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The History of Barranco District

Introduction Lima has 45 districts, Barranco one of the oldest ditricts created in Lima has a high touristic patrimony, 70% of its territory is historical and cultural patrimony, once, a place for the aristocrats of Lima, now one of the most insecure places in the capital. The village of Barranco was originally founded by early Spanish settlers and soon became known as a popular seaside resort. By the time Peru became independent, it was a village for Lima's wealthiest families. It was also a favorite place for international families. Now it is a medium class- bohemian district of Lima. Barranco has a great history. According to local legend, one night (XVII century), a group of fishermen were lost at sea, sourrended by the typical Limas dense fog. They prayed for salvation, and a luminous cross appeared, guiding them back to shore. The Ermita church was constructed on the site where the cross appeared, and then it became the preferred church for fishermen. In latest XIX century the church was sacked by invading Chilean troops (1881). Barranco was once known as "the city of windmills," as early settlers often used windmills to draw water from their wells. In 1870, the "Bajada a los Baos," series of stairways that leads to the ocean, was constructed, making Barranco an important landmark. Then, lovers meet on the Puente de Los Suspiros, "the Bridge of Sighs." In 1940, a strong earthquake hit the region and did a great damage to Barranco. The town recovered, however, and rebuilt. There are many architectural wonders in Barranco, most of which date from the Republican era. Barranco is a romantic, bohemian, artistic district, known for nightlife. Barrancos legacy During pre-hispanic times the Seorio de Sulco was the curacazgo (or town ruled by a curaca or leader) with biggest extention of the three who conformed the valley of Rimac and coverd an area where nowadays are located Surco, Surquillo, Miraflores, Barranco, Chorrillos y Conchan. The population of this town was higher than the others in Lima: Marango and Carabaillo. Its capital was Armatampu or Armatambo, means place of swimmers (tambo de nadadores). In all this region was adored a local god named Sulcovilca, the main deity for the fishermen, weavers and farmers, this god had many shrines but its personification was a stone located next to the sea, it was a hugh flat rock like a table. There was where the surcanos fishermen went to invoke a good fishing. This place was located in the beach of barranco. When francisco Pizarro established the city of kings, he offered Predios or land to his accompanies, Antonnio del Solar was the first Encomendero of this land. Beginnings of Barranco district Founded the 26 of october of 1874, is located 16 km. far from Lima. This place is recognized as heroic city and cradle of famous peruvian poets writers, storytellers, musicians, journalists, intelectuals, artists and different kind of profesionals. In the final half of XIX century inmigrants from england, germany, italy and then the aristocracy of Lima (1900 1970) moved to Barranco. Pedro de Osma Museum The Museo de Arte Colonial Pedro de Osma is a private museum housed in the Palacio de Osma, a historic mansin in Barranco. The mansin is actually two white buildings, built higher than the

street level, which was a sing of lordship when it was constructed in 1906. The home belonged to Don Pedro de Osma Gildemeister, who dedicated his life to collecting art. The museum houses an exceptional collection of colonial art from around Peru, including Cusco, Arequipa, and Ayacucho. Pieces include paintings, sculptures, metalwork, stonework, silver and furniture. The central park of Barranco Inaugurated the 13 of febrery of 1899, in the centre is located a Venus know as La Donaide, replica of a classic greek effigy and built on a beautiful fountain. The Library Built in the beginnings of XX century considered a national monument by the Culture National Institute. The bridge of sighs Constructed in 1876 and inaugurated the 14 of february, during the government of the first mayor of Barranco: Don Enrique Garcia Monterroso. the bridge supported the war with Chile and was witness of the destruction of the district (14 of january, 1881). The name of the bridge is related with the innumerables romances and lovers that ones visit this aristocratic and beautiful place . this is now inspiration for writers, composers singers and all kinds of artists. El Funicular The Barrancos Funicular, has been named the hydraulic elevator. It was built, inaugurated and managed by the german Rudolf Holding Was inaugurated the 28 of july, 1896 during the government of Don Nicols de Pierola, using filtered water from the beach, it had a capacity of 28 person, each half hour an employee announced its departure with a bell. the service was closed after a terrible incident. Was opened again in 1907 but was closed again in 1927.

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