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Domain Analysis/explanation For location and events, I chose to depict the Twin Towers and the crowded streets of New York City. This pertains to my overall concept because it revolves around the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001. It is important to remind the audience what New York City is like on a normal business day, which usually includes crowded streets with people everywhere. This could give the audience an idea of just how chaotic NYC must have been on that day. It is important to include pictures of the plane crashes on 9/11 because the audience must gain a clear picture of the severity of the attacks. Without this mental image, it is hard to imagine just how horrible these explosions were and how scary it must have been to be trapped above these flames. I will take my audience through this in my paper by describing both attacks in detail and explaining why each plane crash will separately affect my two main characters. The 9/11 attacks are believed to have been plotted by Osama bin Laden, a leader of the terrorist organization al Qaeda, which is why I have a picture of him on my Glogster. Osama bin Ladens reasoning for attacking the twin towers revolved around he difference in opinions when it came to leadership, religion, and other moral beliefs. The pictures of George W. Bush are relevant because he was the president at the time of the 9/11 attacks. Bush eventually engaged in a War with Iraq because of these attacks. The picture of Mayor Bloomberg is relevant because he was the major of NYC at the time of the World Trade Center attacks, and was forced to order the evacuation of everyone in NYC by boat or by foot.

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