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MUSICAL STYLES: * After “despite” we use a verb with -ing.
-Catchy:pegadiza -In spite of = despite: a pesar de,
-Repetitive:repetitiva -Even though while = althought:
-Cheerful:alegre aunque
-Sad:triste -In contrast = but,however,on the
-Interesting:interesante other hand,nevertheless
-Tuneless:negativa/sin aire. -Because of this =for that reason,so
-Lively:dinámica therefore,consequently.
FORM: have/has + past participle.We normally use the
contractions 've and 's after pronouns.
• The record store has closed.
• I haven't bought any CDs recently.
• How many bands have you seen?
• I've read the book.
-When we don't know exactly when an activity or situation started.
Millions of people have bought their music.
-When an activity or situation started in the past and has an effect
on the present.
It has become much easier to listen to music.
They've released a new album.
-To talk about activities and situations that started in the past and
continue in the present.
Use for to talk about a period of time.
Use since to talk about a point in time.
years: 1829,1760,2017. ages
last Monday,last year,last lunch. A while
I was child,I was teenager,I was baby. centuries
Months:July,May,September. A few months.

-We don't know exactly when the activities or situations started.
-The acticities or situations started in the past.They have an effect
on the present.
-The present perfect is used with since and the point of time when
the activyty started.
-The present perfect is used with for and a period of time.

-With superlatives.
I think that's the best song they've written.
The past participle of go is gone.It means “go and stay away”.
William´s gone to his brother´s house.(=He went there,and he's
still there).
But we also use been as participle of go.It means “go and come
I've been to the store.(=I went there,and now I'm home again).
We often use the present perfect to talk about the recent past with
already,just and yet.

• We use already in affirmative sentences and questions to

say what has happened or is complete,often earlier than we
I've already called Paul.
Julie has already bought the tickets!(=I didn't expect this.)
Have you already eaten?
We've seen already this movie.
• We use just in affirmative sentences to say that something
happened very recently.
He's just come back from work.(=He came back a few minutes
The played has just started.
He's just had coffee.
My brother has just heard the album.
-We put just and already before the past participle.
• We use yet in questions to ask if something is complete.
Have you made lunch yet?
I haven't sent the message yet.
The train hasn't arrived yet.
Has she woken up yet?
-We put yet at the end of a question.
We use the both the present perfect and the simple past to talk
about situations and events in the past.

We use the present perfect when we don't say when something

-They've given concerts in over sixty different countries.
-Robert's bought a new car.
-The concert's started.
-Our neighbors aren't here.They've gone on vacation.

We also use the present perfect with ever(we use “ever” for
questions) and never (we use “never” for sentences) to talk about
experiences in our whole life.
-Have you ever sung in front of an audience?
-I've never listened to their music.
We use the simple past when we say-or it is clear from the
situation-when something happened.
-I started a new music course last week.

With the present perfect,we use time expressions like

just,yet,already,for and since.We also use the present perfect with
unfinished time periods,like today,this week,this months,etc.

With the simple past,we use time expressions like yesterday,last

week,last month,in 2015,two weeks ago,etc.
-ballet dancer: bailarina
-pilot: piloto
-train engineer: ingeniero de trenes
-vet: veterinario
-movie star: estrella de cine
-police officer: oficial de policia
-firefighter: bombero
-rock star: estrella de rock
-soccer player: jugador de futbol
-scientist: científico
-underpaid: salario bajo.
-dirty: sucio.
-stressful; estresante.
-enjoyable: agradable.
-well-paid: bien pagado.
-challenging: desafiante.
-responsible: responsable.
-clerical worker: trabajador clero (iglesia).
-telemarketer: vendedor de tecnologías.
-entrepeneurs: emprendedores.
-street stalls: puestos callejeros
-apply to college: ir a la universidad
-become an apprentice: convertirse en un aprendiz (?
-take a course: tomar un curso.
-get a degree: pasar de año (?
-get good/poor grades: obtener buenas/ malas notas.
-graduate: graduarse.
-retake an exam: rehacer un examen.
-go to college: ir al colegio.
-work long hours: trabajar muchas horas.
-paid vacations: pagar vacaciones.
-pay raises: aumento de sueldos
-salary: salario
-flexible hours:horario flexibles
-promotion: promocionar
-overtime: horas extras.
-pension plan: plan de pensiones.

We use will,may and might to make predictions.
We use the same form of will,may and might for all persons
(I,you,he/she/it,etc).Will,may and might are always followed by
the base form.
• Robots will work in our homes.
The negative of will is won't.
• It won't rain later.
The questions are always with will.
• Will it rain later?
The most common way to ask somebody to make a prediction is
Do you think + will.
• Do you think Jackie will like the chicken?

We use will/won't when we are confident about a prediction.We
often add adverbs like certainly,definitely,and probably to make a
prediction sound stronger.Adverbs like these normally come:
-after will:
My job will definitely be very different in the future.
-before won't:
Most people at my company probably won't have a job next year.
May /might
We use may/might when we are less confident about a
• The company may need to close the factory.
• They might not give me the job because I don't have much
There is no difference in meaning between may and might, but
may is more common formal.

We use will/won't/might/might not + be able to to make predictions

about ability.
• She probably won't be able to come to the meetimg.
• We might be able to get a discount.

Present continuous (we use this form when we talk about “plans”)
We use the present continuous to talk about a fixed arrangement
to do something at a specified (or understood) time in the
future.We often use the present continuous when we have agreed
to do something with another person,we have bought tickets for
• I'm meeting my boss at 3:30.(=We both have the meeting in
our calendar).
• She's flying to New York next week.(=She already has her
We often use the present continuous to ask people about their
plans,especially when we want to make an invitation.
• A: Are you doing anything tonight?
• B: No,I don't think so.
• A:Would you like to go and see a movie?
We use will+base form for a decision made at the moment of
• A:Have you sent Martin the email?
• B:No-I'll do it now.
Going to
We use going to+infinitive for a plan or intention decided before
the moment of speaking.
• I'm going to look for a new job.(=This is my intention.I
decided this a few days ago).
The negative of going to is not going to.We don't normally make
the main verb negative.
• He's not going to come.
To make questions with going to,we use are you going to...,is she
going to...,etc.
• Are you going to send me the report soon?
Simple present
We use the simple present for an event that follows a regular
schedule,like the time of trains,flights,etc.
• My flight leaves at 6:34 am.
• My class ends at 9:30 pm.

-pear: pera
-green pepper: pimiento verde
-red pepper: pimiento rojo
-sweet potato: batata
-red beans:frutos rojos.
We use modal verbs like must,can,and should with the base
form of the verb.We use the same form for all persons
(I,you,he/she/it,etc.Estas personas no se modifican)and we don't
need to use a form of do to make questions or negatives.
• You can leave your bag here.
• You must not leave your bag here.
Have to or has to and be (is/are/am) allowed to have a similar
meanings to modal verbs,but they do not have the same grammar.
We use a form of do to make questions and negatives with have to.
• Do we have to sit here?
With be allowed to,we make questions and negatives in the
same way as other forms with be:
• Are we allowed to come in?

To say there is an obligation,we use must or have to.
• You have to leave everything in the oven for two hours.
• Restaurants must make their prices clear.
We do not normally ask questions about obligations with must.We
use have to instead.
• Do I have to take my shoes off?
There is no past form of must to talk about obligation.
We use had to to talk about obligation in the past.
• We had to be at work at six o'clock this morning!
To say there is no obligation,we use don't/doesn't have to.
• We don't have to be there until 8 pm.
Prohibition and permission
To talk about prohibition (to say “don't do it”),we use must not.
• You must not talk here.
To give a permission,we use can.
• You can pay for your drinks when you leave.
To say somebody doesn't have permission,we use can't.
• You can't sit in this part of the restaurant.
We also use allowed to and not allowed to talk about permission.
• You're not allowed to park here.
Advice and recommendations
Should doesn't express a rule.We use should and shouldn't to
give advice and recommendations.
• You should try to eat some fruit every day.

We use the first conditional to talk about future possibility and
things that are generally true.The form is usually:
-If + simple present + will/won't.
• If I have time,I'll call you tonight.(=future possibility).
Conditional sentences have two parts: the if clause and the main
clause.The main clause describes the result of the situation in
the if clause.
• If you're late,we'll go without you.
When the if clause comes first,we use a comma between the two
clauses.When the main clause comes before the if clause,we don't
add a comma between the two clauses.
• If you're late,we'll go without you.
• We'll go without you if you're late.

We also use when,as soon as,,unless,until and before to talk about
the future.We always use a present tense,not a future form,after
these expressions.We often use the expressions in a sentence
with will.
• When I finish my work,I'll get something to eat.
• I won't eat there again unless they start using less salt.

-diagram: diagrama
-line: línea
-drawing: dibujo
-pattern: patrón
-figure: figura
-shape: forma (square,circle).
Purpose: to,for and so that
We use to,for and so that to explain why people do something
or the purpose of an object.Phrases with these words answer the
questions Why? Or What for?
The infinitive
We use the infinitive to say why we do something.
• She´s taking a class to improve her communication skills.
• I used an old piece of plastic to fix the hole in the bath tub.
• I've joined a gym to get more exercise.
• Emilia called to watch my favorite series.
• I went to the station to catch my train.
• He bought some flowers to give to his wife.
We often use the infinitive to answer questions with why.
• A:Why did you call me?
• B:To ask if you want to go to the movies.
For + noun
We also use for + noun to say why we do something.
• She went there for a job interview.
• They stopped at a restaurant for some lunch.
We never use for with a verb form to say why we do something.
For + - ing
We use for + -ing to talk about the purpose or function of an
• A:What app are you using?
• B:It's a game.It's for improving your memory.
So that
We also use so that to say why we do something.We often this:
-with the modal verbs can,could,will or would.
• I'll call Sam so that he'll know where to go.
• We got to the theater early so that we could get a good seat.
-when the result is negative.
• I want to buy an ebook reader so that I don't have to carry
lots of books with me.
We only use so that when we do something to get a specific
We use the modal verbs must,might (not),may (not),could and
can't to talk about certainty and possibility.
We use must when we think that something is probable.(100%
• Her flight was at four in the morning.She must be very tired.
We use might,may,and could when we think that something is
possible. (50% sure).
• Paul might be able to help you.
• Hotel Tourist may have a room free.
• There could be a problem with the trains.
We can make might and may negative.
• Stephanie might not want to eat out.
• I may not have the correct address.
We use can't when we think that something is impossible. (0%
• A:Is that Mike in the café?
• B:No,it can't be him.He's on vacation in Greece!
We use modal verb + base form to talk about certainty and
possibility in the present.
• You must be hungry.(It's probable that you're hungry now).
We use modal verb + be + -ing if the action is in progress.
• He's not answering his phone.He might be driving.(=I think
he's driving now).
We use modal verb + have + past participle to talk about
certainty and possibility in the past.
• His plane must have arrived by now.(=It's probable that his
plane has arrived).
-atmosphere: atmósfera del lugar/ ambiente.
-public transportation: transporte público.
-residents: gente del lugar/vecinos.


used to
We use used to to talk about past habits and states.
• We used to go on vacation to California every year when I
was kid.(=past habit)
• They used to have a really tiny apartment downtown.(=past
Used to is always followed by the base form.We use the same
form for all persons (I,you,he/she/it,etc).
In negatives and questions,we use use to.
• Did you use to live near the coast?

We often use adverbs of frequency and other time phrases with

used to.
• We use to eat there every week.
We often use used to to describe past actions and states that
aren't true anymore.
• I used to live in Germany.(=I don't live there now).
We sometimes use frequency adverbs with used to.They come
before used to.
• We always used to go to the beach in the summer when I
was child.
We also use would + base form to talk about repeated past
• I'd spend every day in the summer outside when I was a
We only use would to talk about repeated actions in the
past.We don't use would to talk about states.
• We used to own a really nice house in the countryside.
We sometimes use frequency adverbs with would.They come
after would.
• I'd always do my homework at the last minute when I was in
When we talk about the past,we often start with used to and
then continue with would.
• When I first move to Mexico City,I used to go out a lot.I'd visit
museums and go to concerts.
more/less + adverb
To make comparative forms of adverbs,we use more + adverb
• This room gets warm more quickly than the rest of the house.
• You can live more cheaply in other parts of the city.
The opposite of more + adverb is less + adverb.
• You clean the aparment less often than I do.
(not) as + adverb +as
To make comparisons,we also use (not) as + adverb + as.
• Martina can run as fast as Silvia.(=Martina and Silvia can run
at the same speed)
1) Jack always wins when they race.
Jack runs faster than John.
John doesn´t can run as fast as Jack.
2) Ruth is the most hardworking person in her brothers.
Ruth works harder than her brothers.
Ruth's brothers doesn't can work as hard as her.
3) Your motorcycle is noisy.
Your motorcycle runs less quietly than mine.
Your motorcycle doesn't can run as quietly as mine.
To say that a situation is changing,we use comparative + and +
comparative.We can use a comparative adjective or a comparative
adverb in this structure.
• It's getting colder and colder-it's probably going to snow.
(comparative adjective-one syllable)
• Things are becoming more and more expensive in this
country.(comparative adjective-longer syllable)
• I have so much work that I'm going to bed later and later.
(comparative adverb)
Remember that we add -er to most one syllable adjectives,and
we put more before longer adjectives to make the comparative
adjective form.
We often use more and more + noun.
• More and more people bike to work these days.
To say that two things change at the same time,we use
the + comparative + clause ,the + comparative + clause.
• The harder you work,the more success you'll have.
(=If you work hard,you'll be more succesfull.)
We sometimes use this structure with only a noun phrase instead of
a clause,or with only a comparative form.
• The taller the mountain,the greater the difficulty.
(=Tall mountains are more difficult to climb).

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