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Culture Cult Fawn Moved to a military controlled town with her mother, Sergeant Iowa Louise.

Her father Sage Fawn has very little to no contact with them. More status in military etc., having kept the father away, and Kitten knowing that once they went in- Lay people resided- they were never allowed to leave. Daughter, though 18 or nearly 18, military power overriding some law terms; had to go with her mother whom has full custody of her. A lonely bag of belongings, a head, a military looking base, high fences, army soldiers, flags, defenses, serious faces, secrets, guards, her mother. Accepts new job, moves them both there. You like animals right? her mother had asked. Sign of agreement, her mother full custody, that once they entered, there was no leaving. Kitten, was a small military town, and all knew the seriousness of the place. The rule. That huge rule. Once you entered, you could never go back. You move there and it was the last place you ever lived. A permanent home. No one knew what they really did there. Rumors, of course. Some good, most not. All wary, cautious, afraid of the place, of the rule. Only those desperate moved there. To escape. One family, the True family, a father and his two daughters after losing the rest of the family, had chosen to move here. Another, Saemus Saemus, the kid an orphan from what she heard after a massacre had agreed to be a Kitten military soldier in a sort of thanks, that there was nothing left out there for him. Why here? She was 18, wanted to travel, go places, this, Kitten, was everything she didnt want. Unsettled her whatever was in there, whatever Kitten was, was all she would ever, for the rest of her life, know. It unsettled her, that her mother was suddenly desperate, like few others, to be the tabloids, the Louise family, next victims of Kitten, though Louise and Fawn family, was more accurate. Unsettled her, that desperate, that desire, that last resort move- the I'm at the edge of a cliff with no where to go or run or do, that I would chose Kitten. Always family with kids these days. The worst rumors, what happened to the kids. The kids, the kids. It was serious. A life time commitment- for two. The end of the road, for both of them. Her mother would not be strayed though.

Welcome to Kitten sounded more like your ours now. Rumors were wrong. And they were right. No aliens in the basement. No radioactive attacks, world war 3 or end of the world plans. There were houses, not butcheries. A great relief. Soldiers, military personnel, weapons and defense to the letter. No, no aliens. Werewolves though. Apparently. Werewolf kids. Her. And the two True daughters, and the soldier vowed orphan Saemus Saemus, who was actually Saemus Wolfang- go figure. A soldier, as the tabloids and several released pictures had decreed. You like animals right? Yeah, she did. Now she part of Kitten P006 Werewolf Pack. When she asked about the ID, apparently it was coincidence they were number 6. Apparently it didnt mean there were 6 other genetically transformed human hybrids created, or that 6 other werewolf packs had failed. Exterminated. Cult shuddered. Sergeant- soldier relationship. The military defense sector Iowa Louise had worked for, had marked her as a possible recruitment since her registered birth. All military-brats were assessed for it. 2% were actually applicable, her sources had told her. From psychoanalyses to the very genetics, she was of that 2%, thought her to be favourable to the transition, to the P006 they wanted to create 15 some years later. Long process. Believe passing to near late puberty, best chances it seems. Need body still be adjusting, transiting on its own. Too early, too much, too late, not enough- both times end in rejection/ other side effects. *Have a young wolf Chord, changed at 14 and is constant wolf. Can get unstable. *Also, of 2%, 0.5% females. And when all changed, male and female change halves again. One of few assessed so young, had been given gene therapy treatments throughout her life, building up this moment, her resistance, her full ability to accept the final work (when werewolf isolated actual genes would be given first/final time) of the werewolf administrative transformation process- mother never fully knew what was at Kitten, new bits and pieces, knew if she wanted a chance, etc., giving her daughter the treatments would help, would be part of new defense etc. great opportunity etc.

True sisters Eg and Leni. Always wolf Chord,

Orphan soldier werewolf Saemus, serious, fierce. Saemus, Naem, Tudor, Field, Falcon, Eddey, Cairbre, Arch, Duncan Augusta, Chord, Deshlen, Kentigerna, Eglantine. *Dad had last contact- letters. Trying to fight, to find his stolen daughter, hidden by mother and military fully. ?? Knows a changeling? His twin Lachlan brothers wife Nesta, cousin. All close. 3 motorbikes, boys ride through, dare devil- pack or human?. Mother demands who they were, where they went I dont know Sergeant she lies. A werewolf pack actually called Changelings, suspect Kitten and want to get the force changed out- Changeling births low numbers, their creator, Senior Captain Yves One get female count up ultimately, and also thus make his own Pack, and using military to create strongest ones.- never had created though. Always, born. Considering (at time not able to make assessment) they may have to kill the hybrid creations. Then they see them, and all freeze. Just a handful. Of young. In a high fenced pen. Dressed in cheap plastic like hospital garnets to cover them and all else bare. A few wolves, it was easy to pick out- FEMALES- a few of the boys stood as subtle guards. One in particular, leaning against a fence, the Alpha recognized another alpha when he saw it. Also knew him to be Saemus Saemus. Beside him, another subtle guard, lying on his back feigning though the Alpha knew the boy was just as alert as any other. The rest, were, preciously, playing tag. The sight, was heart breaking. A harsh, cold bell rang four times. All movements stopped within the pen. Wolves all but one transformed, dressed, and one by one in a line, they disappeared into the building. Not before one female. Disappearing last, in front of the beta, met his gaze. It was an established pack then. Sulien concluded. Neither glad nor disheartened by that knowledge. It meant they were stable. Somehow, they were stable enough. What worried him though. Truly troubled him, was Yves Ones motive. Why, did the pack he created, have another alpha? He knew Yves couldnt be seen to be to his military. The changeling hadnt acted his power on P006 though, because Saemus Seamus, and the female, Fawn girl, were utterly on the top Sulien frowned, his thoughts going to contingent; that female so clearly was the Alpha female, but it was another that acted it. Just as the beta- clear stability, and the other males, that clear utterly beautifully clear structure, had been established, yet even there, this P006 was

established under the established. Later, Sulien told himself, regaining his original thought. Point was, P006 was stable, established with their own ranks that did not include Yves, who had- must have, allowed. Sulien knew there was ulterior motive there though. Yves, it was always about him. About power. Not just his military. Elrohir wonders if the wolf is in fact a stolen changeling, think with horror and rage mistakenly. Alpha Sulien Elrohir

I dont regret becoming what I am. I regret being a guinea pig. I regret these circumstances. I regret being your daughter she yipped when her hair was jerked. Expected it. Prologue of the rules of Kitten. Experimental group P006, targeting younger generation. The individuals selected, or are military offspring. Those easiest to hide the situation. No relatives, no power, no status. Once you enter this place, you never leave. Kitten is a military protected town, secretive and high level. Acts just as another base, defense etc. Their sector is based on the reality of Shapeshifters. Years ago, a werewolf was discovered/ Or, a werewolf Captain, a way to increase numbers, learn more about their genetics and possibly eventually integrate werewolf gene therapy to make stronger soldiers for their Countries defense. Elder experimentations didnt work so well, P006 aging differ from Man A room of single beds, All wear same identical hospital gown clothing Yard, big game of tag

It wasnt sunset, but it might as well have been. The sulfate aerosols that had been pumped into the stratosphere 13 years back by global party agreement, created a flourish display of green, yellow-oranges and browns. Beholding of the eye if you hadnt grown up with it. From just after noon the pale blue sky would

change to that of the artificial creation, and would remain until night would fall. Cult had been, what, six, when it had happened, the unnaturalness of its existence would never make it seem mundane though

Her head tilted. Cult flinched before her mother yanked her head back up. Your more Man than Wolf. So act it! the woman barked. Sorry Sergeant Daddy? Daddy no! She ran ahead. -Breach: hutch 117. Pups out! Saemus. Turning her head, Cult eyed the wolf guardedly with a straightened posture. They both did. Like usual. A room of distance away, they did this. Saemus would just lean arms folded against some sort of vertical structure. Hed remain like that too, until either of them broke contact. Broke the challenge. Or sometimes the dare. It depended, but the distinction was always obvious. He made sure of it. All with his eyes. It was Cult nearly every time that broke it. She wondered if she would see a smirk on his lips, wondered what his reaction was when she did. Cult refused to look back though once they broke. She had been in Kitten for 1 year now. Nineteen. Not even two decades old. And he wanted the world from her. Her world. Cult wasnt sure of it was something she wanted to give though. Not now, not so young. Admittedly, here, nothing could change. There were no opportunities here, not like outside. No universities, no apprenticeships, no salaries or wages. No travelling the world, no changing of experiences to find yourself. That was what she had wanted. To be her. Be Cult Fawn, not Sergeant Louise kin. To go through her own hells and figure them out herself, to find what she liked, hated, to find out who she was and learn it herself. To be simply Cult Fawn. Just her. She wanted to be her, before she be came a them. To stand on her own two-human feet, not four human feetand now that analogy made no sense to her anymore, Cult thought with a bit of amusement. Still, Cult sobered. She hadnt wanted to be someone that had gone from being a family, to being in a relationship and then not know how to be by herself. But, she countered herself then. Softly, the thought voiced itself. So small and new. She wasnt Cult Fawn anymore. And despite what her mother said, she was just as wolf as Man. And Cult knew she wouldnt be able to survive just on

herself, if that were a possibility. Nor any of those other mundane plans; that wasnt her anymore. Her very nature, demanded companionship, pack. Sometimes she would wake with the ache of it, so desperate for it Cult was at a loss for breath. Some nights, Cult found herself wondering if she had had the choice, whether she would have agreed to become part of P006. If she regretted it, and she found, both answers were a no. Everything had changed. Moving to Kitten alone would have caused her life overview to drastically change in this direction, and like her mother said. She liked animals. There were desires, dreams if they were limitless; Cult found it was like comparing two paralyzed men; one as a babe and one as a teen. She had grown up shifting from military bases with her parents, the lack of freedom, the control, the danger, secrecy and weaponry. Kitten was a little different and the fact that she would never be able to leave was the only real thing that needed her to adjust to. Wolf, longed for past those fences, if she let it. Longed to just run and run, to take their pack- cult cut of a growl with the snap of her teeth, Saemus pack. To go as pack and just run and fend for themselves. Out of these cages, the stench of weaponry, danger and Man. Away from their own dangers, and that uncertainty, of how long Kitten base wanted P006 around for. And there was the fact of how Saemus came here. An orphan by mass genocide and sworn allegiance to military saviors left her questioning his loyalties, and depth of it. Pack, or Base. Wolf or Man. Both, Cult knew, but some days she knew his loyalty to his past won out. Saw it in the soldier of his gaze. That distant coolness that wasnt, his wolf. That made the wolves wary. Made her wary. Cautious. Abruptly, Leni was up from her seat and bounding away. Eglantine! Twins, they seemed to hold a connection. And my son, Aryana Saemus introduced. Funny, Cult knew a girl at her school named that, but she didnt comment.

*Despite all, The Kitten Pack are dynamically different- Alpha and Femme get into sudden abrupt, sometimes vicious dominance, possessive fights. Male, trying to claim the femme as his mate, she keeps circling around him. He gets more concerned with another potential Alpha, Aryana, coming into play, a possible challenger to the rights of his femme. *unconventional

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