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Xavier Lpez Ancona launched KidZania. KidZania is an indoor theme park designed for children.

. Its a kid-sized replica of a real city. Edutainment - Education + Entertainment.

At KidZania the official currency is the kidZo. To earn their kidZos, children will practice the profession they like the most. Their effort will be rewarded with a salary. They can manage their own money and are given the opportunity to save their kidZos in a KidZania bank account and draw it out at an ATM machine the next time they visit the city.

Supervise zupervisors. Balance registry of kidzos at the end of shift. Checking of supplies and inventory. Reporting flaws on equipment and infrastructure. Assigning establishment to zupervisors. Provide solution to visitors complaints and requests.

Place where future is build. Help children build personality. Teach children values and helping them to live in society in a healthy way.

KIDZANIA kingdom continues to grow

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