Poolside: Written by Ed Cunningham

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Written by Ed Cunningham


INT. A WAITING ROOM PAPA We should be next. so many. GRANDSON Wheres Mommy? PAPA Shes with your Dad. Where? GRANDSON There must be

PAPA I dont know. Probably at their house. GRANDSON I want to go to my house. PAPA Well. Were next, I think. I promise you, once you walk through that door it will all make sense. Papa? Yes. GRANDSON PAPA

GRANDSON I dont want to go in there. Why not? PAPA

GRANDSON Its scary. The door opens. PAPA Here we go. GRANDSON What is that? PAPA Go on through and youll see.

2. GRANDSON I cant see. What is it? PAPA You have to go right up to it. Go on through. Its okay. The little boy walks toward the door, but then suddenly runs away. He runs over to the other side of the waiting room against the wall. GRANDSON No! I dont want to go! want to go! I dont

The Grandfather approaches the boy gently. He stands over him. Suddenly, light envelopes the Grandfather. CUT TO: EXT. A BACKYARD POOL A WOMAN is administering CPR to the Grandson. Water spurts up out of his mouth. He coughs. There are several people standing around. We hear a cry of relief... CUT TO: INT. A WAITING ROOM Papa is standing there, all alone. The door closes on its own. The waiting room is completely empty, completely silent. Papa sits down. Hes a little sad. He pulls out his wallet and removes a picture of his grandson. Suddenly a WOMAN on the other side of the room, who wasnt there previously, speaks... WOMAN What is this? Mmm? PAPA

WOMAN Where are we? PAPA Someone will be here soon to explain it all to you.

3. Papa looks down at his picture. ECU of the grandsons face.

WOMAN My names Mela. Arent you supposed to explain it to me? No. Why not? PAPA MELA Why are you here then?

PAPA Im not going to be here much longer... The door opens. Melas scared.

PAPA (CONTD) Go on through. Youll be alright. She gets up, and tentatively walks over to the door. But at the threshold, she stops. She cant do it. Papa gets up and goes over to her side. PAPA (CONTD) Ill take you through. MELA Im scared. PAPA I know. But I promise you. Theres nothing to be afraid of. She nods. And they walk through together. When it slams shut... The door closes. CUT TO: EXT. A BACKYARD POOL ECU of the Grandsons face: Hes in a trance. Hes not speaking to anyone, but around him everyone joyfully and nervously chatters on about the terrible ordeal of his near death experience. People say things like... Ill take him to St. Joes. Its closer. Alright. Find his shirt. Hes freezing. Can he hear us? Eddie? Eddie? Eddie, honey, look at me. The grandson shifts his gaze into the lens of the camera. When he does, everything goes MOS. A long silence. BLACKNESS.

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