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Courageous, brave and noble, words that people usually associate with a hero.

He would be like a Greek warrior raging from a faraway place ready to defeat the mythic creature thats been plaguing a village, ready to fight against all odds. The main character in a story that is revered by everyone for his achievements, the noble cause he has propagated to make everyones life feel better. And most of all someone that gives hope, a person who even in the darkest and most desperate times let people find their will and fight. Personality is the impression one gives to others. A particular combination of emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual that can be seen. It is a persons personal identity. An embodiment of his qualities is what makes him unique. Most of all, its his essence that makes him a person. A persons personality isnt formed out of nowhere. It is the culmination of his experiences, what he or she has known and has been taught for all his or her own life. Influenced by his mothers love with her love for the Tagalog language and soon after his love for his country, he started writing poems on the future of the Philippines. How the youth of today are the future with their hands they are able to mold the country as it should be. And also his brother Pacianos insight on what justice is, that finding the truth and telling it no matter what the stake is the right thing to do. This pushed him to write about what the friars have done to his motherland. How people are suffering from injustices, from hiding the truth. It shaped Rizal to he is, even at the hands of the Spanish Inquisition. My personality is like my fathers quiet when needed to be and also like my mothers reflecting thinking. They helped me mold myself to the person that I am today. At times I could be as silly as a loon, and at the same time sensitive enough to know when someone needs me. If I would rate myself on being an ideal Filipino citizen, I would probably say Im a six. I care enough that I think of how this country has become and be concerned. I still need to improve my tendency to procrastinate. Instead of doing things when they should be gone, I tend to veer off from the path to get there. Like metaphorically, instead of going straight to the store where I can buy the pencil I need, I might turn a little bit to the right then turn left at the corner and maybe get myself an ice cream along the way. Dont get me wrong, I do eventually buy the Mongol No. 2 pencil I need for my exam, it just gets me a little longer than people usually do. I guess, actually, I know I have to discipline myself more. These bad habits that I have can be corrected little by little. I dont expect change to happen overnight but maybe little by little I need to mentally chant to myself that I need to get things done. I should do it right away. I should stop thinking about the time that I could do it later when I can already do it now. I can control this part of my

personality, to further improve myself. This routine might even develop into a more efficient me. And surely, instead of hours for me to find myself in the bookstore and buy that pencil I need, I could just get it in a minutes time.

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