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Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

Noor-ul-Idha wa Najatul Arwaah

(The light of clarification and the Salvation of Souls)

The Etiquette Of Performing Ones Need

One is to enter the lavatory with the left foot and is to seek protection in Allah from Satan the rejected before entering.

One is to sit leaning upon his left side and is not to talk unless there is need.

It is prohibitively disliked to face the Qiblah and to turn around giving it ones back even if the toilet is within a building.

It is disliked to directly face the sun, moon or a blowing wind.

It is disliked to urinate or defecate in water and the same applies in a place of shade, in a hole or on a road.

It is disliked to relieve oneself under a fruit tree.

It is disliked to urinate standing unless there is a reason.

One is to exit the lavatory with the right foot.

One is then to say, All praise be to Allah, the one who has repelled harm from me and protected me.

In the name of Allah. O Allah! I seek refuge in thee from the foul male and female devils.

Dua Before Entering The Toilet

Dua After Leaving The Toilet

I seek your forgivness (O Allah!). All praise be to Allah, the one who relieved me from suffering and protected me.

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