her backpack on top. Her father copies her. John: We really appreciate the ride Daisy. Rain sucks. Daisy turns off her flashers, puts her rig in gear, and gets it going. John: Daisy, may I open my window? For the fresh air? Daisy: Sure baby; anything for you. [she winks at him] John blushes. He rolls his window down. The breeze feels good in his face. Kaylie: What John meant about rain was: we LOVE the rain, all living things need water, and we carry some to drink because if we didn't, we'd die from dehydration. Right John? Kaylie pokes John in the ribs .. John looks at his folded hands. To the ladies surprise, he begins to snore. Daisy: Poor dear. He must be exhausted. Let him sleep sweetie. Cover by sgm page: 20

Kaylie pulls John's body toward hers so that he does not fall forward and hit his head. His body complies. She herself leans toward Daisy and gently rests her head on Daisy's right shoulder. Daisy smiles. Daisy: You know sweetheart, I wanted company so I could talk and stay awake but.. This is MUCH better. Daisy pats Kaylie on her head gently with her left hand. She hesitates on Kaylie's hair feeling the softness of it. She brings her left fingers to her nose to smell the scent of Kaylie's hair. Daisy [whispers]: Family. How long ago had she had that feeling of belonging. As she drives, her eyes are wistful and full of longing. She knows in her heart: she will find it again. Fade out. Scene Fifteen: While John and Kaylie sleep, Daisy has pulled into a biker-bar/truck-stop she's familiar with, she tells the bartender about her passengers and orders a drink, she hovers over the jukebox but can't seem to decide what songs to choose, the place is half-full of quiet regulars, Kaylie wanders in bleary-eyed wondering where their host has gone .. She stands next to Daisy at the jukebox, puts her arm around her waist, and groggily proclaims.. Kaylie: You disappeared. This was merely a statement of fact not an accusation .. Daisy hugs Kaylie and kisses her on the top of her head. Daisy: Hello my love. I missed you .. I let you guys sleep cuz I thought you needed it .. I pulled into this place cuz I like it. I feel comfortable here. Do you like it? Daisy ruffles Kaylie's hair .. Kaylie seems to wake up a little. Kaylie: Seems okay.. Kaylie examines the bar more closely as she wakes up. The clients seem a little 'rough' but nothing her dad couldn't handle in a pinch. She nods her head to Daisy and examines the list of songs available on the jukebox .. She points to one she wants to hear.

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Kaylie: That one. May I hear that one please? D-7. Daisy: Give Me Everything Tonight? D-7? Kaylie: D-7. Daisy puts a coin into the machine and presses the appropriate buttons. The machine whirrs and jerks internal parts. All of a sudden, the dull bar is transformed into a dance club. Kaylie becomes a go-go dancer. She's in the spotlight. All eyes focus on her. She is the STAR .. As the song plays, she mouths the words and visualizes the music video by Pitbull. In the scene, the audience sees flashing back and forth between music video and Kaylie's dancing. It's a magical mesmerizing moment .. The song finishes and her father enters the bar. He's about as groggy as Kaylie was before.. John: Hey darlin. He was speaking to Kaylie but Daisy intercedes. She runs over to him and gently pulls him toward the machine. He's still a little dizzy from his nap. Daisy: What would you like to hear honey? John shakes his head in confusion. He's not sure where he is. Daisy chooses Taylor Swift's You Belong With Me, deposits a coin, and presses the appropriate keys. As before, the machine whirrs and jerks internally and the audience is treated to a split between music video and Daisy's dancing/seduction of John. As before, the bar patrons are mesmerized by Daisy's performance. Upon finishing, genuine applause follows. The three sit down at an isolated comfortable table. Daisy is exhausted but happier than she has ever been .. A waitress brings their drinks including a virgin-mary for Kaylie. Daisy raises her glass in a toast toward John. Daisy: To John, the most beautiful hitchhiker I've ever seen in my entire life.. John blushes and Kaylie raises her glass. Kaylie: To John, the most beautiful hitchhiker ever. John: To Daisy, the most beautiful trucker I've ever hitched a ride from.. He raises his glass to the ladies who have tears of love and Cover by sgm page: 22

admiration in their eyes. Fade out. Scene Sixteen: Daisy's modest apartment, Daisy and John are in her bed under a sheet, it's nighttime and only one lamp is on, Kaylie is sleeping on Daisy's couch under a handmade knitted blanket, her expression is serene, John is facing up half-exposed with his eyes closed listening to Daisy whisper her life-story to him, she gently rests her upper torso and elbows on his massive chest, she caresses his face slowly with her fingers as she whispers.. Daisy: And that's why I had to get the divorce .. You know, there's a swimming pool here at these apartments. Do you like to swim? John: Kaylie loves to swim.. I'm neutral about water .. I love the sun when I'm not walking through a hot desert under it. Daisy: I have to leave tomorrow to deliver my haul. A day out to get there. Another to come back .. You two are welcome to stay here while I'm gone. There's no food in the fridge; in a trucker's fridge there's usually only cold beer. [she laughs at herself] Um.. I also have an extra debit card for groceries you're welcome to.. John opens his eyes and looks at Daisy's. John: You just met me; you just met us. How do you know we're not crooks or grifters? Daisy: How do I know? She giggles and kisses his chest working her way down under the sheet to his groin area. John's eyes widen in surprise. From under the sheet.. Daisy: How do I know? [her voice muffled by 'something' in it] She tickles both of his sides with her fingers. She repeats.. Daisy: How do I know? John relents.. John: Okay okay.. You win.. You know.. She continues to tickle him and tease him with her tongue.. Cover by sgm page: 23

John: You know! [he laughs] Kaylie smiles in her sleep. Fade out. Scene Seventeen: The breakfast table in Daisy's apartment, Daisy has already left to deliver her haul, John walked to a local grocery store and got a few things with Daisy's debit card, he made breakfast for the two before Kaylie woke up.. She stirs to the sound of the frying pan with eggs and bacon cooking. She follows her nose and the sounds. She finds the table set and John putting finishing touches on the meal .. Kaylie inhales deeply the scent of domestic life. Kaylie: Have I ever told you I love you John? John: More than once.. He smiles, kisses the top of her head, and pulls out her chair for her. John: Madame. [he corrects himself] Sorry, Miss. Kaylie: Madame is fine as long as my future guy is anything like you dad. She smiles at him with tears in her eyes. Kaylie: So.. How long do we have heaven to ourselves? John: Two days .. and there's a pool here! Kaylie fairly chokes on her food. She takes a drink of milk to keep it down. Kaylie: Water! Traitor pirate! You didn't tell me there was water here! John [apologetically]: I didn't find out till last night.. You were sleeping.. Kaylie: No excuse! She winks at him and motions for him to finish his breakfast .. They eat in peace but Kaylie finishes before him. She jumps up. She waves. Cover by sgm page: 24

Kaylie: Kay, off to the pool! See ya! John: But it's like 8 A-M! And something like 60 degrees outside! Kaylie makes a funny face and raises her eyebrow like Spock. Kaylie: Your point being Surak? Hey! That reminds me! You know he gave me a book before we left? John: What was it? What is it? Kaylie: Triplanetary by EE Smith. John: You're too young for that.. Before he could realize his error, he put a hand over his mouth as if he could stop the words from reaching Kaylie. Kaylie: I'll forgive that once.. But don't ask me to do it twice. Fool me once, shame on you .. Fool me twice, shame on me. She winks at John and leaves the table to find her bathing-suit. John looks at the lines and wrinkles in his own hands indicating his age and thinks about how 'impossible' his daughter is; what a miracle she truly is in his life. Fade out. Scene Eighteen: The pool, Kaylie is attempting to read Triplanetary, a maintenance man is cleaning around the pool area and notices Kaylie. Maintenance Man: Lil early to be sunbathing don't ya think? Kaylie: I'm reading .. I mean: good morning sir. How are you today? He smiles and notices the book Kaylie has in her hands. Maintenance Man: What is it you got there? A book? Kaylie shows the cover. Kaylie: Sci-fi; science-fiction. Old stuff. Maintenance Man: Huh.. Personally, I like romance novels. Cover by sgm page: 25

He winks and they both laugh. Kaylie: From what I've heard, there IS some romance in this book but not much and it's a bit stilted.. Maintenance Man: Stilted huh.. Such a big word for such a little girl. Kaylie: You can call me 'Little Big Girl' if you want. She winks at him. He laughs and continues with his cleaning. Fade out. Scene Nineteen: Still at the pool but much later in the day, Kaylie has made some progress on the book, her father comes down from Daisy's apartment to find Kaylie, he spots her near the pool, as he enters the area, so does a mom in her 20s and her young boy. John [to mom]: Hi. [he smiles at her] She does not say hi but smiles at him and finds two lawn chairs for her and her boy. Kaylie says under her breath for her father to hear but not mom nor boy.. Kaylie: Eddorian. John: What was that? He sits next to Kaylie in a lawn chair. Kaylie: Eddorian is a vile race of super-mentalities Smith created to oppose the Arisians, an angelic race equally super-mental. John: Super-mental sounds like a heavy-metal rock band. Wanna make one? Kaylie: After I finish my book. She winks at him. He chuckles. John: Remember, we got two days before Daisy comes back. You sure you wanna spend it reading? There might be a zoo or something we could go to..

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Kaylie: You know how I feel about zoos.. Last time we went to one, all I could do was feel sorry for all the animals in captivity. It broke my heart cuz I could FEEL how they felt.. Tears fill her eyes just thinking about them. John: Okay dear but .. You're sure about the reading? On such a beautiful day? In heaven? Just the two of us? She realizes her father is a bit lonely with her reading at the pool and he by himself in a stranger's apartment. Kaylie: Sorry dad.. I'm just really into this book and you know how I get when I LOVE a book. I just dive in and become one of the characters! John looks at his hands again and murmurs.. John: Yea.. Just then the mom interrupts the conversation.. Mom: You could play with us in the pool. [directed at John] Dear, could you give me a hand with my lotion? I can't reach. John rolls his eyes only for Kaylie to see. Under his breath he says.. John: Eddorian. He wanders toward the mom and her boy but he does not come close to the lotion bottle. He reaches out toward the boy asking him with his arms if he wants 'up'. The boy reaches up with his arms. He picks him up and jumps in the pool with the boy. They come up for air both laughing and swimming. Kaylie looks at the mom and smiles. The same kind of look you might give to a rattlesnake behind glass: better seen from a distance .. She gives her attention back to her book. Her father and the boy continue to have fun in the pool. Fade out. Scene Twenty: Kaylie is in Daisy's bed with pillows behind and in front propping up her book she cannot seem to put down. John is brushing his teeth in the adjacent bathroom. He attempts to speak Cover by sgm page: 27

while brushing.. John [muffled from the toothbrush]: When you gonna put that book down and sleep Kaylie? Kaylie: When I can't keep my eyes open any longer! John laughs but toothpaste foam shoots from his mouth onto the mirror in front of him. He says to himself.. John: Oops.. He cleans the mirror with wet hands but it's streaky with water. He finds a small hand-towel to dry the mirror but as he dries it, he can't help but notice the lines in his face and around his eyes.. John [to himself]: You're getting old man.. Kaylie overhears him and yells to him in the bathroom.. Kaylie: You're NOT old! You're just a kid! John laughs and smiles at himself in the mirror .. He repeats Kaylie's expression.. John: Just a kid.. Fade out. Scene Twenty-one: Kaylie's dream, she's older a young woman but unmistakably Kaylie, she's visiting Arisia to get her Lens, she's the first woman grey-lensman, she's wearing a grey leather jacket as a symbol of this, grey-lensman is equivalent to third-stage Lensman, each stage requires a new Lens, grey-lensmen are free to determine their own agenda; they're autonomous, this is the highest honor a Lensman can achieve, she's somber, humble yet confident .. She finds herself walking down a long corridor. Her boots echo in the hallway. The corridor appears to have no end. However, she's determined to get her third Lens .. She speaks to herself without realizing.. Technical note: up until scene twenty-four, there are three technical notes including this one. Because this scene contains a 'life changing event', if budget constraints allow only one 'technical note' completion, let it be this one. It's pivotal and without it, not much else makes sense.

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Kaylie: Grandfather.. All of a sudden, she finds herself walking into a large auditorium barren except for a large plain black desk with a very old man sitting behind it. His hands are folded on the table in front of him. His expression is kind but distant. If her father was bearded and about a century old, he might look like this man. Her eyes meet his. His expression softens .. Kaylie repeats.. Kaylie: Grandfather. Arisian: Yes dear. Tears fill his eyes .. Kaylie runs around the desk toward the Arisian, gently pulls his chair toward her, and hugs him passionately. Tears fill her eyes .. Kaylie repeats again.. Kaylie: Grandfather! He pushes her away from her so he can see her face. He touches her cheek gently. Arisian: I have waited for this day! For you to get your third Lens! I'm so proud of you Kaylie! From a small drawer in the desk, he pulls her Lens out and gently takes her left wrist, touches the Lens already there, that Lens and strap disappear, and he motions for her to extend her left arm toward him. Arisian: You ready dear? She nods in assent .. He gently places the strap with her new Lens on her left wrist. As he does this, the environment changes from barren auditorium to dance hall. Everyone is garbed with beautiful Victorian dress. Her grandfather has transformed into her father as a young man resplendent in his uniform. He offers an arm to join the others in dance. She accepts and this is by far the happiest moment in her life waking or otherwise .. In the darkened bedroom, Kaylie's eyes open to the sound of her father gently snoring. His back is turned to her yet she can see the rising and falling of his ribs in time with his gentle snores. There are tears in her eyes: tears of longing and joy. There is a glowing Lens on her wrist she's not surprised to see from the corner of her eye. She continues to stare at the ceiling in the soft glow of her Lens. She realizes this is THE moment in her life. She places her right hand on her father's side ever so lightly. She continues to stare at the glow reflecting on the ceiling .. The Cover by sgm page: 29

sound of the waltz can be heard distantly.. She slowly closes her eyes and rejoins her father in the dance.. Fade out. Scene Twenty-two: Everything seems to change in quality from that night on, Kaylie sees everything differently if only slightly, in her mind or in reality, there's always the ghost of a Lens on her left wrist reminding her of her 'dream' and alternate reality, most nights are filled with terrific battles and intrigue, there's a quality in her mind she cannot seem to escape: maturity, she cannot seem to escape her own womanhood, she laughs when she thinks about this because she knows the world sees her as a 'seven year old little girl' in spite of whatever transformation might have occurred that night .. What she does not know is that reality has a tendency to reflect our dreams .. Her new Lens has transformed her life and future beyond recognition in a matter of days .. Kaylie is staring off into space at the breakfast table. Daisy has returned and is spending a few days not trucking to be with John. This small apartment seems to contain a little bit of heaven. Daisy: Kaylie dear .. You haven't heard a single thing I've said. Where ARE you dear? In the 'zone' again? Daisy tickles Kaylie but she's clearly 'spaced out' and in her own world. Daisy: You haven't even touched your food .. [looks at John] Was she like this when I was away? John: Sorta, something seemed to happen the other night after she started reading her new book. She couldn't put it down that day. After that night, total Twilight Zone; totally spaced-out .. But.. that's Kaylie .. When she gets into something, she REALLY gets into it .. It's probly just the book. Daisy looks at the book next to Kaylie and gently picks it up to examine it.. She looks at the back cover and reads a bit.. Daisy: Lensman huh? This wakes Kaylie up. She starts eating food as if she just sat down. Daisy: Wow. Must be a key word .. I'll use it with caution. Daisy notices Kaylie's left wrist is red as if there was a rash or Cover by sgm page: 30

perhaps Kaylie had scratched it. Daisy: Your wrist okay honey? Kaylie's eyes open wide. Kaylie: You can SEE it too?! Daisy gently examines Kaylie's wrist in her hands and proclaims.. Daisy: I see what looks like a rash .. You been scratching this? Kaylie: Nope. Daisy: Maybe in the middle of the night when you're sleeping like sometimes some people grind their teeth? Kaylie: Nope. Daisy: How can you be sure? Kaylie glares at Daisy turning the full power of her Lens onto her. Daisy feels this as if somebody put ice daggers into her eyes. She winces in pain and starts to fall backward but John catches her. She laughs. Daisy: Wow. [enjoying John's embrace] I feel like I just had a minimigraine. Just all of a sudden when you looked at me sweetie. She laughs again relieved to be in the arms of her John. Kaylie continues eating as if nothing has happened.. Her Lens glows brightly in the corner of her eye. Kaylie [thinking to herself]: Gotta be careful with that. Fade out. Scene Twenty-three: Domestic life in Daisy's apartment has seemed to settle into something resembling a routine, Daisy does her trucking runs for several days at a time leaving John to scour the classifieds, make phone calls, walk and bus to depressing interviews where many others are applying for the same single job, never getting a positive result, while Kaylie watches a mixture of educational TV, old sci-fi, and comedy. John is very discouraged as he sits down next to Kaylie on Daisy's bed, chin propped on hands and elbows, feet bare and pointed at the ceiling, and moving as if motivated of their own Cover by sgm page: 31

accord. The TV has an old Star Trek playing: By Any Other Name. Spock is attempting a Vulcan mind-meld with Kalinda behind a solid wall of rock. In a violent shock, Spock is thrown away from the meld. Kaylie presses pause on the remote: Spock is in mid-air with arms flailing. Kaylie: You ever wonder if Spock really wanted to be an unfeeling Vulcan? Leonard Nimoy. John sighs and looks at his newspaper with a bunch of circled jobs in black and just as many red Xes through each circle. He wants to cry but the tears won't come. Dry sobs. John: I feel like I've let you down all this time .. Never being able to get or keep a decent job.. John looks at Spock frozen on the screen and smirks. John: You know, they're looking for movie-extras in South Florida all the time.. Kaylie scoffs. Kaylie: YOU? A movie-extra? She counts on her fingers.. Kaylie: One, you're too good-looking to be just an extra, two, South Florida is in the opposite direction we're heading, and three, I absolutely positively HATE that swampland they call South Florida. John gently takes the remote from Kaylie's hand and presses play. They watch Spock get thrown to the ground, Kalinda enter the cave, Kirk karate-chop her neck, and pick her up. Kaylie gently retrieves the remote by this time and presses pause again just as Kirk has Kalinda in his arms. Kaylie: How romantic. She winks at her father .. He laughs and kisses the top of her head.. He thinks about their conversation gazing at the frozen image. John: I heard Leonard Nimoy refused to do any of the movies unless he could tweak the character a bit.. Spock. Make him more human. Kaylie raises her eyebrows then attempts a Spock-trademark. John giggles and kisses her raised eyebrow sweetly.

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John: Did you ever finish your book? Kaylie blushes uncontrollably .. She turns on her back facing the ceiling and fidgets attempting to suppress something .. John knows something is up. He gently grabs her by her shoulders and proclaims.. John: Oh my God. Kaylie, what did you DO? Kaylie [very shyly evading his intense glare looking around the room innocently; she whispers]: Um.. I might have used Daisy's debit card to buy more books in the series.. John: WHAT!? KAYLIE! You know you're supposed to ask before you do something like that! I can't believe you! How old are you? Kaylie [very meekly]: Seven? John: Kaylie! You know Daisy trusted us with her debit card NOT to do things like that! She specifically said groceries nothing else.. John sighs loudly in despair the tears finally coming he searched for only moments ago falling on his useless newspaper .. Just then, there's a loud knock on the front door. Kaylie practically launches from the bed, into the air, and onto her feet. Her arms are raised in triumph. Kaylie: MY BOOKS! She runs to the front door. The delivery person has already left. She opens the front door in total expectation and excitement. The box is small, undamaged, and rests near the threshold. She pounces on it like a cat on mouse. She slams the door closed and runs back to the bedroom to find her father beaming at her his previous tears dried and forgotten .. She thrusts the box toward him for him to open. He reaches for the box but stops with a quizzical look on his face. John: You promise? Kaylie: I promise.. This is a once-in-a-lifetime thing! Open it! Open it! She gets John to accept the box and he carefully opens it. He lays out each book, in order, in a fan shape on the foot of the bed. All books are there including Triplanetary .. John points at that book. John: But you already have that one..

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Kaylie: It was cheaper as a complete set. The most expensive thing was shipping! [she shakes her head in disbelief] God, I'm never gonna get this economy. John laughs and picks up Triplanetary. John: May I borrow this one? Since you already have another copy? Daisy can be heard coming through the front door with keys jingling. She stands in the bedroom doorway smiling and holding her phone toward the two with text on the screen .. Kaylie blurts out in rapid succession her confession as she runs to Daisy hugging her in apology. Kaylie [rapidly]: I'm sorry I won't do it again! I used your debit card to buy my Lensman series. Please forgive me! I won't do it again! Daisy laughs forgivingly gently attempting to pry Kaylie loose so she can see her phone. Daisy: I get text notifications on my phone anytime a debit happens. I knew about this DAYs ago when Kaylie ordered the books. I could see what it was for and I was only happy she would be reading and not watching that damn thing. Daisy points to the TV with her phone .. John is relieved and gives Daisy a kiss and hug .. Star Trek resumes playing as if on cue. Kirk takes Kalinda to the rear of the cave and sets her down. The three of them watch still holding each other. Fade out. Scene Twenty-four: A small rural park, well tended, but with very few patrons, at this moment, only three: Kaylie, John, and Daisy having a picnic lunch on a very large blanket under a large tree, Kaylie is sitting on one corner of the blanket with her back to the tree, the breeze is calm, gentle, and perfect. There are no annoying bugs. Kaylie is reading one of her books totally lost in it. John is laying down face up with his head in Daisy's lap. There's a maintenance truck next to her electric car in the parking lot but the worker is nowhere to be seen. John is smiling and wistful. John: I still don't get how a trucker can afford an electric vehicle. Daisy: It's called 'skimping and saving' and making it a priority. Cover by sgm page: 34

Daisy taps his nose with her finger gently. Daisy: After the divorce, I didn't have any expenses to speak of. Just rent .. I realized my biggest expenditure after rent was gasoline: for the rig and my 'get around town' vehicle which was a clunker at the time.. John: What was it? Daisy [laughing]: A Dodge van but real old. It was a rust-bucket. Always leaking-in rain.. I had so much bondo on that thing. [she laughs again] You couldn't tell what was bondo and what was van! John joins her in laughter. Kaylie momentarily looks up from her book. Daisy [whispers to John]: Oops, we disturbed the Lensman! Kaylie puts her head against the trunk and closes her eyes.. From that moment, everything becomes dream-like. The 'missing' maintenance worker emerges from a bathroom drying his hands on his jumpsuit. He looks around nervously. Kaylie is aware of everything as if her Lens gives her clairvoyance. She examines a bug crawling before the maintenance worker seen through his eyes. She prompts him to bend down for a closer look. It's a praying mantis eating another bug. The maintenance worker thinks Yuk! but Kaylie keeps his mind focused on the mantis and its prey. He wonders why he's all of a sudden so curious about bugs when he never really ever cared for them his entire life.. He thinks this thought. She replies to him in his mind.. Kaylie: Maybe because you're too busy jerking off in the bathroom over magazines to care about bugs. He looks around wondering where the voice is coming from. He spots the three patrons in the distance but it cannot be any one of them they're too far away. He explores around the bathrooms expecting to see another girl around Kaylie's age hiding behind a corner but.. nobody's there. He's confused and scratches his head. Kaylie [in his mind]: I'm in your head silly. You won't find me near the bathrooms. He looks at the sky fully expecting to see an angel floating down from the clouds. He's never 'heard voices' before in his life. He shakes his head and hits his right temple gently with his palm to Cover by sgm page: 35

clear his head. Kaylie: Yep, still got all your marbles. Don't worry. I won't bother you much longer.. I'm just curious about that praying mantis. He finds it again and stoops for a closer look. Kaylie: Yep, that one.. Unjustifiably terrified, he picks up the bug very gently in his hand.. It complies and does not fly off. Kaylie: Okay now. You see that group of people over there? He spots the group of three on their blanket again. Kaylie: Yea, that one.. You see that little girl under the tree with her eyes closed? Maintenance Man [out loud]: Yes. Kaylie: That's me under the tree .. Please take the bug to her. To me. The maintenance worker walks over to the three robotically. He's desperate to wake up from this dream. He's sure he's asleep in his truck or something. This can't be real .. By this time, John and Daisy notice the man and Daisy confronts him in harsh tones.. Daisy: Can I help you? Maintenance Man [he stammers]: A bug for the little miss. Daisy moves to get up but something keeps her and John from moving .. Daisy purses her lips unable to understand the situation. John laughs at her expression. John: Need the bathroom dear? He tickles her .. They laugh and the 'spell' is lifted. Kaylie opens her eyes, accepts the mantis from the man, he lumbers off as if in a dream, Daisy gives Kaylie a suspicious glance but quickly refocuses her attention on John. Daisy: Wow. That was weird! Kaylie gets back into her original position, sets the bug down on the Cover by sgm page: 36

blanket, and re-closes her eyes. The audience starts to see from the bug's perspective on the now-huge blanket. There's a small cockroach on the edge of the blanket. Kaylie does not have to prompt the mantis but she does anyways: get him! The audience watches as it captures and begins to devour its new prey .. The camera refocuses on Kaylie's face as she raises her eyebrow in Spock-trademark.. Technical note: in the previous sequence, we need to determine how many hearts a typical mantis has, what the beating rhythm is, and how it might sound to a mantis with 'blood rushing to his ears'. Also, some accuracy in visual field is required not perfect 'one to one' but some effort should be put into this. Kaylie [with eyes closed]: Fascinating. Fade out. Scene Twenty-five: Kaylie is watching John Belushi play the samurai sandwich maker in SNL and giggling, John is in perfect form as he mumbles his pseudo-Japanese, her father John comes through the front door returning from another unfruitful day of job-hunting, Kaylie hears him but does not respond, her eyes are glued to the TV and Belushi's antics, John peeks his head into the bedroom and smiles at his daughter, without taking her eyes from the screen, she states clearly.. Kaylie: I made a video collage for you.. I call it A Perfect Moment .. Do you have time to watch it? John sighs and ignores Belushi on the screen. John: Let's just say today was no different than any other day.. He sits down next to her. Kaylie is in her 'usual position' on the foot of the bed but this time, she has a pillow propped under her chin. She takes the remote without looking, presses a sequence of buttons corresponding to menu choices on the screen, and begins to play her collage for her father.. Kaylie: Drum roll please.. Technical note: this list comes from an article I wrote called 'a perfect moment' freely available on NowPublic and Scribd, obviously, the list is not comprehensive but represents some intense pivotal moments in the mood of select films, the original compilation is too long for inclusion into this film but can be edited down focusing on Cover by sgm page: 37

John's reaction to the collage. The intention is for John to be moved to tears via complex emotions evoked by the sequence. John is also equally moved by Kaylie's editing prowess. Atlantis: at 1:20:54, Milo releases his Atlantean girlfriend to save her civilization in confirmation of positive prophecy. Again, music is perfectly choreographed with action so that we're left in tears and awe of the realizable possibility: with will, patience, and consistent effort we can protect the ones we love. :) What better message to give our youth? ^^ Forbidden Kingdom: at 1:19:17, our hero is given the bo-staff the only thing which can release the Monkey King, the quintessential Asian symbol of innocence, from his prison of stone. When the Monkey King is restored, his faithful servant recognized for his sacrifice and worthy devotion, we are brought to fervent tears praying for a real earthly version of this archetype. This is where fiction encroaches on reality. We cannot escape it. i firmly believe fiction can reflect into reality not just in our wishes and desires.. But in tangible reality. The best we dream can become reality .. if our faith is strong enough. Charlie's Angels: at 57:03, Drew realizes Sam is not the man she imagined. This is a kind of 'counter positive' example ;) In this moment, her love shines olympian :) She cannot believe Sam's a 'bad guy' [he] Repeatedly, she's confronted with the truth; repeatedly, she clings to her noble image of Sam. ^^ How often do we repeat her attitude/behavior? It's both sad and wonderful: our faith in good .. Sam deserves kudos for his versatility :) Contact: there are too many wonderful moments in the film. My choice here is at 1:29:11 where Jodie is in flight surveying the completed machine the device which will bring us into 'first contact'. Probably the most important moment in the future history of human civilization, appropriately choreographed with music.. Words fail if this event ever actually takes place. Cyborg Girl: at 29:56 of part two (my version is in two parts), our heroine is racing through an earthquake zone attempting to protect the man she loves. How can a machine feel so much? How can we not? It kills me the idea a machine could feel more than a human but the idea is there. And unfortunately, i believe it will come true. If only we can appreciate that fact. Princess Blade: there's a moment near the end where she cries (she rarely expresses any emotion in the film).. i don't want to ruin the plot.. Watch the whole thing from beginning to end; you'll catch my Cover by sgm page: 38

drift. Galaxy Quest: too many beautiful moments to choose from ;) But here i choose 1:20:39 where 'fish head' [he] (he's absolutely wonderful in Love Actually) changes from disbeliever to fervent advocate and defender of Thermia, the quintessential race of innocence. Whether you're a sci-fi fan or not, the moment is Moving :) as the Thermians are Adorable. :) Return of the Jedi: 1:50:32, you know ;) Vader defends his son from the most powerful force in the galaxy.. It took six movies to get to this point in the plot. Six movies and 24 years of production. The message? There's nothing more powerful than familial love. Never Cry Wolf: at 1:38:42, our 'hero' watches a Native American leave his hut and life.. Just previously, he found the truth: our society values things over lives (wolf pelts over wolf lives). The symbolic loss in the film should never be lost the message on our collective consciousness. ^^ Nuf said. Spirited Away: Haku remembers his name with the help of Chihiro, his best friend. With his name, he receives his freedom from tyrant witch/boss. Too many roles and archetypes presented in this movie.. :) Please watch these 11+5 movies. Pay attention to the critical moments. Your life can only be enriched by watching, absorbing, appreciating, and pondering in your heart.. [end of article section] The collage ends with that and Kaylie presses pause on the remote. She's not looking at her father; she's staring at the paused TV screen. Her legs move; feet pointed at the ceiling in anticipation. John's unwilling to show the tears streaming down his face. He bounds off the bed, launches to the adjacent bathroom, grabs some toiletpaper from the roll near the toilet, loudly blows his nose, and just as quickly returns to his spot next to Kaylie at the foot of Daisy's bed .. Kaylie looks at John's face now. He examines his hands. John: You ever notice how my hands look so old? Unnaturally old? Kaylie: That's cuz you're a compulsive hand washer.. Continuous washing ages skin. John snorts; Kaylie giggles. Kaylie: So .. uh.. She indicates with her eyes the TV screen and raises her eyebrows in Cover by sgm page: 39

question. John: Complex. Interesting .. I wonder about the ordering: what compelled you to choose that particular order.. But.. Overall, I like it. John smiles at Kaylie .. She smiles back. John: What was that one movie with the 'fish head' guy? Kaylie: Galaxy Quest. John: Huh.. You still got it recorded? Kaylie: Mm. John: Lemme take a quick shower and we'll watch it together, okay? Kaylie: Mm. John lumbers off toward the bathroom and Kaylie menu's through her recordings. The camera focuses on Kaylie biting her bottom lip. Fade out. Scene Twenty-six: The bedroom door is closed, Daisy closed it, Kaylie is attempting to sleep on the couch but it's slow going, she's under the handmade blanket, her eyes are closed but she's impatient to sleep, she tries her best to ignore her father and Daisy behind the closed door, but she cannot .. her Lens glows brightly .. She whispers to herself.. Kaylie: The O word .. The O word .. I'm just a kid. I'm only seven. I'm not interested. I don't want to know what it feels like. I'm just a kid .. Just let me be a kid .. I'm only seven .. I'm just a kid! Her Lens bursts light as she finishes her whispers .. The result is unavoidable. She begins to feel the lovers' sensations behind the door. She welcomes the sensations without the visual perceptions. Kaylie [whispering to herself]: Feel is okay. Look: I don't want; I don't want to see anything.. Kaylie visualizes anything deliberately non-sexual .. Director discretion is advised here. Perhaps a give-and-take between sexual Cover by sgm page: 40

moments such as Daisy's dance in the biker-bar vs mantis hunting its prey on the blanket .. As Daisy orgasms, Kaylie is washed over with her desire and sensations. Kaylie's face reflects this. A peace she has never known fills her mind, body, and soul. She drifts off toward blissful sleep. Fade out. Scene Twenty-seven: Breakfast with John and Kaylie only, Daisy is off on another trucking run, Kaylie is grateful for the time alone with her father, she confesses her observations from the night before .. She raises her eyebrows looking at her plate of food. Kaylie: I felt something last night. John fidgets with his silverware. John: Baby .. I'm sorry .. Daisy wanted some time alone with me.. Kaylie: I wasn't talking about that .. I was talking about you. Kaylie is wide-eyed and doesn't seem to know how to continue. Kaylie [stammers]: You .. You didn't come. John blushes and nearly spits his food out. He rushes to the bathroom to clean his face and hands. He comes back to the breakfast table tentatively. He gently takes a chair and places it next to Kaylie's. He gently grasps her by her shoulders. He gets her to look him in the eyes. He seriously glares at her but gently. John: Okay. This is freaking me out. How do you know this baby? Kaylie closes her eyes and concentrates on her Lens. It begins to pulsate brightly. She opens her eyes and stares deeply into her fathers eyes. She projects her sensations from the night before into his mind. As she does so, his eyes widen in disbelief then recognition, then acceptance, then respect of her power and sensitivity .. He blinks deliberately, shakes his head slightly, and proclaims.. John: Kaylie .. [he taps his head with both sets of knuckles] Kaylie, help me make some sense of what's happening! Kaylie concentrates on her Lens. It glows brightly. She projects her vision of her Lens into her father's mind. Dimly but surely, he Cover by sgm page: 41

begins to see what she sees. The Lens glows brighter and clearer as he focuses on her left wrist. His eyes bulge in disbelief. He has never seen anything so amazing and beautiful in his life. John [stammers]: It's so BEAUTIFUL! .. What IS it?! Tears begin to flow from his eyes and hers. She shakes her head and tears fling around her .. She stammers.. Kaylie: I .. had a dream .. the other night [her eyes wide unseeing, fixated on her dream-vision] .. I received a Lens .. A thing that changed me .. Forever .. For the better .. I danced with you: a moment happier than I have ever been or ever could be.. Father, John, the love of my life, please believe me.. Something happened that changed me forever.. In a GOOD way.. The Lens fades into a red spot on her wrist .. Kaylie sobs with her head lowered tears falling into her lap .. John gently takes her chin in his fingers and raises her face. He kisses her lips deliberately. John: Kaylie, love of my life, know that you will find another man who will make me look like a firefly around a blazing inexhaustible bonfire. [he winks at her and kisses her nose] Kaylie smiles at her father and kisses his forehead. She hugs him. Kaylie: I love you dad! She squeezes him tightly. Her tears fall on his shoulder. Fade out. Scene Twenty-eight: Kaylie is reading one of her books at the pool in the afternoon, John is in Daisy's apartment taking the day off with a bottle of Scot whiskey Daisy gave to him and the movie It's A Wonderful Life, John watches the movie repeatedly throughout the day crying every time at the same key moments, he sets his whiskey tumbler down on a bedside table after the third time and gets up facing the TV with remote in hand. He slurs to himself.. John: Damn angels. Never here when you need em. He slowly navigates through recordings attempting to find Forbidden Kingdom. He finds and presses play. It resumes at Kaylie's selection scene. He curses under his breath and rewinds the recording to its Cover by sgm page: 42

beginning. John [to TV]: That's better. He plops down at the head of the bed, pillow propping him from behind, and retrieves his whiskey tumbler. He downs it half-full in one gulp as the movie begins .. The camera focuses on John's teary eyes staring at the TV then switches back to the pool as a middleaged plump man and his fully-developed teenage niece enter the pool area. She leads him in like a princess and examines all disdainfully including Kaylie and her book. Niece: Let's sit there uncle. She indicates a set of lawn-chairs near Kaylie deliberately intending to distract her .. Her uncle scoffs and says.. Uncle: Suit yourself. He sets his sunscreen bottle and towel down on one of the indicated chairs, strips his t-shirt from his rotund belly and hairy chest proudly, and dives into the pool. He comes up splashing his niece in the process, getting a little water on Kaylie. She gives him a sidelong glance warning him.. He ignores this and continues to tease his niece from the pool.. Uncle: Come on. Jump in.. It feels good. He continues to splash his niece until she disdainfully complies. She removes her t-shirt exposing her adult body and jumps in near her uncle before Kaylie can glance toward her .. There is only the three of them at the pool .. The uncle senses his opportunity and flirts with his niece a little .. His hands touch her body in disrespectful places and she vehemently declares.. Niece: NO! Stop it! Kaylie's attention is diverted from her book. She glances at the couple in the pool. She resumes reading.. The niece, in spite of her own explicit protests, giggles playfully with her uncle. Her voice says No! but her body, smiles, and laughter say otherwise.. He senses this and continues to touch her inappropriately .. Her body is getting sexually excited underwater and she cannot verbally protest anymore.. She swoons at his touch and Kaylie senses this.. Kaylie is not disgusted at the age difference but more about the relationship: he's her uncle; what the fuck is he doing?

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The uncle puts his fingers inside his niece's vagina under her bikini bottom and she closes her eyes in pleasure. Kaylie is just as sexually excited herself, her heart pounds in anticipation and desire but reality comes screeching to a halt: he's her uncle! Kaylie glares at the uncle and loudly proclaims.. Kaylie: STOP IT! The uncle ignores her and continues to finger his niece .. Kaylie loses her temper and shouts at the man.. Kaylie: I SAID STOP IT! What was sexual attraction for his niece becomes a power-play between Kaylie and him. He loses all interest in his niece. He focuses all his attention and energy on Kaylie staring at him from the pool-side. Uncle: You little bitch. How dare you mess with my life! He moves to the side of the pool closest to Kaylie and her book, attempts to get out of the pool, but cannot seem to swing his fat belly out.. He laughs at himself and moves to the shallow end to use the steps there to exit the pool .. His niece is cowering in a corner too ashamed to look directly at Kaylie or her uncle. She whispers to herself.. Niece: Uncle.. Please stop.. The man gets out of the pool and heads deliberately toward Kaylie. He pounds his feet on his way and stops inches away from Kaylie's book. He looks at the book. Uncle: Like to read nosey little bitch? Sticking your nose where it doesn't belong!? Before Kaylie can stop him, he grabs her book and motions to tear it in half. His 'punishment' for Kaylie's unwelcome attentions .. Kaylie reaches out for her book but he pulls back laughing pausing before 'the kill'.. Uncle: See how you like people messing with your life! He begins to tear the binding of the book in his hands .. Kaylie gets up from her chair, stretches her arms toward her book, and yells.. Kaylie: STOP IT!

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Her lens flares brilliantly and the man gasps with unbelievably wide disbelieving eyes. He uses the book to shield his face from Kaylie's glare. It's too late. He stumbles back into the pool. He falls backwards into the water. A loud splash finds John rushing to the pool area from the apartment. The niece swims over to her uncle and keeps his face from going under. She holds him and caresses his face, reassuring him.. Niece: Shh.. [she kisses his nose and whispers] Everything's gonna be okay.. Uncle [stammers]: I'm blind .. I can't see .. Everything's black.. I can't see you. Are you there? John stands next to Kaylie accusingly. John: What happened?! Kaylie smells the whiskey on his breath and unconsciously moves her head back and to the side .. She attempts to describe what happened but the niece stops her.. Niece: And he's not even my real uncle! We were pretending! You stupid little girl! What did you do to my man! You made him blind! Why do people stick their nose where it doesn't belong! She grabs Kaylie's floating book in the water, looks at it, and tosses it toward Kaylie. Niece: Here's your fucking book! [then at John] So much for books and book-worms, huh? She glares at John and Kaylie attempting to comfort her man floating in the water.. John stares at Kaylie intently.. John: Fix this. Give him back his sight. Fix this thing! Kaylie [imploringly]: I don't know how! Tears are now streaming from Kaylie's eyes as she looks at her father.. In his mind he says to her.. John: We're gonna have to leave here until you CAN fix this thing.. Just leave. I'll write a note for Daisy. And we're leaving TODAY. We're not coming back until you can fix this thing.. Cover by sgm page: 45

He closes his eyes wishing it would all disappear when he reopens them, but it does not. Kaylie is still looking at him with tears streaming down her face.. Fade out. Scene Twenty-nine: The somber couple depart Daisy's apartment with note and debit card on kitchen counter, John verifies the front door is locked, with his hand on the door-knob, he asks Kaylie.. John: Forget anything? [he snorts] Too late. Kaylie sticks her tongue out playfully at her father and reassures him.. Kaylie: Got everything: asshole. They move away from the doorway and down the hallway. John: Asshole? That's a new one.. Who just made somebody blind by mistake? Who's the asshole? An emergency vehicle is near the pool area. The blind man is on a stretcher being wheeled over to the waiting vehicle. His woman, the 'niece', glances up at John and Kaylie leaving the apartment complex. Her attention rejoins her man on the stretcher .. Kaylie forces back tears of grief and shame .. John takes her hand and guides her away.. Fade out. Scene Thirty: Daisy's kitchen, she finds the note and debit card on the counter, tears drop on the note as she reads John's handwriting.. John's voice: Daisy, First let me say: we both love you beyond words. The generosity and trust you have shown us.. Nobody has shown us, in our years on the road, this kind of trust and love.. We miss you already and we have not even left your apartment. So why are we leaving? Something happened today at the pool I can't explain.. Something happened and a man lost his ability to see.. Somehow, I blame these books. [Daisy looks at the stack of Lensman books on her counter .. She touches them gingerly and respectfully] Somehow, these damn books have poisoned my daughter's mind. She lives in a fantasy world. So I'm leaving them here with you. It's better this way .. I told her: when she can make things right, we can come back to you .. Cover by sgm page: 46

I love you my Daisy-lou, John Daisy sobs in love, longing, and despair at the last.. She clutches the note to her heart, takes the top book on the stack, Triplanetary, the half-empty whiskey bottle, and moves toward her couch. As she sits down, she realizes it's more Kaylie's couch now.. She sobs with head hanging down hair hiding her face .. One hand clutching at the blanket Kaylie used for sleeping .. Another hand clutching the arm of the couch .. She whispers between sobs.. Daisy [to herself]: My family.. My beautiful John and Kaylie.. Where did you go? She raises her head and the camera zooms-in to her tear-filled eyes. She looks at the book next to her on the couch. Fade out. Scene Thirty-one: A very small south-western town, a one gas-station town, a forgotten 'nowhere' town except for one small fact: the town is home to Sam, town buffoon, idiot-savant, and soon-to-be best friend to Kaylie. Sam is sitting on a rusty old wooden bench with a grimy t-shirt on over grungy old unwashed 'flood pants'. The tshirt has the image of Spock giving the Vulcan 'peace sign' with letters on front saying: Live long.. Kaylie stares at his belly and the words across it under the image of Spock. Her father chastises her.. John: Kaylie, it's not polite to stare. Sam is snoring on his dirty old perch, legs splayed, and oblivious to everything.. Kaylie nudges his foot with hers attempting to get him to wake up. She's curious about the rest of the caption on the back of his t-shirt. John: Kaylie. Kaylie: Hey you.. Spock-man. Wake up .. I wanna see what's on the back of your t-shirt. Sam stirs and squints at Kaylie and John .. He stammers.. Sam: Lens! Lensman! Lens! He blurts out and scrambles to his feet. He rushes into the service area of the gas-station hiding in the shadows. His elderly aunt comes Cover by sgm page: 47

out to greet John and Kaylie. Aunt: Forgive Sammie. He's a bit shy around strangers. We don't get many visitors in this piss-ant town anyways.. [She spits her chew juice] Nasty habit. [Looks at Kaylie] Now missy, don't you ever pick up this nasty habit of chewin bacca, kay? Bad nough n old woman like me chews and spits. World don't need a gorgeous girl like you getting hooked.. [Auntie peers closely at Kaylie] Kaylie smiles and giggles .. She runs after Sam in the shadows.. Kaylie: Hey you .. Mr. Sam .. Don't be afraid.. Sam is hiding in a corner crouching with his back to the world. Clearly visible is the back of his t-shirt which reads: Eat shit, and DIE! Kaylie says to herself.. Kaylie: Live long.. Eat shit, and Die! She laughs and Sam slowly turns around curious about the laughter .. He slowly approaches Kaylie. Sam: Lens. Lensman. GREY Lensman. He looks at her red wrist and takes ahold of it in both strong but delicate hands. He squeezes her forearm with both hands peering intently at her wrist. Sam: Lensman! A Lensman! A real Lensman! He shouts to his auntie. John and aunt come into the service area curious about the ruckus. John approaches Sam defensively but Kaylie warns him with a glance: it's okay. John relaxes. Aunt: Now Sammie, what's all this fuss about! What lens? There's nothin but a red spot. You got a rash there dearie? [She spits] Kaylie looks at her father unsure what to say.. Sam takes her place.. Sam [lucid and rational]: There's a Lens on her wrist clear as day. Can't you see it? [Looks at his auntie .. he repeats] Can't either of you see it? There's a glowing Lens on her wrist right here! He shows his aunt and John Kaylie's wrist. They can't see anything but a red spot. Kaylie whispers to Sam as much.. Kaylie [whispers to Sam]: They can't see it! Cover by sgm page: 48

Sam returns to 'idiot mode'. He drops Kaylie's arm. He lumbers back to his perch out front and sits down mumbling to himself.. Sam: Lens.. Lensman.. She's a grey Lensman.. Auntie chuckles and guides Kaylie and John back to Sam's perch. Aunt: Again, you have to forgive Sammie here .. He's 'back and forth' most times.. Brilliant physicist one minute .. Town idiot the next. She frowns examining Sam's placid uncaring face. Kaylie sits next to Sam holding his left hand. She talks to the left side of his face.. Kaylie: Don't worry Mr. Sam. I'll be your friend. I'll be your best grey-lens-friend.. At the word 'lens', Sam is jolted back into awareness again. He starts blabbering about h-bar and quantum physics .. Auntie guides John away for some privacy for both 'couples'.. Aunt: She's a sweetie. What's her name? John: Kaylie .. and I'm John .. You? Aunt: Just call me Belle. Nice to meet you John of 'John and Kaylie'. She winks at him and takes his hand.. She peers intently at John. Belle: But my! You're a handsome devil you! John blushes and gently pries his hand loose from her grasp. He sits down with Belle inside the gas-station office, puts his backpack down on the dusty floor, and his boots up on the dusty dingy old-magazine strewn coffee-table .. The scene ends with a distant camera view of Kaylie and Sam sitting on the bench holding hands and talking quietly together.. Fade out. Scene Thirty-two: The trailer behind the gas-station, Belle and Sam's home, an old rust-bucket with an extra room for guests, rickety, on cinderblocks, but watertight in spite of its dilapidated appearance. The original skirting had rusted so badly, Belle had Sam remove and stack it to the side. Sam and Kaylie had talked all afternoon on their bench. Belle had invited John for them to stay in the spare Cover by sgm page: 49

room after she realized how close her nephew and Kaylie were becoming. We find John checking the place out with Belle in late afternoon. John: Ain't bad. A bit of a rust-bucket but livable .. May I see the room we'll be in? Belle: Sure sweetie. I'll lead the way.. Belle guides John into the trailer and down the short hallway to their vacant room. It's stuffy and has several odds-and-ends stored there. Some cobwebs hang in the corners. Belle grabs a broom and starts to get at the webs. John stops her. John: I can do that Belle. Let me get those webs. Don't hurt your back.. She shoos him away gently and continues her attack on the webs. She explains.. Belle: If I don't move, I get stuck. She makes a funny pose for John stuck in one goofy position. He laughs. John: Okay. You win .. I'll get Kaylie to show her our 'room for the night'. Belle: More than one night they way they carry on. She points back toward the station. John: Heh .. Yea.. John hesitates looking at his hands again.. John: Belle, what happened to Sam to make him the way he is? Belle squints at John and continues her web-attack. Belle: You want the dramatic version or the 'harsh reality' version? John raises his eyebrows in anticipation. John: Let's go with the dramatic version first and go from there. She sits down on the dusty bed and motions for John to sit next to Cover by sgm page: 50

her. He complies. Belle: Sam was married. A brilliant engineer. Nothin wrong 'up here' [she points to her head] .. His wife was a 'devil woman' he met in Asia on one vacation .. Pretty girl but had the devil inside her [she points to her heart] .. Broke him. Used to beat him up daily. We all knew what was going on including his mother my sister. That devil woman beat him so bad one day he ended up in the hospital. My sister tried to protect him and she hit her in the head too. They both were in hospital at that point.. Sis eventually died from her injuries. Sam found out what happened and went totally bonkers. He tried to jump out of a hospital window, they had to sedate him, and he's been this way ever since [she makes the 'crazy gesture' with her head and right forefinger]. John sits in stunned silence.. He manages a question.. John: What happened to the Asian woman? Did she get prosecuted? Belle: She skipped town .. By that time, she got her citizenship, which seemed like what she was mainly after marrying my nephew, and skipped town after she put my sis and Sam in hospital. The bitch. John: Devil woman.. Belle: Sam has not talked with a woman or girl since .. Your Kaylie is the first female he's talked to since then .. That's why I bothered to encourage them.. For Sam's sake.. John thinks about the blind man at the pool and wonders if there IS a God .. Belle puts her old withered shaking hand on John's. John puts the other one over hers. Belle: During that whole time the woman was beating Sammie, he never lifted a finger against her nor did he even look at another woman .. Love is crazy.. Belle hangs her head and cries a little for Sam. She leans against John's massive chest .. He realizes he's missed something.. John: Wait. What's the 'harsh reality' version? Belle looks at John through tear smeared glasses and smiles. Belle: I lied. That was harsh reality. There is no dramatic version. She winks at him .. He kisses her on her forehead. Cover by sgm page: 51

Fade out. Scene Thirty-three: In their bed, in their room, the door is closed, Kaylie and John lay listening to the dusty wind attack the old trailer staring up at the ceiling, each of them thinking about their day trying NOT to think about the blind man, Sam breathing heavily in the bedroom next door, Belle snoring behind him in her own single, Kaylie softly speaks to her father.. Kaylie: Do you miss Daisy? John snorts and looks away from his daughter. Kaylie: That much huh? She pokes him in his ribs. He grabs her finger and squeezes it gently. He won't allow her to continue to poke him. Her arm moves in attempt but his firm grip won't allow her finger to move. Kaylie: Maybe if I use my Lens.. John turns toward her, brings her finger to his mouth, and gently bites the tip. Kaylie: Ow! [then giggles] Sam taps on the thin wall between them and gently.. Sam: Shh.. [whispering] Auntie's sleeping.. Kaylie becomes somber .. John releases her finger. Kaylie [repeats]: Do you miss Daisy? John squints at her. He scowls. He smirks. John: What do you think? Kaylie: I think not so much since you didn't come last time anyways. She sticks her tongue out at her father; he starts poking her in the ribs .. She giggles again .. Sam, this time more adamant.. Sam: Shh!

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Kaylie stops and returns to her more somber mood .. She pauses and thinks for a bit.. Kaylie: Dad, do you think there's a God? .. I mean .. If there was a God, would He or She allow me to blind that man? There's a small hole between the two bedrooms. Sam's bed is directly behind the wall separating them. He puts his finger through the hole and says quietly.. Sam: There IS a God Kaylie .. and She's YOU.. Kaylie notices Sam's finger poking through the hole. She touches her index finger to his softly. They link finger-tips. The wind continues its years-long attack on the trailer. The three listen for a bit thinking about what Sam said .. John thinks about Sam's life as related by Belle .. They all close their eyes and drift off .. Sam's and Kaylie's fingers remained locked.. Fade out. Scene Thirty-four: Early morning finds Kaylie, Sam, and Belle stirring before John. He's snoring loudly and deep in sleep. Kaylie pats him on his head before sneaking out to join Belle and Sam at the breakfast table. Auntie has whipped up something for the four of them from left-overs and a few eggs. She proudly serves her accomplishment. Belle: Eggs a la Belle and some left-overs. Kaylie giggles .. Sam prays.. Sam: Please Goddess, protect Kaylie and her father for each other, protect Auntie and me for each other, and all families for each other. Kaylie closes her eyes and firmly clasps her hands. She whispers.. Kaylie: Please Goddess, please help John accept Sam and I going hanggliding today, keep us safe, and if you can manage it, help John help us fly! She peeks at Sam with one curious eye and finds him doing the same thing with her. The three laugh. This wakes John and he stumbles toward the table .. He asks Belle..

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John: Room for me? Belle: If I would have known a lumberjack was coming for breakfast, I would have set a whole table just for him! [she winks at him] John: Lumberjack? [he looks at his massive chest] I've never thought of me like that.. [he models slightly effeminately for the three] What do you think? Lumberjack material? [he flips his hand very effeminately] Belle and Kaylie crack up .. Sam stares stupidly.. Sam: I don't get it.. Kaylie [to Sam]: Eat your toast before I do .. Don't incur the wrath of the Goddess! Sam cowers like a mouse before a hungry cat .. Kaylie notices, gets up from her seat, comes around to Sam's side, and hugs him from behind tightly. She begins to shower his cheek with kisses.. Kaylie: I'm joking! I love you Sammie! Tears of Sam's happiness begin to fall into his plate and toast. Kaylie quickly snatches up his toast and pops it into her mouth. She speaks with toast in her mouth.. Kaylie: Can't waste good toast or tears! She kisses Sam on the lips and he blushes. He takes a bite of eggs. More lucid than he has been in years, he asks.. Sam [chewing on eggs]: Is she always like this? [looking at John] John [smiling]: Pretty much. Kaylie does not waste the moment. She bounds to her chair, sits down, and motions everyone to join hands in prayer. She closes her eyes and bows her head. Kaylie [praying]: Please Goddess .. Please protect my new-best-friend Sam and his Auntie for me and John, John for Daisy [she winks at John], Daisy for John,.. Wow, I'm getting lost here.. [she laughs at herself] Daisy for John, John for me, and me for Sam and his Auntie. Amen? Cover by sgm page: 54

The four together: Amen! Fade out. Scene Thirty-five: Indeed John helped Kaylie and Sam fly that day, he drove the pickup used to launch the two, the winch in the back was controlled by Belle, the tension she had to increase as line was payed out, John was unsure about Kaylie's location within Sam's harness, he demonstrated where she would fit snugly on his back firmly attached to him with wide straps under her arms and around her waist, she wanted to wear her space-helmet but it was not right, Sam insisted she wear a biker's helmet firmly strapped to her head,.. Finally, the two and 'crew' are ready to launch. Sam taps Kaylie's helmet with his right forefinger.. Sam: You ready?! Kaylie: Wait a minute! What about wing-load? Aren't we too heavy together for this wing? Sam laughs.. Sam: What? A little cracker-Vulcan like you? And a 'wheat thin' like me? [he laughs again] Look at the safety rating card near your head. She finds it and pulls on it. It's on rubber bands. She scans it. She estimates their weight together and realizes it's way below the limit of the wing. She laughs at herself.. Kaylie: Ready to go! Sam: Ready to go? Kaylie: Ready to go! She gives thumbs up to Belle who in turn notifies John. The country road they're on has no telephone poles of any kind. No visual obstructions of any kind. Flat into the mirage laden distance. John punches the gas but not crazily. The truck accelerates to a modest speed. He notifies Belle. She gives thumbs up to Kaylie. Her heart is pounding against Sam's back. Her pulse is thundering in her ears but she's not dizzy. She's ready to go. She taps on Sam's helmet. He pulls the rack-release. They shoot up evenly and Sam pulls in hard on the base-bar. Kaylie is crying in amazement and happiness. She never believed after her dance with her father she could feel that happy Cover by sgm page: 55

again.. Her tears are falling down her chin and making the back of Sam's neck wet. With his right forefinger, left hand pulling hard right in the middle of the bar, he dabs at his wet neck and looks at his finger. He kisses her tears and puts his finger back toward Kaylie for her kiss. She does so and laughs at herself.. Kaylie [yelling over the wind]: I love you Sammie! Sam puts both hands firmly on the base-bar and continues to pull evenly against his chest. Kaylie reaches through the harness straps and helps Sam pull. She laughs at the difficulty.. Kaylie: God this is crazy! From below, Belle is monitoring payout and tension. She notifies John at 1000 feet payout.. Belle [yelling to John]: A thousand feet out! John nods his head and continues the truck's steady pace. Belle looks at the kite and Sam above her and waves at him. Sam cannot respond his hands busy pulling on the base-bar. Kaylie's helmet can be seen above his right shoulder. Belle thinks to herself.. Belle [to herself]: Thank God for little angels. She wipes a tear from her eye .. Very soon, 2000 feet are payed-out and she waves again toward Sam. Sam does not notice but does notice John slowing the vehicle below him. He yells at Kaylie.. Sam: Pull the release Kaylie; let the tow-line go! She does and watches the tow-line mini-chute fall away Belle begins to reel in the line. All is quiet. Barely a thing can be heard except her own quieting heart. She's in awe. She feels as if she's in a large aquarium and God has just, for the first time, let her see things this way. Kaylie: Oh my God Sammie! It's so beautiful! She begins to cry again from the sheer beauty and fact Sam is sharing something so special with her .. She taps on his helmet. Kaylie: Hey you .. [almost choking on her tears] You trickster .. You tricked me .. You never told me how beautiful it is up here.. Cover by sgm page: 56

Sam turns his head so Kaylie can see his tongue sticking out.. She taps his helmet with her finger and tries to grab his tongue with her right hand. He lets her grab it but she realizes his second trick.. Kaylie: Eww! They both laugh .. They're able to catch a few thermals to keep altitude but after a couple hours, they're forced to descend .. Sam realizes his opportunity and provokes Kaylie.. Sam: Blind me. Kaylie stops smiling.. Kaylie: What? Sam: Blind me .. I know you can restore my sight and that guy's you told me about .. Blind me. Kaylie laughs sarcastically.. Kaylie: This is NOT the time or place for that! Sam starts maneuvering the glider in some mild acrobatics. Kaylie does not respond. He intensifies. Kaylie becomes slightly nauseous.. Kaylie: I think I'm gonna be sick .. Right on the back of your neck! Sam laughs confidently.. Sam: Kaylie [he speaks serenely and stops all maneuvers he lets go of the base-bar] I know for a fact that you can get me to grab ahold of this base-bar and probably pilot us in for a safe landing but in point of fact, I'd be willing to bet Auntie's cashbox that you don't know how to land us safely .. But at the same time, I'd be willing to bet my LIFE you can blind me, restore my vision, all before we even come close to the ground. He turns his head so she can see his sincerity and faith in her. The truth is in his eyes .. She closes hers .. She concentrates on her Lens .. It begins to pulsate rapidly in time with her heartbeat and Sam's combined. Their hearts begin to synchronize in beats. She slows them both to around 60 bpm. Sam closes his eyes and forgets his location. A calm envelops the two as if they were part of the same cocoon. Sam opens his eyes. He sees nothing but black. He smiles excitedly and blurts out.. Cover by sgm page: 57

Sam: It worked! I can't see! He feels the wind in his face and recalls their altitude and orientation .. He gently pulls on the base-bar to increase their speed slightly.. Sam: Okay .. Now would be a good time to bring it back .. Kaylie? Kaylie is lost in deep concentration .. Through Sam's eyes, she can see his blindness .. Feel the wind on his face .. Feel his hands pull on the base-bar to increase speed .. Recall his memories at will about his crazy ex and mother's death .. She begins to get lost in his mind.. She begins to really know Sam through his memories.. Kaylie [unconsciously]: Wow.. Sam [to Kaylie in his mind]: What? Kaylie: You have such a beautiful mind and heart Sammie .. Do you have a girlfriend? Now? Sam: And why would any woman be interested in the town-bumpkin who wears dirty flood-pants and can't seem to get over his mother's death? By the way, this is all very interesting but.. Can you please focus on the task at hand? Kayie: You haven't said it yet.. Sam: It? Kaylie: Back when I said I love you Sammie!, you didn't say anything back to me.. Sam: Wow. Save my life, blind me,.. I don't get it.. You're in my head but don't you feel what's in my heart for you Kaylie? She looks deeper into his mind and realizes his heart is indeed beating for her .. He can't imagine a day or world without her .. By simply talking with him and holding his hand the day before .. She saved him .. He had never met a human female like Kaylie ever before .. In simple fact, he loves her. Me. He loves me. You love me. Kaylie. Sam: Yes Kaylie .. More than any human being I have ever met before .. I love you Kaylie.

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All of a sudden, Sam sees the landscape below him .. Tears are in his eyes and Kaylie's .. He's having trouble seeing clearly but manages to increase his airspeed at the appropriate time, feet out, hold until nearly dead, and flare near the country road. Belle and John cheer in the distance. Sam unhooks. John runs toward the couple and because of Kaylie's somber mood, realizes something has fundamentally changed in his daughter. John [to Kaylie]: You okay honey? Kaylie jokes with her father as 'crew' helps release straps and harness.. Kaylie: Well, he didn't rape me if that's what you're getting at. A little difficult in that position anyways.. She winks at her father. Sam laughs and smiles at Belle .. Sam is completely back to normal now .. Something his Aunt hasn't seen in years .. Realizing the magic Kaylie has worked on her nephew, jokes with him.. Belle: Are you guys like married now? John laughs.. John: Isn't age of consent like 16 in this state? Nine years can drag by when a couple can't 'mix it up'. Kaylie: About mixing, wasn't your last 'mix' a little unfulfilling? She pokes her father in the stomach .. John blushes. John: Touche. Harness and couple released, Sam faces John squarely. Sam [to John]: I'd like to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage but feel it's a bit premature .. She deserves a chance to find a younger man .. Knowing that and that I will never lay a sexual finger on her until she's legal.. Kaylie [to Sam coyly]: Never say never.. She swings her body wistfully. John looks at her for the first time as a sexual creature and wonders about her sexual appetite and so on.. He shakes his head in consternation. No.

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John [to Kaylie]: You're too young even to joke like this.. Before he realizes his mistake, he covers his mouth as if he can stop the words from reaching Kaylie's ears. She laughs and jumps on her father. He holds her. She grabs him by the cheeks.. Kaylie: I'm teasing you! God! .. I'm only seven! As they walk to the truck and Sam carries his kite, Kaylie makes sure nobody is watching and winks suggestively at him .. He responds in her mind the two now permanently linked via her Lens. Sam [to her mind]: Kaylie! I could be your grandpa! Kaylie [to Sam's mind]: Yea .. Get over it! Sam audibly sighs as he locks his kite into the truck bracket and mutters under his breath.. Sam [to himself]: Women .. Can't live with 'em; can't live with 'em. Kaylie [to Sam's mind]: I heard that Romeo. She sticks her tongue out at him acting her age .. He does the same acting his. Fade out. Scene Thirty-six: Back at the station office, Sam's turn to put boots up on the coffee table, he's cherishing his first bottled Guinness in years, he sips it slowly as John wanders in.. Sam: Oh.. My.. God.. That's so smooth! ..You want one? He raises a bottle for John. John accepts and copies Sam on the wicker sofa. John savors his beer. John: When I saw you guys catching thermals, I thought you'd never come down today! Sam is examining his bottle trying to recall why he loved Guinness so much .. He didn't really hear John. He says to his beer.. Sam [to beer bottle]: Must be the nitrogen .. Huh? Sorry, what was that? [to John]

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John: I said, I thought you guys would never come down today! Sam [still examining his beer, distractedly]: Kaylie told me about the blind guy .. What she did .. We figured out how to fix him to restore his sight. John nearly spits out his beer and coughs.. John: What? Sam: You wouldn't believe me if I told you what happened but suffice it to say your daughter can restore that man's vision .. I know it for a fact. Sam takes a deep gulp of his beer and closes his eyes savoring every drop .. John downs half his bottle in a few gulps wondering if there's another with his name on it .. Sam raises another bottle for John even though John didn't finish his first. Sam: Here you go. [smiling, offering the second cold bottle] John [accepting]: Thanks.. About Kaylie.. Sam [interrupting]: We've decided you're going the wrong way. We gotta go back east to Daisy, find that man, restore his sight, and move on with our lives .. Now.. If you're unwilling to go back, Kaylie and Belle think you can work here at the shop fixing cars. There's plenty of work from the four surrounding towns that don't have service-stations. Kaylie says you're good at fixing things and we figured that option might appeal to you since you're not really into her Lens-thingy anyways.. By this time, John had finished his first beer and was working on his second .. Things were happening too quickly for John even accustomed to 'fast life' on the road.. John starts to get up from his comfortable position.. John: Now just a god-damned minute.. As John attempts to get up, Kaylie bounds into the office jumping on him so he cannot. She begins to tickle him and tries to take his beer.. Kaylie: Gimme that. I wanna swig. John is too slow for her. She grabs the bottle, takes a swig, and reports disgustedly.. Cover by sgm page: 61

Kaylie: Backwash! [her face tells it all] Yuck! She relinquishes the bottle back to John gladly. He looks for backwash in the bottle. John distracted, Kaylie dominates the conversation.. Kaylie: So it's decided then. You stay here and fix cars. Sam and I go back and find Daisy's apartment. We find the blind guy, fix him up, and if we can manage it, bring Daisy back with us for you. She bites her bottom lip and nudges him in his ribs with her elbow. She winks at him deliberately. John sighs and replies.. John: Well, I still think.. Belle interrupts by poking her head in the office doorway holding out a VHS video cassette and another six-pack of cold Guinness. Sam's curious what she's got.. Sam [to Belle]: Whatcha got there Auntie? Belle [to the men]: I got a great old movie and six-pack with your names on it! John: What's the celebration about Belle? She takes the cassette and taps John on his head gently. Belle: I got my Sammie back thanks to your Kaylie .. Now put that in the machine and let's have a party! She spits her juice into an ugly bucket proudly .. John accepts the cassette, examines it, and gets up to place it in the player under the old TV. Before he can insert it, Kaylie jumps up from the couch and grabs it from him, examines it herself, and proclaims.. Kaylie [her eyes wide with wonder]: They still have these things? [she looks imploringly at Belle] Belle: Well, why don't ya put it in the player and see if it all works like it's supposed to! [she spits again into her bucket] Kaylie gently places the cassette into the player and the movie begins to auto-play. Somebody did not rewind the tape so the film begins to play at the end where Slim Pickens is riding a bomb to his death in Dr. Strangelove. He's waving his cowboy-hat in insane glee.. Cover by sgm page: 62

Belle [disgustedly proclaims as she plops on the couch between John and Sam]: There's a sticker right on the tape that says: Be Kind, Rewind! Jesus mother Mary of God! Kaylie turns around and says, winking at Belle.. Kaylie: It says all that on the sticker? Belle coughs and laughs heartily raising her eyebrows happily snuggled between the two men, six-pack in her lap. Kaylie pushes the stop button then rewind. Belle observes and nudges John in his ribs with her elbow.. Belle: See what I mean about Kaylie? She's the brightest whippersnapper I've ever seen.. Knows intuitively what to do.. John raises his beer toward Kaylie, Belle hurriedly opens one, copies John, and Sam raises his almost empty bottle clinking the three together. Sam: To Kaylie! The Grey Lensman! The three repeat Sam's cheer in unison: To Kaylie! The Grey Lensman! Kaylie blushes and looks at her Lens. It's glowing brightly. She looks out the front windows to the blowing dust and tumbleweeds. She sighs and smiles. Fade out. Scene Thirty-seven: The next morning, Kaylie and Sam are in the old pickup driving toward Daisy's town, John is in over-alls being guided around the shop by Belle, John has a bucket half-full of turpentine in his left hand, as he wanders behind Belle, he places rusty or greasy tools he finds in the bucket to soak, Belle smiles appreciatively back at John as he does this,.. Back to Kaylie and Sam, surprisingly quickly, they're at the edge of Daisy's town uncertain which way to turn, they near a busy intersection.. Sam: Left or right.. Which way baby. Kaylie ums and hesitates .. She examines the intersection trying to recollect anything familiar.. Kaylie: Straight. Don't look familiar. The light is a blinking yellow for them so Sam proceeds with caution. Cover by sgm page: 63

They pass a police vehicle to their right. Almost immediately, the vehicle sounds it horn and flashes its police lights. Sam pulls over to the side of the road and rolls his window down. The police-woman exits her vehicle and approaches the truck cautiously. Police-woman: Whatcha got in the trunk handsome? [pointing to the bed of the truck but looking at Sam through her dark sunglasses] Kaylie [interrupting]: There IS no trunk silly. This is a truck. Can't you see? Or perhaps your sunglasses are too dark? The police-woman sobers up. Police-woman: License and registration please. She holds out her hand toward Sam. Sam gets his wallet out from his pocket, removes his expired license, hands it over to the policewoman, and points to the glove box.. Sam: Kaylie, look in there for the registration please. She can't find anything but a dusty old manual. She looks deeper into the box. Covered in dust and receipts, she finds an expired copy. She hands it to Sam. He hands it to the police-woman. She examines both in both gloved hands. She takes off her sunglasses and replaces them with reading glasses. Kaylie notices something familiar about her face.. Kaylie [to police-woman]: Hey, you look awful familiar bub. The police-woman looks up from the documents and squints at Kaylie. She lowers her reading glasses looking above them toward Kaylie. She peers at Kaylie attempting to recognize her but nothing happens .. Kaylie returns the stare. She looks at the police-woman's name-tag. It says 'Samantha Peters'. Kaylie reads it aloud.. Kaylie: Samantha Peters. Any relation to Daisy-lou? Samantha takes off her glasses and hands the documents back to Sam. Samantha [to Sam]: These are expired. Fix it soon or I'll have to give ya a ticket. [to Kaylie] My sister's Daisy Louise. You know her? [she looks at Sam intently] Don't tell me this is John! THE John? Kaylie laughs at Samantha. Kaylie: Didn't you read the name on his driver's license? Or did you Cover by sgm page: 64

only care about it being expired? Jesus, what's this world coming to? [she whistles] Samantha [pointing a gloved finger toward Kaylie]: Don't take the Lord's name in vain.. Kaylie's eyes bulge and she stares wide-eyed at the open glove-box in front of her. Under her breath.. Kaylie: Somebody got out of the wrong side of the bed today! Fade out .. Fade in; same scene. Samantha gave the two directions to Daisy's apartment complex. Several blocks ahead, Sam has his turn signal on as he's in the left-turn-lane, he looks in the rear-view mirror and sees Samantha on her cellphone standing outside her police vehicle.. Sam: Samantha must be calling her sister now. Kaylie pulls down her visor and looks in the small mirror embedded in it. She sees Samantha talking to her phone. Samantha is oblivious to the couple staring at her through mirrors. The light changes color; they get a green arrow. Sam turns left through the intersection losing the view of Samantha in the mirrors.. Sam: Oh well, I don't think it matters she calls her sister.. Better to be warned than surprise the poop out of her! Kaylie giggles and scooches over to Sam. She leans against him and he puts his right arm over her right shoulder. She closes her eyes and whispers to herself.. Kaylie [to herself]: Everything's gonna be okay Sen. Fade out. Scene Thirty-eight: Daisy's apartment living-room, Sam and Kaylie are sitting on Daisy's couch facing a somewhat drunk Daisy, she's in an easy chair opposite them over her coffee table with whiskey bottle and half-full tumbler in front of her, the ending credits of Spirited Away is playing on her bedroom TV, this can be heard in the background, soon, the movie Truman Show starts next in her play-list, Daisy takes a drink and sneers at the water-worn book also laying on the table between them.. Daisy: Damn books .. Inspire people to do crazy stupid things. Cover by sgm page: 65

Sam: No Daisy. It's not the book's fault. It's not Kaylie's fault. You can't even blame this on God.. Daisy takes another drink and listens to the movie playing in her bedroom. Daisy: Don't you ever have the feeling your life is one big Truman Show? [she looks at her drink] I do! ..If I can't blame the book, if I can't blame God,.. Well then smarty pants, who can I blame? She looks at Sam through her whiskey glass now empty. She pours herself another full glass. She raises her glass toward Kaylie.. Daisy: To EE Smith, Truman, and God! She takes a swig from her tumbler and makes a funny face. Daisy: God I hate whiskey! Daisy sets her drink down and stumbles off toward her bathroom through her bedroom. She smooths the wrinkles in her pants in her lap as she walks .. Kaylie looks at Sam wide-eyed in disbelief. Kaylie whispers to Sam's ear.. Kaylie [whispering to Sam]: Somebody's knockin but nobody's home! She tickles him. He tentatively reaches out toward Daisy's whiskey tumbler and changes his mind. He looks at Kaylie for approval. Sam: Mind if I have a drink dear? He blinks deliberately several times. She tweaks his nose. Kaylie: Just don't get drunk Sammie. I don't need two lushes on my hands today.. Daisy comes back from the bathroom wiping her wet hands on her pants overhearing the end of Kaylie's sentence.. Daisy: Sam, would you like a whiskey? We can get drunk and watch Truman Show, laugh and cry. Kaylie smirks at Daisy and raises an eyebrow. Sam gets a tumbler from the kitchen and fills his own glass from the bottle on the coffee table. He remains standing. He raises his glass Cover by sgm page: 66

toward Daisy.. Sam: To Truman and the Lens! He winks on the last word toward Kaylie and she winks back. Daisy scowls and stares at her drink. Fade out. Scene Thirty-nine: The three are on Daisy's bed watching her TV, Daisy had given them the PJs she found in her dresser that she bought for Kaylie and John after they left - in anticipation of their return, John's set is too big for Sam but he wears them anyways, Daisy is passed out so it's actually just two watching TV, Kaylie just finished showing her video-collage to Sam and he's quite moved.. Sam: I feel strange in your dad's PJs .. But, I like your collage. It's quite inspiring. He winks at Kaylie to carry some emphasis .. Kaylie pulls Daisy's limp body toward the side of the bed, adjusts her head on a pillow, moves to the foot of the bed, and jumps between them snuggling Sam warmly. Kaylie [staring at Sam's face from the side]: You really liked my collage? [she tickles him] Extra points for the truth! Sam kisses her nose and confesses.. Sam: Yes, I loved your collage .. What inspired you? What made you choose those clips and sequence them that way? Daisy stirs in her drunken coma.. She moans and shakes her head in denial. Her arms flail a bit.. Daisy [in drunken coma]: No! I won't let you.. I'll kill ya first.. I won't let you! At this last, she reaches up toward the ceiling eyes open but unseeing .. She collapses back onto her bed and pillow. Sam and Kaylie are smiling, amused, and laughing in their eyes as they look at each other knowingly. Kaylie raises her eyebrows.. Kaylie: Well she won't be going anywhere soon! Hide her keys!

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Kaylie giggles and Sam follows her inclination. Sam: But I don't think we need to hide her keys.. She's a total zombie. He puts a finger over her nostrils to confirm breathing and smells his finger. Sam: Wow. I can smell whiskey from here! Kaylie: That's you you big silly bug! She tickles him mercilessly. He returns the favor. Fade out. Scene Forty: That night proved productive about the blind man, after they double-checked Daisy to make sure she would sleep soundly and safely, the two crept off toward the living-room couch where they could be alone, they sat down together side-by-side with Sam on Kaylie's left, her left wrist lay in his lap, her Lens glowing ever so brightly the only illumination in the room, the living-room and adjacent kitchen walls and ceiling reflected the glow eerily, but the two felt comfortable in the light which was really the transformed energy from Kaylie's heart beating firmly in her chest. Sam grasps Kaylie's left forearm gently in his right hand; his left is under and holding hers. Sam: This is IT baby; all or nothing; life or death.. Kaylie [peeking at him with her left eye]: So dramatic.. Kaylie concentrates .. Her Lens glows brighter with their combined and synchronized heart beats. She slows them, as before, to a steady 1 bps. Her eyes roll up under her closed lids. Sam copies her unconsciously. From her 'third eye' region, a light begins to shine outshining her Lens. A darkened landscape emerges from the light. She is searching the apartment complex for the blind man .. She finds him not far from the pool area. He's asleep in bed with his girlfriend. Kaylie laughs at herself about the mistaken identities. About her snap judgments. About her instant condemnation of a man she barely knew and automatic sentence: blindness. She is humbled by Sam's presence next to her and his steady beating heart a heart that beats only for her her Sam, her man.. Sam [in her mind]: Yes dear. I'm here. Cover by sgm page: 68

Tears begin to stream down her face in shame. Kaylie [in her mind]: What I did was wrong. Sam: I know dear but you couldn't know what was happening.. Kaylie: It's no excuse! I have to make it right for Daisy and John. And for these two. [she indicates the couple sleeping before them] Sam: Yes dear. We're here doing that now.. Tears begin to stream down his face as well .. Unconsciously, he brings Kaylie's left palm to his lips and kisses it. This shock of energy stimulates Kaylie to push toward the end: healing .. She focuses all her might, love, energy, and life to restore the man's vision. She visualizes healing, safety, and protection for the couple. A warm glow begins to envelope them. Sam reinforces her efforts. The glow intensifies. The man begins to stir in his sleep. He blinks his eyes unbelievingly. He sits up in bed. He shakes his girl awake. He proclaims with tears in his eyes.. Man: I can see! I can see! His girl holds his face in her hands and she kisses his now closed eyes. She looks around the room but the glow has faded. She looks at a bedroom window and whispers.. Girl [whispering]: Thank you God! Tears streaming down her face now in gratitude. She hugs her man; her tears falling on his shoulder. Her closed eyes facing the window she repeats.. Girl: Thank you God! Sam and Kaylie withdraw from the room and return to Daisy's couch. They simultaneously open their eyes and look at each other. Kaylie kisses Sam on the lips sweetly. He closes his eyes and savors the moment perhaps the sweetest moment in his entire life. Fade out. Scene Forty-one: Daisy wakes the next morning to find Kaylie and Sam spooning sound asleep next to her, she examines them for 'funny business' but can find no evidence, their PJs are exactly as she saw Cover by sgm page: 69

them last, still in doubt, she examines Sam's crotch area for an erection but cannot see any, groggy and laughing at herself, she gets out of bed and washes her face in the bathroom sink, she lumbers toward her blinking answering machine in the kitchen and presses play, the machine plays a recorded message from the middle of the night.. Machine [a girl's voice]: Daisy, this is .. You know who this is.. Something just happened. He can see again! I .. can't explain it but he can see again! Call me when you wake up! Daisy picks up the handset from the machine and dials *69. It rings on the other end but no answer. The girl's machine picks up. Daisy hangs up and says to herself.. Daisy [to herself]: Phone tag. Fade out. Scene Forty-two: Sam, Daisy, and Kaylie are in the old truck with Daisy in the middle, she still does not trust Sam, they're on their way back to Sam and Belle's town, the road is bumpy and Daisy holds on to the dash near the end of the ride. She sees the gas-station and John in cover-alls milling about the shop. She's impatient to see him close up. She urges Sam.. Daisy: Stop the truck. Stop the truck! Move it Kaylie! Kaylie gets out - moving out of Daisy's way. Daisy bounds toward John and he drops the tools in his hands. His over-alls are grimy but Daisy ignores this. She jumps on John spinning him around with her momentum. Her hair flies wildly in the sunshine. Her tears flinging out from her face, she refuses to let him go. Belle tries to introduce herself but Daisy clings tightly to John's body. Daisy [sobbing]: I MISSED YOU! John [teasing her]: I can see that. She pulls away smiling at him. He still holds her. John: Um.. [looking at her body in his arms] I may look like a lumberjack, but I assure you.. [he winks at Belle] Daisy jumps down and apologizes to Belle..

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Daisy: I'm sorry. I'm Daisy. You must be Belle. Sam's aunt. [she blurts out]: I'm Daisy! [she extends her hand toward Belle] Belle accepts and spits in the dust .. A little taken aback, Daisy looks at Sam in a new light. She realizes the give-and-take of real life .. She smiles apologetically toward Sam for her previous mistrust. He accepts. Sam: Daisy's crazy about John. She wants to marry him.. He chases and attempts to tickle Kaylie but she evades him giggling hiding behind her father. Kaylie: You can't get me! You can't get me! Sam: Yes I can! Yes I can! Sam explains to John briefly.. Sam [to John]: From the movie Freddy Got Fingered. John [muttering]: Never seen it.. Sam: It's a trip. [he winks at John] Belle: Movies movies.. All you guys talk about is movies. [she looks at Daisy] Don't you wanna go hanggliding? Make some memories nstead of watchin movies? Daisy acts as if she's seen a ghost.. Daisy: Me? NO! No way you're gonna get me up there! [she points up] I like my feet firmly planted on the ground .. Unless.. A handsome lumberjack is holding me.. She swings her body wistfully toward John. He laughs. John: Seems like there's a shortage of lumberjacks in this neck of the woods .. I'll go find one. Daisy runs to him before he can move an inch. Daisy [sweetly to John]: I like this one just fine! She teases his chest with her finger-tips. Belle spits .. Daisy scowls sweetly toward Belle..

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Daisy: Nasty habit. Belle: So I've heard. Belle cackles and walks away leaving the 'four lovebirds' playing and swooning .. Daisy whispers to John.. Daisy [whispering to John]: Sam still gives me the creeps! He could be her grandpa for God sakes! Kaylie stops playing with Sam and looks Daisy straight in the eyes.. Kaylie: Whatever happened to 'live and let live'? Sam refuses to give up playing with Kaylie. He continues to chase and threaten tickling her.. They take turns with the lyrics.. Sam: When you were young and your heart was an open book.. Kaylie: You used to say live and let live.. Sam: You know you did, you know you did, you know you did.. Kaylie: But if this ever changing world in which we live in.. John: Makes you give in and cry.. Sam: Say live and let die! [Kaylie giggles] Kaylie and Sam: Live and let die! Daisy is crying and holding John tightly to her. She changes the words of the song a bit and recites one last line with them.. Daisy [whispering softly]: Live and let live! Fade out. Closing credits soundtrack sung by Kaylie and Sam in a studio recorded live: Live And Let Die by Paul McCartney. Preferably, the last image in the film should be Kaylie blowing a kiss to the audience walking out of the studio waving. Note: some humorous leeway is encouraged here in terms of lyrics. Suggested: Eat shit and die for Live and let die. Final note to director: this script was obviously and intentionally Cover by sgm page: 72

'over written' in the sense: sentence emphasis is made explicit with italicized, capitalized, and bolded words, character emotions and gestures are very explicit, and scene moods are carefully designed and equally explicit. This is not so much a matter of 'my style' as this particular script has very specific intentions about conveying important and neglected concepts in American media. Some things are deliberately vague relating to my personal experiences. The synopsis is deliberately (somewhat) inaccurate regarding 'misunderstandings' because as the script evolved, I realized to have only Kaylie and John's relationship continually misunderstood would have made it tedious and boring. I believe the core American fault is not our arrogance but tendency to: snap-judge, label, dismiss/sentence. And so our hero Kaylie makes this critical and almost fatal error. Sam could easily be labeled 'pedophile' to the casual observer but his character is more mentor and nurturing father than anything else. Kaylie is less like Lolita and more like Christy in In America, sgm

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