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Index to Global Reporting Initiati ve G3 indica tors

This index includ es the 2007 GRI guidelin es (G3) and 2009 mining and mine rals sector supplemen t. Reasonable assurance by E&Y Limited assurance by E&Y Exxaro material issue

1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.1 1 3.12 3.13

Topic Strategy and anal ysis

Statement from senior management Key impacts, risks and oppo rtuniti es

41 Foldout, 16 Cover 6 5 IBC 8 6-7 6-7 6-7 na 31 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 nr 9 zero 176 30

Organisational prole
Name Primary produc ts Operational struc ture Location of head ofce Countri es of ope ration Nature of owne rship Mar kets served Scale of organisation Signi cant chang es to organisation Awards

Repo rt parameters
Reporting period Date of previous repo rt Reporting cycle Contact poin ts Process for dening repo rt content Boundary of repo rt Limitations Basis for repo rting on joint ventures, etc Data measu rement techniqu es and assumptions Explanation of restatemen ts Signi cant chang es to scope, boundary or methods GRI index Policy and practi ce on external assurance



4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.1 1 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 EC 1

Topic Governan ce, commitmen ts and engagement

Governan ce struc ture Status of chairpe rson Independent non- executi ve directors Mechanisms for stakeholde rs to in teract with boa rd Link between compensation and per forman ce Process for avoiding conict of interest Expe rtise of boa rd Policies on economic, environmen tal and social per forman ce Procedu res for boa rd oversight of economic, environmen tal and social per forman ce Board per forman ce Precautionary app roach External principl es endo rsed Membe rship of indu stry associations and advocacy groups Stakeholder groups Basis for identi cation Approach to stakeholder engagement Topics and concerns raised, respon se

148 152 152 155 160 149 152 154 154 152 92 30, 28 28 25 25 25 25 181

Economic value gene rated and distribu ted including paymen ts to local communiti es as part of land-u se agreemen ts, excluding land purcha ses. Repo rt countri es of ope ration that are either candida te to or compliant with the Ext racti ve Indu stries Transparency Initiati ve (EITI). Financial impli cations, risks and oppo rtuniti es due to clima te change Cov erage of dened benet plan obligations Signi cant nancial assistance from government Standa rd entr y-level wage compared to local minimum wage Policy, practi ces, and spending on local supplie rs Procedu res for local hiring, propo rtion of senior management and workforce from local communi ty Development and impact of infrastruc ture investmen ts and servi ces for public benet Signi cant indi rect economic impacts


100 160 zero 160 129 120 132 132



Topic Environmen tal Materials

Materials used by weight or volume Percentage recycled input materials (includ es post-consumer recycled material and waste from indu strial sources, but excludes internal recycling within facility (home scrap).



nr nm

Ene rgy
EN3 EN4 EN5 EN6 EN7 EN8 EN9 EN10 E N 11 EN12 Direct consumption by primary ene rgy source Indi rect consumption by primary source Energy saved from conservation and efcien cy improvemen ts Reductions from ene rgy-efcient or renewable ene rgy-based produc ts and servi ces Initiati ves to redu ce indi rect ene rgy consumption, reductions achi eved 1 17 1 17 1 01, 117 101 101-105 99 99 nr 107-1 1 1 108-1 1 1 108-1 1 1 113 108-1 1 1 108-1 1 1 108-1 1 1 108-1 1 1 102, 1 17 1 17 100-105 105 99 1 17 nr nr nr 115-116

Total water withd rawal by source. Water use, including water quali ty Sources signi cantly affected by withd rawal Percentage and volume recycled and reused Biodiversity Location and size of land owned, leased, managed or adja cent to protected areas, areas of high biodi versity value Description of signi cant impacts of activiti es. Where possibl e, describe impact (gain /loss) on sustainable land use. Include impacts of resettlement and closure activiti es repo rted under MM9 and MM10respecti vely. MMI EN13 EN14 MM2 EN15 EN16 EN17 EN18 EN19 EN20 EN21 EN22 MM3 EN23 Amount of land (owned /leased, managed for production or extracti ve use) disturbed or rehabili tated Habi tats protected or restored. Repo rt on biodi versity offsets Strategi es, actions and plans for managing impacts on biodi versity. Disclose conside ration of ecosystems servi ces and associa ted values. Number and percentage of total sites requiring biodi versity management plans according to stated criteria, and number (pe rcentage) of sites with plans in place IUCN Red List speci es and national conservation list speci es in areas affected by ope rations

Emi ssion s, efuen ts, and waste

Total direct and indi rect greenhou se gas emi ssions Other relevant indi rect greenhou se gas emi ssions Initiati ves to reduce greenhou se gas emi ssion s, reductions achi eved Emi ssions of ozone-depl eting substances Management of radioacti ve ma terial NOx, SOx, and other signi cant air emi ssions by type and weigh t. Include emi ssions from major mobile sources and on-si te stationary sources Total water discha rge by quali ty and destination Total weight of waste by type and disp osal method. Site waste and construction waste. Large-volume mining and mine ral processing waste to be repo rted under MM3 Total amoun ts of overbu rden, rock, tailings and sludg es and their associa ted risks Total number and volume of signi cant spills. Include spills of tailing s, slimes or other signi cant process material s. Repo rt follow-up actions to redu ce number and severity of spills, even at a level before eme rgen cy procedu res are requi red. Waste transpo rted under terms of Basel Convention (Annex I, II, III, VIII) Identi ty, size, protected status, and biodi versity value of water bodi es and rela ted habi tats signi cantly affected by discha rges of water and runoff

EN24 EN25

na nr

Produc ts and servi ces

EN26 EN27 EN28 EN29 EN30 Initiati ves to mitiga te environmen tal impacts of produc ts, extent of mitigation Percentage of produc ts sold and packaging materials reclaimed by category 105 na Zero nr nr EXXARO INTEGRATED ANNUAL REPORT 2010 175

Complian ce
Signi cant nes, sanctions for non- complian ce with environmen tal laws and regulations

Transpo rt
Signi cant impacts of transpo rting produc ts, and membe rs of workforce Total environmen tal protection expendi tures and investmen ts by type

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