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20 TyroneHerald


Monday, October 11, 2010

its a

girls life


A girls eye view of living (and partying) in Tyrone

out... ys talking ab Everybod

Chloe Victoria and the X-Factor slump

Single and ready to mingle

ts Saturday and a girls night out has been organised. Now, when I say a girls night out I mean, the whole lot of us - that's nine girls. Admittedly, it can be a little crazy but we never fail to have a damn good night. The preparation usually starts around 7 o'clock with will you put tan on my back? an odd scream off I've nothing to wear, shortly followed by a fashion show of about ten potential outfits and then settling on the first one that was tried on. (To be honest this is usually me!) But fashion shows and beauty disasters later, the rest of the girls arrive for our traditional carry-out. A few hours later, its time to call a taxi. God love the poor taxi drivers because all they get called is 'Mr Taxi Man' the whole way there and are generally tormented with renditions of whatever music they happen to have on. I think the last one was Gareth Brooks and the taxi man was verbally pummelled until he put on 'The River' (which consisted of him having to change CDs.) Once Mr Taxi Man joyfully gets us out of his car we hit the bar. This is when the five single ladies among us start to see what potentials the pretty little town of Omagh has in store. Five seconds later we realise there are none. Now don't get me wrong, no disrespect to the male population of Omagh, I have a lot of male friends from the town, but maybe we just need to venture further afield. For example, one night when I was out I got my hair smelt by one guy and was asked by another if he could lick my arm pit! I mean, I think some chat up lines are funny (if you could even call them that) but these took it to a whole other level. I suppose at this point I should probably point out that when all us girls go out together we go out for a good time. So there is a possibility that we may come across as a little intimidating. Any man brave (or stupid) enough to interrupt the nine of us dancing/laughing/doing shots is most likely to be the butt of the joke. Sorry but that's the way it is. At the end of the night in Sally's there is usually a Gemma-shaped hole on the dance floor and my shoes are generally on/off depending whether the bouncer sees me or not they don't accept sore feet as a valid reason for walking barefoot around a nightclub (I wonder why). But you know what? At the end of the night none of the single ones among us are even remotely bothered about whether we have met the love of our life. To be quite honest our minds normally turn to food and trying to decide if we should leave five minutes early to beat the rush in Stakeout or should have pizza, chips or both! Making it down Sally's hill is the next mission - not made any easier by four inch heels and 'slippy chips' (you know when someone drops their chips and you stand on them? Disastrous consequences!). I can't tell you how many times I've come out of Sally's and seen girls literally drop to the ground - admittedly I was once one of these girls. Not only is your ego bruised but your bum gets a battering too! Half running/tottering down the hill, encountering a few You buy rose? scenarios along the way, we're in Stakeout and queuing for food. In the taxi home with a cheesy curry chip, promises to 'Mr Taxi Man' that I wont spill it and laughing with the girls at the nights events, we're reassured that an excellent night was had by all. Now for the hangover

he big chat these past few weeks is X-Factor. However it is not all about the amazing singers, who our favorite is, or even about Cheryl and Dannis style wars. Attention is still turned towards one particular contestant Chloe Victoria or Chloe Mafia (below) as she likes to call herself, despite getting the boot the Saturday before last. 19 year-old Chloe was introduced onto our screens a few weeks ago, when she split the judging panel after it was obvious she hadnt prepared very much for the audition. After successfully getting through to boot camp, fast forward a week and all sorts of scandalous allegations have been thrown around about Chloe. Claims that she is a prostitute, is addicted to cocaine and is an all round bad mother to her 21 month daughter Destiny, sparked outcry in the X-factor camp. However, after arriving late and hungover to a session at boot camp, not even Simon Cowells soft spot for her was enough to keep her in and Chloe was sent packing. I cant envisage this being the last well see of Chloe. Having already had stints already on This Morning and numerous interviews in magazines, shes cashing in as much as she can on her five minutes of fame!

Booty beat of the week...

Oh... here I go, youre moving way too slow.... I love, love, love Alexandra Burkes new tune Start without You. I have to control the urge not to start bopping though, as Im sure the world doesnt need to be subjected to my dance moves any more than they already are!

One night when I was out I got my hair smelt by one guy and asked by another if he could lick my arm pit!

I like you, I like you not I like you, I like you not I like you, I like you not
Gemma likes...
X-FACTOR Competition is really hotting up - and thats just with Cheryl and Danni! But as much as we love the contestants, Cheryls clothes and Dannis hair styles (thank god shes back) always get us in a spin! AVIATOR JACKETS This is THE jacket to invest in for winter 2010. Sling it on over everything from skinny jeans to a dress. It toughens up any outfit.
Welcome back, the Inbetweeners. I am LOVING that this is back on to brighten up my Monday nights. The boys are back and this promises to be the most extreme series yet! Catch it at 10pm, Mondays on E4.

Gemma dislikes...
FOOTBALLERS The cheating on wife trend just keeps growing and growing. Terry, Crouch, Rooney and Becks was the latest to have allegations fired at him. You can just imagine the size of Victorias pout now.

OVERSIZED BAGS This season its all about the clutch bag the more compact the better. Look at it this way less rooting around in our gigantic bags for our phone or keys! AMELLE BERRABAH The Sugababe has been arrested on charges of drink-driving after being caught driving the morning after a night out! When she appeared in court she claimed that she thought she was OK to drive.


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