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Developed By: Chad Hellenthal

Prior to attempting this test you should have thoroughly reviewed all of the information found in the "Google Skills Handbook."

Google Skills Handbook

Use the checklist below to help you keep track of your progress and as a scoring guide

Scoring Guide/Checklist

Directions Continued
This project-based assessment was developed to determine your ability to perform the fundamental skills needed effectively utilize Google Apps. You will be asked to complete a series of steps, which will result in the creation of a "Google Presentation" with evidence that you are able to perform all of the required skills.
When completing the test please refer to the handbook (linked to the previous slide) to help you perform any tasks you do not remember how to complete.

General Google Skills

1. Create new "Folder" in Google Drive account. Name this folder: "(your name)'s Google Skills" Share this folder with me: Chad Hellenthal

2. Create another folder within your "Google Skills" folder. Name this folder "(your name's) Google Skills Test Folder" 3. Create a Google Document that is located within your Google Skills Test Folder. The document should be named "(your name)'s Practice Document"

General Google Skills

(continued) 4. Create a Google Presentation that is located within your Google Skills Test Folder. The document should be named "(your name)'s Practice Presentation" 5. Create a Google Spreadsheet that is located within your Google Skills Test Folder. The document should be named "(your name)'s Practice Spreadsheet"

6. Create a Google Form that is located within your Google Skills Test Folder. The document should be named "(your name)'s Practice Form"

General Google Skills

(continued) 7. Create a Google Drawing that is located within your Google Skills Test Folder. The document should be named "(your name)'s Practice Drawing" 8. Change the visibility setting of your "Google Skills Test Folder" to "Public on the web." Set the visibility setting of the your "Google Skills" folder to "Anyone with the link."

Google Document Skills

1. You previously created a Google Document. Open this document and change the name to "(your name)'s Final Document." 2. Make a copy of this document. Name this new document: "I know how to make a copy."

3. Create another folder called "Old Documents." This folder should be located in your "Google Skills Folder." 4. Place the "I know how to make a copy" document into your "Old Documents" folder.

Google Document Skills


5. Type "Google Docs Rocks" onto your "I know how to make a copy" document. Change the font size to 30 Make it font bold Change the font color to red
Center it in the very middle of your document

Google Presentation Skills

1. You previously created a Google presentation. Open that presentation and change the name of it to "(your name)'s Final Presentation" 2. Make a total of 5 slides and choose a "theme" for them.

3. Change the background color of 3rd slide to all red.

4. Change the background of the 4th slide to that of an "image." The image should be that of your favorite food.

Google Presentation Skills

(continued) 4. Insert an image onto the 5th slide. You are only to "insert" an image here... not set it as a background as you were asked to do in the previous step. The image should be that of a food that you think is disgusting. 5. Insert a link to the "Weather Channel" onto the 2nd slide. 6. Embed a youtube video onto the 2nd slide. The video should be that of one of your all-time favorite songs.

Google Presentation Skills

(continued) 7. Create a "word-art" and place it onto the 1st slide. The word-art should be made from your name 8. Animate your word-art so that it "fades-in on a click."

9. Insert a "shape" onto the first slide Type your first name into the shape Draw an arrow that points to it.

Google Spreadsheet Skills

1. Change the size of the (A,B,C,D) columns so that they are each approximately twice as big as they are currently. 2. In box (A1) write "Drop Down Options" Increase the font size of what you typed in (A1) to size 18 Change the background color of this box to "green."

Google Spreadsheet Skills

(continued) 3. When you "hover" (move your mouse over) the boxes that contain a letter at the top of each column a drop down box occurs with multiple options: Look at what is in the drop down box and choose 5 options from those that are listed that you believe you would be most likely to use. Write your choices into the text boxes in column A (1 item per box)

Google Spreadsheet Skills

(continued) 4. Using the drop down box discussed in the previous step: Have the 5 options you choose arranged into alphabetical order 5. Go to column B: Starting in box (B1) type the 100; type 200 in (B2); continue doing this until you get to 700 Set up a "function" so that the "average" of all of these numbers is automatically calculated

Google Spreadsheet Skills

(continued) 6. Center the data (numbers) that you entered in column B.

7. Place a solid, red border around all of the data you entered and centered in column B

8. Create a graph with the data (numbers) you previously entered into your spreadsheet. DO NOT use the averaged total, only use the numbers you entered. Choose either a "line" or "bar" graph Position this graph on the right side of your spreadsheet so it does not cover up any other information on your spreadsheet.

Google Spreadsheet Skills

(continued) 9. Place a "comment" into box (C1). You can say anything you want in the comment Remember that making a "comment" is not the same as just entering information into a text box 10. Insert a "new column" after column B If done properly this should make the comment that you placed in column C move over into column D

Google Drawing Skills

1. Create a drawing using a variety of different shapes and colors The drawing should start with a box placed at the top of the page that that contains your name. From your name you should have 2 more boxes: one box that says "Things I like" and the other box saying "Things I don't like." From each of those boxes list 2-3 things that apply to each of those categories. Insert "arrows" that link boxes together

Google Drawing Skills

(continued) 2. Create another drawing and place in your "Google Skills Test Folder" along with everything else you've created thus far. For this drawing you need to insert an image of a car; then use arrows to "label" 3 different parts of the car (i.e. window, tire, hood)

Google Form Skills

1. Go to the Google Form that you previously created. Enter 3 questions into this form. Each question should be a different type (i.e. T/F, multiple choice, etc.) Choose a "theme" for your form and then email the form to me at: Change the "share" settings of this form so that "anyone with the link" can access it.

Final Steps
Now that you have completed all of the steps you must place a link for each item into your presentation (the presentation that you worked on previously for this project) and label them accordingly. You should have the following items linked:
2. 3. 4.

Document Spreadsheet Drawing Form

Congratulations!!! You are now a Google Apps Master

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