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Dragon Born Finale Death/ love / determination

*hunter union headquarters*

Lana: ok people get ready to scramble there are 5 squadrons comprised of different hunters to take on
the dragons and according to our intel they have amassed a hoard of bandits and mercenary’s to lead a
frontal assault into midguard this will be a fierce battle now before we head out does anybody have
anything to say?

Charles: I do……. *steps up* as one of the leaders of this operation all I have to say is take care of your
selves don’t do anything reckless if at all possible we all have to come back here safe and sound if you
run into one of the main dragon enemies do not engage on your own call for back up immediately and
follow orders accordingly that is all….*steps down*

Lana: anybody else?

*everybody looks toward where zero is*

Zero: …………….*teleports outside*

Lana: guess not, everybody be ready and lead your respective battalions according to plan

battalion Compositions

Battalion 1 (main force) will be handling the initial bandit attack as fast as possible







*flash back to preparations of the battalions*

Lana: but zero I thought you said we had to keep a formation for each dragon if they show up in
different places how are going to do that?

Zero: its simple really me and Kat can teleport remember we send the strongest ones to deal with the
bandit force as fast as possible and if any of the dragons show up Kat or me will teleport whoever is
assigned to deal with each dragon as they appear we can’t have anybody getting hurt before the main
enemy’s show up which is why the different teams will be at the walls covering and preparing for when
they show up also we will seal off all the entrances to midguard except the main one
Lana: I understand

*in the present*

Battalion 2 composition to take on the thunder dragon Adia








And therapy

Battalion 3 composition to take on the earth dragon Daedalus









Battalion 4 Liria the Light Bow Dragon











Battalion 5 blue fire dragon Draxus









And Crocus

So the battle begins

*Alarm goes off*

Zero: ok people lets head out

Kat: ok so I’m getting a confirmation that there is a huge horde of Bandits heading for the main gate

Charles: yeah so what now

*Bastil arrives*: guys take me with you I want to be in the initial battalion

Charles: I don’t see a problem Kat?

Kat: I guess but someone has to stay behind Dino you stay

Dino: ok no problem

Zero: Hermes you ready?

Hermes: as I’ll ever be

Zero: Kat you mind taking us there?

*Kat Teleports the team to the front gate*

Zero: well there is a lot of them that’s for sure *pulls out sword*

Charles: yeah but they are low class bandits *pulls out normal set of bombs*

Kat: so far intel states the dragons are laying in the back line of the bandit assault and haven’t made a
move *pulls out new axe* sooo I guess we are going to have fun with these guys first!

Hermes: well she is fired up *pulls out flame swords*

Bastil: it’s been a while since I was in a real battle *pulls out sword*

Genovia: *pulls out daggers* ill cover you guys from here wile you rush in since we left Dino behind we
don’t have support from the distance

*the team rushes in and collides with the hoard of bandits*

Kat: *teleports all around the battlefield slashing away multiple bandits*

Zero: *pulls out wings* haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! *slashes through 5 of the biggest bandits*

Hermes: *slash* Slash aaaand! Slash* *10 bandits drop to the ground* ha this is too *gets surrounded*
aww man HELP!!!

*multiple explosions take down the bandits that are around Hermes*

Charles: you are welcome * jumps into the air and sprays bombs all over the battle field cause a series of

Bastil: *gets punched in the chest* …. That all you losers got? * *starts pushing through a bunch of
bandits while slashing and punching them*

Zero: hmm this is too *slashes bandit* easy…… oh no KAT!!!!!

Kat: what??

Zero: contact the north entrance!!! Tell them to be ready for impact!!!!!!!!

Kat: what! *radios the north gate*

*in the distance a huge thunder crashes the north gate*

Zero: Kat! Head to base grab team 2 for the thunder dragon so they can engage*doges and keeps
slashing* NOW!!!!!

Kat: don’t tell me what to do! *teleports*

Charles: guys regroup now!

*everybody but Bastil obeys the order*

Hermes: Bastil! Get back here now!

Zero: oh no! *teleports*

Bastil: what are you guys worried about?

Zero: *appears in front of Bastil and gets hit by an arrow in the chest* ough…. This is why…*drops*

Bastil: !!!! zero! No!! *blocks another arrow* what the hell where are they coming from

Genovia: HONEY!!!!! Nooo!

*approximately 3 mountains away or 4000 KM depends on you all you need to know its fking far! *

Liria: aww how disappointing they blocked the second one…. Oh well guess I’ll keep shooting *dodges
axe slash* whoa there

*Kat and her team get to the scene*

Kat: guys get ready! * holds axe* you are going to pay for doing that to zero!

Liria: I’d like to see you try! *pulls bow string back*

Kain: I don’t think so *slash! *

Liria: so this is a team of hunters huh this should be loads of fun!! But if you think that this bow is only
for shooting Long range you are mistaken *shoots hundreds of arrows into the SKY* *the team manages
to doge most of them as they fall*

*back at the first battle field with the bandits*

Bastil: I’m sorry zero! I was careless

Zero: *pulls out arrow* no worries bro now head back

Genovia: honey is you ok?

Zero: yeah I’ll be fine give me an update!

Genovia: well Kat is currently fighting the light dragon she teleported as soon as she heard you had
gotten shot…. Battalion 2 is currently in the north gate facing off with the thunder dragon

*at the north gate*

Harley: *clashes with Adia* in the name of justice and my striped marlin I will not allow you to enter this

Adia: all muscles and no brain you really think you can take me on mister hero?

Harley: now!!!!!

*Dino and Locke fire at Adia*

Adia: *gets hit by their ice attacks* cough I should have known you weren’t alone!! Haaaa! *kicks Harley
in the stomach*

Harley: is that what you call a hit I can take hits like those for days!!!

*Gerard hits Adia with his bat and sends her flying into a wall*

Gerard: ha! Take that!

*a huge thunder strikes where Adia Landed*

Adia: I’m going to enjoy killing you all *rushes the team*

Harley; brace your selves!!!!

*zero teleports Bastil and Genovia back to the main gate*

Zero: ok we are here…*Coughs blood *

Bastil: zero!

Zero: quiet I’m fine we need to be ready for Daedalus and Draxus I still don’t feel them but that’s what
worries me the most…. Ough

Genovia: Joy!

Joy: I’m here ill-treat his injury for now Bastil please join the earth dragon team since they are on
standby waiting for orders

Bastil: I understand*runs off*

Joy: Genovia I know you are worried but right now the thunder team in the north gate needs help they
are barely holding on against the thunder dragon!

Genovia: I understand Zero please heal fast *runs off*

Joy: zero this is not good I didn’t say anything because of Genovia but one of your lungs has been

Zero: I know…. But…. *stands up* we don’t have time to worry about me we need to keep the city safe
Octavia come here!

Octavia: umm honey you are bleeding very badly!

Zero: I know I need you to seal the wound with your ice

Octavia: but that will

Zero: there is no time! Do it now!

Joy: zero you know doing that will stop the bleeding but it won’t solve the problem!

Zero: Octavia do it now *grits teeth*

Octavia: * freezes Zero’s wound and part of his chest* *tears start running down her face*

Zero: hey hey I’m ok *hugs and kisses* *stands up* now we need to move

*back at the north gate*

Harley: *gets slashed multiple times* ough *drops* this is bad!

Gerard: haaa! *swings bat*

Adia: *stops bat with swords* not a bad *gets shot in the leg* aah! Ok this is getting annoying *gets hit
by a rain of hail from Dino*

Dino: more from where that came from lady!

Adia: why you little* gets stabbed in the leg by Genovia’s Sword* dam it!

Genovia: *pulls out swords* you aren’t getting away from this SWORD CREATION ATACK! Insert game gif

Adia: you. you’re the one that has him*Breaks away from the other hunters and rushes toward
Genovia* ill kill you and Zerius will be all mine!

Zero: *teleports in front of Genovia and grabs her out of the way*

Adia: Kya!!! I can’t stop!!!!! *crashes into a wall*

Zero: you ok honey* puts down*

Genovia: yeah I’m ok but she was so fast

Adia: that is, it… I am TIRED OF YOU ALLL *lightning starts crackling all around her*

Zero: guys! Get back now! *Dragonizes * *ice first*


Zero: get behind me now and ready your sword…. Take her legs out when you see an opening
understand! *rushes Adia*

Adia: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *clashes with zero* you took him away FROM MEEEE he was
mine after that birch was dead

Zero: he never loved you and you know it!

Gerard: any idea what they are talking about?

Harley: no but zero is buying us time! Healers!

Therapy: *walks up and cracks fingers*

Gerard: on second thought I *gets striped*

Harley: why did we get this healer of all people* gets striped and massaged by therapy*

Therapy: quit complaining!

Gerard: but my sis is right there!!! Ooh that feels so nice wait no!!!

*zero and Adia continue fighting*

Adia: you are just like he was I can see why you Zerius fused with you *slashes zero’s Arm*

Zero: yeah whatever trust me I had little choice in fusing with him *doge’s other slashes* now then
*grabs Adia’s arms*

Adia: LET ME GO! * struggles to get free*

Zero: Genovia now!!!! Slash her tendons in her arms and legs so she can’t move!

Genovia: *rushes Adia* haa!!!!

Gerard: *grabs one of Adia’s legs* you aren’t getting away * is not naked by the way*

Harley: *throws striped marlin behind Adia* now you have nowhere to go!

Zero: good job guys!! *ice FIST! * *freezes Adia’s arms in place* NOW!!!!!!!

Genovia: *slashes multiple times disabling Adia’s arms and legs

Adia: aaaah! *drops* how dare you… showing me mercy kill me now!

Zero: this may be a war but I promised if I can Ill avoid killing anybody *teleports a collar*

*puts it on Adia* this power suppression collar should keep her busy now Harley take her to Edwin’s lab
and lock her up in the dragon cell marked C

Harley: understood
Zero: dam. it *drops to his knees*

Genovia: zero! What’s wrong? Healer I need a healer here!

Zero: *gets up* I’m fine Genovia go get the stone dragon team I need Charles here ASAP tell them
he’s… *gets tackled into a wall by Daedalus*

Daedalus: this time around! I’m going full force *gets punched into the ground*

Zero: yeah I bet! *rushes* GO NOW GENOVIA!

*Genovia: I promise I’ll be back!!! *leaves*

Zero: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dragonize STAGE 2* Zerius I need your

help *Zerius appears*

Zerius: let’s do this Roar!!!!

*as Zerius Roar can be heard echoing through the city Genovia arrives and tells Charles team to head to
the north gate*

* mean wile in the mountains*

Kat: *teleports clashing with Liria* god DAMN it Stand STILL *slashes with axe*

Liria: *shoots multiple arrows at Kat*

Kain: *rushes in Front of Kat and deflects the arrows with his sword* now Windblade!

Windblade: throws several Daggers at Liria

Kat: kain I need you guys to keep her busy will I channel my flame power through my axe so I can beat

Kain: you heard her guys Kat needs some time

Karl: you got it boss * rushes*

Chichi: time to have some fun *throws dumbbell*

Hermes: let’s do this *ignites swords*

Apollon: wait Hermes help Kat channel her flame energy with yours so she can charge up faster me and
Lantern will provide covering fire *pulls out new violin gun* ready lantern! *fires lava shots*

Lantern: *shoots multiple shots*

*they both manage to hit Liria*

Liria: ah! That stings. that does it! * doges the other attacks from the hunters* I’m not about to lose here
*her bow starts shining brightly * ARRROW DOME BARRAGE!!!! Hai!!!!!

Kain: Kat!
Windblade: protect her!!!

*Kats team protect her from being hit by the flying arrows*

Kat: NO!!!!!!!!

Liria: oh well guess that only leaves you and me Miss Kat * Shoots an arrow at Kat*

Hermes: nooo! *jumps in the way* *gets hit* I’m not letting you….*drops*

Kat: that’s it ive had it! * axe ignites with roaring flames* *jumps into the air* THIS ENDS HERE
*launches a giant fireball attack*

Liria: oh oh * is resisting the fire ball with her bear hands* ouh…. I cant… hold it!!

Kat: *teleports behind Liria* This is for my FRIENDS!!! *slashes Liria’s Back then teleports away*

Liria: aaaah! *gets enveloped by the flames * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!* explosion Consumes her*

Kat: *pant pant* that takes care of that….. *collapses to the ground* not… good *faints*

*back at the north gate* *

Zero: *gets thrown into a building*

Daedalus: what’s wrong little dragon had enough not so easy when im at full power..

Zero: *stands up covered in injuries* you know id be worried… but.

*a bomb hits Daedalus in the back*

Zero: but my back up is here* teleports*

Charles: ok guys lets do this *pulls out new sticky bombs* we need to slow him down* throws*

Patrone: *pulls out a mini gun with ice Missiles* so noisy but so much FUN! *revs up the gun and starts

Richie: guy ready to rush in as soon as they stop shooting at him we need to rush in and deal damage

Calibur: *clenches metal arm* I’m ready

Nene: *pulls out anchor* oh this is going to be payback for that dragon lady

Juno: *transforms wrench into hammer* you ready honey buns?

Geranium: *pulls out sword* ill follow you to the ends of the world

Dumble: ok your wiper snappers *pulls out towel* save your romance for after this is over
Levi: *opens fire*

Zerius: I think I should help you guys *uses ice breath*

Daedalus: that is it!!! Insert spinning attack gif here*

Charles: he broke out of the sticky bombs guys

*the other hunters rush in and start hitting Daedalus with everything

Daedalus: is this the best you have!!! *pushes away everyone*

Charles: nope this is * Pulls out prototype cyro bomb* happy Birth day Mother f*Ker *shoves it into his
chest* Zero now!

Zero: *teleports and grabs Charles* were out of here *teleports away*


*the cyro Bomb Explodes Freezing Daedalus where he stands*

Zero: well that takes care of him

Zerius: hes dead…… well I doubt he would have come quietly so its better this way

Zero: Charles we need to go see how kat’s team is doing *teleports with Charles*

*back in the mountains where Kat and the others are*

Kat: *lying on the ground* darn it I can’t move stupid axe took all of my energy! I need to get these guys
to the infirmary now…* barely stands up* oof…. This is not good

Liria: I have to say that last attack was impressive* is barely standing and her clothes and bow all
burned* you even burned my favorite dress…. But now I’m going to make sure you die * pulls bow
string* I will *gets hit with a sticky bomb* Kya!!! What’s this stuff* drops on the ground rolling* get it off
get it off!!!!

Kat: ha! *starts falling to the ground * gets picked up before she hits the ground*

Charles: I got you

Kat: thank you……

Charles: so you used a bomb on her nice!

Kat: it’s not like I thought of you or anything while doing it baka! *blushes*

Charles: I know I know

Zero: if you guys are done flirting…

Charles and Kat: we are not flirting!

Zero: yeah yeah *puts suppression collar on Liria* lets go back to the city

*Zero manages to teleport everyone to the infirmary* *then proceeds to take Liria to Edwin’s lab and
holding cell*

Zero: so tell me… where is he.

Liria: like we would tell you….

Adia: I’ll tell you!

Liria: hey! What the hell!

Adia: we lost anyways so what’s the point of being mean to each other besides I kind of like him*takes
off mask*

Zero: just a heads up I’m married with two psychopaths and have a daughter….

Adia: don’t flatter yourself buddy besides Zerius is the first being who has ever seen my face you get to
see it because he’s part of you so there…. anyway…. If you are looking for Draxus he predicted, we
would loose

Zero: wait so why would he send you first?

Liria: because he plans to destroy this whole city in one giant blaze of fire with one attack which he has
been charging all this time while you were fighting us

Zero: oh Noo *teleports outside* *looks up to the sky*

*a giant blue flame ball can be seen over midguard*

Lana: what is that thing!

Draxus: can you hear me puny humans and defeated dragons this is your end…. now meet your
DEMISE!!! *throws fire ball to midguard*

Lana: emergency all available hunters meet in the medical bay!!*

Zero: *arrives at the medical bay*

Kat: this is bad I need to *staggers in pain* ow ow ow….

Joy: you need to take it easy you are all badly hurt

Edwin: this is bad according to my calculations that heat ball will destroy all of midguard in one single

Lana: this is not the time to point out the obvious we need solutions now!

Zero: ……. *looks around at everyone* *smiles* here we go again……………. *teleports outside*
Draxus: *laughing maniacally* what are you going to do little dragon? just stay there and die!!! Or are
you going to be the hero and fail?

Zero: ………. a hero huh… nah… I’m just the guy that’s willing to do anything to protect the ones he loves
and those he cares about…. . HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! *dragonize 3 Stage*

Zerius: are you nuts! You can’t handle that form we already tried it before! ZERO!!!

*everyone rushes outside to watch wat is happening as the skies turn blue because of the blue fire ball
heading toward the city*

Athena: there’s something in front of the fire ball! Its ZERO!!!!

Lana: what! What is he doing!!!

Zero: haaaaaaaaa! *FIRES Dragon Flame Blast from his arms*

*both flame attacks collide in the sky*

Charles: the other flame is slowing down come on zero!!

Zero: haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!*intensifies his flames* *forcing the other flame ball to explode
dissipating in the sky*

Draxus: how dare you!! Interfere * rushes zero*

Zero: bring it on! * clashes with Draxus* you are going to pay for attacking my city!

Draxus: tough talk coming from a half breed *Flame punches zero into a building* what’s wrong
weakling? can’t handle someone who’s not a push over?

Zero: rrrraaaaa*appears behind Draxus* *punches multiple times and kicks to the ground* that the best
you *gets punched into Edwin’s lab*

Edwin: MY LAB!!!!!

Zero: *rushes out and keeps fighting Draxus*

Genovia: we need to help him somehow Octavia let’s go!

Octavia: yes!

Athena: I’m going too

Patrone: wait for me I can still fight

Charles: yeah we have to help him some how

Lana; ok you guys be careful and don’t do anything reckless

ROGER THAT! * they all head toward where zero is fighting Draxus
Zero: *hits the ground in front of his house* dam it…. Owww

Draxus: so much for the great zero.

*door opens*

Maria: DADDY!

Zero: Noo Maria stay back!!!

Draxus: what’s this…. *appears behind Maria grabs her*

Zero *eyes widen* leave her alone!!!

Draxus: seems like this little child is important to you… why don’t I make her suffer a bit right in front of
your eyes


Draxus: ahaahahaahahahaha!


*zero’s scream of anger could be heard all over the city*

Zero: *Tackles Draxus through the house* how dare you… haaaaaaaaaaa! * starts punching Draxus*
*throws him into the air and keeps Punching*

Draxus: now this is more * Gets stabbed in the chest* cough *gets kicked and punched relentlessly till
he hits the side of the mountain in the middle of midguard* he’s not stopping *coughs blood*

*during zero’s relentless assault on Draxus he would not stop screaming as his rage for letting Maria get
hurt consumed him*

*back at ground level at zero’s house*

Genovia: that’s zero I can hear him this is bad he’s losing it!

Octavia: Maria! Wake up!! Please wake up!!

Maria: Mama! Mama *hugs* I was so scared… a mean man he tried to hurt me but papa!

Athena: your safe now Maria but I’m worried about zero

Maria: mama you need to save daddy I feel him he’s changing into something else!

Zerius: this is bad… zero’s link with me has been broken whatever this is it’s not my dragon powers it’s
something much worse!

*as zero continues to hit Draxus his body changes and his armor turns a shade of black and red horns
begin do grow*

Zero: you… won’t survive…. This… *picks up Draxus and starts choking*
Draxus: (this is bad if I don’t do something quickly he will kill me)

Athena: zero! Stop!

Zero: *looks to where Athena and the others are* …. Guys i *get punched all the way through his chest
by Draxus* *spits blood all over*

Draxus: now… I win *pulls out his arm from going through zero*

*Athena and the others wach in horror as zero falls on the ground and turns back to normal*

Genovia: NOOOOOOOOOooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Draxus: now then… I was worried for a bit there but now hes dead… and now for all of you to die along
with him!

Octavia: nooo no no no no no *drops to her knees* this cant be happening

Athena: NOOOO! * rushes Draxus* your going to pay!!! *swings staff with all her power*

Draxus: *caches* nice toy….. *slams Athena on the ground*

Charles: DAM YOUUUUUU *throws a barrage of bombs at Draxus*

Draxus: childs play really all you have is toys you cant defeat me… mauahahaahahahaha

Genovia: *stands up looking shocked* what is that

*the others are in sock as they see a strange figure clad in spiked armor with a dark aura*

Draxus: what ? *turns around* who are you

???: *rips Draxus arm off*

Draxus: aaaa! My arm!!! My arm!! * backs away*

???: *appears behind Draxus* * punches through the hill* *flies Behind Draxus*

Octavia: that cant be him right ??

Zerius: im afraid so zero has turned into that thing that’s tearing Draxus the strongest dragon apart

Genovia: we need to snap him out of it

Draxus: * hits the ground covered in blood and missing another arm* I have to say… *cough blood* I
never expected to find some one of the superior breed here… an angel of all things who knew

Zero: ………….*dragon sword appears in zero’s arm* * a dark voice can be heard from zero* now you die

Genovia: ZERO STOP!

Zero: *stops the sword from finishing Draxus off*

Genovia: this is not you whatever you are give me the man I love back to me!

Octavia: shes right the man I fell in love with would never go this far now stop
Athena: zero please turn back to normal to your happy normal self the one i…. I

Charless: oh here it comes….

Athena: I love you too ever since you saved me time and time again I don’t care if you have others I just
want you to love me too

Zero: …………ge……… oct…….. …….ath……….. …….

Charles: somethings happening

Zero: Give…. Me……. My……… .GRRRR

Zerius: hes fighting it ZERO come back to us

Zero: ggggggug oof *Drops to his knees*

Athena, Genovia, Octavia: COME BACK to us!

Maria: DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zero: *screams* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *breaks the dark aura that was controlling him*
*pant pant* aaaaaaaa*drops unconscious*

*everyone rushes to zero’s side*

Charles: he’s unconscious but he’s still breathing hes badly hurt you girls need to take him to the
infirmary ASAP

The girls; yes *they put zero on Zerius and fly toward the infirmary*

Charles: as for you… *pulls out a bomb* we already took care of Daedalus and you are broken and I am
pretty sure one of these can take care of you

Draxus: it makes no difference I will die soon human.. so before I leave *spits blood* know this… your
friend may have won today but he is not an ordinary person… that wich took over him was not of
dragon kind… it is what we know as the dragon slayer spirit…….that… will return…. I cant wait…. To

Charles: ok screw this *throws bomb and runs*

Draxus: aww come on !!! *explodes*

*Back in the infirmary*

Joy: we need to take zero in to surgery he in really bad shape all healers please follow me!’

*all the healer hunters go into the operation room*

Maria: mommy is daddy going to be ok??

Genovia: yes dear im sure he will be

Octavia: hmm *walks off to where Athena is*

Athena: can I help you?

Octavia: >_> we both know what im here for

Athena: im not backing off

Octavia: oh I know *pats Athena’s arm* good luck getting through Genovia dough o_o *walks off*

Athena: wait what!?

*several hours go by as all the other hunters have healed the healers exit the operation room where
zero is with zomber faces and Genovia and the others can only fear the worst until Joy is the last one
to come out of the operation room*

Genovia: how is he!

Joy: he is stable but…

Genovia: but ? BUT what!?

Joy: hes taken way to many injuries and broken bones shattered ribs both arms .. his left lung was
rendered usless.. im sorry to say this but hes lucky to even be alive he went too far this time protecting

Lana: wait what do you mean joy he is going to survive right ?

Joy: I wont lie here I doubt it and even if he does his days as a hunter are over…. Right now because of
his severe injuries he is in a comatose state and he wont wake up any time soon…..

Athena: *collapses to the ground when she hears the news*

Maria: ….. *rushes into the operation room*

Genovia: maria wait!

Maria: *stands next to zero’s bed* *crying* daddy you said you would be here for me *sobbing* you
promised you would always protect me and mommy we need you so please wake up… daddy……………….

*all that can be heard in that one room is the beeping of the heart monitor….. and cry’s of a daughter
that wishes for her daddy to wake up*

Maria: Daddy… *holds hand* daddy! Please wake up……

*the heart monitor Flatlines*

*inside of zero’s mind all that can be seen is darkness al around**

Zero: guess I went over board this time…… where am i.. I feel so sleepy..


Zero: huh… I can hear something………… no its just my imagination*yawns I should just sleep here…

D………A….D…D….y……… come back!

Zero: there it is again…..

*a light flickers in the distance of the darkness*

Zero: that light is so far… but that voice*gets up*

DA……DDy……….. Come back!!!

Zero: who is it… I know it from some ware….. I know its important but I can’t remember ..

DADDY!!! DADDY!!!!!!!! COME BACK TO ME you,…. Promised!

Zero: that voice....

*outside in the emergency room*

Joy: Maria you need to leave your daddy is not going to wake up come on*pulls Maria* he’s gone im

Maria: NOOO DADDY DADDY!! I wont leave him he’s not gone daddy!!! Dady!!!!

*the heart monitor starts beeping*

Zero: Ma….ria…………..

Maria: *breaks free from joy’s Grip* *Screams DADDY!!!!!!*

Zero: *wakes up* maria…. Im here………….i will keep you safe……..

Joy: this is not possible……..

Maria: Daddy*crying* daddy your back daddy daddy*hugs zero*

Zero: easy there kiddo your daddy is hurt >_<

Joy: *steps outside* I don’t believe this…

Genovia: what happened?

Joy: zero… he died but. Maria her screams her cries they pulled him back now hes awake but he needs
his rest he will be ok

*everyone starts cheering and jumping of happiness as they hear the good news*

Dragon born Arc end

(well first off I want to say thank you for reading up to this point I will be doing an epilogue skit
of wat happens later also I really hope you guys enjoyed this I wish I could draw this into a
manga or something I bet it would be fun but heck I can dream and imagine on a last note
please tell me what you would like me to write for future posts )

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