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1. MLA format: Downing,Mary. Deep and Dark and Dangerous. New York: Clarion Books, 2007. 2.

Plot Summary: This book is about a 13-year-old girl named Ali, who finds an old photograph in the attic of her house. She recognizes two of the three children which are Aunt Dulcie and her Mom, Claire. But, she finds that a third girl has been torn out of the picture. Ali first asks her Mother, but she tells her that there wasn't a third child and that it was just herself and Dulcie. Ali figures she'll have time to figure out who the girl is while she's with her Aunt and younger cousin, Emma, at a small cottage in Maine. This is were Aunt Dulcie and her mom used to go during the summer when they were young. When they arrive Ali and Emma meet Sissy. Sissy is a mean 10-year-old girl who is a bad influence on Emma, but Ali believes that Sissy knows about the girl in the photograph named Teresa Abbot who mysteriously drowned in the lake by the cottage 30 years before. This was the last summer that Aunt Dulcie and Claire were there when they were younger. Strangest of all, Sissy keeps talking about what happened in the lake. At first, Ali suspects that Sissy is trying to scare both her and Emma with a ghost story. However, she soon discovers why Sissy is so angry. Ali finds out Sissy was the ghost of Teresa Abbott the girl who drowned in the lake, and Sissy wants Dulcie to tell the truth. Because, Aunt Dulcie won't admit that Teresa died when she, Claire, and Sissy/ Teresa were in the middle of Sycamore Lake. Sissy/Teresa died because she loves an old doll, named Edith that actually belonged to Claire, and she tried to save it when Dulcie decided that no one should have it and threw it into the lake. Sissy/ Teresa jumped in to save that doll, but she drowned because they were too far from the shore. Sissy/Teresa demands that Dulcie admits the truth and find her bones. Sissy tells Ali and Emma where her bones are ,and Dulcie tells the story of how Teresa died to the police. Nothing happens because it happened a long time ago. Sissy finally got her last wish to get buried and go to another dimension and gave Edith the doll to Emma at her funeral. 3. Setting: 1. Connecticut- This is where Ali first saw the photograph of Teresa which lead her through the rest of the story. 2. Maine in the cottage- This is were Ali and Emma first meet Sissy one of the main characters. 3. Canoe on the Lake- This is were Sissy tells her story of how she died. 4. Tone: 1.The tone of this book is suspenseful because the words created suspense when Teresa took Ali and Emma to the middle of the lake at night to tell her story. 2. It is suspenseful when the police comes and asks Aunt Dulcie if she knew anything about Teresa's death. That is when Dulcie finally told the story herself. 5. Characters: 1. Alison or Ali- She is the protagonist who tries find out what are her mom and aunt hiding. She tries to get Sissy away from Emma because Sissy is a bad influence. Ali also tries to get Sissy to tell her what happened to Teresa. 2.Sissy/Teresa- She is the antagonist who is the ghost of Teresa the girl that drowned in the lake. Sissy tries to get Dulcie to admit she had something to do with Teresa's death. At the beginning of the book Sissy is mean and not understanding. After Dulcie admits the death of Teresa and that she didn't mean for Teresa to die Sissy becomes more understanding and kind. 3. Emma- She wants a friend and gets obsessed with Sissy becoming her friend. Emma loves the old doll Sissy has and would do anything to have it. That is why Teresa gave it to Emma at her funeral. 6. Quotes: Salamanders are like human, they're there but when they die they still remain in their predators mind. - Sissy This is significant because it basically means that Sissy may have died ,but that

doesn't mean she has forgotten what happened that night at the lake. The book is basically about Sissy returning because she hasn't forgotten that night at the lake and wants Dulcie to admit what she did. 7. Theme: The theme of Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing is it is always better to tell the truth before it gets worse because the overall conflict is that Sissy has come back from her watery grave to haunt Dulcie until she tells the truth to the police and finds her bones. 8. Connection: The connection I have made is when I help prevent my little sister from getting involved with the wrong types of friends. Ali did the same thing with Emma when she tried to prevent Emma from coping Sissy since Sissy was a bad influence. The impression the book made on me is the theme , it is always better to tell the truth before it gets worse, because none of what happened in the story would have happened if only Dulcie and Claire told the truth from the start. Sissy maybe could have lived in peace and not come back to haunt them and Claire and Dulcie wouldn't have had to live in fear their whole entire life.

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