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[Escribir texto] Introduction: It was created after the conquest of the indigenous peoples that were occupying Mesoamerica

corresponding territory and North America. The Conquest initiated in 1519 and properly he did not conclude, since the territory of New Spain continued growing towards the north at the cost of the territories of the peoples indigenous to the desert, some of which were never submitted by the Spanish. The Viceroyalty of New Spain was established officially on March 8, 1535. His first viceroy was Antonio of Mendoza and Pacheco and the capital of the viceroyalty was the Mexico City established on the former Tenochtitlan. The organization of the territory originated from the commissions, which were granted preferably to those conquerors who took part in the conquest of Mexico, and as it the agents had the absolute power and were taking charge organizing the work of his inhabitants in his respective demarcations. The principal economic activities of the viceroyalty were the mining industry, the agriculture, the ranching and the trade.

Art in Greece The art of the Antigua Greece divides stylistically in four periods: Geometric Archaic Classic Hellenistic

3 Greek orders: Doric order: It is the most primitive and simple of the architectural classic orders, is the Greek excellent order. The more ancient, archaic, the the more awkward, giving sensation of hardiness, the more late, the more slender and proportionate it is; achieving this way the harmony and classic beauty. Ionic order: Columns normally of foot on a base that separates the axis of the column of the estilbato or platform; the lid is in the habit of being enriched by egg and darts.

[Escribir texto] Corinthian order: The Corinthians, with his instance in the compound, it is most adorned with the orders, which are characterized by slender fluted columns and elaborated capitals decorated with leaves of acanthus and scrolls leaves. Contributions of the Roman art: Town planning Domus roman ( no sabia ko0mo0 se escribia haha ) Equestrian sculptures Aqueduct The Romans invent the arch Mosaics

Romanesque style: The Romanesque art originated in France, focused in the construction of lasting temples. The determination in this type of architecture was very a perfectionist, and with the resolution of tectonic problems in search of the height and the light. The principal used material was the stone though they did not take from themselves the basic or fundamental materials of this then.

[Escribir texto] In the construction of Tepozotlan's cathedral we can observe that there is the certain one seemed in the Romanesque style, can perceive with the windows that it has since I am very small to comparison of the walls; though in this construction the walls are not so thick and it does not have supports in both sides (within and externally), they are excessively detailed (principally in the cathedral) with persons' figures realizing movements or actions, columns with a Corinthian order (Greek order), a putting in the shape of arch and in the top part one finds a window. In this construction one does not find a used tower in order that between the light, but there is a tower where one finds the belfry. Inside the convent we see since there are chapels constructed as the Romanesque Christian temples, in which they are saturated of decorations and have a dome. In the corridors we can observe the forms of the domes in the ceiling and see that also there are parts that are like in the Roman houses; since it has a court with source that is not roofed to allow that the water should fall down when it rains. We conclude that there is enough influence of ancient constructions and that the Roman and Greek culture they are a very important base in the cultural and social growth.

Tepozotlans cathedral.

Conclusion: We can observe that in Europe it was great it influences of the Greek and Roman art, and continues lasting. We see that in the epoch of the viceroyalty there are constructions, sculptures, paintings, etc; that has the similar one to the Greek and Roman art. With the example of the Roman arch and 3 Greek orders, we verify his influence worldwide; since the European culture after the conquest shared this knowledge with the aborigines of North America.

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