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The function of expressing ability, possibility, permission, advice, obligation, prohibition, moral duty, willingness

deduction: e.g. What was that noise? Someone must have slammed the entrance door. - obligation: e.g. You must finish this report by Tuesday and send it by email. - necessity: e.g. Both parties must sign the contract, otherwise it is not valid. MUST // HAVE TO MUST internal obligation: I must be home by 8 to watch the football gave. HAVE TO external obligation: You have to be in the office before 8 am, before the supervisor comes in himself. MUSTNT prohibition e.g. You mustnt smoke on the premises of the University.

Prediction (I and we) e.g. We think we shall start work on the new project in early January. Intention (I and we) e.g. I shall leave the city tomorrow night. Offers (I and we) e.g. Shall I bring you a cup of coffee? Orders, a law e.g. All voters shall sign a declaration that they have not voted in another city. Asking for advice e.g. Where shall we go now?

SHOULD/ought to
Advice e.g. You should/ought to be more polite towards the elder members of your family. Duty e.g. People should/ought to participate more in the political life of their country. ! Ought to has the extra meaning of a moral duty

Instructions e.g. All newcomers should report to reception and get their badges and welcome pack. Slight possibility in conditional clauses e.g. If anyone should walk in to ask for me/should anyone walk in to ask for me, tell them that I am away until next week.

Prediction e.g. Theyll start exporting soon. Obligation/orders e.g. All passengers for the KLM flight 905 will proceed to Gate 46 immediately. Habits (even annoying) e.g. We will always open our gifts before Christmas eve. Willingness e.g. You can if you will. Intention e.g. Ill watch a film tonight. WONT refusal e.g. This car wont start!

Prediction (past form of will) e.g. They said the new product prototype would be finished by the end of November. Habits in the past e.g. When I was a child I would sleep a few hours every afternoon. Polite requests e.g. Would you like to take a seat? Intention (in the past) e.g. He reminded us that he would give us all a Christmas present.

Obligation e.g. Need I stay longer or can I just go now? Neednt lack of obligation e.g. You neednt have bought wine, we have everything. ! Neednt have // didnt need to Not necessary action that was performed// not necessary action that was not performed You neednt have brought your own car, we have rented a bus. He didnt need to drive because the company paid for his flight ticket.

(have the courage to do something) How dare you speak to me like this? I dare say youre quite tired after such a long walk in the sun (dare say = suppose).

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