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You and the stranger both like Doctor who.

You: EXTERMINATE You: EXTERMINATE Stranger: NO SONIC SCREW DRIVER GO D8 You: YOUR SMALL TOOL CAN NOT HURT THE DAAAAALEKS You: DALEKS ARE SUPERIOR Stranger: ARE NOT You: SURRENDER Stranger: NEEVEERR. You: YOU MUST WORSHIP THE DALEKS Stranger: *Barrel rolls to another spot, squeaking.* NO. Stranger: I. REFUSE. TO. You: *dalek falls and breaks neck* You: MY NECK HURTS You: HEAL You: HEAL Stranger: (Ohgodcan'tstoplaughing) Stranger: *Breaks out laughing* YOU FAILED! You: (Iknow, i really don't know what to say) You: DO NOT LAUGH AT DALEKS Stranger: I DO WHAT I WANT. You: I WILL CALL MY MOTHER You: MOTHER You: MOTHER Stranger: THAT'S NOT WHAT SHE SAID LAST NIGHT You: MOTHEEEEEEEEEEERRRR You: DO NOT INSULT MY MOTHER, INSIGNIFICANT HUMAN Stranger: HOW DARE YE CALL ME INSIGNIFCANT Stranger: *Tosses rocks at Dalek* Stranger: *and screwdrivers* Stranger: TAKE. THAT. You: I CANNOT SEE Stranger: WELL DERP YOU CAN'T You: I WILL EXTERMINATE YOUR ENTIRE RACE Stranger: NO YOU WONT You: WE NEVER DIE. WE ARE SUPERIOR Stranger: THEN WHY CAN YOU BLOW UP Stranger: *Hides behind a huge wall, tossing rocks at the dalek still* You: BECAUSE WE ARE BLOWY AWESOME Stranger: BLOWY AWESOME? You: (iknow,whatthehell)

Stranger: (Lolthisisjustamazing) You: HUMAN I CANNOT SEE YOU. SHOW YOURSELF. SURRENDEEEEEEEEER Stranger: *Climbs the wall, chucking fire rocks at you now* NOPE.AVI You: ELEVATE You: *elevates* You: pew, pew, pew Stranger: pewpewpewwww Stranger: *fires sonic guns at you, hiding behind the wall while climbing it* You: DO NOT DARE SONIC ME Stranger: PEW, TAKE THAT, PEW Stranger: I DARE SONIC YOU You: I WILL SONIC YOU BACK You: pew pew pew Stranger: ORLYNAO Stranger: pew pew pew Stranger: *keeps firing the guns, also using a sonic screwdriver I *stole* BORROWED from Doctor* Stranger: >:U You: EXTERMINATE. OH NO A SCRATCH IN MY NEW PAINT WORK Stranger: HAHA. Stranger: YOU DESERVE THAT. You: ALL MY GLAMOUR IS GONE Stranger: HAAAHHAAA. Stranger: IT SUCKS TO BE YOU Stranger: YOU'RE GOING TO LOOK LIKE SUCH A ASS You: I CANNOT EXTERMINATE LOOKING LIKE THIS Stranger: LOKI'DDDDD You: OMG! Stranger: OMGWHAT You: I HAVE BEEN LOKI'D Stranger: YES Stranger: YOU HAVE You: (this is gold) Stranger: (it is so going on my tumblr.) You: (Oh lord) You: YOU WIN THIS TIME Stranger: HAHA. You: DALEKS DO NOT SURRENDER Stranger: THEN WHY'RE YOU SURRENDERING

Stranger: HHMMM? You: WE ARE THE NEVER-DYING HATEFUL MOTHER-IN-LAW You: AND WE MAKE TERRIBLE JOKES Stranger: *Crawls onto the top of the rock, holding Loki's scepter* I KNOW RIGHT?! *Fires at you, hopping down behind the wall again* You: TO EXTERMINATE YOUR FUN Stranger: YEP. You: DALEK WITH MOUSTACHE I CHOOSE YOU Stranger: LOLOL You: *DAAAAAAAAAAALEEK Stranger: *Tosses Thor's hammer at you, it comes flying back* GO, THOR'S HAMMER! You: OH NO, MY WENDY FELL OF MY FACE Stranger: LOL Stranger: I WIN AGAIN Stranger: *Fires at you again with the scepter, giggling like a maniac* You: YOU FORGET THAT I CAN GROW A MOUSTACHE AGAIN Stranger: DAMMIT. Stranger: I'LL JUST TAKE THE CAFF OUT OF YOUR COFFEE Stranger: SO Stranger: YOU LOOK LIKE A ASS Stranger: AND FALL ASLEEP Stranger: IN THE MEETINGS OF DALEKS You: DALEKS DO NOT DRINK COFFEE Stranger: ORLYNAO Stranger: YOU DO TOO. Stranger: YOU DON'T REALIZE IT. You: DALEK WITH MOUSTACHE DOES NOT LIKE DECAF Stranger: *Tosses decaf coffee at you* Stranger: *Then milk, then Thor's hammer, then moon rocks, then lava rocks, then a dual portal device* You: MY POWER IS LOWERING. Stranger: I'M WINNING FFFFYEAAHH Stranger: ALLONS-Y You: ELEVATE POWER. ELEVATE. Stranger: *Charges out from behind the rock, screaming ALLONS-Y and beating you down with powerblasts from Loki's scepter* Stranger: *Only to run right behind the rock/wall* You: *moon rocks hit dalek in the head and leave it unconscious for weeks* Stranger: I.. won. 8D

You: *you may come back as soon as it wakes up* Stranger: (Now all we need is cybermen pokemons. :3) You: *with a razor* Stranger: *sob i don't wanna go* You: DELETE Stranger: *SUDDENREGENERATION* Stranger: WHAT Stranger: WHERE Stranger: WHO Stranger: WHAT You: I AM CYBERDALEK Stranger: FAKK Stranger: *Fires at you with sawnic guns and the scepter and hammer* >:U You: BECAUSE MEN ARE TOO MAINSTREAM Stranger: OBVIOUSLY You: *throws metal boot at you* Stranger: *Tosses Sonic the Hedgehog at you* AJDGIJHKH WINNING IS SO FUN. I DO WHATEVER I WANT!~ Stranger: *Ducks* Stranger: *hit in side, cue hiss of pain* Stranger: OJKA,HODIKLGYTHATHURT ;n; You: WHAT IS THIS BLUE CREATURE Stranger: SOMETHING. You: IT HAS THORNS IN THE BACK Stranger: IT DOES. Stranger: (What is air?) You: (i swear i have a lot of homework, i've never been here before) You: THIS CREATURE IS SUPERIOR WE MUST EXTERMINATE Stranger: PFFFFTTT. Stranger: *Tosses Loki at you, only to drag him back* You: *Steals loki, because of reasons* Stranger: NO. Stranger: >:U Stranger: MINE. Stranger: *Takes him back* Stranger: YOU CAN HAVE THOR. Stranger: OR TONY. Stranger: NO WAIT HERE YOU CAN HAVE LOKI I WANT TONY. :u Stranger: *hands him back*

You: HEY, GIVE BACK THE HANDSOME GOD, WE NEED HIM TO PERFECT THE HARDWARE(?) Stranger: PFFFF. Stranger: NEVERMINDMINE. Stranger: *Runs off with the handsome god* You: *cyberdalek can't run because it doesn't have the other boot* Stranger: *Lolfitofdoom* You: THIS IS CHEATING Stranger: YOU THREW IT AT ME, NOT MY FAULT. You: WHERE DID YOU HIDE MY BOOT Stranger: YOU. THREW. IT. AT. ME. You: I DON'T REMEMBER Stranger: FAKK Stranger: *Points at the boot* You: THANK YOU. NOW RUNStranger: *Runs off like a boss with Loki* Stranger: KAYTHEN. You: pew pew pew POW! Stranger: PEWPEWPEW. D8< Stranger: *Uses Loki's scepter to fire at you* Stranger: *while running backwards, almost hitting a tree* Stranger: MINE DAMMIT. You: PROTET THE PAINT, OUR PAINTER DALEK IS DEAD You: *PROTECT, YOU STuPI CYBERMEN Stranger: LOL Stranger: YOUFAILED/AGAIN/ You: STUPIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD IDIOTTTTTTT Stranger: I SEE THAT COFFEE IS MAKING YOU LOOK LIKE A ASS NOW. You: EXTERMINATE Stranger: HAHA LOKI'D AGAIN. Stranger: *Holds up Loki, still holding him* You: (this is so good) Stranger: (i know right?) You: (do you think it's okay to eat ice cream at 1 a.m.?) Stranger: (My friend who rps Loki is going 'WHY DO I HAVE NO SAY IN THIS, WHY DOES THE GOD OF MISCHIEF HAVE NO SAY IN THIS?!') Stranger: (It's perfectly fine to do that. |D) You: (I will then. Because he has that thing in his mouth) Stranger: *Holds Loki close, huffing and still firing.* You: GODDAMNED DALEK

You: ELEVATE, YOU CYLINDER You: DO NOT OFFEND DALEKS Stranger: *Lolfitting in the process, holding the scepter with one hand* Stranger: You guys are so funny. |D You: *dodges the pew-pew's* Stranger: D:< You: PEW AT HUMAN You: PE-W Stranger: TIME-LORD, NOT HUMAN. :u You: *pewpewpewpewpew* Stranger: OBVIOUSLY MORONS. Stranger: *Swerves back and forth* You: AY NO! DALEKS FEAR THE DOCTOR Stranger: *Rolls down a snowy mountain sitting on a snowboard, still holding Loki* Stranger: derpaderp. You: SHUT UP MEXICAN CYBERMEN Stranger: C'MON LOKI LET'S RUN. D8 Stranger: *Sliding down the snowy mountain with Loki as the Doctor* You: WHERE DID YOU GET THE SNOWBOARD Stranger: GOD I'M THE DOCTOR I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT. You: I'M THE CYBERDALEK I CAN RUN AND ELEVATE AND RUNELEVATE You: AND EXTERMINATE Stranger: WHO CARES. You: EXTERMINATE You: EXTERMINATE You: pew pew pew Stranger: *Sitting backwards on the snowboard now, hid Loki in the TARDIS a mile back.* You: WE HAVE A HULK Stranger: NO YOU DON'T. You: HULK, SMASH TARDIS Stranger: NO. You: SMASH Stranger: *TARDIS disappears* Stranger: HAHA. Stranger: I HAVE A ARMY OF FANGIRLS MORON! Stranger: *Sends fangirls and fanboys to maul* You: *hulk does't listen to dalek, because it talks funny* Stranger: *I agree Hulk*

You: HOLY MOLY Stranger: *Btw I sent the fangirls/boys at the dalek* You: GO BACK Stranger: FEAR ME. You: RETURN You: RETURN Stranger: FEAR /ME/ I'M THE ONCOMING STORM. Stranger: WITH MY FANGIRLS. Stranger: AND FANBOYS. You: RETURN You: *a wild idea* MOFFAT, YOU GO Stranger: NO. D: Stranger: NOOOO! You: MWAHAHAHAHAHA Stranger: SHERLOCK C'MON LETS GO HIDE BRO. :u Stranger: *steals Sherlock, still going down the mountain* You: DELETE SERIES THREE OF SHERLOCK Stranger: WHAT Stranger: NOOOO Stranger: HOW. DARE. YOU. You: (i broke my heart a little, i should never play with it) Stranger: *Sets Sherlock in TARDIS* Stranger: (sob) You: YOU WILL REMEMBER THIS DAY You: AS THE DAY Stranger: ... Stranger: RAAAGEEEE.. Stranger: RAAAAAAAAGGEEEE.. Stranger: *Power level is going over 9000* You: THE CYBERMOFFATDALEK DELETED YOUR aDKLJASLDAKLDA *something cleverhereplease* Stranger: *Leaps off board, rips apart* RAAGEEE. *Power is over 100000000000!* Stranger: D8< Stranger: (LolfittingsomuchIcan'tbelievehwathtuisodigair) You: YOU STILL WON'T KNOW WHAT'LL HAPPEN AFTER REICHENBACH Stranger: SOB. You: *evil moffat laugh* Stranger: *Cry* Stranger: *of manly time-lord tears*

You: (LOLOL) Stranger: (LOLOLYEP) Stranger: Y U DO THIS MOFFAT Stranger: YYYYYY Stranger: (*Bestnightever*) Stranger: YOU FRIGGIN TROLL. Stranger: *Pulls Loki's scepter out of thin air, still sobbing* You: IF YOU KEEP GETTING IN THE WAY, I WILL RETURN AND DELETE COFbenedictcumberbatchCOF Stranger: FINE. Stranger: GO. Stranger: *Steps aside, holding the scepter* You: WHAT THE HELL, CYBERMEN? EXTERMINATE THE TIME LORD Stranger: LOL. Stranger: *Time-lord lolfit* You: DALEKS ARE NOW ALLOW TO ORDER ME You: NOTTTTTTTTTTTTT Stranger: *Leaps back on snowboard, going down the huge ass mountain* Stranger: WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. You: *moffat sits back and points and laughs at both* Stranger: *Sliding down the mountain, laughing* You: PEW PEW PEW EXTERMINATE Stranger: PEW PEW PEW. You: *dalek blows the cyberpart of it* Stranger: *Still has his scepter, firing at the two.* Stranger: PEWWWW PEWWW PEWWW Stranger: *Pokes with the scepter, derping* You: *Dalek wasn't looking and now its wendy fell off again showing a big scratch under dalek eye* Stranger: Haha, Loki'd! You: *it fell because of the scepter* Stranger: *Doctor points and laughs, using the scepter to blow the wendy to bits* Stranger: I won. :3 You: *dalek fleet appears on the sky* EXTRMINATE THE UGLY DALEK WITHOUT A MOUSTACHE You: EXTERMINATE Stranger: HAHAHA. You: EXTERMINATE Stranger: SUCKS TO BE YOU!

Stranger: DOCTOR'DDDD Stranger: *Spins down the mountain on the snowboard*akathetardisindisguise** You: (I'm self-destructive lol* Stranger: (lololthisisofun) Stranger: (specially with my friends fighting incharrie, with kitty loki and raze over calling thor. 8D) Stranger: REALLY YOU SHOULD'VE THOUGHT THIS THROUGH DALEK. :3 You: DALEKS DO NOT THINK. THAT IS WHY WE GET EXTERMINATED EVERY TIME *shakes un-existing fist* Stranger: U MAD, DALEK? *Trollfacemask* You: EXTERMINATE THE UGLY DALEK AND LEAVE THE PLANET BEFORE THE DOCTOR GET US You: *daleks leave, moffat's still there, laughing at the broken hearted fangirls and boys* Stranger: *Sits on the board, humming.* You: ohohoho I am the bad guy! Stranger: (Pokemon references times? 8D) You: *touches invisible moustache* You: (I'll try to, really not good at it* Stranger: (Mkay.) Stranger: GO, DOCTOR! You: (damnit) Stranger: What. D8) You: GO HARRY POTTER Stranger: *Doctor used Sonic Screwdriver! It's super affective!* You: HARRY USES A WOODEN DOOR! the attack is invalidated Stranger: *Doctor uses SUMMON FANGIRLS! The attack is beaten down and Harry is mauled by rabid fangirls!* You: Harry dies and Voldemort laughs, but, wait! He's aliveeee! Stranger: Come back, Doctor! Go, Loki! You: Harry uses the broom which name I just forgot You: and hits loki in the head Stranger: Loki was unamused, and hit in the head! You: Ah yes, THE FIRE BOLT Stranger: Loki summoned his scepter and used it to blast spells at Harry! Stranger: (Having to rely on my Loki rper for these moves. xD) You: Harry uses protego! You: (I'm improvising as you can see) Stranger: Loki is confused! Loki used Teleport! Loki disappeared!

Stranger: Come back, Loki! Stranger: Go, Wolfie! You: Harry gets sad and goes back to howarts You: Go, moriarty! Stranger: Wolfie used Charge Power! Wolfie is charging power! Stranger: (Wolfie is actually my OC for alot of stuff. 8D) You: (why would anyone do this ?) Stranger: I dunno but it is amazing.) You: Moriarty uses bomb You: it's burning the heart of you pokemon Stranger: Wolfie huffed out a fireball at Moriarty, annoyed. Wolfie used Arrow! You: (it's a bit scary) Stranger: (It is..) Stranger: (No she doesn't use arrows like in the Hunger Games, she uses the arrows like in TF2. :U) You: Moriarty uses gun and kills himself because i don't know Stranger: Wolfie used Loki's scepter! She burned Moriarty's body. Stranger: (Back to DW if you'd like? xD) You: yes, I suck at this Stranger: (More dalek mauling and mexican daleks? c:) You: I'd make a nice mexican dalek Stranger: *Wolfie reverted back to The Doctor, huffing and twirling Loki's scepter.* Stranger: Yay.~) You: AY NO Stranger: AY YES. You: EL DOCTOR AGAIN Stranger: *Spins around to stare at the dalek, frowning deeply.* NU. Stranger: *Holds up the scepter, growling like a rabid dog.* BAD DALEK. You: NO SOY DALEK. MY NAME IS JUAN Stranger: YOU LIE. You: (I'm actully mexican) Stranger: (Ah, nice.) You: I DON'T I HAVE A SOMBRERO You: AND THIS IS MY WIFE ROSA Stranger: ...mhhhmmm. Stranger: Okay then.. You: AND WE ARE GOING TO EXTERMINATE? Stranger: *Spins around, giving a glance back and walking off.*

Stranger: *ONLYTORUNDOWNTHESNOWYMOUNTAINFROMTHETOP * You: EXTERMINATE NOW Stranger: NOPEEE. You: PEW PEW PEW PEW Stranger: *Slides down mountain, leaping onto the snowboard backwards and crouching down. Fires at them.* PEW. PEW. PEW. You: FOLLOW THE DOCTOR You: FOLLOW Stranger: NO, NO FOLLOW THE DOCTOR! Stranger: *Swerves to the side to avoid a huge tree, still firing at them.* You: *dalek rosa & juan follow the doctor and get trapped inside a huge snowball* You: *they crash against the tree* Stranger: *Doctor proceeds to laugh loudly, shooting at the tree only to spin around and finish his trip down the hill.* You: *Dalek hijo gets the doctor's Loki* You: WE ARE GOING TO WIN THIS Stranger: *Doctor teleports with a kick to Hijo's face* NOPE. You: YOU CANNOT HURT ME Stranger: *Doctor then decides to snatch up Loki, and flee for his lives.* RUN. You: I AM MADE OF METAL AND MORE METAL Stranger: RUUUNNNNN! Stranger: *Leaps off the edge of a building Sherlock style* You: Hello, excuse, can you help me? I'm lost You: (excuse meeeeeeeeee*) Stranger: SortabusyreallyIcan'tsorry! Stranger: *Leaped off a building, survived* You: OI! You: come back now" Stranger: Nooo, busy! Stranger: *Runs off with Loki and his scepter* You: random moffat falls from the sky You: ** You: These fans are bonkers Stranger: Are not. Stranger: *Spinning on the snowboard again, still Doctor.* You: EXTERMINATE You: EXTERMINATE Stranger: SHUT. UP.

You: EXTERMINATE You: EXTERMINATE Stranger: *Tosses rocks at the dalek.* Stranger: OMGSHUTUPYOUSTUPIDIOKFIGOKLH *Rage!Doctor* You: *a million daleks appear* You: EXTERMINATE You: EXTERMINATE Stranger: *Teleport* You: EXTERMINATE You: FIND HIM You: FIND HIM You: FIND HIM You: WE HAVE LOCATED THE DOCTOR You: TARDIS LOCATED Stranger: *Running through amillion different shows in the background of the episodes.* Stranger: *Runs through Sherlock's Study in Pink* You: EXTERMINATE THE WEIRD MAN You: FIND THE DOCTOR You: *Sherlock gets mad* Stranger: *Doctor ran in the background, squeaking.* Stranger: (BRB WAIT.) You: (okay) Stranger: Okay, back.) Stranger: Sherlock, heeellppp meee! You: Pew *daleks kill john* You: exterminate You: EXTERMINATE Stranger: *Uses sonic screwdriver to reset the episode, returning us back to the DW universe.* Stranger: THERE. You: THE MAN IS DEAD You: AND IT WAS YOUR FAULT Stranger: NOOOO. Stranger: *cries* You: WE MUST EXTERMINATE Stranger: I FUCKING HATE YOU ALL. Stranger: *Suicide-Regenerate* You: WHAT KIND OF SCIENCE IS THIS? THE DOCTOR HAS REGENERATED MORE THAN TWELVE TIMES Stranger: BECAUSE I CAN.

Stranger: *Disguise fades away, is actually.. Wolfie.* I HAD YOU FOOLED ALL ALONG. You: THEN WE ARE GOING TO GROW FEET AND DANCE Stranger: I DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT. Stranger: *Holds up Thor's hammer, laughing* Stranger: OKAYRUNNINGIFTHORNOTICES. D8 You: WE HAVE A NEW ALLY You: THE HUMAN LIKE THOR Stranger: WAITWUT You: BECAUSE WE CAN Stranger: BECAUSE WE DO WHAT WE MUST Stranger: BECAUSE WE'RE STILL ALIVE Stranger: *Hides behind the wall from the beginning of this chat* You: *Dalek with broken neck still needs heal* Stranger: *Comes out and kicks the Dalek with the broken neck* Stranger: Haha. :u You: THEY ARE HIDDEN BEHIND THAT WALL Stranger: SOB. Stranger: WHY. Stranger: SCREWTHIS. Stranger: *Gives the hammer back to Thor, and takes Loki's scepter back.* You: WE MUST KIDNAP TOM HIDDLESTON Stranger: NO. Stranger: YOU. Stranger: WON'T! Stranger: D8< You: (ice cream? it's good) Stranger: *Mauls with scepter* Stranger: (yessss) Stranger: KIDNAP NICK FURY'S ACTOR Stranger: NOT TOM Stranger: WHO CARES ABOUT FURY ANYWAYS You: *dalek with broken neck exterminates the scepter and dies* Stranger: ... Stranger: .............................................. Stranger: what. Stranger: how. You: *okaey it just dies* Stranger: whatStranger: *LOL You almost pissed off my Loki rper. D8*

You: FURY SHOULD'VE DIED INSTEAD OF COULSON Stranger: IKR. Stranger: FURY ISN'T NEEDED. You: COULSON IS AWESOME You: LOKI MADE ME CRY Stranger: IKR. Stranger: SOB. Stranger: LOKI YOU LITTLE HEARTBREAKING BASTARD Stranger: D8 You: HE COULD HAVE KILLED HALF NEW YORK Stranger: HE COULD'VE. You: AND IT WOULDN'T MATTER You: WHY DID HE KILL COULSON You: TAKE ME INSTEAD Stranger: SOBBBB Stranger: TAKE US FANS INSTEEAADD You: i need to watch the avengers again to warn agent You: maybe I can save him Stranger: Dude I'm so going to be going 'NO TAKE ME INSTEAD' at the Coulson death scene.. Stranger: maybe. Stranger: MAYBE WE CAN SAVE HIM. You: FANDOM ASSEMBLE Stranger: YES. You: WE NEED TO SAVE COULSON FROM LOKI Stranger: FANDOMS, ASSEMBLE! *I call being Tony Stark* Stranger: *I CALL BEING THE TONY* Stranger: WE DO. You: I CALL THE HULK Stranger: OKAY. Stranger: SCIENCE BRROOSSS. You: *brofist* Stranger: *brofist* Stranger: dude.. Stranger: have we been talking for two/one hours? Stranger: omg longest omegle conversation /ever/ You: omg i don't know Stranger: i don't even know anymore You: for like an hour i guess Stranger: *derp!Tony face* Stranger: i guess.

You: this is good Stranger: it is. You: it's the forst time I come to omegle Stranger: ohgod i'm so glad you found me instead of the age sex location people. You: I found a guy and the first thing i did was asking him "Is your name Alonso?" Stranger: o3o You: he was like "nope". So I asked him if he wanted to be alonso. But it didn't work You: :c Stranger: :C Stranger: *huggle* Stranger: don't worry You: I'm a little weird Stranger: It's fineee. <3 You: :D <3 You: so... tumblr? Stranger: :D Sure, Wolfiewholock You: there :DDD You: this was a fun conversation, now I have to go :c Stranger: :c Bye.. Stranger: Have fun!~ Ask me a question on Tumblr and tell me who you are. <3 You: a lot of homework awaits Stranger: sob. You: yeah Stranger: Welp, have fun.~ You: I'll try :c Stranger: :c Baii. Stranger: *poof*
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