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Zaira Magana Pedro Mendez Magy Zavala

Don Yong's Wife In the Han Dynasty in Qiancheng lived a man by the name of Dong Yong. His mother died when he was a child. While living with his father, he worked hard in the fields. When his father died, he was willing to sell himself into slavery for a little money for the funeral. His master released him and gave him money He met a woman who was willing to marry him. He goes back to his master and insists on paying him. The master asks him to have his wife weave hundred bolts After finishing his wife turned out to be a weaver form the heavens sent from the eaven emperor to help Yong pay hid debt. She leaves and fly's into the sky and vanishes.

Don Yongs Wife was a man who lived in the Han Dynasty. He had a toiling childhood after his mother died following his fathers death as well. His love for his father was so strong that he sold himself into slavery. Following this his master saw potential and he released. After not having money on his way back to his master he meets a woman who is willing to marry him. The master in return for all the help he gave Don Yong he asked him to have his wife make him hundred bolts. His wife turns out to be a weaver from heaven. After she explain her purpose she flew into the sky and vanished.


Things in earth are going out of order because sky is ripped apart Nu Wa then uses melted rock to mend the sky She uses cuts the legs of giant turtle to hold the square sky again But to do this she had to kill the black dragon. It was ok though, it saved the people of Jizhou Then innocent people were able to live comodo under the sky once again

Analysis Nu Wa is a god that would basically do anything to help the innocent people. So basically if you behaved good you would get help from Nu Wa; but if miss behave you would not get help. So what she saw was that there was chaos going on, and the only way to fix it was by fixing the sky; and thats exactly what she did. Fix the sky to make the lives of humans better.


This is a love story between a girl weaver being a fairy and a human being They were married and had two children The girl weaver and the cowherd fell in love but were forced to separate The girl weaver was taken away by the heaven gods and soldiers The two can only reunite every seventh day of the seventh lunar month each year The couple was separated by the milky way Magpies which are birds form a bridge so the two can see each other every year That day is considered to be the Chinese Valentines day and the Qixi festival is done on that day

Analysis This myth is one of the most famous in china. Since it explains the reason of their famous Qixi festival or Chinese valentines day. The legend is very important to their culture and it shows the true meaning of love. Animals also play a big part in this myth. The magpies which are birds form a bridge so the two loved ones can reunite. This one of the most amazing love stories I have read. I really liked how it emphasized the meaning of love and how even though they were separated they didnt let that stop them.


Lindemans, Micha F. Chih Nu Chinese Myths 15 May 1998[] The Cowherd and the Girl weaver. (2008) Chinese myths [] The Cowherd and the Girl weaver. (2007) Cultural china[] Liu, Tao Nu Wa mends the sky. Chinese Myths 19 June 2001[] Bao's Sou shen ji, Gan. (2008) Chinese Myths[]

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